2018高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 1 Friendship课件 新人教版必修1

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1、基础知识自测基础知识自测重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练写作句型仿写写作句型仿写基础知识自测基础知识自测基础知识自测基础知识自测1. _ n. 力量力量; 权力权力 _ adj.强有力的强有力的一、单词拓展一、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生2. _ n.灰尘灰尘 _ adj.积满灰尘的积满灰尘的dusty powerpowerfuldust3. _ v.恢复,恢复, 痊愈痊愈 _ n.恢复,复苏恢复,复苏 recoverrecovery4. _ adj.准确的准确的; 精确的精确的 _ adv.确切地确切地; 恰恰恰恰 exactly exact5. _ vi.同意同意 _ vi.不同意不同意agr

2、eedisagree1. They are discussing how to build up a _ (power) government. 做定语做定语, 修饰修饰 government, 填形容词形式。填形容词形式。2.He is on the road to _ (recover). 作介词的宾语用名词。作介词的宾语用名词。(B)灵活运用灵活运用 powerful recovery3. Please clean the _ (dust) windows after class. 4. His angry expression suggested he _ (agree) with t

3、he decision. 由由angry可知可知, 他他“不同意不同意”这项决定。这项决定。dustydisagreed在名词前作定语在名词前作定语, 用形容词。用形容词。5. To be more _ (exact), there are 3006 students in their school now. 作表语用形容词。作表语用形容词。exact1. _ 合计合计2. _ (使使)平静平静; (使使)镇定镇定3. _ 遭受遭受; 患患(病病)4. _ 经历经历; 经受经受二、短语翻译二、短语翻译 add upcalm downsuffer fromgo through5. _ 关心关心;

4、 挂念挂念6. _对对十分狂热十分狂热/痴迷痴迷7. _ 对对厌烦厌烦8. _ 与与相处相处; 进展进展be concerned aboutbe crazy aboutbe/ get tired ofget along with9. _与与无关无关10. _ 故意故意11. _在黄昏时刻在黄昏时刻12. _ 记下记下; 放下放下; 登记登记set downhave nothing to do withon purposeat dusk三、语篇填空三、语篇填空 Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything 1 _ , like your

5、deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand 2 _ you are going through? Anne Frank wanted 3 _ first kind, so she made her diary her 4 _(good) friend.bestthe what toAnne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her fam

6、ily was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family 5 _ (hide) away for nearly twenty-five months before they 6 _ (discover). During that time the only true friend was her diary. were discovered hid She said, “I dont want 7 _ (set) down a series of 8 _

7、(fact) in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary 9 _ (it) to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after 10 _ (be) in the hiding place since July 1942.being itself factsto set1. to 由由tell sth. to sb.搭配可知。搭配可知。2. what 引导宾语从句并在从句中作引导宾语从句并在从句中作are going throug

8、h的宾语,表示的宾语,表示“所经历所经历的事的事”。3. the 序数词前用定冠词。序数词前用定冠词。4. best 由前文可知,是可以由前文可知,是可以tell everything的朋友,当然是最好的朋友,用最高级。的朋友,当然是最好的朋友,用最高级。5. hid 由上下文谓语动词的时态可知,用一由上下文谓语动词的时态可知,用一般过去时。顺便提提,因般过去时。顺便提提,因before已明显表示已明显表示了动作发生的先后了,无需用过去完成时。了动作发生的先后了,无需用过去完成时。6. were discovered 主语主语they与与discover是是被动关系,又由上下文可知是一般过去时

9、,被动关系,又由上下文可知是一般过去时,故用一般过去时的被动语态。故用一般过去时的被动语态。7. to set 由由want to do sth.(想要做某事想要做某事)可可知。知。 8. facts 因因fact是可数名词,受是可数名词,受a series of(一连串的一连串的)修饰,故用复数形式。修饰,故用复数形式。9. itself 想把日记想把日记“本身本身”作为自己的朋作为自己的朋友。友。10. being 在介词后作宾语,用动名词。在介词后作宾语,用动名词。四、语段改错四、语段改错 I wonder if its because I havent been able to be

10、outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with the nature For example, one evening when it was so warmly, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look the moon by myself. its warm atBut as the moon gave far too many light, I didnt dare open

