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1、Whats the Point?: Finding the BIG Ideas in TextPresented By Angela Maiers, 2006What is the BIG IDEA?1.Definemainideaandtheme.(Isthereanydifference?)Main idea is Theme is2.HowdoYOU(asareader)findthemainidea/themeswithintext?WhatarethespecificstepsinvolvedingettingtotheBIGIDEAS?ListandDiscuss.3.Whatdo

2、yourstudentsstrugglewithmostwhenseekingtheBIGIDEASintextatyourgradelevel?Harvard ReportDr. Perry, Director of the Harvard Reading and Study Center1500firstyearcollegestudents-30pgchapterfromtextbookTask:Within20minutes,writeashortstatementonwhatthechapterwasaboutOutcome: 94.5% students scored well o

3、n multiple-choice test on detail 15outof1500 top first year college students: previewed section read headings understood and followed the writing/writers structure skimmed and analyzed visuals looked descriptive flags in the margin read end of the chapter summaries noted key points while reading-sig

4、nal words and phrasedMajor Conclusions: obedient purposelessness : an enormous amount of wasted effort in most of first year students. Students must be jarred out of this approach. This reading act requires self-confidence, skill, intention, focus, and even courage, on the part of the student who mu

5、st decide for himself what to read or skip. Students MUST always askthemselves what itistheywanttogetoutofareadingassignment,thenlookaroundforthosekeyandimportantpoints. Thinking Like a Writer! The act of reading and writing involve the same skills. Both require a student to use word knowledge, sent

6、ence structure, and paragraph organization to either convey a message or to decode a message.Authors DecisionsWhat do I know about, care about, or have researched enough about to write down? (TOPIC)What is my goal in writing this information down? What do I want to accomplish by writing this informa

7、tion down?(PURPOSE)Who would benefit from knowing these facts? (AUDIENCE)What would be the best way to share this information with my readers? (FORMAT)How should I organize the information so the reader can easily read and understand it? (STRUCTURE/ORGANIZATION)What can I do hook readers attention?

8、(FEATURES/STYLE)How do I know this is my very best writing? (CRAFT/CREDIBILITY) Todays Goals and Agenda:1.Whatisthemainidea-EXACTLY?2.Whereisitlocatedinfiction/nonfictiontext?3.WhatisitthatweneedtoexplicitlymodelanddemonstratetostudentssotheycanfindtheBIGIDEAontheirown.Why it is so hard to find?Main

9、IdeaMainIdeaStatementMostImportantIdeaCentralIdeaCentralThoughtAuthorsMessageThemeThesisCriticalUnderstandingWritersPurposeParagraphisMostly”AboutParts of a ParagraphA topic identifies who or what the reading passage is about. A main idea (the most important point the author is making about the topi

10、c). It is often stated in a topic sentence.Supporting details (the specific ideas to develop, explain, or support the main idea).Main Ideas can be Stated: A statedmainidea is a sentencefoundinthereadingpassage which states the topic and the main point or points being made about that topic. This sent

11、ence is referred to as the TOPICSENTENCE. Implied: An impliedmainidea means that the author has chosen not to use a statement in the selection or passage to tell the reader the topic and main idea. The reader must read the passage and determine the main idea from the information that is presented. T

12、he READER is responsible for composing a statement of the main idea. No topic sentence exists. You, along with lions, goats, and bats belong to a class called mammals. About 4000 species of mammals live here on earth, and many look different from each other. But, all mammals have certain characteris

13、tics that set them apart from other living things. Mammals are all warm blooded and have fur or hair. They can survive in cold places because of their warm blood. Many believe that mammals are the most intelligent animals on earth.Four Steps to Discovering the Main Idea 1.What is the topic of this p

14、assage?2.What are the points made about this topic? (Supporting Details)3.What point is the writer trying to prove or make? State that point .4.Does that statement represent the most important thing the writer is saying about the topic?L6: Topic SentenceAreadercanbesuretheyhavefoundthestatedmainidea


16、toftheselection).What is the Main Idea? Wilma Rudolph was a crippled child who became an Olympic running champion. Wilma was born prematurely in 1940 and spent her childhood battling illness, including measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox, pneumonia, and polio, a crippling disease that at that time h

17、ad no cure. At the age of four, she was told that she would never walk normally again. After years of special treatment and physical therapy, twelve year old Wilma was determined to walk again normally. But walking was not enough for Wilma, who was determined to become an athlete. Before long, her t

