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1、Unit 2 Numbers第6课时综合提升词汇。 i从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分或与其意思相近的最佳选项。 ( )1Lucy, you can eat some of the bread and keep therest for your younger sister. OK, Mum. Abreak Bsomething left Cthe other B ( )2The young lady called me to remind me to see her parents. Who is she? Is it your new girlfriend? Aa

2、dvise Bhelpremember Ccomplain ( )3Have you read today s newspaper ? It s reported the big fire takeplace at night. Its true.Luckily, nobody was hurt. Ahappened Blost Cmissed B A ( )4If you answer all the questions correctly, you can win the prize. Acarefully Beasily Crightly ( )5They have only one r

3、oom left, so youll have to doubleup with Peter. Ashare Bleave Cplay ( )6Did you see Jane and Mike? I saw them walking towards Shenzhen Museum.There is an art show these days. Ain the direction of Bin front of Cnext to C A A ( )7Who will win the first prize? Perhaps Tom will because he is so excellen

4、t. ACertainly BMaybe CLuckily ( )8If you followedmy advice, you wouldn t make such a mistake. How stupid I was at that time. Arefused Bdiscussed Cobeyed B C ii从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )9When you need useful advice, you probably ask a _ man for help. Agenerous Bhard-working Cwise ( )10A _

5、 is a spoken or written piece of information. Amessage Bgesture Clanguage ( )11To _ someone to something means to invite someone to enter a competition, fight etc. with you. Achallenge Bdevelop Ccount C A A ( )12What is 3 and 6? Its_. Anine Bthree Csix ( )13On weekdays, there is often heavy _ on the

6、 roads in the morning. Abus Btraffic Ctrain B A ( )14Your first job usually won t be your dream job. _, you never forget it. Thats because it introduces you to the working world and teaches you how to work hard for your money. ABut BTherefore CHowever ( )15What else do you want? _ else. I think I ha

7、ve got everything ready. ASomething B Anything CNothing C C II 完形填空。 The Chinese abacus is known as the suanpan . It is usually 20 cm 1 and comes in different widths. It usually 2 more than seven rods (杆子). There are two beads (算珠)on each rod in the upper deck and five beads each in the 3. The beads

8、 are usually round and made of 4 . The beads are 5 by moving them up or down towards the beam( 横梁). 6 you move them toward the beam, you count their value. If you move away, you dont count their value. The suanpan can be reset to the 7 position quickly, so then you can start to count again 8 with it

9、. In Japan the abacus is 9 soroban . It was brought from China to Japan in the 14th century. The use of the soroban is still taught in Japanese primary schools as part of 10 ( )1Abig Blong Csmall ( )2Ahas Bbuys Ccuts ( )3Atop Bmiddle Cbottom ( )4Awater Btrees Cwood ( )5Acounted Bcleaned Cclosed ( )6

10、ABecause BBut CIf ( )7Aending Bstarting Cmiddle ( )8Aeasily Bdifficultly Cslowly ( )9Aasked Bcalled Ctold ( )10AEnglish BChinese Cmaths CBACCABBACIII 阅读理解。 A Decide to Do Well Everybody makes decisions in daily life. They can be as important as what you will do in the future or as simple as what you

11、 will eat for breakfast. Any decision could be the turning point of your life. I made an important decision when I was in Junior 3 Before I made that decision I was one of the boys who tried too hard to act as an adult. I didnt know that only kids want to show themselves as adults. I didnt listen to

12、 my parents and teachers, and my grades became poor. Then came the high school entrance exam. At the turning point of my life, my mom wanted to have a conversation with me. I wanted to turn it down but when I looked at her eyes, I felt I couldn t refuse. Instead of asking me to study hard, to my sur

13、prise, Mom just asked what I wanted to do in the future. Without thinking too much, I just said I would like to study hard. Mom smiled and asked again:“I asked: what do you want to do?” I never seriously thought about the question. So, I kept silent. “Whether you want to go on studying or enter the

14、society,”she went on,“it is your own decision. Your life ought to be decided by you, not by anyone else, including me.”After saying that, she had tears in her eyes. For the first time in my life I was asked to make my own decision. I sat in my chair and thought about myself, my life and what kind of

15、 person I wanted to become. It took me what seemed to be ages to make the biggest decision so far in my lifeI wanted to be a man who makes a difference in the world. To achieve that, I needed to study hard. The path to my future became clear to me. I didnt act rebelliously(叛逆地)any more. With passion

16、( 激情)in my heart, I studied hard. Now, Im 17 and Im in one of the best schools in my city, in one of the best classes at the school and I am one of the best students in the class. Thanks to that decision, I have become what I am today. ( )1When did the writer make the important decision? AAfter he w

17、as 17 years old. BAfter he was in one of the best classes. CWhen he was a pupil. DWhen he was studying in Junior 3 D ( )2What was the writer like before the decision? AHis grades became poor. BHe tried too hard not to act as an adult. CHe was one of the top students in his class. DHe did what his te

18、achers and his parents asked him to do. A ( )3How did the writer make the decision? AIt was easy for him to make the decision. BIt was his second time to make the decision. CHe made the decision seriously. DIt was his mother that made the decision for him. C ( )4Why did the writer make the decision?