11、a window. Another time five months before, I happened to be upstairs in dusk when the window was open. I didnt go downstairs when the window had to be shut. It was the first time in one and a half year that I have seen the night face to face had years until at ago much1. its its 比较比较its=it is,its意为意

12、为“它的它的”。这里是。这里是it is,与后面的,与后面的that构成强调结构成强调结构。构。2. 去掉去掉nature前的前的the 因因nature是不可数是不可数名词,通常不用冠词。名词,通常不用冠词。3. warmly warm 作表语要用形容词。作表语要用形容词。4. 在在look后加后加at 后接宾语时,用后接宾语时,用look后要后要用用at,即,即look at或或have a look at。5. many much 因因light作作“光,光亮,光线光,光亮,光线”解是不可数名词,修饰不可数名词要用解是不可数名词,修饰不可数名词要用much,而,而many修饰复数可数名词

13、。修饰复数可数名词。6. before ago 相对于现在或作者叙述时来说多相对于现在或作者叙述时来说多久之前,用久之前,用ago。7. in at 因因at dusk(在黄昏在黄昏)是固定词组。是固定词组。8. when until 因因notuntil是固定句式。是固定句式。9. year years 表示一年半,表示一年半,year用复数。比较:用复数。比较:a year and a half =one and a half years 一年半。一年半。10. have had 与与was一致。顺便说说,如果是一致。顺便说说,如果是is,就用,就用have /has。重点词汇讲练重点词汇

14、讲练重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练1upset vt. 使心烦;使生气;弄翻使心烦;使生气;弄翻 (upsetupsetupset) adj. 心烦的;不适的心烦的;不适的例句例句 Not passing the exam,the boy sat there very upset那个男孩因考试不及格,那个男孩因考试不及格,坐在那里,心情很不好。坐在那里,心情很不好。(句中句中upset是形是形容词作补语,表示主语的状态,意为容词作补语,表示主语的状态,意为“心心烦的烦的”) 原句原句 Your friend comes to school very upset.你的朋友来上学你的朋友来上学, 心情非

15、常不好。心情非常不好。(B1 P1)upset sb使某人生气心烦使某人生气心烦be upset with sb对某人生气对某人生气be upset about sth为某事感到心烦为某事感到心烦搭配搭配 运用运用 填入一个适当的词或完成句子。填入一个适当的词或完成句子。 Im sorry,but I didnt mean to _ (让你不高兴让你不高兴) If I catch you doing that again,Ill be very upset _ youwithupset you 2calm adj. 冷静的;平静的冷静的;平静的 vt. 使平静;使镇静使平静;使镇静例句例句 W

16、e should calm ourselves down while in danger我们遇到危险时应该我们遇到危险时应该保持冷静。保持冷静。运用运用 (1)Please _ (冷静下来冷静下来)and let me know what has happened搭配搭配 calm()down(使使)平静镇静下来平静镇静下来keepstay calm保持冷静保持冷静calm down (2)The doctor has given her some polls _(使她镇静下来使她镇静下来).(3)I tried to _ (保保持冷静持冷静).I knew that worrying wou

17、ldnt help me.to calm her down stay/keep calm 3ignore vt忽视,不顾,不理睬忽视,不顾,不理睬例句例句 You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down你会不顾铃声,到一个僻静地你会不顾铃声,到一个僻静地方去,让你的朋友冷静下来。方去,让你的朋友冷静下来。派生派生 ignorant adj.无知的无知的 ignorance n. 无知无知运用运用 根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子。根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子。 I said hello to her,

18、but she _ (不理睬我不理睬我) completely! You cant _ (忽视这个事实忽视这个事实) that China is still a developing country ignore the factignored me4. concern vt(使使)担忧;涉及;关系到担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;担心;关注;(利害利害)关系关系例句例句 This matter concerns all of us这件事与我这件事与我们每个人都有关系。们每个人都有关系。 Your friend comes to school very upset and you tel

19、l him that you are concerned about him. 你你的朋友来到学校的朋友来到学校, 心情很不好,你对他说你很担心情很不好,你对他说你很担心他。心他。派生派生 _adj. 担心的;忧虑的担心的;忧虑的(=worried) _prep. 关于;涉及关于;涉及(=about)concerningconcerned搭配搭配concern oneself with 关心关心be concerned aboutforthat关心;担心关心;担心be concerned with sth.与某事有关与某事有关(be about)as far as I am concerned

