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1、一、初高中英语考试作文常用开头和结尾作文常用开头:1. 引用名人名言:如Albert Einstein once said, Imagination is more important than knowledge.(爱因斯坦曾说过:“想象力比知识更重要。”)2. 提出引人入胜的问题:如Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without technology?(你是否曾想过没有技术的世界会是什么样子?)3. 引入背景信息:如In todays fast-paced society, the issue of environme

2、ntal pollution has become increasingly prominent.(在当今快节奏的社会中,环境污染问题变得日益突出。)4. 引用数据或统计数字:如According to a recent survey, more than 70% of teenagers suffer from stress-related problems.(根据最近的一项调查,超过70%的青少年遭受与压力相关的问题。)5. 提出观点或立场:如It is widely believed that education is the key to success.(人们普遍认为教育是成功的关键

3、。)作文常用结尾:1. 总结观点:如In conclusion, it is evident that the benefits of exercise outweigh the drawbacks.(总之,很明显,锻炼的好处大于弊端。)2. 提出建议或展望未来:如Efforts should be made to raise public awareness of the importance of environmental protection.(应该努力提高公众对环境保护重要性的认识。)3. 引用名人名言:如As Mahatma Gandhi once said, Be the cha

4、nge you wish to see in the world.(正如圣雄甘地曾说过:“要成为你希望在世界上看到的改变。”)4. 引用经典句子或谚语:如Actions speak louder than words.(行动胜于言辞。)5. 呼吁行动或提出倡议:如Let us join hands and work together to create a better future.(让我们携手共进,共同创造美好的未来。)二、初高中英语考试作文常用短语表达观点和看法:1. In my opinion/In my view(在我看来)2. From my perspective(从我的角度来看

5、)3. It is widely believed that(普遍认为)4. It is undeniable that(不可否认的是)5. It goes without saying that(不言而喻的是)6. It is clear that(很明显)引出原因和结果:1. As a result(结果是)2. Due to(由于)3. Owing to(因为)4. Consequently(因此)5. Therefore(因此)6. Thus(因此)表达对比和转折:1. On the one hand, on the other hand(一方面,另一方面)2. However(然而)

6、3. Nevertheless(然而)4. Despite/In spite of(尽管)5. Although/Though(虽然)6. While(然而)表达举例和解释:1. For example/For instance(例如)2. Such as(比如)3. In other words(换句话说)4. That is to say(也就是说)5. In particular(特别是)6. Specifically(具体地说)表达结论和总结:7. In conclusion(总之)8. To sum up(总结起来)9. All in all(总的来说)10. In a nutshell(简而言之)11. Taking everything into consideration(综上所述)12. In summary(总结一下)



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