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1、三、段尾设空题三、段尾设空题专题三第二节 分类突破真题感悟真题感悟名师点津名师点津内容索引内容索引随堂限时练随堂限时练真题感悟真题感悟(2018全国全国)Before there was the written word,there was the language of dance.Dance expresses love and hate,joy and sorrow,life and death,and everything else in between. 36 We dance from Florida to Alaska,from north to south and sea to

2、 sea.We dance at weddings,birthdays,office parties and just to fill the time.答案解析答案答案 B.Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.“I adore dancing,” says Lester Bridges,the owner of a dance studio in Iowa.“I cant imagine doing anything else with my life.” Bridges runs dance classes for all ages.“Teaching dance

3、 is wonderful. 37 Its great to watch them.For many of them,its a way of meeting people and having a social life.”答案解析答案答案 D.My older students say it makes them feel young.解解析析解解本本题题可可用用词词汇汇锁锁定定法法。D项项中中的的them指指代代my older students。空后的两个空后的两个them也指代也指代my older students。 38 “I can tell you about one you

4、ng couple,” says Bridges.“Theyre learning to do traditional dances.They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile. 39 ”答案解析38.答案答案A.So why do we dance?39.解解析析解解本本题题可可用用关关联联逻逻辑辑法法。由由本本段段中中的的“They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.”可可知知,跳跳舞舞可可以以让让原原本本情

5、情绪绪低低落的他们变得开心,故落的他们变得开心,故A项项(那么我们为什么跳舞呢?那么我们为什么跳舞呢?)符合语境。符合语境。答案解析39.答案答案F.Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.39.解解析析解解本本题题可可用用关关联联逻逻辑辑法法。由由上上句句“They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.”可可知知,他他们们跳跳完完舞舞后后,精精神神状状态态发生了很大的变化。故发生了很大的变化。故F项项(舞蹈似乎完全改变了他们的情绪舞蹈似乎完全改变

6、了他们的情绪)符合语境。符合语境。 38 “I can tell you about one young couple,” says Bridges.“Theyre learning to do traditional dances.They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile. 39 ”So,do we dance in order to make ourselves feel better,calmer,healthier?Andrea Hillier says,“Dance,like the pat

7、tern of a beating heart,is life.Even after all these years,I want to get better and better. 40 I find it hard to stop! Dancing reminds me Im alive.”答案解析答案答案 E.I keep practicing even when Im extremely tired.解解析析解解本本题题可可用用关关联联逻逻辑辑法法。由由空空后后的的“I find it hard to stop!”可知可知E项项(我即使在极其疲惫的时候,也坚持练习我即使在极其疲惫的时候

8、,也坚持练习)符合语境。符合语境。A.So why do we dance?B.Dance in the U.S.is everywhere.C.If you like dancing outdoors,come to America.D.My older students say it makes them feel young.E.I keep practicing even when Im extremely tired.F.Dancing seems to change their feeling completely.G.They stayed up all night long s

9、inging and dancing.语语篇篇解解读读本本文文是是一一篇篇说说明明文文。跳跳舞舞在在美美国国很很常常见见。本本文文分分析析了了跳跳舞舞的的好处,解释了人们学习舞蹈的原因,同时介绍了不同的人对舞蹈的热爱。好处,解释了人们学习舞蹈的原因,同时介绍了不同的人对舞蹈的热爱。语篇解读名师点津名师点津一、题型解读一、题型解读段尾设空题常见题型有:段尾设空题常见题型有:(1)总结句:总结本段内容。总结句:总结本段内容。(2)过渡句或细节句。过渡句或细节句。二、解题技巧二、解题技巧1.总结句总结句(1)找关键语句:重点阅读空前一、二句,确定关键词。找关键语句:重点阅读空前一、二句,确定关键词。

10、(2)确确定定信信号号词词:在在选选项项中中查查找找表表结结果果、结结论论、总总结结等等的的词词语语,如如therefore,thus,in short,to conclude等。等。(3)注注意意转转折折关关系系:利利用用选选项项中中表表示示转转折折或或对对比比的的关关联联词词确确定定选选项项内内容容与与前文是否对立。前文是否对立。(4)注注意意并并列列关关系系:利利用用选选项项中中含含有有并并列列关关系系的的词词,与与前前文文相相似似句句式式或或词词汇复现等解题线索。汇复现等解题线索。例例如如:【真真题题感感悟悟】中中第第39题题就就属属于于总总结结句句,根根据据前前句句“They arr

11、ive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.”可可知知,他他们们的的情情绪彻底改变了,故选绪彻底改变了,故选F。2.过渡句过渡句如如果果选选项项中中找找不不出出与与前前文文之之间间的的关关联联,应应考考虑虑下下一一段段开开头头句句,看看是是否能与选项衔接。否能与选项衔接。随堂限时练随堂限时练解解析析根根据据前前句句可可知知,大大多多数数学学生生会会有有考考试试焦焦虑虑,后后句句说说如如果果这这样样的的话话,可可见见前前句句还还是是说说考考试试焦焦虑虑的的问问题题,所所以以F项项合合适适。很很多多学学生生在在考考试试前前

12、心心理理暗暗示示自自己己会会做做不不好好。如如果果是是这这样样的的话话,你你将将不不可可能能展展示示出出自自己己真真正正能能够够做做到到的。的。A(2018贵州黔东南州二模贵州黔东南州二模)Most students seem to have 1considerable “test anxiety”.”. 1 If you do this,you will not be able to show what you are really able to accomplish.Here are some suggestions that you should consider.答案解析答答案案F.

