2018版高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Music课件 外研版必修2

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1、高考写作高考写作24个话题个话题家庭、朋友与家庭、朋友与 周围的人周围的人【话题词汇话题词汇】1burden n负担负担2reward v 奖赏奖赏3pressure n 压力压力4creative adj. 富有创造力的富有创造力的5outstanding adj. 杰出的杰出的6diligent adj. 勤奋的勤奋的7admire v 钦钦佩;欣佩;欣赏赏8be tired out 疲疲劳劳9bring up 抚抚养养10behave oneself 举举止止规规矩矩11be pleased with 对对满满意意12lose heart 灰心;泄气灰心;泄气【美文佳作美文佳作】(201

2、7华华中中师师大大附附中中检检测测)假假如如你你是是李李华华,你你打打算算参参加加11月月份份举举行行的的武武汉汉市市中中学学生生英英语语演演讲讲比比赛赛。请请你你以以李李华华的的名名义义写写一一篇篇主主题题为为“感恩感恩”的演的演讲讲稿。稿。内容包括:内容包括:1回回顾顾高中高中阶阶段你周段你周围围的人是如何默默帮助你的;的人是如何默默帮助你的;2你会成你会成为为一个懂得感恩的人一个懂得感恩的人吗吗?说说说说你的打算。你的打算。注意:注意:1.词词数:数:120词词左右;左右;2开开头头和和结结尾已写好,不尾已写好,不计计入入总词总词数。数。Good afternoon,everyone!I

3、ts a great honor for me to speak here._Thank you for listening.One possible version:Good_afternoon,everyone!Its_a_great_honor_for_me_to_speak_here.Today, Id like to express my gratitude to my English teacher.To my regret,my English suffered greatly in the first year and I fell far behind others.She

4、showed the utmost patience when I asked her questions.In the meanwhile she instructed me how to adopt proper learning strategies, taking my academic performance into account.So_occupied_was_she_in_helping_me_that_she_sometimes_tended_to_skip_her_meals.Deeply inspired, I became more confident in lear

5、ning English and my English has improved a lot.I owe my progress to my English teacher,without whose unselfish guidance I wouldnt have made such rapid progress.I appreciate all she has done for me,which motivates me to pass her dedication and love on.In my daily life,I will do my part to help others

6、 in need.For example,I will offer directions to strangers who look lost and shovel snow off someone elses driveway.Here I appeal to everyone to assume the responsibility to show our gratitude to the world,however minor these acts of kindness are.It_is_due_to_thanking_and_caring_for_each_other_that_w

7、e_can_enjoy_the_same_sunshine_and_appreciate_the_same_love_under_the_same_sky. Thank_you_for_listening.【佳句仿写】1这个故事如此有趣以至于我想再读一次。_is the story that I want to read it again.2直到Jennifer到家她才意识到她丢了钥匙。It was_that Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.【答案】1.So interesting2not until she got home核心单词核心单词单词

8、运用单词运用1.audience n听众听众2.classical adj.古典的;古典的;classic adj.典型的;一流的;典型的;一流的;n.经经典典(著作著作)poser n作曲家;作曲家;compose vt.作曲;作曲;创创作作4.conductor n指指挥挥;conduct n行行为为,举动举动,品,品行;行;vt.引引导导,指,指挥挥,管理;,管理;导电导电,传热传热5.musician n音音乐乐家;家;musical adj.音音乐乐的的6.court n宫宫廷;法院;庭院;球廷;法院;庭院;球场场7.director n指指挥挥;经经理;主管;指理;主管;指导导者;

9、者;导导演;演;direct vt.指指挥挥;指;指导导;adj.笔直的;坦白的;笔直的;坦白的;adv.直接地;直接地;directly adv.直接地,立即;直接地,立即;conj.一一就就;direction n说说明明(pl);指;指导导;方向;方向8.genius n天才天才9.Austria n奥地利;奥地利;Austrian adj.奥地利的;奥地利的;n.奥地利奥地利语语;奥地利人;奥地利人10.prince n王子;王子;亲亲王王;princess n公主公主11.tour vt.巡回演出;巡回演出;观观光;光;tourist n游客;游客;tourism n旅游旅游业业12

