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1、Module 6 War and Peace?warwarpeaceWar logoAnti-war logopeace logo1) Do you like war or peace in the world? Why?2) What results would be if the war broke out?BrainstormWords Previewvengefulinvadeabandondeclare war onoperationmake a breakthroughdrownsurvivoradj.复仇的复仇的v.入侵,侵略入侵,侵略v.放弃,抛弃放弃,抛弃 向向宣战宣战n.行

2、动行动 取得重大突破取得重大突破v.淹死,使溺死淹死,使溺死n.幸存者幸存者lastoccupybeachtroopcommandereventuallyheroismartilleryv.持续持续v.占领占领n.海滩海滩n.部队,士兵部队,士兵n.指挥官指挥官adv.最后,最终最后,最终n.英雄主义英雄主义n.大炮大炮Words Previewshellpick updeepwoundshockedprivatememorialoverlookn.炮弹炮弹停下来让某人搭车停下来让某人搭车adj.深的深的v.使受伤使受伤adj.震惊的,惊骇的震惊的,惊骇的n.兵,士兵兵,士兵n.纪念碑纪念碑v

3、.俯视,往下看俯视,往下看Words Previewgravewearycondemnwar memorialnationalityrescuebackpackafterwardsn.墓,墓穴墓,墓穴v.使人疲倦,使人厌烦使人疲倦,使人厌烦v.责难,谴责责难,谴责战争纪念碑战争纪念碑n.国籍国籍v.营救,拯救营救,拯救n.背包背包adv.后来后来Words PreviewLook at the photos of some famous people in the world and see how they thought of the war. Laozi (Chinese philoso

4、pher)“A good soldier is not violent. A good fighter is not angry. A good winner is not vengeful.”Warm upn1. Laozi: What do “vengeful” winners do? They revenge themselves on the people they have beaten.Discussion善为士者不武善为士者不武,善战者不怒善战者不怒,善胜敌者不与善胜敌者不与 “There has never been a good war or a bad peace.”Ben

5、jamin Franklin(American scientist)从来没有一场好的战争和一个坏的和平从来没有一场好的战争和一个坏的和平 Bertrand Russell(British philosopher)“War doesnt tell us who is right - only who is left.”3. Bertrand Russell: Explain the meaning of the words right and left in the quotation. right: a) on the right side b) holding the right belie

6、fs left: a) on the left side b) still alive战争并没有确定谁是正确的,只是谁还活着。战争并没有确定谁是正确的,只是谁还活着。 Albert Einstein (German-born American theoretical physicist)“You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time.”4. Albert Einstein: nWhat can governments do to prevent war?nNot prepare for war.你不能同时阻止又准备战争你不能同时

7、阻止又准备战争 “If everyone demanded peace instead of another TV set, wed have peace.”John Lennon(British musician)如果每个人都祈求要和平而不是一台新的电视机,如果每个人都祈求要和平而不是一台新的电视机,那么世界就会和平。那么世界就会和平。 n What other wars do you know breaking out in the 20th century?the Second World War1. There was a war that took place between 193

8、9 and 1945. Whats the name of this war?a) the Great War b) the Second World War2. When the war began, which countries were involved?a) Britain and Germany b) the United States and Japan3. The war began when a country was invaded. Which country was invaded? a) Poland b) France 按按D-Day landing campaig

9、n is one of the D-Day landing campaign is one of the greatest, most famous and influential greatest, most famous and influential campaigns in the 20th century which was campaigns in the 20th century which was an important turn of the Second Word an important turn of the Second Word War.War.Words: ab

10、andon attempt danger kill1 British and American troops _ to land in France.2 These landings were very _.3 Many troops were _during the landings.4 At one point, military commanders thought about _ the operation.attempteddangerouskilledabandoning1. declare war on: to tell another country that you are

11、going to start a war with them2. military operation: a planned activity during a war3. make a breakthrough: to be successful4. drown: to die in water5. survivors: people who are not killed in an accidentVocabularyPre- ReadingWhat can you guess from these pictures?n1. What kind of people can you see

