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1、2017年广州大学英语语言学与英美文学基础之语言学教程复试实战预测五套卷一、Explain-the-fllowing-terms1 Embedding【答案】 It refers to the inclusion of a clause within a phrase or another clause, or of a phrase into another phrase. An example of embedded clauses is: What I do is none of your business. (Nominal clause embedded as subject of

2、another clause) 2 Linguistic relativity【答案】 This is one of two points in Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. It states that similarity between languages is relative , the greater their structural differentiation is , the more diverse their conceptualization of the world is. For example, not every language has t

3、he same set of words for the colors ; in Spanish there is no word that corresponds to the English meaning of “blue”. 3 Idiolect【答案】 Just as every speech community has a dialect, every speaker has his own pet words and expressions and special way of expressing his ideas in language. This language var

4、iety of individual users is called “idiolect” 4 Language Acquisition Device (LAD )【答案】 Language Acquisition Device: LAD refers to an innate faculty of language in general with which children are bom. It is posited by Chomsky , who argues that LAD probably consists of three elements : a hypothesis-ma

5、ker, linguistic universal, and an evaluation procedure. 5 Pidgins and Creoles【答案】 A pidgin refers to a variety of a language that is not native language of anyone, but is learned on contact situations such as trading. When a pidgin develops beyond its role as a trade language and becomes the first l

6、anguage of a social community , it becomes a creole. The process by which a pidgin becomes a creole is called creolization. 6 Predication analysis【答案】 Predication analysis is an important step in the analysis of sentential meaning. The predication is the common category shared by propositions, quest

7、ions, commands, etc. Such analysis is to break down the sentence into its smaller constituents: argument and predicate. The predicate is the major or pivotal element governing the argument. The argument is the logical participant. 7 Arbitrariness【答案】 Arbitrariness : Arbitrariness refers to the fact

8、that the forms of linguistic signs have no natural relationship to their meaning. Arbitrariness of language makes it potentially creative , a conventionality of language makes a language be passed from generation to generation. For example, itis unable to explain why a book is called a /buk/ and a p

9、en a /pen/. 8 Back-formation【答案】 Back formation refers to an abnormal type of word formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language. For example , the word “television” appeared before “televise”,and so does “editor” to “edit”. 二、Essa

10、y-question9 Explain speech act theory and list the different kinds of speech acts with examples for each.【答案】 The speech act theory was proposed by John Austin. According to this theory, we are performing various kinds of acts when we are speaking. Actions performed through utterances are generally

11、called speech acts. An utterance can perform different speech acts depending on the context and that one speech act can be performed by more than one utterances.According to Searle, speech acts all into five general categories. Specific acts that fall into each type share the same illocutionary poin

12、t, but differ in their strength.1)Representatives : the acts of saying what the speaker believes to be true; they include stating, describing , asserting, and so on; such as “It?s raining”,“They won the game”.2)Directives : acts of trying to get the hearer to do something. Commands , orders , reques

13、ts , warnings , suggestions, and on so are of this type, as illustrated in “Be quiet!”,“Don?t touch that!”3)Commissives : acts of committing the speaker himself to some future course of action. They include promising,vowing , offering,threatening , and so on. Examples are “I?ll take her to the vet.”

14、 and “We won?t do that.”4)Expressives : acts of expressing feelings or attitude towards an existing state. They can be statements of pleasure,pain ,likes ,sorrow , and so on. For example,“I?m sorry to hear that”.5)Declarations : acts of bringing about immediate changes by saying something. They incl

15、ude resigning , dismissing , naming, appointing, and so on. For example, the priest may say in a wedding “I now pronounce you husband and wife”. 10Use examples to illustrate different ways to extend syntactic constituents.【答案】 In this chapter , several ways to extend syntactic constituents are broug

16、ht under the category of recursiveness , including coordination and subordination , conjoining and embedding , hypotactic and paratactic and so on. Coordination and conjoining are the different names for the same linguistic phenomenon , that is , to use and , but or or to join together syntactic constituents with the same unction. For instance, the sentence A man



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