10、.album n专辑专辑;集;集邮邮本,照相簿本,照相簿13.catchy adj.动动人的人的plex adj.复复杂杂的的15.influence vt.& n影响;影响;influential adj.有影响有影响的的16.record vt.录录音;音;记录记录;n.记录记录,纪录纪录,唱片,唱片17.mix vt.使混合;使混合;mixed adj.混合的,形形色色的;混合的,形形色色的;mixture n混合物混合物语境助记语境助记词不离句,句不离段词不离句,句不离段Tom is a talented musician and his works always have a gre

11、at influence on the audience.He is a genius in composing and singing.He is currently on tour in the North to promote his new record.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.He is too experienced a conductor (conduct) to mind what the critics say.2.There is no doubt that he is an extremely talented composer (compose)

12、3.He may be a very talented (talent) designer,but as a manager hes a dead loss.4.Learning a musical (music) instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.5.Concrete is made of cement,sand and gravel mixed (mix) with water.6.Lost (lose) in the dark,we had to ask a native to take us to th

13、e hotel.7.There was a police officer directing the traffic,so the lost director came up to him to ask how to get to the local theatre.The policeman showed him the direction and he left.(direct)8.Shes very good at making friends and influencing people,so she has a great influence on me and I like thi

14、s influential girl.(influence) .单词拼写单词拼写1.Einstein was probably the greatest mathematical genius(天才天才)of all time.2.Do you prefer classical(古典的古典的)music written by Mozart and Beethoven,or pop?3.The group is made up of local musicians(音乐家音乐家)who have been performing together for several years.4.The T

15、V play of My Ugly Mother enjoyed a larger audience(观众观众)5.Modern life is getting more and more complex(复杂的复杂的)and difficult.高频短语高频短语短语运用短语运用1.be_different_from和和不同不同2.be_known_as 作作为为而出名而出名3.change.into. 把把变变成成4.be_impressed_with 留下深刻印象留下深刻印象5.make_a_note_of 记录记录6.of_all_time 有史以来有史以来7.go_deaf 变聋变聋8

16、.if_so 如果如果这样这样的的话话9.split_up 分裂分裂10.no_way 没没门门11.have_a_talent_for 有有的天的天赋赋12.as_well_as 也,和;也,和;并且并且用高频短语的适当形式填空用高频短语的适当形式填空1.People who work and live in noisy conditions may go_deaf.2.You should make_a_note_of the key points that the teacher says.3.She is_known_as a successful singer and compose

17、r.4.There were so many people in the room that they had to split_up into several groups.5.John,as_well_as his wife and children,is going to visit China next week.6.We were all strongly impressed_with what our teacher had said at the graduation ceremony.7.Hard as the metal is,it can be changed_into l

18、iquid at high temperature.8.He is universally recognized as one of the greatest scientists of_all_time.常用句型常用句型句型运用句型运用1.as well as.【信息提取信息提取】as well as用法2.However,it_was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.【信息提取信息提取】Itbe被强调成分that/ who.1.Tom _Mike and Jack _some hot dogs.Tom 和和Mike,Jack

19、一一样样吃吃了一些了一些热热狗。狗。【答案答案】 as well as; has2._reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.人人们认为阅读们认为阅读增加我增加我们们的的知知识识,扩扩大我大我们们的心胸。的心胸。【答案答案】 It is believed( that )重点语法:时间状语从句,过去完成时重点语法:时间状语从句,过去完成时完成句子完成句子1.My teacher _ (已经教了已经教了) in that school for ten years before she came here.2.I _(原希望原希望)

20、 to go to Hawaii,but I didnt sign up for the tour in time.3.She stared at the painting, wondering _(在哪里见过它在哪里见过它)4.I dont know what will become of me _(当我失业时当我失业时)5.He rushed out of the room _(在我在我能说话之前能说话之前)【答案答案】1.had taught2.had hoped3.where she had seen it4.when I am out of work5.before I could

