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1、翻译三级笔译实务模拟真题七Section English-Chinese TranslationTranslate the following passage into Chinese.1. It was the custom of the kings of France to have their own personal crown made for their coronation.1 Louis XV Commissioned two crowns: one in enameled gold and the other, now in the Louvre, in silver-gil

2、t embellished with precious stones. In 1729, however, this crown was dismantled and the original jewels replaced with paste imitations. The crown was worn only at the coronation, after which it was placed in the abbey of Saint-Denis with the rest of the royal regalia. The crown of Louis XV consists

3、of an embroidered satin cap encircled by a metal band, springing from which are openwork arches surmounted by a fleur-de-lis2. The band was originally bordered with two rows of pearls and set with eight colored stones (sapphires, rubies, topazes and emeralds) alternating With diamonds. At the base o

4、f the arches were five-diamond clusters forming fleur-de-lis. The famous Regent diamond, purchased a few years before the coronation, adorned the flower at the front. The eight quadrangular diamonds that surmounted the flowers were from the set of eighteen Mazarin diamonds.3 The crown is topped by a

5、 fleur-de-lis formed from silver acanthus leaves, set originally with the Sancy diamond and seventeen others.4 A further twenty-four diamonds were sewn onto the cap. In 1729, the pearls and precious stones were replaced by paste imitations at the command of Louis XV. In all, the crown contained 282

6、diamonds (161 large and 121 small), 64 colored stones (including 16 rabies, 16 sapphires and 16 emeralds) and 237 pearls.5 Two contemporary descriptions of this work have survived. They specified that the crown was adorned with sixty-four colored stones, but mentioned only 273 diamonds and diverged

7、in several other respects from its present appearance. It is therefore possible that its current form is not entirely faithful to the original composition, and that any differences may be the result of the restoration undertaken by the jeweler Maillard in 1780. Despite these slight modifications and

8、 being set with imitation stones, Louis XVs personal crown indicates both the sumptuous nature of royal ceremonial and the virtuoso skills of eighteenth-century jewelers.6 正确答案:法国历代国王都有为加冕仪式定制私人王冠的惯例。路易十五定制了两顶王冠。一顶为金镶珐琅王冠,另一顶为现藏于卢浮宫的银质镀金嵌宝石王冠。后者上的宝石在1729年时被替换为玻璃仿制品。路易十五仅在加冕仪式上佩戴过这顶王冠。加冕仪式后,王冠即被收入圣丹尼

9、(Saint-Denis)修道院的王室宝器库。 路易十五王冠上的刺绣缎面帽环以金属箍带,由箍带延伸向上的镂空撑拱汇聚于顶部的王室鸢尾花纹章之下。金属箍带最初以珍珠镶饰上下边缘,带身交替镶嵌八颗彩色宝石(包括蓝宝石、红宝石、黄宝石、祖母绿)和钻石。每道撑拱底部饰有五颗钻石构成的鸢尾花。正中的鸢尾花造型嵌以加冕仪式前若干年购入的摄政王钻石。底部的鸢尾花装饰共八组,每朵花饰顶部饰以一颗四角形钻石,从一套1 8颗马萨林钻石中遴选而出。王冠顶部的鸢尾花由银质叶形装饰组成,最初镶有桑西钻石和另外17颗钻石。此外,绸缎帽面上还缝缀有24颗钻石。1729年,路易十五下诏将王冠上的珍珠和宝石替换为玻璃仿制品。王

10、冠上总共镶嵌有282颗钻石(161颗大钻石和121颗小钻石)、64颗彩色宝石(包括16颗红宝石、16颗蓝宝石和16颗祖母绿)、237颗珍珠。 与路易十五王冠同时代的描述文字,仅有两份留存于世,但仅提到了64颗彩色宝石和273颗钻石,其他描述与王冠目前的样子多有出入。由此可见,王冠现在的样子可能不是其本初的面貌,或许是珠宝匠梅拉德(Maillard)在1780年的修复中做了改动。尽管王冠的样子有了些许不同,上面的宝石也不过是仿制品,但从路易十五的私人王冠中,仍可一窥法国王室礼仪的奢华与18世纪珠宝匠人技艺的精湛。解析 1第一句在翻译时要注意“历代”和“历来”的差别。若译为“法国国王历来有为加冕仪

11、式定制私人王冠的惯例”,难免造成历史时间的模糊感,故译为“历代”。此外,“定制”不要误写为“订制”:定制指为某事或某人专门制作(customize或tailor);订制指预先订购已有的产品(place an order)。 2fleur-de-lis意为“鸢尾花”,是法国王室的纹章。第一次出现时,译文略作解释,译为“王室鸢尾花纹章”,描述了其形状和含义。后文再出现时,仅描述形状即可。 3本句的译文结构变化较大,参考译文将原文的定语从句独立成句,并且对原句内容略作解释。将四角形钻石的数量“八颗”糅合为底部花朵装饰数量,略作逻辑上的调整,避免因为放在一个中文句子里导致定语成分过长。the set

12、of(一套)应该译出,因为原文强调这18颗钻石的“群组性”。 4本句的译文对原文结构做出调整,将a fleur-de-lis作为主语,而将the crown is topped by变为定语出现,理顺了中文的行文,同时让原文的意思全部得以体现。 5本段涉及三个具有历史背景的钻石名称:摄政王钻石、马萨林钻石、桑西钻石。文化类翻译实践的一大特点就是需要译者在实践中做足有关背景知识的功课。 6在本段中,通过diverged in several other respects from(与多有出入)、the original composition(本初的面貌)、these slight modifi

13、cations(些许不同)可以看出,译文用语的感情色彩比第二段浓厚。在文化类翻译实践中,需要根据原文的内容和风格,适当调整译文的语气和用词风格,从而实现翻译的风格对等。Section Chinese-English TranslationTranslate the following passage into English.1. 中国加入世贸组织1既发展了自己,也造福了世界。中国积极践行新发展理念,经济发展由高速度向高质量迈进,成为世界经济增长的主要稳定器和动力源。中国奉行互利共赢2的开放战略,积极推动共建“一带一路”,在开放中分享机会和利益,在实现自身发展的同时惠及其他国家和人民,增进了全

14、球福祉,促进了共同繁荣。 站在新时代的历史起点上,中国开放的大门不会关闭,只会越开越大。中国过去40年的经济发展是在开放条件下取得的,未来中国经济实现高质量发展也将在更加开放的条件下进行。中国将继续坚持对外开放基本国策,以更加积极的姿态融入经济全球化进程,实行高水平的贸易和投资自由化便利化政策,与各国构建利益高度融合、彼此相互依存的命运共同体。3 正确答案:Accession to the WTO has boosted Chinas development and benefited the rest of the world. Propelled by a new vision of de

15、velopment, the Chinese economy is transitioning from rapid growth to high-quality development, becoming a major stabilizer and driving force for the world economy. China stays committed to the strategy of opening-up for win-win results, vigorously promotes the Belt and Road Initiative, and shares op

16、portunities and benefits with other countries and their people while developing itself, enhancing global well-being and common prosperity. At the historic starting point of a new era, China will open its door wider instead of closing it. Opening-up was key to Chinas economic growth over the past 40 years. In the same vein, high-quality development of Chinas economy in the future can only be achieved wit



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