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1、 教师招聘考试真题小学英语科目(满分为100分)第一部分 英语教育理论与实践 单项选择题(选择正确答案) 5%( ) 1中华人民共和国教育法自之 日起开始实施。A1990年9月1日B1995年9月1日C1996年9月1日D1997年8月1日( ) 2中华人民共和国义务教育法是1986年4月12日中华人民共和国 第三十八号令公布的。A国务院令B主席令C总理签署D地方政府( ) 3“学校下学年生源锐减,教师严重超编,不愿意上早晚自修和补课的同志可以去其他学校另谋高就!”这种说法违反了 。A学校管理条例B教师法C教育法D教师资格条例( ) 4教师之间要“谦虚谨慎,尊重同志,相互学习,相互帮助,维护其

2、他教师在学生中的威信。关心集体,维护学校荣誉,共创文明校风”。这是师德教育的 。A“双赢”协作原则B和平共处原则C民主原则D自觉原则( ) 5聘任或任命教师担任职务应当有一定的任期,每一任期一般为 。A三年B三至五年C两年D六年 认真读下面五个句子,正确的在括号内填“T”,错误的填“F”。5%( ) 6在小学英语学习阶段,不需要接触和了解英语国家文化。( ) 7在英语教学中,可以根据学生的实际情况,对教材内容的顺序进行适当的调整。( ) 8新课程下的教师角色变化需由管理者变为组织者,由传授者变为参与者,由控制者变为帮助者。( ) 9绝对评价是指按照正态分布率对学生进行人为的划等、分类和排队。(

3、 ) 10教学目标的三个方面包括知识目标、经验目标、情感目标。第二部分 英语专业基础知识 Vocabulary and structure 15%Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in the following For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence( ) 1 Though he is seventy years old, he takes exercise

4、 every dayA PastB aboveC OnD over( ) 2Which would you like, Madam, tea or coffee? , thanks Id like a glass of water, pleaseA EitherB BothC NeitherD OK ( ) 3How soon will you finish the building? A In two monthsB Two months C About two monthsD After two months ( ) 4 They did their father told themA L

5、ikeB asC AboutD with ( ) 5One of the boys is , all the other boys are A English; ChinaB an English; Chinese C England; ChinaD English; Chinese ( ) 6Either you or he the teamA is inB are onC is onD are in( ) 7He was made thirteen hours a day by his bossA to workB workC is onD are in ( ) 8MrsHu asked

6、Liu Fang and to take part in the English meetingA IB myC MeD mine ( ) 9Tell the students their English booksA to takeB to carryC to bringD bring( ) 10It us two hours walk to get to our schoolA TakeB takesC SpendD paid( ) 11My little sister is so tired, she can hardly walk, ?A does sheB can sheC does

7、nt sheD cant she ( ) 12 Yellow River is the second longest river in our countryA /B TheC AnD A( )13Do you want to at the meeting? No, I have nothing to A say; speakB tell; talkC say; sayD speak; say ( ) 14She asked me he could dance or singA IfB whatC WhetherD that( ) 15Arent you Marys sister? Im he

8、r auntA Yes, I amB No, Im notC Yes, Im notD No, I am Close 20%Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following text For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D Choose the ONE that best fills the blankDuring our two months on the road, Bennett and I had a really16experience with a good

9、, honest17and some helpful mechanicsWe were driving east on Highway 10 when our “chick engine” light came on We limped of a (n)18into Las Cruces We had a real car19Bennett nursed the car into a local garage By this time the car was missing(熄火)so20it was shaking all overThis was the 21time to arrive

10、at a garagelate Friday afternoon Service adviser Scott was busy22paper work and customers as we23our problems 24he was already “ten cars behind”, he told us to pull the car into the garageLincoln, who we later25was one of the two motor technicians, took26of our car repairing He and Scott and some ot

11、her mechanics stayed several hours after closing, 27the car Early the next morning (the shop was officially closed on Saturdays), Lincoln finally located the28and fixed it easily within only29Later Scott30out to us that it was our attitude that helped “You didnt come into the place demanding this or

12、 that You showed an31of our problems on a busy Friday afternoon Customers attitude means a lot” He was right in some way, customers should show32and understanding to people who33them34people were extremely busy,they found way to at least try and help when they are met with politenessThe pleasant exp

13、erience I had shows that35for other people can always help( ) 16AawfulBpleasantCwonderfulDterrible( ) 17AstationBstudioCfactoryDgarage( ) 18AexitBturningCcrossingDentrance( ) 19AdifficultyBexaminationCtroubleDdisaster( ) 20AbusilyBbadlyCquicklyDweakly( ) 21AhighestBeasiestCluckiestDworst( ) 22AatBonCwithDby( ) 23AexplainedBintroducedCrepeatedDexpressed( ) 24AAsBBecauseCEvenDThough( ) 25AlearnedBunderstoodCrecognizedDthough( ) 26AcareBcontrolCchargeDpride( ) 27AbuildingBexaminingCrepairingDdr



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