18、alent earned her a spot on the 1956 Olympics, where she earned a bronze metal. In the 1960 Olympics, at the height of her career, she won three gold medals.Defining Central Idea/ThesisThe central point is the main idea of a passage made up of two or more paragraphs.The thesis statement is a STATEMEN

19、T (telling sentence) that states the topic and the authors controlling point about the topic for a passage of two or more paragraphs. Ten Lessons to Support Reading for the Big Idea!LessonOne: Defining Main IdeaLessonTwo: Exploring the Parts of a ParagraphLessonThree: Identifying Topic/Subject of th

20、e WritingLessonFour: Sorting Major/Minor DetailsLessonFive: Using Text Structure to Identify M.I.LessonSix: Looking for A Topic SentenceLessonSeven: Making Inferences from implied M.I.LessonEight : Putting Authors Point into your own wordsLessonNine: Monitoring and checking for meaning using M.I. cr

21、iteria LessonTen: Exploring Differences in Location of Big Ideas across multiple texts and genres L1: Defining Main Idea Main?Idea?MainIdeais.L2: Topic, Main Idea, or Supporting Detail?_One common cause of headaches is muscle tension._Poor posture that tenses the muscles in the neck and back can tri

22、gger a headache._Headaches are sometimes the result of stress, anxiety, and depression that cause the muscles in the neck, face, and scalp to become tense._ Common causes of headachesL3: Identify the TOPICThe topic is identified as either a wordorphrase whichbestdescribeswhatthereadingselectionisabo

23、ut. The topic should not be too broad (covering more than what is discussed in the selection) or too narrow (not covering everything discussed in the selection).Q:WhoorwhathaveIjustreadabout?“Cluesfordeterminingthetopicofaselection:Aword,name,orphrasethatappearsasaheadingortitle.Aword,nameorphraseth

24、atappearsinspecialtypesuchboldprint,italics,orcolor.Aword,nameorphrasethatisrepeatedthroughouttheparagraph.Aword,name,orphrasethatmayappearatthebeginningoftheparagraphandisthenreferredtothroughouttheparagraphbypronouns(orotherwords).L3: What is the Topic? The rules of conduct during an examination a

25、re clear. No books, calculators or papers are allowed in the test room. Proctors will not allow anyone with such items to take the test. Anyone caught cheating will be asked to leave the room. His or her test sheet will be taken. The incident will be reported to the proper authority. At the end of t

26、he test period, all materials will be returned to the proctor. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a failing grade for this test.L3: What is the Topic? Most of the policy problems that the federal government confronts do not lend themselves to simple solutions. Whether the issue is space

27、travel or hunger in America, expert knowledge is essential to the development of effective public policy. Much of the expertise is held by bureaucrats. They spend their careers working in a particular policy area. Many of them have had scientific, technical, or other specialized training.L4: Sorting

28、 for Importance in the DetailsL5: Knowledge of Text StructureDescriptionCompare/ContrastCause and EffectChronology/SequenceProceduralPersuasiveQuestion/AnswerProblem/SolutionTopic Sentence Location:1)Firstsentence2)Lastsentence3)Middleofparagraph4)CombinationoftwosentencesL7: Implied MIImpliedMainId


30、uestionsasastatedmainidea:1.WhoorwhatdidIjustreadabout?2.Whatwasthemainpointorpointsmadebytheauthor.L8: Formulating Implied MI3WaysReadersFormulateanImpliedMainIdea:1.Addessentialwordsorphrasestoanexistingsentencefromtheparagraph.2.Combinetwosentencesfromtheparagraphtostatethetopicandmainidea.3.Deve

31、lopanewsentencethatstatesthetopicandmainideaoftheparagraph.Thissentencewillbethegeneralinferencemadebythepassage.L9: Monitoring the InferenceAcorrectimpliedmainidea1.isacompletesentence.2.isanexpressionoftheauthorsmostimportantgeneralpointaboutthetopic.3.makessensebyitself(withouthavingtoreadtherest

32、oftheparagraph).4.Issupportedbythedetailsprovidedbytheauthor L10: Genre DifferencesTheme is the subject of story, poem, or piece of literature usually expressed as a statement about lifes universal topics. (love, happiness, grief, etc)Universal understandings that authors write about in their stories or poemsgrowing upjealousymaking friendssuccessfearsiblingsromancetrickeryfailurechangeovercoming injusticepowerarrogancedeathsuperficiallovecourageacceptanceselfishnessbeing ordinarymoving onfamilyrelationships (beginning, ending, trials within)wealthTheTOPICinliteratureandpoetryisaTHEME



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