21、say a word(在我能说在我能说话之前话之前).词汇词汇突破突破1record vt.& vi.录音;记录录音;记录n纪录;唱片;档案;履历,经历纪录;唱片;档案;履历,经历Before they visited India,they had recorded seven albums.他他们访问们访问印度之前,已印度之前,已录录制了七个制了七个专辑专辑。The broadcast was recorded,not live.这这次广播是事先次广播是事先录录音的,不是音的,不是现场现场直播。直播。It is recorded that this summer was the wettes

22、t for 10 years.据据记录这记录这是十年来雨量最多的夏季。是十年来雨量最多的夏季。Make sure you record the numbers of tickets you sell.一定要把你售出的票的号一定要把你售出的票的号码记录码记录下来。下来。The young man set a new record at the sports meeting.那小伙子在运那小伙子在运动动会上会上创创了新了新记录记录。完成句子完成句子Her children_ in the diaries of those years.她的童年生活都记在当年的日记里。她的童年生活都记在当年的日记里。

23、We want to _ certain facts about all the pupils in one class.我们要保存某个班上全体学生的某些情况的记录材料。我们要保存某个班上全体学生的某些情况的记录材料。【答案答案】are recordedkeep a record of 高考链接(2016新课标卷,A)Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a _ (record) contract(合同)? If so,come early to the talk at 7.30 pm by Jules Skye,a suc

24、cessful record producer.【答案】recording2talent n 天分;天赋;才华【归纳拓展】(1)have a talent for有的天赋a man/ woman of many talents 多才多艺的人(2)talented adj.有天赋的;有才能的完成句子完成句子Amanda _ painting. 阿曼达有绘画天赋。阿曼达有绘画天赋。Lang Lang is _, who has drawn many peoples attention abroad.郎朗是一位天才钢琴家,他在国外已引起了很多人的关注。郎朗是一位天才钢琴家,他在国外已引起了很多人的关

25、注。【答案答案】has a talent fora talented pianist3influence vt.& n影响影响I dont want to influence you.You must decide for yourself.我不想影响你。你必须自己决定。我不想影响你。你必须自己决定。The influence of climate on crops is clear.气候对农作物的影响是显而易见的。气候对农作物的影响是显而易见的。 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】influential adj.有影响的有影响的have an influence on对对有影响有影响巧辨异同巧辨异同inf

26、luence,affect,effect(1)influence指指“通通过过说说服服、举举例例等等对对行行动动、思思想想、性性格格等等产产生生不易不易觉觉察到的,潜移默化的影响察到的,潜移默化的影响”。(2)affect指指“产产生生的的影影响响之之大大足足以以引引起起反反应应”,着着重重“影影响响”的的动动作,有作,有时时含有含有“对对产产生不利影响生不利影响”的意思。的意思。(3)effect作名作名词词用用时时,指,指“效果;影响效果;影响”。常构成。常构成have an effect on.搭配。搭配。 单句语法填空单句语法填空What exactly is the influenc

27、e of television _ children?He committed the crime _ the influence of drugs.Its all too easy to be influenced _ our parents.The language we speak is said _(influence)the way we think.【答案答案】onunderbyto influence高考链接高考链接(2016新新课课标标卷卷)Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius,who lived

28、from roughly 551 to 479 BC.,_(influence) the development of chopsticks.【答案答案】influenced4mix v使混合;使结合;相融合;调配;相容使混合;使结合;相融合;调配;相容He is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation.他以将中国他以将中国传统传统音音乐乐和西方的演奏形式和和西方的演奏形式和乐乐器相器相结结合而著称。合而著称。 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】Oil doesnt mix wit

29、h water.油不融于水。油不融于水。Let me mix up flour and water.我来和面我来和面(把面粉和水把面粉和水搅搅匀匀)。Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances.钢钢是是铁铁和其他某些物和其他某些物质质的化合物。的化合物。用用mix的相关短语填空的相关短语填空His explanation just _ me _ more. I always _ the twins.He got himself _ up with the wrong people._ the eggs _ the flour.Never _

30、such people.【答案答案】mixedupmix upmixedMixwithmix with 高考链接(2016江苏卷,29)Dashan,who has been learning crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades,wants to _(mix) it up with the Western standup tradition.【答案】mix短短语语聚焦聚焦1split up 分裂;分割;绝交;分解分裂;分割;绝交;分解【经经典典例例句句】We could split up into groups, and c

