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1、翻译三级笔译实务模拟62Section 1 English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese.1. Para(江南博哥). 1 It may poison the presidential election, but the Supreme Court should strike down Texass restrictive abortion law. As if next years election were not shaping up to be contentions enough, th

2、e Supreme Court has picked this year to issue its most consequential ruling on abortion in 20 years. This will add fresh impetus to a cultural battle that has raged, unresolved, on Americas national stage for almost half a century. That is regrettable. It is also necessary. Para. 2 At issue is wheth

3、er a law passed by the Texas legislature called HB2 is constitutional. Para. 3 The state has piled regulations on abortion clinics with the aim (so far rather successful) of closing them down. The number of such clinics in the state has dropped from 41 to 18 at the last count. If the court rules nex

4、t year that HB2 is constitutional, that number will shrink further. Other states keen to restrict legal access to abortion would follow suit. Already there are four that have only one clinic for the whole state, malting the legal termination of a pregnancy a right that exists in theory but not in pr

5、actice. Para. 4 A clear majority of Americans have, for decades, told pollsters that abortion should be legal in most cases. More recently, a narrower majority has emerged for outlawing abortion after 20 weeks, with some exceptions. That positionaccess to abortion that is legal and unrestricted unti

6、l late in the second trimester, with some restrictions thereafteris not unlike the compromise reached in other countries. In more secular Britain abortion is banned after 24 weeks, with exceptions in cases where to continue the pregnancy would threaten the life of the mother, or where the child is l

7、ikely to be severely disabled. The Supreme Court itself has already endorsed limits after 24 weeks, the point at which a fetus is considered to be viable outside the womb, putting it squarely alongside public opinion. Para, 5 The best way forward would be to pass legislation to this effect. But ther

8、e is no chance of that, because the two sides are farther apart than ever, with some pro-choice groups arguing that abortion is an absolute right that cannot be restricted under any circumstances, and their pro-life opponents retorting that all abortions are acts of murder. Para. 6 To make abortion

9、safe, legal and rare remains a good aim for Americas laws. But closing legal abortion clinics does nothing for safety, whatever the proponents of the Texan law claim. If such restrictions are adopted more widely, abortion will, in practice, become illegal in many places, leading to the return of dan

10、gerous, clandestine procedures. It will not necessarily become rarer. Whatever the law, abortions will be carried out. The appeals court which upheld HB2 earlier this year acknowledged as much when it wrote that Texans who wanted an abortion could in future drive to New Mexico. Para. 7 That nine une

11、lected justices can do a better job of reflecting what America. in aggregate, favors than thousands of elected politicians in Washington or state capitols. Despite the reaction it will provoke, the court should strike down HB2. 正确答案:第一段 似乎明年的总统选举争议还不够一样,美国最高法院选择在今年就堕胎问题做出20年来最重要的裁决,它可能会影响选举,但最高法院理应驳

12、回德克萨斯州(Texas)出台的限制堕胎法律。这又将加剧在美国政治舞台上持续了近半个世纪的暴烈文化论战。虽然不尽人意,但却是必要之举。 第二段 此次争论的焦点是德克萨斯州立法机构通过的德州众议院第二议案(HB2)是否符合宪法。 第三段 德克萨斯州针对堕胎诊所出台了多项法律,目的是逼停这些诊所(到目前为止相当成功)。最新数据显示,该州堕胎诊所的数量从41锐减至18个。如果明年法院裁定德州众议院第二议案符合宪法,那么诊所的数量将进一步减少。其他倾向于限制合法堕胎的州也将效仿此举。目前美国有四个州州内仅有一个堕胎诊所,这使得合法终止妊娠的权利名存实亡。 第四段 数十年来,民意调查显示大多数美国人认为

13、在大多数情况下堕胎应该是合法的。最近,有一群人赞成怀孕20周以上的孕妇堕胎违法,特殊情况除外。这样的声音出现之后,怀孕六个月内堕胎合法且不受限制的规定,便新加了一些限制条件,这样的折中与其他国家相似。在更为世俗的英国,怀孕24周以上的孕妇堕胎违法,除非继续妊娠会危急母亲的生命或孩子出生可能重度残疾。公众纷纷发表意见,最高法院也已公开支持怀孕超过24周堕胎违法的说法,因为这个时间胎儿已能够在子宫外存活。 第五段 大致来说,解决争议最好的办法就是立法。但因为支持与反对堕胎的人群分歧比以往任何时候都要大,这不太可能实现。一些支持孕妇拥有堕胎选择权的群体认为,堕胎是一项不受任何限制的绝对权利;支持胎儿

14、拥有生命权的反堕胎人士反驳说,所有的堕胎都是谋杀。 第六段 使堕胎安全、合法并减少堕胎仍然是美国法律追求的目标。但无论德州众议院第二议案的支持者持什么观点,关闭合法堕胎诊所并不能确保堕胎安全。如果这些限制堕胎的措施被广泛采用,在许多地方堕胎将成为非法行为,这会助长危险、暗地里进行的堕胎。无论法律如何,都会有孕妇选择堕胎,因此堕胎行为不一定会变少。今年年初,支持德州众议院第二议案的上诉法院也承认了这一点。它写道,德克萨斯人将来若想要堕胎,可以开车去新墨西哥州。 第七段 那九位未经选举的法官比数千位经过选举产生的国会和州议会政客更能反映美国的整体价值观。尽管最高法院作出的裁决会引起强烈抗议,但它的

15、确应该驳回德州众议院第二议案。解析 1第一段句strike down为固定搭配,意思是to decide that a law is illegal and should not apply“决定一项法律非法、不能施行”。因此,此处译为“驳回”更为合适。 2第一段句impetus的意思是something that encourages a process or activity to develop more quickly“使得某一过程或活动快速发展”。原文impetus的对象是a cultural battle that has raged,unresolved“暴烈、久久不停的文化论战

16、”。因此,此处可将add fresh impetus可译作动词“又加剧”。 3第三段句动词pile原义为“累积,堆放”。文中指的是德州堆积法律,也就是出台了多项法律的意思,因此pile译为“出台了多项”。 4第三段句at the last count为固定搭配,意思是according to the latest information about the numbers of something“根据最新数据”,因此,此处译为“最新数据显示”。 5第三段句a right that exists in theory but not in practice直译为“一种理论上存在但实际上不存在的权利”,可以套用中文的习惯表达,将其译为“权利名存实亡”。 6第四段句较长,其中t



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