20、对我个人来说对我个人来说运用运用 根据提示完成句子。根据提示完成句子。(1)Her illness _ (使她的父母很担心使她的父母很担心).(2)_ (出于对她健康的关心出于对她健康的关心),we suggested she take a week off work.concerns her parents Out of concern for her health(3)_ (就我就我而而言言), Im not against your plan(4) Last week,we did a survey among 2,600 students _ (concern) “Who Is You

21、r Idol”concerning (=about)As far as I am concerned5settle vi. 安家;定居;停留安家;定居;停留 vt. 使定居;安排;解决使定居;安排;解决例句例句 After years of travel,we decided to settle in Guangzhou我们旅行多年后,我们旅行多年后,决定在广州安家。决定在广州安家。派生派生 _ n. 移民;殖民者移民;殖民者settlersettle down过上安定生活;静下心来过上安定生活;静下心来settle (down) to sth. 静下心来做某事静下心来做某事settlesol

22、ve the problem解决问题解决问题搭配搭配运用运用 根据提示完成句子。根据提示完成句子。(2)When are you going to _ _ (结婚过上安定生活结婚过上安定生活)?marry andsettle down(1)They moved the local people and _ (使他们在别处定居使他们在别处定居).settled them in another place(3) He found it hard _ _ (静下心来工作静下心来工作)(4) It is said that the first _(settle) of this country wer

23、e prisonerssettlersto settle (down) tohis work6. suffer vi.感到疼痛痛苦感到疼痛痛苦(feel pain or sadness) vt.遭受,经历遭受,经历(experience something bad)例句例句 She suffered from loneliness她遭受孤她遭受孤独的折磨。独的折磨。(suffer from:be badly affected by)派生派生 _ n. 患病者,受难者患病者,受难者 _ n. 疼痛,痛苦,折磨疼痛,痛苦,折磨 sufferingsufferersuffer from受受之苦,患之

24、苦,患(病病)suffer from headaches/ shock头痛头痛/ 休克休克suffer losses/ defeat遭受损失遭受损失/失败失败搭配搭配运用运用 用用suffer或或suffer from的适当形式填空,的适当形式填空,并说出其汉语意思。并说出其汉语意思。 The patient is still _. ( ) The football team_ a defeat yesterday. ( ) He _ toothache now. ( )感到疼痛感到疼痛 suffering遭受遭受, 经历经历 suffered患患(牙痛牙痛)is suffering from

25、 7recover vi.& vt痊愈痊愈;恢复恢复;重新重新获得获得例句例句 How can Linda recover from her illness in this room?琳达在这个琳达在这个房间里怎么能够在病后康复呢房间里怎么能够在病后康复呢?派生派生 n_ 恢复恢复;复苏复苏recoveryrecover ones sight/senses恢复恢复视视力力/知知觉觉recover from the operation在手在手术术后康复后康复搭配搭配 运用运用 根据提示完成句子。根据提示完成句子。 I must study hard _.(把失去的时间重新补回来把失去的时间重新补

26、回来) He_ (膝伤正在康复膝伤正在康复) She is on the road to _ (recover)recovery to recover the lost time is recovering from a knee injury 8disagree vt.不同意;不同意;(食物、气候食物、气候等等)对某人不适对某人不适例句例句 He disagreed with his parents on most things他在多数事情上都与他在多数事情上都与父母意见不合。父母意见不合。派生派生 _ n.分歧分歧,争论争论,意意 见不一见不一说明说明 dis-常用在动词、名词、形容词常用

27、在动词、名词、形容词或副词前表示否定或相反的意义,如:或副词前表示否定或相反的意义,如:dislike,disappear,disadvantage,dishonest等。等。disagreement运用运用 用适当的词填空或根据提示完成句子用适当的词填空或根据提示完成句子 I disagree _ him_ this point He had a _ (disagree) with his girlfriend Some kinds of meat _ (对我不适宜对我不适宜)disagree with mewithondisagreement9. add up 合计合计例句例句 Add u

28、p your score and see how many points you get. 把你的分数把你的分数加起来看看你能得多少分。加起来看看你能得多少分。(1) add to 增加;增添增加;增添addto 把把加到加到add up to 加起来共加起来共计计/达达add that 补补充充说说(2) addition n. 加;加法;增加物加;加法;增加物in addition (to sb./ sth.) 除除以外以外(还还);此外此外联联想想运用运用 根据汉语提示根据汉语提示, 完成句子。完成句子。(1) It is known to us all that good friend

