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1、Unit3GettingTogether Topic 2What doesyour mother do? Section C I. Materialanalysis 本课是第二话题的第三课,主要活动是1a 和 3a。通过对话的方式,呈现Kangkang 的家庭照片,学习有关家庭成员的词汇和“询问与介绍家庭成员”的表达,最后以文段 的形式进行信息输出的汇报。同时在本课中,还将复习和再现学生在Section A 中所学 的音标 /aK/,/,/S/,/?/,/y/,/tr/和/dr/,并根据字母组合的发音规则能够拼读和拼写 单词,最后在句子中读单词。 II. Teaching aims 1. Kn

2、owledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练以及 文段的信息输出中加以应用:aunt, uncle, brother, sofa, grandparent,cousin, daughter, tree, family tree,son; 能根据已学音标知识,在复习所学音标/ aK /,/,/S/,/?/,/y/,/tr/和/dr/的同时, 根据字母组合的发音规则,拼读和拼写单词。 能在对话操练中,进一步学习和巩固实义动词第三人称的特殊疑问句,并能正确 运用。 能在对话操练中,能运用介绍家庭成员的表达法进行交流,如: Who is the youn

3、g woman in yellow? She smy aunt. 2. Skill aims 能听懂有关家庭成员的对话或叙述并完成相应的任务; 能根据图文就询问家庭成员的话题进行交流; 能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调; 能结合字母组合的发音规则,拼读和拼写单词; 能在图片的帮助下进行阅读,理解大意、细节等,并按要求进行语言活动; 能结合家庭成员、 职业及工作场所的单词或词组写出一篇介绍家庭成员工作情况的 短文。 3. Emotional aims 在学习过程中,通过谈论家庭成员及工作情况,使学生更加热爱生活、热爱家人; 采用画家庭树等灵活多样的授课方式,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,培养学生学英 语

4、的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神。 III. The key points and difficultpoints 1.能就家庭成员及其职业、工作场所等信息进行对话操练和文段输出。 2.能结合字母组合的发音规则,进行单词拼读和拼写。 IV. Learning strategies 1.能借助课文的插图和读前问题的设置来预测文章大意。 2.培养借助图片帮助听说和阅读理解的习惯。 3.逐渐养成预习和复习的好习惯。 V. Teaching aids 录音机、多媒体、教学挂图和黑板。 VI. Teaching procedures StepInteraction pattern Student activi

5、tyTeacher activity Introduction (5 minutes) 1.Thewhole classwork. 2.Individual work. 1.Focus their attention on the teacher. 2.Do duty report. Some studentsreporttheir homeworktothe class. Talksomethingabout yourfamilymembers occupationsand workplaces. 1.Greet students ready for learning. 1. Helpthe

6、studentsto revisethewordsand expressionsin Section B. e.g. In my family, there are fivepeople,my grandfather,my grandmother, my father, my motherand I.My fatherworksina hospital. He is a doctor. My motherworks ina school. Sheis a teacher. Presentation (10 minutes) 1.Thewhole classwork. 2.Individual

7、work. 1.Look at the photo of the teachersfamily.Tryto guess whothe family membersare inthe photo. e.g. T: Who is the girl in a red skirt? Ss:Is that you? T: Yes,you are right. Who is theman in a black coat? Ss:Is that your father? T: No, its my uncle. He is my fathersbrother. . 2.Do1a.Lookatthe pict

8、uresandreadthe pre-reading questions in 1.Showaphotoofthe family.Make the students look at the photo and guess who the family members are in the photo. Help them to usethenewsentence pattern,“ Whoisthe. in .?” 2.Let the students do some tasksbefore reading. 3.Individual workand pair work. 1a. Predic

9、t the main idea ofthepassage. Guess who the boy in the photo is and circle his mom and dad. 3.Skim the dialogues in 1a. Checkwhetherthe answers youguess are right or wrong. Read the dialogues. Then ask and answer in pairs. e.g. A:Whoistheyoung woman in yellow? B:SheisKangkangs aunt. A: Who is the ma

10、n in a greenT-shirt? B:HeisKangkangs uncle. A: Is the young woman in red Kangkangsmother? B: Yes,sheis. . 3.Makesure thestudents knowhowtoaskand answeranswersabout family members. Consolidation (5 minutes) 1.Individual workand the wholeclass work. 1.Read1aagainand complete the passage in 1b individu

11、ally. Then the whole classcheck the answerstogether. 1. Check the answers. 2.Individual work. 2.Try to retell 1b with the help of thepicture in 1a. e.g. Thisisaphotoof Kangkangs family. The young man in a green T-shirt is his uncle.The youngwomanin yellow is his aunt.Theyhavea daughter and she is in

12、 pink. Thisisaphotoof _. The young man in _ is his uncle. The young woman in _ is his aunt. They have a _ and she is in _. . This is a _. The young man _ ishisuncle.The woman _ishis aunt. They have _ and sheis _. . 3.Do1c.Complete 2.Help the students learn to retell the passage.Show the passage with

13、some words missing. It can not only help themconsolidatethe dialogues in1a butalso improvetheirspoken English. 3.Individual workand pair work. Kangkangsfamilytree individually.Thenask andanswerquestions with your partner. e.g. A:Whoisthemanin black? B:HeisKangkangs father. A:Who is the woman in yell

14、ow? B:SheisKangkangs aunt. . 3.To be a good listener and helperwhilethestudents make their conversations. Practice (15 minutes) 1.Group work. 1. Individual work. 1.Revisethesounds /aK /,/,/S/,/?/,/y/, /tr/, /dr/ in Section A. Sit in small groups. Tryto saywordswiththe sounds as quickly as you can.Fi

15、ndoutwhich group can say the most wordscorrectlyand quickly. 2.Do3a. Completethe words in 3a. Then some 1.Organizeagroup competitiontohelpthe studentsrevise the soundsin Section A. 2.Check the answersin 3a. 3.Individual work. students read them aloud to check the answers. 3.Read the sentences in 3bi

16、ndividually.Then match the sentenceswith the pictures. Some studentsreadthe sentences totheclass. Then listen to the tape. Check the answers with the class. Repeat after the tape. 3.Check the answers. Play the tape. Production (10 minutes) 1.Individual workand pair work. 1.Draw your family tree. Then fill in the form. person jobworkplace I After that, askand answer questions inpairswith the help of your family tree and



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