2020版高考英语一轮复习 第1部分 Unit 2 The United Kingdom课件 新人教版必修5

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1、第一部分教材知识解读必修5Unit2TheUnitedKingdom栏目导航析考点析考点重难探究重难探究提考能提考能素养达标素养达标固考基固考基知识梳理知识梳理010203固固考考基基知知识识梳梳理理答案答案答案答案accomplish conflict furnished enjoyable possibility 答案答案答案答案quarrel consist uniform clarify thrill 答案答案答案答案accomplished To clarify quarrelled 答案答案答案答案conflicts enjoyable consisting 答案答案答案答案uni

2、ted union convenient description attraction attractive 答案答案答案答案arrangement delighted delightful collection unwilling 答案答案答案答案convenient convenience described description attracts attractions attractive attract delighted delight 答案答案答案答案王国 省;行政区 乡下;农村 货币;通货 全国性的;全国范围的 建筑学;建筑艺术 港口(城市) 答案答案答案答案传真(机) 用传

3、真传输(文件) 加上;和 加的;正的;零上的 婚礼 王室的;皇家的;高贵的 壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的 塑像;雕像 使激动;使胆战心惊 答案答案答案答案积聚;聚集 答案答案答案答案神经紧张的;焦虑的商量 答案答案答案答案consist of divide .into leave out make a list of break away (from) take the place of made a list of leave out consisted of was divided into 答案答案答案答案refer to to ones credit keep ones eyes open

4、break down in memory of at one time to my credit refer to keep your eyes open 答案答案答案答案It is a pity that 答案答案答案答案Keeping the environment clean make life healthy 答案答案答案答案Lost in the forest should have rejected 析析考考点点重重难难探探究究答案答案答案答案at inconvenience convenient 答案答案答案答案If it is convenient for you At you

5、r convenience 答案答案答案答案to attract attractive attractions 答案答案答案答案Attracted by the beauty of nature 答案答案答案答案for arrangements arranged后加for答案答案答案答案With everything arranged well 答案答案答案答案delighted at/by 答案答案答案答案Im more than delighted to Much to my delight What delights me 答案答案答案答案consisting in 答案答案答案答案co

6、nsists of is made up of make up 答案答案答案答案去掉第二个the place前加the 答案答案答案答案take his place totake the place of him to attend attend the meeting in place of him attend答案答案答案答案(谈判)失败 (身体)垮掉 出故障 (化学)分解 答案答案答案答案up out into 答案答案答案答案It seemed strange that should have lived and died 答案答案答案答案should have deserted (s

7、hould)value 答案答案答案答案It is a great pity/shame that should have missed 提提考考能能素素养养达达标标答案答案答案答案Divided with should be exposed 答案答案答案答案description roughly to clarify asked 答案答案答案答案convenience left to be accomplished 答案答案答案答案ConflictConflicts openedopen displayingdisplayed 答案答案答案答案去掉wasexamineexamined去掉was 答案答案答案答案consists convenience and 答案答案答案答案connected to form institutions 答案答案答案答案a industrial built for



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