
返回我的课程 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题:3 分)Directions: In this se


1、返回我的课程 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题:3 分)Directions: In this section youll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.A. Writing reports.B. Reading resumes.C. Conducting interviews.D. Preparing a speech.2.A. Because he is too exhausted.B. Because he is。

2、第七单元复习检测题 一 翻译下列短语 10分 1 一件红毛衣 2 21美元 3 这些黑裤子 4 多少钱 5 廉价出售 6 不客气 7 those blue skirts 8 只售20美元 9 at a very good price 10 bags for sports 二 选择 10分 1 How mu。

3、六下Unit7 Summer holiday plans总默写答案词组11. talk about their plans for the summer holiday 谈论他们的暑假计划 2. talk about his travel 。

4、第七单元 服务行业TEXT A 服务行业与服务管理我们现在正处于一个服务的时代,并且服务已经逐渐处于社会的中心地位。在美国,各种各样的服务占据了美国就业市场的80%,服务行业已经创造了GNP的74%,占经济活动的55%,这些都远远把制造业抛在了后面。其它发达国家也在过去的20年内同样也经历了这样一个趋势。因此我们必须首先弄懂,“什么叫服务?”我们通常把服务叫做由个人或团体为获益他人而做的工作。我们的经济结构和贸易理念一起在改变,而这种改变最终导致由产品为中心转移到以服务为中心,被称为“第二次革命”和“信息社会的开端”。

5、Unit 7 Key to the Exercises- for Text A Comprehension CONTENT QUESTIONS 1.It is the illusion that America is strong and invulnerable. 2.They symbolized the power and the invincibility of the USA. 3.Th。

6、高二英语unit7测试题及答案Unit7学科测试二 I. 单选23570 1. Without your help, we such rapid progress. A. couldnt make B. wouldntmake C. wil。

7、Unit7d1. If you are in need of _ , please dial 909 on any hotel service phone. A. assist B. assisted C. assistant D. assistance a2. None of the money _ by the volunteers was used for illegal purposes. A. raised B. tried C. installed D. ordered a 3. The replacement parts _ less than expected, so we repaired the equipment instead of replacing it. A. cost B. priced C. spent D. fit c 4. How the products were removed from a locked warehouse remained a _ question. A. tro。

8、Everything is possible._八下Unit7同步练习(1). 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。 1. The box (重) three kilos. 2. The two astronauts will do (研究) in space. 3. This panda usually eats about 10 kilos of (竹子) a day. 4. How many pandas are there living in the (遗留的) forests? 5. The new (政府) cares more for the farmers lives. . 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. He dr。

9、Research into Population Genetics (All the exercises for Section A),新视野,New Horizon College English,Unit 7 : Section A,读写教程4EX: I, P. 158,读写教程4EX: VI, P. 160,读写教程4EX: IV, P. 159,读写教程4EX: III, P. 159,Exercises,读写教程4EX: X, P. 164,读写教程4EX: IX, P. 163,读写教程4EX: VIII, P. 162,读写教程4EX: VII, P. 161,读写教程4EX: XI, P. 164,Comprehension,Vocabulary,Collocation,Word Building,Structure,Translation,读写教程4EX: XII, P. 165,1. What does The History and Geography of Human Gene。

10、 Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section A 1a2d (课时课时 1) 班级:班级: 学号:学号: 姓名:姓名:【学习目标】一、 Key words:socks; T-shirt; shorts; sweater; bag; trousers; shoes; jacket; skirt; how much; small; big; dollar; 二、Main sentences: -How much is/are? -Its / -Theyre三、学会掌握用 How much.句型谈论物品的价格,并学会回答。【预习内容】根据句意和提示完成句子。1.How is this book? -Its eight yuan.2. Where are my (短袜)?3. What color is this (T 恤衫)? -Its white.4. Those (短裤)?are 18 yu。

11、七年级Unit 7 ( )31. Is Miss. Wang at home? Sorry. She is on _ vacation in Sanya now. Can I take _ message for her? A. a; theB. /; a C. /; theD. an; a ( )32. What do you like to do 。

12、Unit7 Generation Gap,A .Pair work three days the plague might start in his daughter room one should make the bed in the morning threw her clothes on the floor become a free spirit who thinks for herself,Unit 7,1. start out for Beijing this weekend,2. concerned about your fathers health,Integrated Exercises 2,Unit 7,Active Words:,Exercises,3. threw it away,4. care whether it rained or not,5. count me in,Integrated Exercises 2,Unit 7,The Relative Clause:,Exercises,the teacher assigned last 。

13、 Unit 7 How much are these socks? section A1a2d (课时课时 1)班级:班级: 学号:学号: 姓名:姓名:【学习目标】一、 Key words:socks; T-shirt; shorts; sweater; bag; trousers; shoes; jacket; skirt; how much; small; big; dollar; 二、Main sentences: -How much is/are? -Its / -Theyre三、学会掌握用 How much.句型谈论物品的价格,并学会回答。【预习内容】根据句意和提示完成句子。1.How is this book? -Its eight yuan.2. Where are my (短袜)?3. What color is this (T 恤衫)? -Its white.4. Those (短裤)?are 18 yuan。

14、Unit 7要点整理1. 你介意我打开窗户吗两种WouldDo you mind my opening the window Would Do you mind if I open the window2. 点也不介意。Not at all。

15、大学英语 unit7 答案 篇一 大学英语精读 book1 unit7 答案 book1 unit7 答案 1 e 2 f 3 g 4 c 5 j 6 a 7 b 8 i 9 d 10 h 1 dignity 2 eventually 3 intentions 4 in a row 5 pulled out 6 selected 7 to your taste 8 elderly 9 privil。

16、 Unit 7 Will people have robots? 复习学案复习学案 一自主先学一自主先学. .翻译下列翻译下列短语。 1更少的空闲时间_2活到_3五年后_ 4更少的 使用地铁_ 5更少空闲时间_6乘火箭飞往月球_7穿一身套装 _ 8看上去机敏_9遇见许多有趣的人_10 喜欢独自居住_ 11养宠物_12养一只宠物鹦鹉_13在周末_14哪 些电影_ 15从今后20年_16住在一所公寓里_17什么运动 _ 18更多高楼_19更少的污染_ 20三百棵树_ 21好几百名学生_。

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