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1、英文圣诞节晚会主持词 英文圣诞节晚会主持词(一)合:Good afternoon, boys and girls! Welcome to our Christmas party!(大家下午好,欢迎大家来参加我们的圣诞聚会) Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky.(伴随着从空中徐徐飘落的雪花,)Mandy: With the Christmas carols resounding in our ears.(伴随着耳边响起的圣诞颂歌)Jack: with the Christmas presents passing through our

2、friends and ourselves.(伴随着在我们身边传递的圣诞礼物)Mandy: with the kindest Santa Clausin red walking towards us .(伴随着和蔼的圣诞老人向我们走来)合: Lets shout, “Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!”(让我们大声的说出:圣诞来了,圣诞快乐!)Jack:Hello,Im jack. Im honored to have the chance to be your host today. Idlike to extend our a warm welcom

3、e to youon behalf of the QiXiang Education. Iwish everyone a very happy Christmas .(大家好,我是今天的主持人,杰克,非常荣幸能有这样一个机会主持今天的聚会。我谨代表启翔教育机构的所有老师,祝大家度过一个愉快的圣诞节。)Mandy:Before we go , Id like you to know that we plan various interestingprograms and games for todays party . We hope you would join them and have s

4、ome fun .(在聚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今天的聚会准备了很多丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希望大家都能参与进来,玩的开心。)Jack: First of all, Lets welcome our principal Mr. Liu to give us a welcomespeech .(首先请我们刘校长致欢迎词。) Mandy: Thank you, Mr. Liu .(感谢刘校长)Jack: Now, the first program, all the students should learn the PPT about theChristmas.(现在,我们的第一个节

5、目是所有学生一起学习与圣诞节有关的PPT) Mandy: Now , I will ask some question about Christmas . Who cananswer the question. Who can get gift !(现在,我将提出有关圣诞节的问题,谁知道答案,谁将得到礼物!)1.每年的几月几日是耶稣诞生的日子呢?(12月25日) 2. 平安夜是哪一天?(12月24日)3. 耶稣是在哪里出生的?(马槽上) 4.圣诞节和我们中国的什么节日相似(春节) 5. 小朋友们知道圣诞色有哪几种颜色吗?(红绿白) 6.圣诞老人都耳熟能详吧,他是骑什么来的呢?(驯鹿雪橇) 7.

6、圣诞老人是把圣诞礼物是装在哪里送给小朋友的呢? (袜子) 8.”圣诞快乐”用英文怎么说?(Merry Christmas)9.”圣诞老人”用英文怎么说?(Santa Claus or Father Christmas )all the students should sing the songwe wish you merry Christmas(现在,让我们大家一起唱这首歌we wish you merry Christmas英文圣诞节晚会主持词(二)主持人:刘雪晴张子豪 毕含晏许文皓 赵雨晴陈泽森 林埕悦第一场:张子豪: Ladies and gentlemen, my dear frie

7、nds, welcome to our party. Tonight, we are here to celebrate 2010 Christmas Day. And we wish all of you have a wonderful time!刘雪晴: 家长朋友们,亲爱的小朋友们,欢迎你们来到我们的晚会现场。今晚,我们怀着对2010年美好时光的留念和对2011年的期盼,相聚于此来庆祝2010年的圣诞节。我们衷心的祝愿大家能够享受温馨的圣诞平安夜。毕含晏:Time is flying! Everyone is growing and processing. Thank you to st

8、ay with us, thank you!刘雪晴:是啊。时间过得可真快啊,我们在不断地成长和进步着。在此感谢今晚所有到场的朋友们。谢谢!许文皓:Allow me to announce that 2010 Christmas party starts right now. Merry Christmas!请允许我现在宣布2010圣诞晚会正式开始。所有主持人齐说:Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!赵雨晴:First,we will enjoy a song, Jingle Bells. From the kids behind me. welcome the first progra

