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1、 Unit 9The English ClubBy Liu ChunyaThe English Club (英语俱乐部) 音乐俱乐部音乐俱乐部the Music Club数学俱乐部数学俱乐部the Maths Club体育俱乐部体育俱乐部the PE ClubA: Where is he/she from?B: Hes/Shes fromA: Does he/she speak?B: Yes ,he/she does.He/She speaks,too. No,he/she doesnt. He/She speaks3.Chinese?EnglishFrench1.French?FrenchE

2、nglish2.Chinese?JapaneseEnglish4.English?EnglishChineseHobby?Subject?Colour?Age?Where?Do you want to know more about me?Can you say?Im . Im .years old. I like . We have different names, different ages and different hobbies. different 不同的不同的different后面的名词要用复数后面的名词要用复数.samedifrntThey are from He is fr

3、om.He is from.country国家differentcountries不同的国家kntriThey are fromHe is from. He is from.thesamecountrythe+same+后面的名词可用单数后面的名词可用单数/复数复数.1.WangBingisfromChina,LiuTaoisfromChinatoo,theyarefrom.2.BenisfromtheUSA,WangBangisfromChina,theyarefrom.3.Nancylikestakingphotos,Helenlikesgrowingflowers,theyhave.4.

4、Tomis12,Mikeis12too,theyare_.5.LiuTaoisinClass3,Jackisin4,theyarein_.6.Helenlikesblue,Davidlikesblue,theylike_.differenthobbiesthesameagedifferentclassesthesamecolourthesamecountrydifferentcountriesTry to say.Say a chant:English English the same subjectEnglish Maths different subjectsSinging Singing

5、 the same hobbySinging Dancing _Blue Blue _Blue yellow _different hobbiesthe same colourdifferent coloursBeijing Beijing the same _New York Shanghai different _ citycitiescity siti 城市城市a big city 一个大城市一个大城市 Its a s_ city.Its an o_ city. Its a b_ city.mall ld eautiful New YorkNew Yorkisthe biggest ci

6、ty of the USA.Shanghai is a big c_.It has many tall b_.Suzhou is a small c_.But it has many nice g_.ityityuildingsardensShanghaiLondonSomecitiesintheworldNew YorkParisIdliketovisitthem.London/ Shanghai/ France/England/ 我想去参观我想去参观/游览游览visit参观参观; ;访问访问visitor参观者参观者; ;来访者来访者would like to = want toteach

7、workdancedrivevisitactteacherworkerdancerdrivervisitoractorNotes:would like to = want to1. Id like to play football after school. I football after school.2. She would like to go to the park. She to the park.3 Mike wants to visit London. Mike visit London.4 Helen wants to visit the English Club. Hele

8、n the English Club.wanttoplaywants togowould liketowould like tovisit The English Club has a visitor today. His name is Tony White. The children are talking to him.当阅读短文遇到生词时,可以通过上下文推断出当阅读短文遇到生词时,可以通过上下文推断出这个生词的大概意思;如推断不出,可跳读过去这个生词的大概意思;如推断不出,可跳读过去。大声读哦!。大声读哦! Learning tips (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示) :1. Wh

9、o? A. Tony Black B. Mr. Green C. Tony White2. Where? A. In the library B. At the English Club C. In the playground3. What? A. Talking to the children B. Playing cards C. Going to the libraryCABFilltheblanks:TheEnglishClubhasa_today.Hisnameis_.Thechildrenare_him.visitorTony Whitetalking to talk to 与与

10、交谈交谈 1.How many children are there in the English club today?2.Who are they?3.Are they from different countries?不同的国家不同的国家在看动画或阅读前一定要看清问题哦!在看动画或阅读前一定要看清问题哦!Learning tips(学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示): :1.How many children are there in the English club today?There are five children in the English club today.2.Wh

11、o are they?3.Are they from different countries?Yes, they are. Tony WhiteEnglishWangBingNancyDavidBenAmericanLiu TaoMoreintormations:the USANew YorkChinese EnglishChinaChineseBeijingthe UKBritishEnglishChinesethe UKBritishEnglishChinesethe USAEnglishFrenchChinaChineseChinese EnglishShanghaiNameCountr

12、yNationalityLanguageCity1.1.不发出声音,心中默读。不发出声音,心中默读。2.2.圈出一些和题目相关的关键词。圈出一些和题目相关的关键词。Learning tips: :American1. Tony White is a _ (visit, visitor). He is from the _ (UK, USA).2. Wang Bing and Liu Tao are from _ (China, Chinese). They live in _ (the same, different) cities.3. Nancy and David are from th

13、e same _ (country, countries)4. Ben speaks _ and _ (Chinese, English, French)5. Tony White wants to visit _ (Suzhou, Shanghai).visitorUSAChinadifferentcountryEnglishFrenchShanghaiHe is from China. He is Chinese. The English Club has a new visitor today.He is 35 years old. He lives in Taiwan. He likes playing different magic tricks(魔术魔术). Who is he? Guessing game!English is very popular in the world. Try your best to learn English well. Homework1.Copy the new words.2.2. Read Part A.3.3. Introduce the English Club to your parents in English.



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