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1、+-Unit 6 The Value of MoneyI. New words and expressionsNew words1. stationeryn. 文具同音词:stationary2. fare n. 车费;船费;飞机票价3. lump sum n. 一次总付的钱款4. recess n. 课间休息 ,5. allocate v. 拨(给);划(给);分配(给)6. overspendv. 花钱过多;比(预计的)花得多;超支注意over- / out-的区别:overeat outeatoverdo outdooversleep outliveoverweight outshine

2、7. optv. 选择;挑选optionoptional8. constraint n. 限制;限定;约束9. budget v. 谨慎花钱;把编入预算10. overindulgev. 过多地享用(尤指食物或饮料)11. short-sighted adj. 目光溜浅的;没有远见的12. mentality n. 心态;思想状况;思想方法13. sibling n. 兄;弟;姐;妹14. indulge v. 沉湎,沉迷,沉溺(于)15. rationing n. 定量配给政策;配给制16. principlen. 观念;(行动、思想的)理由,信条同音词:principal17. unnec

3、essarilyadv. 没必要地18. differentiatev. 区分;区别;辨别differdifferentdifference19. inculcate v. 反复灌输;谆谆教诲20. resistv. 忍住;抵挡resistantresistance21. temptationn. 引诱;诱惑22. scheme n. 计划;方案;体系;体制23. formation n. 组成;形成24. kindergartenn. 幼儿园25. monthlyadj. 按月结算的;有效期为一个月的dailyweeklybiweeklymonthlyquarterlyyearlyPhras

4、es and Expressions1. on a daily basis每日地2. result in导致3. pay off 付清;偿清4. within ones means量入为出5. standin good stead(需要时)对某人有用,对某人有利II. Text LearningTeaching Children to Spend Pocket Money Wisely School-going children needpocket moneyfor food, stationery and bus fares. Parents givepocket money to the

5、ir children in differentways. Some givea lump sumat the beginning of a month or a week. Others prefer to give pocket money on a daily basis. (1)The way in which pocket money is given affects how money is spent or saved.(承上启下的句子) On the other hand, the childrensspending habits mayaffecthow pocket mon

6、ey isgiven. (2)Pocket money given on a daily basis is sometimes termed as food money.Children usually use the pocket money to buy food during recess and also at lunch hour if they have school activities in the afternoon. They learn how to managesmallsums of money.As the money is limited, they have t

7、o control their spending.(承上启下的句子)(3)Some parents choose this method of allocating pocket money in order topreventtheir childrenfrom overspending, hoping that in time they can betrusted withlarger sums of money.Parents who earn daily wages may also opt for this due to financial constraints.(承上句)本部分重

8、点及难点:1. The wayin whichpocket money is given affects how money is spent or saved.(1) the way (in which / that) sb. does sth. (参考Unit 2,Text A)the way (in which / that) sth. is done(2) 句子的主干是:The way affects how money is spent or saved.2. Pocket money given on a daily basis is sometimestermed asfood

9、money.(1) given on a daily basis 过去分词短语作定语(2) be termed as 被称为3. Some parents choose this method of allocating pocket money in order topreventtheir childrenfromoverspending, hoping thatin timethey can betrusted withlarger sums of money.(1) 句子的主干是Some parents choose this method in order topreventthei

10、r childrenfrom overspending.prevent sb. from doing sth.与keep sb. from doing sth. 相同,但前者from可以省略,后者不能省略。(2) hoping that伴随状语,相当于in the hope that怀着的希望(3) in time: sooner or later, eventually 迟早,最后You will learn how to do it in time. 你迟早会能学会做这件事的。(4) trust with把托付给 (参考Unit 3,Text B) Giving pocket money

11、on a daily basisplaces responsibilities of budgeting on the parents, instead of the child. (4)The child may spend every single cent of the daily pocket money by overindulging in junk food as they know they will get another sum of money the next day.Thisresults inchildren being shortsighted in their

12、spending.The thought of saving money nevercrossed their minds.(承上启下的句子)They may develop thementalitythat money is meant to be spent.(承上句)Others spend more than they are given. They borrow from their siblings or their classmates when theyfeel likeindulging themselves. Then they may ask for money to p

13、ay off their debts. (5)This habit of borrowing causes them todepend on othersto solve their problems.(承上启下的句子) In such instances, the purpose of rationing is defeated.本部分重点及难点:4. The child may spend every single cent of the daily pocket money by overindulging in junk food as they know they will get

14、another sum of money the next day. 孩子知道第二天还能得到一笔零花钱,因而会花光每一分钱,暴食垃圾食品。5. This habit of borrowing causes them to depend on others to solve their problems.(1) cause sb. to do sth.(2) depend / rely on sb. to do sth.注意depend的派生词:dependent (on/upon)dependence (on/upon)independent (of)Independence Day类似用法的

15、结构:wait for sb. to do sth.call on sb. to do sth.look to sb. to do sth. / for sth. 指望某人做某事请认真答题,答题结果将记入知识点测评的成绩!【单选题】10. His complete _ on his parents made them very disappointed. He decided to encourage him to be _ of them. A independent, dependent B independence, dependent C dependence, independence D dependence, independent【答案】D【解析】本题考查depend的派生词。第一个空格作主语故需要填名词,第二个空格作表语,故需要填形容词,因此用B和D中选择,根据句意需选D。句意为他纯粹依靠父母使父母很失望,他们决定鼓励他独立于他们。【知识点】depend的派生词 Children need to lear



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