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1、翻译部分英文原文Development of New Geographically Distributed Business Models for Global TransactionsNadia Ayad and Henk G. Sol School of Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management, Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, NL-2600 GA, Delft, The Netherlands,From:Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii I

2、nternational Conference on System Sciences 20021. Background1.1 Globalization: opportunities and constraintThe term globalization is used to describe a number of related phenomena such as cultural convergence, international marketing, global products and production, and the increasing interrelatedne

3、ss of the worlds economies. Stone house describes globalization as, to a large extent, a business philosophy or way of thinking which emphasizes the similarities among national markets rather than the differences. According to Levitt, technological, social, political and economic developments have,

4、in recent decades, driven the world toward a global village or converging commonality, characterized by standardized products and services, and global strategies built upon economies of greater scale and scope. Levitt further suggests that the focus of a global strategy ought to be the standardizati

5、on of products and marketing. Yip, argues that the benefits of global products (or services) can be achieved by standardizing the core product or large parts of it, while customizing the peripheral or other parts of the products. Regardless of the extent of product standardization, global business i

6、s no longer simply an option, it is a necessity; businesses must export or die. However, it is important for any company wishing to address a global market to recognize that laws and other country-specific constraints such as language and culture, accounting practices, tax codes, and banking regulat

7、ions can vary. These variations make it difficult to prepare business agreements that are valid and appropriate in all countries. It is therefore important to understand these variations and how to manage them in order to conduct global business. This brings us to the general problem statement of th

8、is research: How can the specific factors that differ from one country to another best be managed in order to facilitate business activity on a global scale? Yips research suggests that there are four categories of globalization drivers: customer, cost, government and competition. These drivers repr

9、esent the industry conditions that determine the potential for globalization. Each of the drivers must be analyzed in detail in order to approximate the extent of the pressures on industry for globalization or localization of business activities. Yip also makes an important distinction between indus

10、tries and markets with regard to globalization. Markets are just one of the factors driving the need for industry globalization. Customers and their needs define markets, and in fact, the market for many products is far from global. In serving customer needs globally, businesses must be alert not on

11、ly to similarities in customer needs but also to differences, and to the increasing complexity of customers requirements.Industry globalization centers on the ability of businesses to coordinate their value-adding activities globally and across national boundaries. A global industry is capable of se

12、rving fragmented markets by producing products or services that are adapted to meet local requirements. For Yip, the debate is not about whether industries or markets are global but rather about the extent of globalization in an industry and the impact that this has upon business strategy. And he co

13、nfirms that the imperative to “go or go global” should lead to an analysis of each globalization driver. Any firm wanting to extend its business activities globally has to analyze the specific constraints of each national market. In brief, it can be concluded from the literature that market globaliz

14、ation centers on customers and customer needs, while industry globalization centers on the abilities of business to respond to those needs. Many authors agree that global business is the wave of the future; however, differences among national markets present risks as well as opportunities.2. Researc

15、h methodThe effect of new trends on the global marketplace, such as the increase in customer expectations and the possibilities offered by developments in ICT, require quick organizational responses to introduce new services rapidly on the global market. The objective of this research is to develop

16、a flexible new geographically distributed business model for financial services based on organizational abilities, which will offer a framework for dealing with the differences between countries.This research will be discussed from three perspectives: the macro-, meso- and micro perspectives. The macro perspective focuses on inter-organizational relations. From this perspective, services definition, formulation of business agreements, and cooperati



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