13、Many talk themselves out of doing well before they even have the exam.解解析析此此空空为为段段落落小小标标题题。根根据据下下文文“Instead of waiting until the last minute,start studying as soon as a test is scheduled.”可可知知,此此处处建建议议平平时要留出足够的时间学习。时要留出足够的时间学习。 2 Waiting until the night before a test to start studying is likely to 6

14、spike your anxiety.Instead of waiting until the last minute,start studying as soon as a test is scheduled.With several days or even a week to prepare,youll feel more relaxed because you have plenty of time to learn the material.答案答案C.Leave yourself plenty of time for studying.答案解析解解析析根根据据主主题题句句“Orga

15、nize your materials.”以以及及前前文文“Keeping them all in order and handy is a great way to make sure that you can reference and cross-reference them.”可可知知,此此处处表表示示把把一一切切物物品品准准备备好好的好处,因此的好处,因此G项正确。项正确。Organize your materials.Its important to gather all of your materials,including your books,notes,and other

16、studying tools before the big exam.Keeping them all in order and handy is a great way to make sure that you can reference and cross-reference them. 答案解析答答案案G.This will also make your life a lot easier when you get heavy into your studying.3Review your notes each night.Reviewing your notes daily will

17、 help you to organize the material for yourself.Dont expect that your understanding will come during the lecture. 4 You need to spend time thinking about the course outside of class.答案解析答案答案B.Learning simply doesnt work that way.解解析析 根根据据前前句句“Dont expect that your understanding will come during the

18、lecture.”可可知知,此此处处建建议议要要经经常常复复习习,不不要要指指望望在在听听课课中中就就能能全部掌握,那样是不起效的。全部掌握,那样是不起效的。答案答案E.It will help your brain to retain as much information as possible.解解析析根根据据主主题题句句“Get a good nights sleep before the exam.”和和前前句句“Make it a practice to get a good nights rest after any intense day of learning and stu

19、dying.”可知,此处是说考前睡好的作用。可知,此处是说考前睡好的作用。Get a good nights sleep before the exam.2Staying up too late studying the night before an exam is a bad idea,in general.If you do just one thing,this is it:get enough sleep the night before your exam.Sleep,particularly deep sleep,is 7critical for memory formation

20、.Make it a practice to get a good nights rest after any 5intense day of learning and studying.答案解析5A.Draw up a schedule.B.Learning simply doesnt work that way.C.Leave yourself plenty of time for studying.D.Most students suffer mental illness when preparing for a test.E.It will help your brain to ret

21、ain as much information as possible.F.Many talk themselves out of doing well before they even have the exam.G.This will also make your life a lot easier when you get heavy into your studying.语篇解读语篇解读语篇解读文章主要介绍了克服考试焦虑症的方法。文章主要介绍了克服考试焦虑症的方法。B(2018安徽马鞍山质监安徽马鞍山质监)Brush,ink,inkstone and paper are known a

22、s the Four Treasures of the Scholars Studio.答案解析答答案案D.In the past,the scholar-official class used these treasures as tools of writing. 6_解解析析根根据据上上文文可可知知,笔笔、墨墨、纸纸、砚砚被被称称为为“文文房房四四宝宝”。根根据据下下文文介介绍绍的的文文房房四四宝宝是是如如何何制制作作而而成成的的可可知知,本本句句起起承承上上启启下下的的作作用用,故故D项项(过去士大夫阶层把这些宝物作为写作的工具。过去士大夫阶层把这些宝物作为写作的工具。)符合题意,故选

23、符合题意,故选D项。项。解解析析根根据据上上句句“Different from the pen we use today,the tip of the brush pen is soft and big.”及及下下句句“The animal hair used is extremely important to the quality of the brush.”可可知知,毛毛笔笔是是用用动动物物的的毛毛做做的的,分分析析选选项项可可知知本本段段中中的的“The animal hair”与与A项项中中的的“wolf,rabbit,or goat hair”相呼应,故选相呼应,故选A项。项。Th

24、e brush pen was used as early as the seventh or sixth century BC.The holder is usually made of bamboo.Different from the pen we use today,the tip of the brush pen is soft and big. 7 The animal hair used is extremely important to the quality of the brush,but the material for the holder is relatively

25、less important.答案答案A.It is usually made of wolf,rabbit,or goat hair.答案解析8.解解析析根根据据此此空空前前后后内内容容可可知知,本本空空讲讲述述毛毛笔笔用用的的墨墨是是固固体体的的,用用时时加水磨成。分析选项可知加水磨成。分析选项可知C项所说的和研墨有关,故选项所说的和研墨有关,故选C项。项。The brush was used with ink,basically made from pine soot(松松烟烟 )or lampblack and glue with many other kinds of 3additi