29、s_(给我给我们的生活增添幸福感和价值观们的生活增添幸福感和价值观).(2) Please _ (加起来加起来) the money and Im sure it will _ (合计合计) more than 1,000 yuan. add up toadd happiness and value to our lifeadd up 10go through 经历经历;经受经受;审查审查;浏览浏览例句例句 How can she keep smiling after all she has gone through?经历了这么多经历了这么多事情后她怎么事情后她怎么能保持微笑呢能保持微笑呢?联

30、想联想 get through通过;做完;接通电话通过;做完;接通电话运用运用 根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子 Could you _ (通读一下这份文件通读一下这份文件) and mark anything that is relevant? We have already _(已经做完一半工作已经做完一半工作) got through half of our work go through this file/ document 11set down记下记下(=writegetput down);让乘客下车;让乘客下车例句例句 I dont want to set

31、 down a series of facts in a diary as most people do在日记里,我不想像大多数人那在日记里,我不想像大多数人那样记下一连串的事实样记下一连串的事实(记流水账记流水账)。联想联想 用适当的介词或副词填空。用适当的介词或副词填空。 set _ doing sth开始着手做开始着手做某事某事 set _ to do sth开始着手做某开始着手做某事事 set_动身动身(vi.);引爆;引爆(vt) set _ 成立;开办;竖起成立;开办;竖起upabout outoff运用运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 Please _

32、(记下老师刚才讲的记下老师刚才讲的) in your note book The bus stopped _ (让一个老太太下车让一个老太太下车). to set down an old lady set down what the teacher said just now12on purpose故意故意in order to为了为了例句例句 I came late on purpose in order not to see him为了不见到他,我有意为了不见到他,我有意回来得晚。回来得晚。联想联想 with/for the purpose of为了为了的目的的目的表目的几个短语和句式:表

33、目的几个短语和句式:in order to(do)为了为了(可位于句首可位于句首) in order that(+从句从句)为了为了(可位于句首可位于句首)so as to(do)为了为了(不能位于句首不能位于句首) so that(+从句从句)为了,结果为了,结果(不能位于不能位于句首句首)比较比较运用运用 根据根据汉语汉语提示完成下列英文句子。提示完成下列英文句子。 She spoke in aloud voice _(故意故意为为了了) make herself noticed_ (为为了了) achieve his goal,he started to work very hardIn

34、 order that he could/In order to on purpose in order to/so as to 13. get along with 与与相处;进展相处;进展例句例句 The ability to communicate well can help us get along with others. 好的好的沟通能力有助于我们与他人相处。沟通能力有助于我们与他人相处。get across 讲清楚讲清楚, (使使)被领会被领会get down to 认真做认真做, 开始着手做开始着手做get over 克服克服, 摆脱摆脱get rid of 消灭消灭, 摆脱摆

35、脱, 除掉除掉get through (电话电话)接通接通;用完用完;通过通过联想联想运用运用 熟记上面短语熟记上面短语, 在空白处填入适当在空白处填入适当的介词。的介词。(1) Readers can get _ even without knowing the exact meaning of a word.(2) No matter how I explain, I just cant get it _ to her.along across(3) They got _ many difficulties in their English study.(4) As an outgoing

36、 girl, I get along well _ my classmates. with over 写作句型仿写写作句型仿写写作句型仿写写作句型仿写1. When/While doing sth. 当做某事当做某事的时候的时候例句例句 While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 遛狗时遛狗时, 你不小心让狗挣你不小心让狗挣脱了绳子脱了绳子, 结果狗被车撞了。结果狗被车撞了。While walking the dog是一种省略是一种省略形式形式, 补补充完整充完整为为:While

37、 you were walking the dog。当。当时间时间或条件状或条件状语语等从句中的主等从句中的主语语同主句主同主句主语语一致一致或主或主语语是是it, 且从句含有且从句含有be动词时动词时, 从从句可使用句可使用when/whiledoing/done的的省略省略结结构。构。说明说明仿写仿写 根据根据汉语汉语意思意思, 完成下列英文句子。完成下列英文句子。(1) 当我当我们们把淘气的孩子和他人相比把淘气的孩子和他人相比时时, 我我们经们经常注意到他常注意到他们们的缺点而看不到他的缺点而看不到他们们的的能力。能力。_, we often pay attention to their