31、ome at different times.我们可以分成小组,在不同的时间来参观。我们可以分成小组,在不同的时间来参观。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】split vi. & vt.分割,分割,(使使)分开;撕开,割破分开;撕开,割破split (up) with sb. 与与断绝关系,分手断绝关系,分手split (up) into. 分开分开(成几部分成几部分)split sth. between. 分摊,分配分摊,分配完成句子完成句子The day was _ 6 onehour sessions.一天的活动被分作一天的活动被分作6个时段,每个时段个时段,每个时段1小时。小时。Shes_ her

32、boyfriend because of different characters.由由于性格不合,她已和男友分手了。于性格不合,她已和男友分手了。【答案答案】split(up)intosplit (up) with2make a note of 记录记录【经经典典例例句句】Youd better make a note of the key points in class in order to go over them after class. 你最好在课堂上记下要点以便课后复习。你最好在课堂上记下要点以便课后复习。 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】make/take a note/notes of记

33、下,记录记下,记录compare notes (with) (与某人与某人)交换意见交换意见take note of 注意注意多维训练多维训练(1)根据提示语用根据提示语用note短语填空短语填空Tom is a hardworking student,who has formed the habit of _(做做笔笔记记)and _(记记下下)all the important points that the teacher taught in class.After class,he often _(与与交交换换意意见见)other students.All this has paid

34、off and he has made great progress.At the same time,his classmates _(注注意意到到) what he has done and decide to follow him.(2)单句改错He glanced over at her,noted that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together._【答案】(1)taking/making notesnoting down/making notes ofcompares notes withhave taken n

35、ote of(2)notednoting句型精析句型精析1.as well as.(1)不不仅仅而且;除而且;除之外之外还还He as well as you has received the urgent call.不不仅仅是你,他也收到了是你,他也收到了这这个急个急电电。As well as good memory,determination is needed in language study.在在语语言学言学习习中,除了好的中,除了好的记忆记忆力之外,力之外,还还需要毅力。需要毅力。(2)同同样样;同;同样样好地好地He said he could sing as well as t

36、he birds.他他说说,他和,他和鸟鸟儿一儿一样样能唱歌。能唱歌。【温温馨馨提提示示】as well as连连接接并并列列主主语语时时,谓谓语语的的数数要要与与前前面面的的主主语保持一致。语保持一致。as well也也。常放在句尾。常放在句尾。may/might as well还还是是好;不妨;可以。常放在好;不妨;可以。常放在动词动词原形前面。原形前面。as well as是是一一个个重重要要的的形形容容词词副副词词考考点点。对对它它的的考考查查主主要要集集中中在在以以下三个方面:下三个方面: as well as跟跟在在主主语语后后面面时时同同学学们们要要注注意意,谓谓语语的的数数一一

37、定定要要与与as well as前前 面面 的的 主主 语语 一一 致致 , 如如 : Tom and I as well as Mary _(be)to clean the classroom today.这这句句话话有有些些同同学学很很可可能能认认为为be与与Tom一一致致而而误误用用作作is;实实际际要要与与Tom and I一致,用复数形式一致,用复数形式are。as well as和和其其他他形形容容词词习习语语、固固定定的的连连接接词词语语之之间间的的区区别别一一直直是是各各类类考考试试的的热热门门考考点点。这这类类词词语语多多数数表表示示“不不是是而而是是”;“既既又又”;“除除

38、之外之外还还”,“不不仅仅而且而且”。另另外外,as good as作作为为一一个个相相似似的的短短语语,也也应应注注意意,它它的的意意思思是是“和和几乎一几乎一样样(差不多差不多)”。The old machine is well maintained and looks as good as new.这这台旧机器台旧机器维护维护得很好,看起来像新的一得很好,看起来像新的一样样。注注意意不不要要忘忘掉掉as well as的的本本义义,它它常常在在句句中中作作状状语语,意意为为“和和一一样样好好”。He plays football as well,if not better than,as