12、in the photo? Soldiers.n2. Where on the map do you think the photo was taken? Approaching the French coast.n3. What are the people in the photo doing? They are waiting to land on the French beaches.Map of D-Day LandingsEnglish ChannelGreat BritainFrance Omahan1. The first passage is taken from_. a)

13、a history book b) a newspaper articlen2. The second passage is _. a) a government report on the war b) the history of a particular group of soldiersn3. The third passage refers to _. a) an event related to the war b) an event before the war SkimmingCareful Reading1 What event started the Second Worl

14、d War? Germanys invasion of Poland.2 What was the purpose of Operation Overlord? To invade France.3 What nationality were the troops who took part in the operation? Britain, America and Canada.Passage 14 Where was the most dangerous place to land? Omaha Beach.5 Was Operation Overlord successful? Yes

15、, it was.Omaha Beach cemetery 1. When the Germans started firing at the boats,_. (a) the boats were so far from the beach that they were not hit. (b) the boats were one kilometer from the beach 2. When Boat 5 was hit by a shell,_. (a) everyone was killed (b) most of the men were rescued from the wat

16、erPassage 23. The men from Boat 3 had problems in the water because_. (a) their backpacks were too heavy (b) the water was too deep4. Six men tried to climb up the cliff and _. (a) some of them managed to reach the top (b) all of them reached the top5. Two of the soldiers from Able Company_. (a) sta

17、yed on the beach (b) met some other soldiersRead passage three and complete the summary. On the 6th June 2004, _of the D-Day Landings from different countries returned to _ to remember their lost comrades. They went to the_ and _ which are _ on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel,

18、from where the boats _their landings. .On the memorial there is part of a poem called “_”.survivorsFrancecemeterymemorialsituatedattemptedFor the FallenPassage 3World War II CemeteryWorld War II Memorial In FranceWorld War II Memorial In U.S.A.Was “D-Day Landings” a campaign of justice or evil ?Disc

19、ussionn American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach. 美军士兵试图在最危险的奥马哈海滩登陆。美军士兵试图在最危险的奥马哈海滩登陆。 attempt/sth to do sth 试图干某事试图干某事囚犯企图逃跑囚犯企图逃跑, 但是失败了。但是失败了。The prisoners attempted to escape /an escape, but failed. from where n介词介词+关系副词,引导定于从句,关系副词,引导定于从句,nWe went

20、up to the top of the roof, from where we had a good view of the field.nSoon after getting off his horse, the captain appeared at the second storey windows, from where he could see nothing but trees. 下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了,他从下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了,他从哪里除了树木什么也看不见。哪里除了树木什么也看不见。n中国是风筝的故乡,从这里传到了日本。中国是风筝的故乡,从这里传到了日

21、本。 China is the birth place of kites, from where it spread to Japan.Translationn1939年年9月,英国在德国入侵波兰后向德国宣战。月,英国在德国入侵波兰后向德国宣战。 In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.n这个持续到这个持续到1945年的战争,就是有名的二次世界年的战争,就是有名的二次世界大战。大战。 The war, which lasted until 1945, is known as

22、the Second World War.n多于多于5000艘船跨过英吉利海峡,带着艘船跨过英吉利海峡,带着130000支部支部队到法国海岸。队到法国海岸。 More than 5000 ships crossed the English Channel, carrying 130000 troops to the French Coast.n美军士兵试图在最危险的奥马哈海滩登陆美军士兵试图在最危险的奥马哈海滩登陆 American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach. n奥马

23、哈海滩的形式如此糟糕,以至于美军司令们奥马哈海滩的形式如此糟糕,以至于美军司令们考虑放弃进攻。考虑放弃进攻。 The situation Omaha Beach was so bad that the US commanders thought about abandoning the invasion.n“霸王行动霸王行动”以惊险和混乱的形式开始,以英以惊险和混乱的形式开始,以英勇和英雄主义的故事结束。勇和英雄主义的故事结束。 Operation Overload started as a story of danger and confusion and ended as a story