38、 shortcomings without noticing their ability.When comparing naughty children with others(2) 当坐在教室里做当坐在教室里做试试卷的卷的时时候候, 我感我感到自信而且精力充沛。到自信而且精力充沛。_, I felt confident and was full of energy.While sitting in the classroom and doing my papers2happen to dowhen当当的时的时候候碰巧碰巧例句例句 I happened to be cooking when t

39、he telephone rang.电话铃响时我恰好电话铃响时我恰好在做饭。在做饭。说明说明 表示表示“碰巧做某事碰巧做某事”也可用也可用It happenshappened that句型。句型。仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。 昨天我去找他的时候,碰巧他父母都在昨天我去找他的时候,碰巧他父母都在家。家。_ his parents _. 一天我正在购物时碰巧遇上了王飞。一天我正在购物时碰巧遇上了王飞。One day I _ Wang Fei _. when I was shoppingIt happened that were at home when I

40、 called on him yesterday happened to meet 3. There was a time when. 曾经有段时间曾经有段时间原句原句 I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.我记得非常清楚我记得非常清楚, 以前以前, 湛蓝的天空湛蓝的天空, 鸟儿的歌唱鸟儿的歌唱, 月光和鲜月光和鲜花花, 从未令我心迷神往过。从未

41、令我心迷神往过。(B1 P2)例句例句 There was a time when my son was crazy about computer games曾经有段时曾经有段时间我儿子痴迷于电脑游戏。间我儿子痴迷于电脑游戏。(1)曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学曾经有段时间我非常厌倦学习。习。_ I _ _.仿写仿写There was a time whenvery tired of studywas(2)我弟弟曾经一度痴迷于网络小我弟弟曾经一度痴迷于网络小说。说。_ my brother_.There was a time when was crazy about reading online n

42、ovels4. It is the first time that.have/has done. 这是某人第一次做某事。这是某人第一次做某事。原句原句 It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.这这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。(B1 P2)例句例句 This is the second time that I have come to Dongguan. 这是我第二次这是我第二次来东莞来东莞。说明说明 本句型中的本句型中的it可用可用this或或t

43、hat替代。替代。 first可改为可改为second,third等。等。 当当is改为改为was时,时,havehas改为改为had。比较比较 It is time that sbdid sth是某是某人该做某事的时候了。人该做某事的时候了。(=Its time for sbto do sth)仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 我告诉导游,这是我第一次来台湾我告诉导游,这是我第一次来台湾旅游。旅游。_.I told the guide that it was the first time that I had travelled in Taiwan(2)这个短语

44、已经第三次出现在我们这个短语已经第三次出现在我们的练习中,所以我们一定要掌握它。的练习中,所以我们一定要掌握它。_, so we must master it.Its the third tome that the phrase has appeared in our exercises5强调句式:强调句式:It is+被强调部分被强调部分+thatwho+句子剩余部分句子剩余部分例句例句 It was my father who taught me how to play the piano教我学钢教我学钢琴的人是我爸爸。琴的人是我爸爸。 此句型用于强调句子的主语、宾语、此句型用于强调句子的

45、主语、宾语、状语,不能强调谓语;状语,不能强调谓语; 与一般时有关时与一般时有关时it后用后用is,与过去时有,与过去时有关时关时it后用后用was; 无论强调什么成分都用无论强调什么成分都用that,强调人时,强调人时还可用还可用who; 强调主语时谓语动词的数要与之一致;强调主语时谓语动词的数要与之一致; 强调强调notuntil结构时是结构时是It iswas not untilthat。说明说明仿写仿写 根据根据汉语汉语意思完成英文句子。意思完成英文句子。 昨天我在街上碰昨天我在街上碰见见的就是他。的就是他。It was _. 昨天是我昨天是我让让他回家的。他回家的。It was _. him that/whom I met in the street yesterday I that/who let him go home yesterday 昨晚昨晚妈妈妈妈直到深夜才睡直到深夜才睡觉觉。 It was far into the night that my mother went to bed./My mother didnt go to bed until far into the night.Thank You !



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