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1、 U2PPT “Site” refers to the land and other places on, under or through which the Permanent Works or Temporary Works designed by the Engineer are to be executed. “现场”指工程师设计的永久工程或临时工程所需的土地和其他场所,包括地面、地下、工程范围之内或途经的部分。If we close our eyes, we cannot see anything because our eyelids prevent the rays from

2、entering our eyes. 因为眼睑能阻止光线进入眼内,所以我们闭上眼睛就什么也看不见了。Traditionally, rural highway location practice has been field oriented, but the modern method is “office” oriented. 传统上,乡村公路定线采用现场定线法,而现在的方法则是采用纸上定线或计算机定线。In the earlier days of railways, the rules laid down that no train should be allowed to start,

3、even if all signals were clear, until the station master had authorized the guard to give the driver the “right way”.铁路发展的早期阶段曾规定,即使所有的信号都已开通,列车也不能发车,一直要等到站长已授权站务员给司机发出离站信号。Curved rails offer resistance to the movement of the train. 弯曲的钢管有碍火车运行。 A detailed calculation of utilizing solar ponds for ge

4、neration of electricity and seawater desalination are presented. 本文对利用太阳能蓄热发电及海水淡化提出详细计算。 Such observations as these lead to the discovery that there can be rapid erosion when a metal is nonhomogeneous and when it is in connect with water in which some gaseous, liquid and solid substance is dissolve

5、d. 像这样的一些观察使人们发现 , 当金属是非均质金属时,而且当金属与气体、液体或固体物质的水接触时,金属可能很快生锈。Such a small experiment was designed merely to establish whether the approach was safe. 设计这种小型实验只是为了证实这一方向是否安全。It has been shown that these specimens can only be preserved if kept at a temperature of 34 C. 已经表明,这些标本只能保存在34的温度下才能保存。?A) Geru

6、nd,动名词(1) The scientist often does experiments to test and prove an idea before accepting it. 科学家往往先要通过实验来验证某种想法的正确性,然后才接受。(2) Before removing the fuses, switch off the main supply. / After switching off the main supply, remove the fuses.在取下保险丝之前,先切断主电源。/ 先切断主电源,再取下保险丝。B)participle 非谓语动词(1) When the

7、 battery is charged, current flows into the battery, as indicated in Fig.2. 正如图二所示,充电时电流流入电瓶 (2) The chain reaction, once started, must be controlled so that a steady production of heat energy is maintained. 连锁反应一旦开始就必须加以控制,以便使产生的热能保持稳定。 (3) The part played by civil engineering in pioneering work is

8、 of great importance.在开创性工作中土木工程所发挥了非常重要的作用。 。 (4) In Britain electrical energy generated in power station is fed to the National Grid. 在英国,电站发出的电力都被输入国家电网中。 C) Infinitive 不定时(1) We did the experiment to test and prove this idea.我们做这项实验为的是验证这种想法的正确性。(2) Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. 氢

9、与氧化合形成水。(3) The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit. 保险丝的功用是保护电路。(4) To destroy this organism it is necessary to heat milk to about 60 c for 15 minutes.为了破坏这个生物体,有必要将牛奶加热到6015分钟。 ?前置修饰语illumination intensity determination 照明强度测定generator power output 发电机功率输出 A portion of the output voltage is

10、 returned to the input terminals, a condition referred to as voltage feedback. 一部分输出电压被返回到输入端,这种情况就被称为电压反馈。“work” (1) Pushing or pulling, however, does not necessarily mean doing work. 然而,推或拉未必意味着做功。(物理学)(2) The works of these watches are home-produced and wear well. 这些表的机件是国产的,耐磨的。(机械)(3) Temperatu

11、re required for annealing is a function of two factors,(1) the nature of the material, and (2) the amount of work that has been done prior to annealing. 回火所需温度随两个因素而变:(1)材料特性;(2)退火前的加工量。(机械,冶金)(4) The mine has long been worked. 这个矿已经开采很久了。“facility”1. In order to perform an effective audit, the audi

12、tor(s) must be familiar with all aspects of a facility operation. 为了进行有效的检验,检验人员必须熟悉设备的操作方法 2.Regulations require that any reactive and ignitable waste be stored at least 50 ft. from the facilitys property line. 条例要求,凡是会发生反应和可燃的废物,应存放于离厂家财产至少50英尺/15.2米地方。3.The site ideally should have sufficient lan

13、ds to provide a buffer zone between the facility and the public surrounding it. 理想的处理现场应该有足够的土地,以便在设施及其周围环境之间有一缓冲区。4 Regulation regarding the handling of hazardous wastes have become more stringent and complex. Facilities can no longer ignore their wastes. 处理有害废物的规程变得更严格、更复杂。工厂不能再忽视所产生的废物。U3 pptEnvi

14、ronmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is a major source of indoor air pollution. A major point stressed in both the Surgeon Generals Report and the National Academy of Sciences Report is that methods used to determine the exposure of the nonsmoking population to ETS must be improved.香烟造成的环境烟气(ETS)是使室内空气污染的主

15、要污染源。来自(美国)军医局局长报告和国家科学院的报告都着重强调了这一点:传统的用以确定有多少非吸烟者受到ETS危害的方法必须加以改进。In this dissertation, a semi-real time system for monitoring ETS are proposed and compared with other systems. Several new tracers for ETS are proposed. The generalization and decay of ETS in an indoor environmental laboratory is studied. A new technique for analyzing microgram and submicrogram amount of nicotine and cotinine biological fluids is developed. A unique exposure study to ETS is to carry out wherein never-smokers are exposed to ETS. 本文提出了一种监控ETS的半实时系统并将该系统与其他系统进行了比较。作者建议使用一些新的跟踪器对ETS进行监控并对ETS在室内环境实验室的一般情况及衰减问题



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