24、of bravery and acts of heroism.n要是他们抵达了海滩,就很有可能没命。要是他们抵达了海滩,就很有可能没命。 If the had reached the beach, they would probably have been killed.n墓地和纪念碑坐落在一处可以俯瞰海滩和英吉墓地和纪念碑坐落在一处可以俯瞰海滩和英吉利海峡的悬崖之上,从那里船只曾试图登陆。利海峡的悬崖之上,从那里船只曾试图登陆。 The cemetery and memorial are situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the En

25、glish Channel,from where the boats attempted their landingsn幸存者躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。幸存者躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。 The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.n纪念碑上刻着英国诗人劳伦斯纪念碑上刻着英国诗人劳伦斯-比尼恩所作诗比尼恩所作诗歌致倒下的战士。歌致倒下的战士。 On the memorial, there is part of a poem called “For the fallen”, which was written by an

26、English poet, Lawrence Binyon.Translation n在新领导的带领下,村民们开始向贫困宣在新领导的带领下,村民们开始向贫困宣战。战。 The villagers began to declare war on poverty with the new leader leading the way.n我们的汽油够开到伦敦吗?我们的汽油够开到伦敦吗? Will the petrol last (out) till we reach London?n那个男孩忙于照看他那生病的父亲。那个男孩忙于照看他那生病的父亲。 The boy is occupied in car

27、ing for his sick father.n他陷入绝望中。他陷入绝望中。 He abandoned himself to despair.n许多平民在战争中受伤。许多平民在战争中受伤。 Many ordinary people got wounded in the war.n嫦娥一号的发射成功表明中国已经在探月工程嫦娥一号的发射成功表明中国已经在探月工程方面取得了重大突破。方面取得了重大突破。nThe successful launch of Change I shows China has made a major breakthrough in lunar exploration p

28、roject.n过了许多年这个人回来了,迫不及待地想过了许多年这个人回来了,迫不及待地想见他的朋友。见他的朋友。 The man was back after many years, eager to see his friends.n她登上山顶,从那里可以一览全城风光。她登上山顶,从那里可以一览全城风光。 She climbed up to the top of the hill, from where she could have a good view of the whole town.On 13 May 1940A month laterOn 18 June 1940On 20 Au

29、gust 1940On 10 November 1942Time situation speeches meaning 1.In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland. 1939年9月,英国在德国入侵波兰后向德国宣战。1)declare v. 宣布宣布,声明声明,申报申报已经宣战了已经宣战了.War has been declared.他郑重声明他是清白的他郑重声明他是清白的.He declared that he was innocent.declare war (on/aga

30、inst sb)(向某人)宣战(向某人)宣战: 警方现在已对这个地区的毒贩宣战了。警方现在已对这个地区的毒贩宣战了。Police have now declared war on drug dealers in the area.1._1._war on that country, they suddenly launched an attack.A. Not having declaredB. Having not declaredC. Not declaredD. Declared notA2) invade v. 侵略,侵占侵略,侵占许多游客涌入这个城镇。许多游客涌入这个城镇。The t

31、own was invaded by a crowd of tourists. 2. During the war, Germany occupied many countries, including France.二战中,德国侵占了包括法国在内的许多国家。二战中,德国侵占了包括法国在内的许多国家。occupy v. 占领,占占领,占, 住进住进阅读占去了我空闲时间的大部分。阅读占去了我空闲时间的大部分。Reading occupies most of my free time. 他忙着照看孩子。他忙着照看孩子。He is fully occupied in looking after/wi

32、th three small children.归纳拓展:归纳拓展:occupation n. 职业;占有职业;占有be occupied with/in sth. /in doing sth.从事从事/专心于专心于;忙于;忙于occupy oneself in doing sth./ with sth.从事于从事于;忙于;忙于;专心于;专心于lose ones occupation 失业失业have no fixed occupation 无固定职无固定职4. Eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough and the D-Day landings were successful.但登陆战士最后取得了突破,但登陆战士最后取得了突破,D日登陆得以告捷。日登陆得以告捷。(1) eventually adv. 终于终于,最后最后(2) make a breakthrough 突破突破 科学家们说科学家们说, 他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破破.-Scientists say they are beginning to make a breakthrough in the fight against cancer.



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