
九年级英语全册 unit11单元综合练习 人教新目标板 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. Everyone in our class_. A. enjoys to swim B. enjoy to swim C. enjoys swimming D. enjoy swimming ( ) 2.Both


1、 九年级英语全册 unit11单元综合练习 人教新目标板 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. Everyone in our class_. A. enjoys to swim B. enjoy to swim C. enjoys swimming D. enjoy swimming ( ) 2.Both you and I _ wrong. A. was B. am C. were 。

2、七年级英语下 Unit11 单元同步练习(人教版含单元核心词汇汇总)Unit 11H as ur shl trip?单元同步练习一、用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空1 I _(brush) teeth three ties esterda2His ther ften des se_(shp)in the evening3I_(nt d) her last nda4 T ants_(be )an English teaherhat_she_(d)esterda?6 _(lu) ,e gt n the earl bus and gt there n tie7 e ere _(exiting)at the nes8 i _(feed)the pet dg and ashed his bl9 Linda ls _(lve)in hite10 brther_ (stud。

3、Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.单元练习 笔试部分 二、单项选择(共15小题;共15分) 21.We will have a field trip this afternoon. The news makes everyone . A. excited。

4、Unit11 How was your school trip? 重点语法:重点语法:一般过去时态 结构:主语 + 谓语动词的过去式 + 宾语谈论过去发生的事情用一般过去时态do/does 的一般过去时态形式:did 例句:Last week I visited my aunts house.(上个星期我去我姑姑家玩了。)She lives in California.(她住 在加利福尼亚州。)The weather was beautiful.(那儿的天气很好。)I went swimming.(我去游泳了。) 不规则动词的过去式:不规则动词的过去式: go 过去式:went ride 过去式:rode feed 过去式:fed take 过去式:took do 过去式:did is/was 过去式:wa。

5、人教版英语七年级下册Unit11 How was your school trip单元同步练习题一. 单项选择。10分 1. What did you do just nowI to our teachers office.A. go B.。

6、精品文档 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 7七年级英语下Unit11单元同步练习(人教版含单 元核心词汇汇总)Unit11 Howwasyourschooltrip? 单元同步练习 一、用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空 1.I_(brush)myteeththreetimesyesterday. 2.Hismotheroftendoessome_(shop) intheevening. 3.I_(notdo)myhomeworklastmonday. 4.Tomwants_(be)anEnglishteacher. 5.What_she_(do)yesterday? 6._(luck) , wegotontheearlybusandgotthereontime. 7.Wewere_(excitin。

7、Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. 单元练习 一、听力 (听力) (共 20 小题;共 20分) . 听对话 ,选出与所听对话内容相匹配的图画。每段对话读两遍。 (5 分) 1. What does she want to buy? A. B. C. 2. Where does the womans sister work? A. B. C. 3. What are th。

8、综合英语(1)-Unit11 单元练习-国开01878-参考资料请认真阅读一下说明然后下载:学校每学期有可能都要更换题库!请仔细核对是不是您需要的题目再下载!本文档的说明:下载完本文档后,请用WORD或WPS打开,然后按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案,预祝您取得好成绩金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题 i dont want to _ you. i call you just for greeting.a. disturb b. hurt c. interrupt d. break 正确答案是:disturb第2题 you are probably _ me _ my sister.a. confusing, with 。

9、综合英语(2)-Unit11 单元练习-国开01884-参考资料请认真阅读一下说明然后下载:学校每学期有可能都要更换题库!请仔细核对是不是您需要的题目再下载!本文档的说明:下载完本文档后,请用WORD或WPS打开,然后按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案,预祝您取得好成绩金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题 i havent seen you _ ages.a. for b. in c. at d. on 正确答案是:in第2题 you should write _ your friends.a. with b. to c. for d. as 正确答案是:to第3题 this desk must be mad。


11、Unit11 Sad movies make me cry 单元练习 一 单项选择 共15小题 共15分 1 Do you like Zhou Libos talk show Yes His talk show is very funny It always makes people A laugh B laughed C laughing D to laugh 2 L。

12、Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.单元练习 一、单项选择(共15 小题;共 15 分) 1. - Do you like Zhou Libos talk show? - Yes. His talk show is very funny. It always makes people . A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to l。

13、优质文档八年级英语Unit11单元素质评估练习最新版Word文档,下载后可任意编辑和处理Unit 11 单元素质评估练习班级姓名座号听力201 .听短文选择图片,.5ABCDEMother father I2. 听对话,选择正确的答案.10。

14、2019 2020学年人教版英语七年级下册 Unit11 How was your school trip Section A 一 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词 1 Yesterday we spent two hours climbing the mountain L it was not very hot and we did n t feel very tired 2 The air in 。

15、Unit 11 How was your school trip?Written test part(共80分).单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. Peter is _ farmer. Hes good at farming.A. a B. anC. the D.不填( )17. This bike is too expensive. I want to buy a _ one.A. big  。

16、知识目标1. 能够听, 说, 读, 写以下25个有关健康的单词和词组: keep fit tired, plenty of sleep , before , drink , exercise, leave garbage , everywhere , too much , pop, stay up late, junk food, should , shouldnt, headache, a running nose, sleepy , have a cold candy , stomachache, toothache, more , medicine , take some medicine , right after, 2. 能够听,说, 读, 写以下有关健康的交际用语: you should /shouldnt whats wrong ? i have a.3. 掌握字母组合ould在单词中的发音, 能根据读音正确朗读单词和句子并用规则。

17、Unit11 How was your school trip I 翻译出下列短语 1 去散步 2 挤牛奶 3 骑马 4 喂鸡 5 拍照 6 带领某人参观 7 种植草莓 8 去钓鱼 9 摘草莓 10 从12月到六月 11 进行一次学校旅行 12 沿路 13 与某人下棋 14 礼品店 15 可爱的礼物 16 总的来说 17 对 感兴趣 19 爬山 20 观看油画 。

18、Unit11 How was your school tripI.翻译出下列短语1.去散步2.挤牛奶3.骑马4.喂鸡5.拍照6.带领某人参观7.种植草莓8.去钓鱼9.摘草莓10.从12月到六月11.进行一次学校旅行12.沿路13.与某人下棋。

19、Unit 11teacher一选择填空 1. What Maria think of Ann A. does B. do C. is 2. Henry doesnt like the movie. I dont . A. too B. ei。

20、八年级上册八年级上册 Unit 11 单元练习单元练习 卷 I 听力部分(共 20 分)I. 听句子,选择图片(5 分)A B C D E1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _II.听对话,选择正确答案(5 分)( )6. Why did the woman go to the school yesterday? A. Because she was busy. B. Because she was ill. C. Because it was Sunday.( )7. Where is Mary?A. In the garden. B. In the living room. C. In the bedroom.( )8. Where is Rose going to do next weekend?A. Shes going to the mountains. B. She。

人教版七年级英语下册unit11 单元练习
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