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1、英汉语言对比Synthetic vs. Analytic. Answer QuestionsDirections: Answer the Questions in English briefly, with examples if necessary. 1. What are synthetic languages(综合语)? How are they characterized? According to Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, A synthetic language is “Characterized by frequent a

2、nd systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships” 2. What are analytical languages(分析语)? How are they characterized? According to The Random House College Dictionary, An analytic language is “Characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs and c

3、hanges in words order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms”.3. Why English language is more flexible in word order(语序)? Why is it not so in Chinese? Because word order is more connected with the formal changes. If the form change is more flexible, the word order is more fle

4、xible. Chinese language is an analytic language, the word order cannot be change at random, in which the relationship between the words are closely related with word order and function words.4. What is the usual word order in English sentences? What are the nine types of inversion in English sentenc

5、es? The usual word order in English sentence is Subject-Verb-Object. The nine types of inversion in English sentences include: interrogative inversion, imperative inversion, exclamatory inversion, hypothetical inversion, balance inversion, link inversion, signpost inversion, negative inversion, metr

6、ical inversion.1. 5. What are the EC differences in formal words(形式词)? English language is featured in its abundant function words, of which is article. Articles are frequent employed. To use an article or not, and to use a definite one or an indefinite one, makes great difference in expression of m

7、eaning. Auxiliary are more frequently used in Chinese. Chinese language contains auxiliary for tense, structural and mood. This last category is especially unique in the language for the richness for delineation of emotions, like the letters 呀、啦、哦、嘛、呢,and others.6. How many kinds of formal words (形式

8、词)are there in English language? 2. There are five types of formal words, that is:i. article, including a, an, and the;ii. preposition, like on, in, to, for, as, at, of, with, from, across, etc.;iii. auxiliary verb, like will, do, have; iv. coordinator, including and, but, or;subordinator, like unle

9、ss, after, for, due to, etc.7. Why Chinese is called Tone Language(声调语言)? Chinese tone can be used for indicating the change of meaning and is not suitable for expressing the certainty, completeness, independence or finality. Fill in the Blanks Directions: Fill in the blanks with the best answer you

10、 have found in the textbook.1. 11. 综合语的特征是 经常性、系统性的运用曲折形式来表现语法关系为特征的语言,分析语的特征是 分析语的特征是相对频繁地使用功能词,助词和改变词序来表达句法关系,而不用曲折形式来表达。12. 英语有形态 变化,词序比汉语 灵活 ,但相对 固定 。13. 英语属于 综合分析语言 语言。14. 形态变化 、 词序 和 虚词 是表达语法意义的三大手段。15. 形态变化就是词的 形式 变化,包括 构词 形态和 构形 形态。16. 现代英语的变化主要包括 性 、数 、 格 、时 、体 、语态 语气 、 比较级 、人称、词性 等变化。17. 汉

11、语的数量助词有 们 ,动态助词有 着 、 了 和 过 等。18. 汉语结构助词 的 、 地 、 得 类似于应用英语形态变化,但缺乏普遍性。19. 英汉语在主谓宾的排列上都是 主-动-宾(表) 顺序。20. 汉语的定语一般放在名词的 后面 ,英语的定语一般放在名词的 前面 。21. 汉语没有形态变化,少用或不用 关联词 词,没有 定语 从句,名词之前定语的长度 不宜太长 。22. 汉语的实践顺序和逻辑顺序是按照 由先到后 、 由因到果 、 由假设到推论、由事实到结论 的顺序。23. 英语的虚词包括冠词 、 介词 、 助动词 、 并列连接词 、 和从属连接词 。24. 汉语的虚词包括 介词 、 助

12、词 和 连词 。25. 英语的语音系统由 元音 、 辅音 、 重读 和 语调 组成。26. 汉语的语音系统由 声母 、 韵母 和 声调 组成.Translate between E/C Languages Directions: Translate the Chinese/English sentences into their target language. Pay attention to the use of omission strategy. Try to make your translation brief. 27.中国人也好,外国人也好,死人也好,活人也好,对的就是对的,不对

13、的就是不对的。What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong, no matter a Chinese or foreigner, dead or alive he is. 28.她有野心,她姐姐野心更大,想成为一个大明星。Her ambition is bigger than her sister. She wants to be a super star.29.在当今中国,人人都在练功夫,功夫课也成为中国中部地区一些中学的必修课。In present China, all the people are practicing Chines

14、e kongfu, which has become a compulsory course in some middle schools in the central part of China.30.上学的,上学了;下海的,下海了。Some went to college, and some got into business.31. 这是一部美国的热门影片。This is a hot American film.32.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴。Chou Enlai is elegant and considerate.33.如蒙早日寄来样品和报价,我方将不胜感激。We would appreciate it if you can send us the sample and quotation early.34.我们大家都看出他能说会道。All of us found him eloquent.35.这笔资金



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