人教版2024新版Unit 1 主题阅读(Reading Plus)-【拓展阅读】2024-2025学年七年级英语上册单元拓展阅读精选

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人教版2024新版Unit 1 主题阅读(Reading Plus)-【拓展阅读】2024-2025学年七年级英语上册单元拓展阅读精选_第1页
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人教版2024新版Unit 1 主题阅读(Reading Plus)-【拓展阅读】2024-2025学年七年级英语上册单元拓展阅读精选_第2页
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人教版2024新版Unit 1 主题阅读(Reading Plus)-【拓展阅读】2024-2025学年七年级英语上册单元拓展阅读精选_第3页
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人教版2024新版Unit 1 主题阅读(Reading Plus)-【拓展阅读】2024-2025学年七年级英语上册单元拓展阅读精选_第4页
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《人教版2024新版Unit 1 主题阅读(Reading Plus)-【拓展阅读】2024-2025学年七年级英语上册单元拓展阅读精选》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版2024新版Unit 1 主题阅读(Reading Plus)-【拓展阅读】2024-2025学年七年级英语上册单元拓展阅读精选(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 1 You and Me 拓展阅读专项主题:良好的人际关系与人际交往The Change from Speaking to Listening读前预热一个上课喜欢说话的孩子突然之间不能说话了,这给他带来了什么影响?这篇文章将带你走进西蒙的世界,看他如何通过这一经历学会倾听和理解他人,成为一个更好的学习者。语篇品读“Are you listening, Simon?” Simons teacher asked. It was a pretty usual question. Simon shook his head, smiling. He hardly listened or tr

2、ied hard in class. Talking was so much fun. He wanted to be heard rather than listen. “Listen, and youll learn something.” Mrs. Jacobs tried every day, but Simon never paid attention. That evening, his throat really hurt. The next morning, when he opened his mouth to say “Good morning”, nothing came

3、 out but a croak (低哑声). Simons mother looked at him. “Honey, youve lost your voice.” “Can I stay home?” He tried to ask, but words didnt come out. Instead, his mother checked him for a fever and decided it was good for him to go to school, even if he couldnt talk. When he got to school, Mrs. Jacobs

4、said “Hello” to him, and he just nodded. When his friends asked him what TV shows he watched last night, he just shrugged (耸肩). By the time the bell rang for class, almost everyone was looking at him as if hed grown a third eye. Penny raised her hand. “Mrs. Jacobs, why isnt Simon talking?” “He never

5、 stops talking,” Richard said worriedly. Everyone started talking at once. They were excited, worried, and surprised. Simon sat in class, bored. He watched them talk to each other as if the teacher werent there, but he couldnt even do that. In math class he could hold up fingers if the answer was le

6、ss than 10, but that wasnt fun. He decided to try to pay attention. He could do his homework that night. It gave him TV and game time with his work all done. The next day, even though his voice was coming back, he stayed quiet again. The third day, he could talk fine, but he listened and raised his

7、hand to speak. What a difference that one day made! “西蒙,你在听吗?”西蒙的老师问道。这是一个很常见的问题。西蒙微笑着摇摇头。他在课堂上几乎不听,也不怎么努力。谈话很有趣。他想被倾听,而不是倾听别人。 “听着,然后你会学到一些东西。”雅各布斯太太每天都在努力劝他,但西蒙从来没有注意。 那天晚上,他的喉咙真的很疼。第二天早上,当他开口说“早上好”时,除了沙哑,什么也没说出来。 西蒙的母亲看着他。“亲爱的,你失声了。” “我能待在家里吗?”他试着问,但没说出来。相反,他的母亲检查了他的发烧情况,并认为即使他不能说话,上学对他也有好处。 当他到达

8、学校时,雅各布斯夫人对他说“你好”,他只是点了点头。当他的朋友问他昨晚看了什么电视节目时,他只是耸耸肩。上课铃响的时候,几乎所有人都在看着他,好像他长出了第三只眼睛。 佩妮举起手来。“雅各布斯太太,西蒙为什么不说话?” 理查德忧心忡忡地说,“他从来不停地说话。” 大家立刻开始交谈。他们既兴奋,又担心,又惊讶。西蒙无聊地坐在课堂上。他看着他们互相交谈,好像老师不在,但他甚至做不到。在数学课上,如果答案小于10,他可以举起手指,但这并不有趣。他决定尽量集中注意力。 那天晚上他可以做作业。这给了他看电视和比赛的时间,他完成了所有的工作。 第二天,尽管他的声音又回来了,他还是保持了沉默。第三天,他能够

9、正常说话,但他会听别人说话并举手发言。 这一天发生了多大的变化!词汇积累pretty prti adv. 非常throat rt n. 喉咙rather than 而不是lose ones voice 失声raise ones hand 举手as if 彷佛;好像hold up 举起make a difference 产生影响 典句分析1. Instead, his mother checked him for a fever and decided it was good for him to go to school, even if he couldnt talk.本句中含有even i

10、f 引导的让步状语从句,译为“即使他不能说话”;主句的主语是his mother,and连接两个谓语动词checked和decided,decided后接宾语从句it was good for him to go to school。2. When his friends asked him what TV shows he watched last night, he just shrugged.本句含有when引导的时间状语从句,从句中还含有宾语从句what TV shows he watched last night。3. By the time the bell rang for cl

11、ass, almost everyone was looking at him as if hed grown a third eye.本句含有by the time引导的时间状语从句,此时意思和when类似;主句中含有as if引导的方式状语从句,as if译为“彷佛、好像”,后面一般接不可能发生的事情,比如本句中的“hed grown a third eye”,此时句子要用虚拟语气。读后探究I. Fill in the mind map according to the passage.II. Choose the best answer.5. What did Mrs. Jacobs w

12、ant Simon to do in class? A. To talk. B. To listen. C. To sit up. 6. What was the problem with Simon that day? A. He got a cough. B. He was late for school. C. He lost his voice. 7. Why was almost everyone looking at Simon? A. Because he grew a third eye. B. Because Mrs. Jacobs praised him. C. Becau

13、se he didnt talk with anybody. 8. Why could Simon do his homework that night? A. Because he already got his voice back. B. Because he paid much attention in class. C. Because he was given easier homework. 9. What is the best title for the text? A. Are you talking? B. Are you listening? C. Is your vo

14、ice OK? III. Talk with your partners and write down your answers.10. Talk about your opinion. Is it good to talk a lot in the class? Why?_答案1. attention 2. silent/quiet 3. worried 4. influenced/changed5.B 6.C 7.C 8. B 9.B解析1-4略5. 细节理解题。根据题干中的“What does Mrs. Jacobs want Simon”可将答案定位至 第一段中的“Are you li

15、stening, Simon? Simons teacher asked.”及第二段中的“Listen, and youll learn something. Mrs. Jacobs tried every day.”根据这两个部分中的listening和Listen可知,雅各布斯老师想让西蒙在课堂上听讲。故选B。 6. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“That evening, his throat really hurt. The next morning, when he opened his mouth to say Good morning, nothing came out but a croak.”可知,前一天晚上西蒙的喉咙很痛。第二天早上(事情发生的那天早上),西蒙说不出话来了。由此可知,那天西蒙失声了。故选C。 7. 推理判断题。根据前文内容及第八段中的“He never stops talking”可知,西蒙说话总是没完没了。再分析第六段中的“almost everyone was looking at him”及前面的内容可知,那天,当西蒙到达学校时,无论是老师还是朋友跟他打招呼或者交流时,他都没有说话,而是以动作示意的方式回应。这与他平时的表现很不一样,故而引起了大家对他的关注。由此可



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