19、 ABecause his teacher talked with him patiently. BBecause he didnt want to act rebelliously any more. CBecause his mother asked him to study hard as usual. DBecause his father asked him to think about his future by himself. B ( )5Which of the following is TRUE? AThe writer made the decision that he

20、should work hard. BIt took the writer several years to make the decision. CAfter hearing his mother s words, the writer had tears in his eyes. DAt the turning point of his life, the writer wanted to have a conversation with his mother. A B 17-year-old Tibetan boy climbs 40 meters up a tall tree only

21、 to get some honey as an ingredient for a traditional local drink. The money he makes from selling the honey will be used to pay for his younger brothers tuition fee( 学费) This is only a scene from the first episode(集)of CCTVs new documentary, A Bite of China 2, which appeared on April 18, 2014 But t

22、here are enough reasons for viewers to spend an hour every Friday until June 6 enjoying in front of their television sets. Viewers have had to wait a long time since A Bite of China first came out in 2012 Back then, the seven-episode documentary was considered the best one ever produced by CCTV, wit

23、h its good effects and rich food culture. A famous foreigner praised it, saying “Its the best TV show Ive ever seen about food. Im sure it s the best one ever made.” The new season includes eight episodes, covering 300 types of food. According to CCTV, every minute of the show was edited(编辑)out of 1

24、50 minutes of footage(影像镜头) Finding their subjects was often the hardest part of the film teams job. It took them six months to film a beekeeping couple, which included a journey of more than 2,000 kilometers. Food is a personal thing, in that no dish suits all tastes. However, the program has still

25、 managed to move all sorts of viewers. “Compared with A Bite of China , the new season has a more human touch, which makes viewers cover some tears while their mouths are watering,”said Sina Entertainment. As always, the people are the most interesting part. A Bite of China 2 shows a greater dream t

26、hrough homemade food, it tells the joys and sorrows of common Chinese in changing times, according to director Chen Xiaoqing of the documentary series. “I was moved by the people in each simple story,”said Li Weifang, 17, of Beijing No.3 High School. “Their work helps enrich (丰富)China s food culture

27、.” In fact, that is exactly what the new season hopes to deliver. Through the program,“the listeners will see the characteristics of the Chinese people: save and tenacity(坚韧),”Chen told Xinhua. ( )6When did A Bite of China 2 appear on CCTV? AFrom 2012 BFrom April 18, 2014 CUntil June 8, 2014 DEvery

28、Friday through the coming year. B ( )7How is A Bite of China 2 different from its first season? AIt took a longer time to film it. BIt introduces more food types. CIt has more human stories about food. DIt attracts more viewers around the world. C ( )8What was the most difficult part of filming the

29、documentary? AFinding the right subjects. BCreating the good effects. CFilming in hard environments. DEditing so much footage. ( )9What does the underlined word“sorrows ”mean ? AStory. BHurt. CHappiness. DSadness. A D ( )10Which of the following is NOT true? AA Bite of China tells China s food cultu

30、re. BA Bite of China tells the joys and sorrows of Chinese in changing times. CThe new season includes eight episodes, covering 300 types of food. DSometimes we could watch A Bite of China for an hour on Friday on CCTV. C IV语法填空。 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 On Monday,

31、the White House prepared for a special group of guests. The East Room was decorated(装饰)from top to bottom. The First Lady was hosting 1_ important lunch. At 10:00 a.m., her guests arrived. Fifty-four boys and girls, each with a parent or grandparent, 2_ (walk)into the White House. Who were these kid

32、s, and why had Michelle Obama 3 _ (invite)them over for lunch? anwalkedinvitedThe 4_ (luck)guests were the winners of the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. The First Lady created the contest. Winners from across the country, 5_ (include)one from every state, were brought to Washington DCfor the“state din

33、ner ” At the start of the meal, the First Lady welcomed 6_(she)guests and congratulated them. “You came up with nutritious dishes dishes that are good for you, but more 7 _ (important) , they taste good, too,” she said. 8 _ was on the table? Food from some winning recipes, of course! President Barac

34、k Obama greeted guests at the kids “state dinner ” His visit was 9 _ surprise. “I could not be prouder of you,”he told the 10 _ (win) winnersluckyincludingherimportantlyWhatinV书面表达。 目前,举国畅行勤俭节约、反对铺张浪费。我们中学生应当在这些行动中该做些什么呢?请根据下面要求,联系实际,适当发挥,以“ Save Food and Eat Healthily”为题,写一篇 80词左右的英语短文。 写作要求:1条理清楚,

35、有表明自己观点的句子; 2书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确; 3短文中应尽量包括提示内容,可适当发挥,但不能出现真实的人名、地 名。文章开头已给出,不计入总数; 4参考词汇:junk food, order the food, eat up, restaurant, dine out(在外用餐), healthy food 。 Save Food and Eat Healthily At present, our government has called on the people to save food._ _ To save food, we should remember

36、 that at any time we should eat up all the food and shouldn t waste any food. Especially, when we dine out, we should order the food that we can rightly eat. Because many people in our country don t have enough food to eat.To eat healthily, we should eat healthy food instead of junk food at school or at home. Of course, we may eat in the restaurant in case we have no time, but not too often.At last, we hope that we all work together at once.As middleschool students, it s our duty to do something for it.



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