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1、Section APeriod 1 ( 1a1c )Lets enjoy a video.外国人眼中的外国人眼中的中国十大发明中国十大发明Ten Chinese inventions Ten Chinese inventions in foreigners eyesin foreigners eyes1.Master the drills :When was the car/invented?2. To get the main information by listening to the tape.3.To learn to understand and use passive voice

2、. (1)Do you know what the Four Great Inventions are in ancient China? Task 0ne (5) paper-making 造纸术造纸术 compass 指南针指南针 printing 印刷术印刷术 gunpowder 火药火药paper-makingHan Dynasty printingSong DynastyA: When was the invented?B: I think it was invented in . Pairworkcompass11th Centurygunpowder9th Century A:

3、When was the invented? B: I think it was invented in . Task Two (3)Do you know the other inventions? Do you know the other inventions? Please say out them.Please say out them.A: I think the was invented before the . .B: Well, I think the was invented after the .C: I think the .D: I think the .Task T

4、hree (8) Groupwork After discussing, then number them1-4 (1=first, 4=last).1b Listen and match the inventions with the dates._ 1876_ 1885_ 1927_ 1971dacbTask Four (8)42 13After listening, then number them(1-4) (1=first, 4=last).car in 1885computerin 1971Task Five (6)A: When was the invented?B: I thi

5、nk it was invented in .A: Who was theinvented by?B: It was invented by .telephonein 1876TV around 1927Henry Ford Cray BellBaird.Invention Inventor Time Usage (用途用途)telephoneBell 1876making phone callscomputeran American1976getting informationlight bulbEdison 1830giving lightcameraa Frenchman1837taki

6、ng picturesbikean Englishman1839ridingbasketballJames1861 playingMake conversations according to the table.Task Six (9) 看图完成句子。看图完成句子。 (1885, invented) 1.Cars _ _ in 1885. (around 1927, invented) 2.The TV _ _ around 1927. wereinventedwasinventedTask Six (3) (1971, invented)3. The computer _ _ _ _ _1971. (1876,invented)4.The telephone _ _ _ _ _1876. wasinventedinwas invented incalculatormicrowave ovenlight bulbA: When was the invented?B: I think it was invented in .A: Who was theinvented by?B: It was invented by .A: What is it used for?B: It is used for .



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