(广州沈阳通用)八年级英语下册 module 4 discovery unit 8 life in the future牛津深圳版

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《(广州沈阳通用)八年级英语下册 module 4 discovery unit 8 life in the future牛津深圳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(广州沈阳通用)八年级英语下册 module 4 discovery unit 8 life in the future牛津深圳版(96页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 8,Module 4 Discovery,Period 1,Getting ready Reading (I),Life in the future,What is it? Where do you think it is? Would you like to live in it? What materials it is made of/from?,Look at the buildings!,Lead in 1,What life will be like in the future?,Transportation in the future,Communication in

2、 the future,Clothing in the future,Nanotechnology will be widely applied in future clothing.,school on the air,Education in the future,school on line,Energy in the future,wind power,solar power,Shopping in the future,shopping in the supermarket,shopping online,Travelling in the future,Cities in the

3、future,What should we do to be well-prepared for the future?,Appreciation of a clip about future life,Lead in 2,Life in the past,Life at present,What life will be like in the future?,H,Homework,模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。 抄写单词和短语:Internet,post,present,hydrogen,wide,shape,cafe,recently,forever,certainly,recomme

4、nd,satisfy,mix,electronic,relax,while,technology;at the front,on the Internet,in the shape of,mix with 。,Pre-reading,A. What do you know about?,A1 Which of the following sentences are probably about the future, and which are about the present? Tick () the boxes.,There are hotels on the Moon. 2.Our h

5、ouses use a lot of energy. 3.Your fridge can order food for you. 4.Most people use hydrogen.,Now,Future,A2 What will life be like in the future? In pairs, discuss the following questions.,1. What will hotels be like?,2. What will houses be like?,3. What will cars be like?,B. Before you read,Look at

6、the pictures and the headings of the Internet posts on page 115. Then tick () the descriptions that match the pictures.,The hotel looks like a very large fish. The hotel is built on a mountain. There is a robot helper in the house. The CJ3 has a wide window at the front. The CJ3 does not have any wh

7、eels.,Life in 2050,Reading,Skimming,True or False,A whale lived in The Hotel Whale . 2. Forever Green Houses fridge can connect with supermarket. 3. Forever Green Houses need more energy than old houses. 4. Driving the CJ3 helps protect the environment.,T,F,F,T,Read the passage and answer questions.

8、,1. Is it interesting to stay at the Hotel Whale?,Yes, it is. People can watch fish outside their window.,2. Do you like Forever Green House? Why?,Yes, I do. Because these houses are both “green” and “smart”.,While-reading,3. What is CJ3?,It is a new type of hydrogen car.,4. What is your dream house

9、?,(The answer is not the only.),Can you remember the missing words?,When we were staying at the hotel recently, my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window. In the bathroom, your medicine cupboard is connected to your doctors computer. I would certainly recommend Forever Green Houses t

10、o my friends.,4.The hydrogen in the car is mixed with oxygen from the air to make electricity for the car. 5. The CJ3 is a new type of hydrogen car. 6. The CJ3 has an electronic map and is driven by a computer. 7. While I was driving my old car, I was polluting the city.,住宅智能化主要是以电话、计算机、电视机等连成一体的自主控

11、制、扩展、享用的工作、学习、娱乐家庭综合信息服务平台。实现安全防盗、火灾与煤气泄漏报警、遥控紧急求助等;家居设备管理自动化,如遥控调解空调、热水器、微波炉、音响、电视等, 电源与照度控制等;四表(电表、水表、煤气表、热工表)数据自动采集与传输;电话、电视、电脑的综合通讯和信息交互,实现VOD点播几多媒体信息通讯。,Now listen to the passage.,C. Vocabulary,C1 The words in italics are from the Internet on page 115. Circle the correct answers to complete the

12、se sentences.,The shape of something is _. what it is made of its outside form 2. If something happened recently, it happened _. not long ago b. a long time ago 3. To satisfy people means to make them _. a. angry by not giving them what they want b. pleased by giving them what they want,4. When thin

13、gs are mixed, they _. are put together do not go together 5. Relax means to _. do something with a lot of energy rest while doing something fun,C2 Complete the conversation with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.,certainly electronic shape technology while,Matt: Ive decided to

14、build a space hotel when I grow up. Nelson: Really? What will the hotel be like? Matt: Itll be in the 1._ of a star. And itll use solar energy to run its 2._ _ parts, so itll be environmentally friendly. With this 3._, the hotel will also be able to move from place to place, like a spaceship.,shape,

15、electronic,technology,Nelson: What else will it have? Matt: Therell be a computer in each bedroom. Itll be connected to the Internet. In this way, youll be able to communicate with your family and friends on Earth 4. _ youre staying in the space hotel. Do you like my idea? Nelson: 5._. Id recommend

16、it to all my friends!,while,Certainly,D. Comprehension,D1 Below are some questions about the Internet posts on page 115. Answer the questions. Write Y (Yes) or N (No).,Can we go shopping at the Hotel Whale? Are there 100 bedrooms in the Hotel Whale? Can I contact my doctor from the bathroom of a Forever Green House? Do Forever Green Houses use a lot of energy


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