26、ves. 8 A writer then rubs the dry ink stick against an inkstone,a polished and often 4decorative piece of stone with a shallow bowl carved into one end.Water is added to the shallow bowl,while the writer moves the ink stick in a circular motion to form dark,liquid ink.答案解析8.答案答案C.Ink is kept as a so

27、lid,dry stick until ready for use.99.解解析析根根据据上上一一句句内内容容可可知知,墨墨水水研研成成了了之之后后,自自然然就就是是用用毛毛笔笔直直接接浸入墨水中再写字。分析选项可知浸入墨水中再写字。分析选项可知G项符合题意。项符合题意。9.答答案案G.When a desired blackness of ink is reached,the writer then uses the brush to lift the ink directly from the inkstone.答案解析The brush was used with ink,basical

28、ly made from pine soot(松松烟烟 )or lampblack and glue with many other kinds of 3additives. 8 A writer then rubs the dry ink stick against an inkstone,a polished and often 4decorative piece of stone with a shallow bowl carved into one end.Water is added to the shallow bowl,while the writer moves the ink

29、 stick in a circular motion to form dark,liquid ink.9Archaeological(考考古古学学的的) evidence shows paper was invented around the first century BC.People used materials such as raw hemp(生生麻麻) and tree bark to produce paper. 10 By the third century paper was already widely used instead of traditional writin

30、g materials such as bamboo slips and silks.答案解析答答 案案 E.Since these materials were readily available, paper was inexpensive to produce.解解析析本本段段是是讲讲述述纸纸的的发发明明,只只有有E项项与与纸纸有有关关。再再看看空空前前的的内内容容“人人们们使使用用原原料料如如生生麻麻和和树树皮皮造造纸纸”可可知知,麻麻与与树树皮皮是是现现成成的的,所所以以这这样样造造纸纸的成本很便宜。故的成本很便宜。故E项符合题意。项符合题意。A.It is usually made

31、 of wolf,rabbit,or goat hair.B.Brush pens were used to write and paint as well.C.Ink is kept as a solid,dry stick until ready for use.D.In the past,the scholar-official class used these treasures as tools of writing.E.Since these materials were readily available,paper was inexpensive to produce.F.So

32、 some inkstones with fine decorations can fetch really high prices on the market.G.When a desired blackness of ink is reached,the writer then uses the brush to lift the ink directly from the inkstone.语篇解读素材提炼再拓展素材提炼再拓展做完以上两篇做完以上两篇七选五七选五后,巧妙运用语境,解决障碍词和长难句后,巧妙运用语境,解决障碍词和长难句.障碍词汇突破障碍词汇突破(一一)阅读下列句子,并根据句

33、意猜测画线部分的意思阅读下列句子,并根据句意猜测画线部分的意思1.He will stand to get a considerable profit through the speculations(投投机机活活动动) in lands. _2.I will make this computer work even if I have to stay up all night._3.An additive is a substance which is added in small amounts to foods or other things in order to improve th

34、em or to make them last longer. _相当大的相当大的熬夜,不睡觉熬夜,不睡觉添加剂添加剂4.The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close._5.The intense exams are over;its time for us to relax. _(二二)同义词语替换同义词语替换 6.The US dollar spiked to a three-month high. _(三三)一词多义一词多义 7.critical批评的,批判的;重要的;危急的批评的,批判的

35、;重要的;危急的(1)He was a critic.What I discovered was his critical writings._装饰的装饰的紧张的紧张的leapt/leaped批评的,批判的批评的,批判的(2)What you eat and drink,from childhood on,is critical to the amount of calcium in your bones._(3)The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation becomes critical._重要的重要的

36、危急的危急的.长难句理解长难句理解1.If you do this,you will not be able to show what you are really able to accomplish.句句式式分分析析本本句句话话为为复复合合句句,主主句句是是you will not be able to show what you are really able to accomplish,里里面面含含有有 从从句句what you are really able to accomplish;If you do this为为 从句。从句。精美译文精美译文_如果是这样的话,你将不可能展示出自

37、己真正能够做到的。如果是这样的话,你将不可能展示出自己真正能够做到的。宾语宾语条件状语条件状语2.The animal hair used is extremely important to the quality of the brush,but the material for the holder is relatively less important.句式分析句式分析本句是并列句,由并列连词本句是并列句,由并列连词but连接。第一个简单句是连接。第一个简单句是_结构,结构,used为过去分词作为过去分词作 ;第二个简单句也是;第二个简单句也是 结构。结构。精美译文精美译文_被被用用来来做做毛毛笔笔的的动动物物的的毛毛对对于于毛毛笔笔的的质质量量是是极极其其重重要要的的,但是制作笔杆的材料相对来说不是很重要。但是制作笔杆的材料相对来说不是很重要。主系主系表表后置定语后置定语主系表主系表



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