39、 I.他踢足球,如果不比我好,至少也和我一他踢足球,如果不比我好,至少也和我一样样好。好。 根据汉语完成句子根据汉语完成句子She speaks English _John does.她英语讲得和约翰一样好。她英语讲得和约翰一样好。She sings _ plays the piano.她不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌。她不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌。You cannot expect her to do the housework _ look after the children.你不可能叫她既照顾孩子又做家务。你不可能叫她既照顾孩子又做家务。Im coming to London and my s

40、isters coming _.我要来伦敦,我妹妹也会来。我要来伦敦,我妹妹也会来。【答案答案】as well asas well asas well asas well高考链接(2016天津卷,A)We ask that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements _(和 ) information about any medicines you take.【答案】as well as2However,it_was_Haydn_who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.尽管如此,

41、正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。尽管如此,正是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。此句型是此句型是强强调调句型,其句型,其结结构是:构是:itbe被被强强调调部分部分that/who.昨晚,安妮昨晚,安妮彼德的丈夫立即送她去附近的医院。彼德的丈夫立即送她去附近的医院。 强调主语强调主语It was Ann Peters husband that (who) rushed her to a nearby hospital last night.昨晚,正是安妮昨晚,正是安妮彼德的丈夫立即送她去了附近的医院。彼德的丈夫立即送她去了附近的医院。 强调宾语强调宾语It was her (she) that (w

42、ho) Ann Peters husband rushed to a nearby hospital last night.昨晚安妮昨晚安妮彼德的丈夫立即送往附近的医院的是她。彼德的丈夫立即送往附近的医院的是她。强调地点状语强调地点状语It was to a nearby hospital that Ann Peters husband rushed her last night.昨晚安妮昨晚安妮彼德的丈夫立即送她去的就是一家附近的医院。彼德的丈夫立即送她去的就是一家附近的医院。强调时间状语强调时间状语It was last night that Ann Peters husband rush

43、ed her to a nearby hospital.就是在昨晚,安妮就是在昨晚,安妮彼德的丈夫立即送她去了附近的医院。彼德的丈夫立即送她去了附近的医院。 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】1It is/was.that.强调句型强调句型(1)基基本本结结构构为为:It is/was被被强强调调部部分分that/who其其他他部部分分(若若被被强强调调的的是是人人,可可用用that或或who;若若被被强强调调的的部部分分是是其其他他时时,一一律律用用that)。另外要注意:原句的谓语动词不能被强调。另外要注意:原句的谓语动词不能被强调。(2)强强 调调 句句 的的 一一 般般 疑疑 问问 句句 句句 型型

44、 : Is/Was it 被被 强强 调调 部部 分分 that/who.?(3)强调句的特殊疑问句句型:疑问词强调句的特殊疑问句句型:疑问词is/was itthat/who.?(4)对对not.until.句句型型中中的的时时间间状状语语(从从句句)进进行行强强调调时时的的句句型型:It is/was not until被强调部分被强调部分that其他成分。其他成分。2其他强调结构其他强调结构“do/does/did动词原形动词原形”强调句型强调句型 It_is they who often help me with my English.是他是他们经们经常帮助我学常帮助我学习习英英语语。

45、Was_it in that park that you met him?你就是在那个公园里遇你就是在那个公园里遇见见他的他的吗吗?It_was_not_until the rain stopped that I went home.直到雨停了我才回家。直到雨停了我才回家。He does_know the place well.他的确很熟悉他的确很熟悉这这个地方。个地方。多维训练多维训练(1)单句语法填空单句语法填空Its not doing the things we like,but liking the things we have to do _ makes life happy.(2

46、)用强调句型强调下列句中的划线部分用强调句型强调下列句中的划线部分I didnt leave until_he_came._Who does this place belong to?_I wonder what you were doing at this time yesterday._He came to see us yesterday._【答案】(1)that(2)It was not until he came that I left.Who is it that this place belongs to?I wonder what it was that you were doing at this time yesterday.It was yesterday that he came to see us.“课下课下课下课下练习练习练习练习”见见见见“课时作业课时作业课时作业课时作业”



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