
Unit 3 Topic 2 Section C导学案 一 学习目标 1 学会有关家庭成员及亲属的一些生词 2 学会一些其他生词及短语 3 掌握一些识别家庭成员的句型 请将这些句型找出来 4 学会介绍自己的家人 用英语与他人沟通交流 二 学习重点 学会介绍自己的家人 用英语与他人沟通交流 三 学习难


1、Unit 3 Topic 2 Section C导学案 一 学习目标 1 学会有关家庭成员及亲属的一些生词 2 学会一些其他生词及短语 3 掌握一些识别家庭成员的句型 请将这些句型找出来 4 学会介绍自己的家人 用英语与他人沟通交流 二 学习重点 学会介绍自己的家人 用英语与他人沟通交流 三 学习难点 掌握一些识别家庭成员的句型 一 自学自疑文 一 比一比 看谁先闯过词汇关 I 拼读关 试拼读13。

2、Unit 3 Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section C,The inis,son,daughter,brother,sister,The boy is their _. The girl is their_.,daughter,son,Who is the woman?,She is Sun Lis_.,grandmother.,mother,grandfather,And she is the babies _,grandparents,daughter,son,father,mother,grandparents,(brother sister),Family Tree,speak out the words,A big family,Kangkangs family,Read and understand 1a,red,yellow,purple,my uncle,my mother,my aunt,green,pink,m。

3、 Look! This is a photo of my family. Who s the young woman in yellow? She s my aunt. A Photo of Kangkang s Family Right. That s my mother . Is the young woman in red your mother? A Photo of Kangkan。

4、Unit 3 Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section C,A big family,Family,What is “family”?,Father,and,mother,I,love,you.,Challenge your head!,Make sentences like these in pairs:,Your fathers fat。

5、 What is “ family”? Father and motherI loveyou. Make sentences like these in pairs: Your father s father is your _. Your mother s sister is your _. grandfather aunt Your mother s brother 。

6、Unit3GettingTogether Topic 2What doesyour mother do? Section C I. Materialanalysis 本课是第二话题的第三课,主要活动是1a 和 3a。通过对话的方式,呈现Kangkang 的家庭照片,学习有关家庭成员的词汇和“询问与介绍家庭成员”的表达,最后以文段 的形式进行信息输出的汇报。同时在本课中,还将复习和再现学生在Sect。

7、Unit 3 Topic 2-Section C 导学案设计:张凤梅 审核:吴敏 郑海燕 执教: 使用时间:【学习目标】1、学习的任务和目标:1).Knowledge skills:(1) Learn some words about family members and relatives:aunt, uncle, brother, grandparent, cousin, daughter, son(2) Learn other new words and a phrase:family, sofa, tree, family tree 2).Emotional aims:Help students introduce their genealogy(family tree) through family relations and careers.2、学习的重点:1). 识记关于家庭亲戚关系的单词。2). 介绍家谱。3、学习的难点:1).。

8、Unit 3 Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section C,The inis.,son,daughter,brother,sister,The boy is their _. The girl is their_.,daughter,son,Who is the woman?,She is Sun Lis_。

9、Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 2 What does your mother do? 教学设计 Section C The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 1a。 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. (1) Learn some words about family members and relative。

10、Unit 3 Topic 2 Section C,Welcome kids! Lets go!,翻译题,1、Maria会讲汉语吗? _ Maria _ _? 2、Michael非常喜欢长城吗? _ Michael _ the _ _ _ _. 是的,他是。不,他不是。 _ _ _. _ _ _. 3、我想和你一起学习英语。没问题。 I _ _ study _ _ _. _ _. 4、你爸爸是做什么的?他是一名司机。 _? _.,Can speak Chinese,Does like Great,Wall very much,Yes, he does No , he doesnt,What does your father do,He is a driver.,5、他妈妈是。

11、Unit 3 Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section C,A big family,Family,What is “family”?,Father,and,mother,I,love,you.,Challenge your head!,Make sentences like these in pairs:,Your fathers father is your _.,Your mothers sister is your _.,grandfather,aunt,Your mothers brother is your _.,uncle,Your mothers mother is your _.,grandmother,Your uncles son/daughter is your _.,cousin,Whos the young woman in yellow?,Shes Kangkangs aunt.,A Photo of Kangkangs F。

12、,Unit3 Topic2 What do your parents do ? Section C,What does/do do? Where does/do work?,Revision,What color is it? Its orange/pink.,white,black,black,brown,gray,orange,pink,yellow,red,purple,green,blue,This is a photo of Kangkangs family. The man in green is Kangkangs uncle. The woman in yellow is his aunt. Kangkang,his grandparents and his cousin are on the sofa.,family n.家庭;家族 woman (pl.women) n. 妇女;女人 aunt n.婶母;伯母;姨母 uncle n.叔;伯;舅 brother n.兄弟 sofe n.长沙发 grandparent 。

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