9、m : jingle bells . Clap hands!刘雪晴:首先,请欣赏我们的小朋友带来的英文歌曲铃儿响叮当。表演者:方少鹏 杨栖宁 刘君瑶 沈雨童 徐瑞辰 张一伊 林惜缘 黄彧 严鸣 魏宇昂 罗志伟胡筱寒第二场:林埕悦:You know, fruits are expensive now. What we can do?Dont eat any more, then is to learn to cut prices.刘雪晴:大家都知道现在的农副产品价格涨的很厉害,我们能做什么呢?没错,就是少吃,还有就是学会 砍价!陈泽森:Yes! We shall learn how to dea

10、l with vendors! Cutting price is making money!林埕悦:Lets welcome this life drama: buying fruits. Clap your hands, please!刘雪晴:让我们来看看小朋友们是如何买水果的!有些小朋友的砍价本领可是得了妈妈的真传的!掌声欢迎英文生活小品剧:买水果。表演者:周鸿威 周昕 赵子涵 孙良源 高致远 任毅 严兆逸 魏宇轩 倪寒越 朱文轩 戴沛然 汤纪洋第三场:张子豪:Every year, we shall sing an old song.刘雪晴:每年的圣诞晚会我们都有一首经典老歌要唱!毕含晏

11、:you mean the song, “wish you a merry Christmas” isnt it?刘雪晴:圣诞快乐歌,这首歌真的是耳熟能详,家喻户晓了。张子豪:Yes, next program is the song: wish you a merry Christmas.毕含晏: very old, very classic. Lets enjoy it !刘雪晴:请欣赏经典老歌:圣诞快乐歌第四场:抽奖晚会进行到这里,我们稍事休息一下,在小朋友们在后台紧张准备的同时,我们也为今晚到场的观众朋友们准备一个小节目:抽奖。第五场:许文皓:We all love Andersens

12、 fairy tales. One of them is the ugly duckling.刘雪晴:我们都爱看安徒生写的童话,他有一篇童话丑小鸭,写的棒极了!赵雨晴:I dont want to be an ugly duckling. But its really touching for me when read it.刘雪晴:你不想当丑小鸭啊,不过,丑小鸭历经千辛万苦、重重磨难之后变成了白天鹅。真的很感人!请欣赏经典英文通话剧:丑小鸭。表演者:姜雯 汪玲羽 徐阳 康捷 蒋帅 朱乐怡 魏宇奕 邱雨旸 杨岱顺 方益家 鲍宁远 冯嘉熙 何诗琪许文皓:Life is a process of

13、struggling!刘雪晴:是金子早晚会发光。命运其实没有轨迹,关键在于对美好境界、美好理想的追求。赵雨晴:Its like Edelweiss, short but pure, hard but beautiful!刘雪晴:生命的意义在于奋斗的过程。就像雪绒花一样,不在于结果而在于过程。许文皓:Lets listen to a classical song: Edelweiss刘雪晴:丑小鸭节目组的同学们在这里为大家献上一首同样经典的老歌雪绒花第六场:林埕悦:Dear friends, how do you spend your pocket money?刘雪晴:同学们,不知道大家在日常生

14、活中会怎么安排自己的零花钱。陈泽森:I take some money to buy writing tools, others to buy food. 我会一半拿来买文具,一半拿来买吃的。林埕悦:I have two friends, they spend all money to buy snacks. 我认识两个小朋友,她们比你还贪吃,只要一有零花钱,就会买零食。陈泽森:I want to know them.很想认识认识她们。林埕悦:No problem, you will see them soon. Lets see a play, “pocket money”.刘雪晴:请欣赏情

15、景短剧:零花钱。表演者:黄德赛 吴赟 叶世文青 丁奕扬宣卫艺 陈智慧 占博 陆然第七场:抽奖第八场:张子豪:Christmas Day is a festival for children all over the world.圣诞节是全世界小朋友的生日!毕含晏:Yes, not only in America, but also in other countries,是的,不仅仅是美国朋友过圣诞节,其它国家的小朋友也过圣诞节。刘雪晴:下面这个节目是个新闻大串烧,外派的小记者会带我们来看看全世界不同地方的小朋友是如果度过这个美好而又令人难忘的节日的!张子豪:Lets enjoy a news report: Christmas all over the world.毕含晏:welc



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