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1、clever stupidCould he answer all the questions?Yes, he could.He was clever enough to answer them.No. he couldnt.He was too stupid to answer them.answer all the questions buy the carcheapexpensiveCould he buy the blue/the red car?Yes, he could,It was cheap enough for him to buy.No. he couldnt.It was

2、too expensive for him to buy.Could they hear the stereo?Yes, they could.Because they were loud enough for them to hear. No, they couldnt.Because they were too low for them to hear.hear the stereo loudloweat the orangesweetsourNew concept English 1 Full of mistakesspell v. 拼写拼写 (spelt, spelt)intellig

3、ent adj. 聪明的,有智慧的聪明的,有智慧的mistake n. 错误错误present n. 礼物礼物dictionary n. 词典词典New wordsspell v. 拼写拼写 spelt /splet/ , splet你的名字是怎么拼写的?你的名字是怎么拼写的?How do you spell your name? 我的名字拼作我的名字拼作W-E-N-D-Y.My name is Spelled W-E-N-D-Y. 这个词怎么拼?这个词怎么拼?How to spell the word? intelligent adj. 聪明的,有智慧的聪明的,有智慧的这女孩看起来是聪明伶俐

4、。The girl looks intelligent. clever 聪明,灵巧的 He is clever with his hands.smart 聪明的,调皮灵巧的She is a smart actress.wise 在经验,学识方面 智慧较深,英明的Deng Xiaoping was a wise leader.mistake n. 错误错误拼写错误拼写错误a spelling mistake那毫无错误那毫无错误There is no mistake about it. make a mistake 做错,犯错做错,犯错我弄错了时间我弄错了时间I made a mistake ab

5、out the time.by mistake 误误,错,错我错拿了某人的雨伞我错拿了某人的雨伞I have taken someones umbrella by mistake.辨析mistake 比较一般的错误,认识不足,理解不对比较一般的错误,认识不足,理解不对She always makes some mistakes in the homework.error 没有按照既定的程序、规定犯的错误没有按照既定的程序、规定犯的错误这事故是由人为的错误引起的。这事故是由人为的错误引起的。The accident was caused by human error。fault 侧重于责任侧重于

6、责任Its my fault.present n. 礼物礼物-present 指礼物的一般性用语指礼物的一般性用语I received many pesents on my birthday-gift 是稍正式的说法是稍正式的说法多才多艺的人多才多艺的人a person of many giftsThe watch was a gift from my mother.dictionary n. 词典词典我在词典中查找单词我在词典中查找单词I looked up the word in the dictionary. 活字典活字典a living dictionary = WALKING dic

7、tionary New wordsspell v. 拼写拼写 (spelt, spelt)intelligent adj. 聪明的,有智慧的聪明的,有智慧的mistake n. 错误错误present n. 礼物礼物dictionary n. 词典词典What was the Sandras present?It was a dictionary.What did the boss want Sandra to do?He wanted her to type the letter again.Boss:Wheres Sandra, Bob? I want her. Bob:Do you wa

8、nt to speak to her?Boss:Yes, I do. I want her to come to my office. Tell her to come at once.Sandra: Did you want to see me?Boss:Ah, yes, Sandra. How do you spell intelligent? Can you tell me?Sandra: I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T.1.want sth./sb. I want a bike. I want Lisa.2.want to doI want to type a letter

9、.3.want sb. to do sth. p215I want you to answer my question.tell sb. to do 告诉某人做某事I tell her to go to school at once.tell sb. not to do 告诉某人不要做某事His mother tells him not to watch TV.Boss: Thats right. Youve typed it with only one L. This letters full of mistakes. I want you to type it again.Sandra:

10、Yes, Ill do that. Im sorry about that.Boss: And heres a little present for you.Sandra: What is it?Boss: Its a dictionary. I hope itll help you. full of (充满了)The glass is full of water.这个杯子里装满了水。 be sorry about 对某事很抱歉对某事很抱歉我对这个错误感到很抱歉我对这个错误感到很抱歉Im sorry about the mistake. be sorry to do 很抱歉做某事很抱歉做某事很

11、抱歉来烦你,但我们需要讨论一下我们的很抱歉来烦你,但我们需要讨论一下我们的计划。计划。I am sorry to bother you, but we need to discuss our plan. help sb. with sth. 在某事上对某人有在某事上对某人有所帮助。所帮助。这会对你的拼写有所帮助。这会对你的拼写有所帮助。It will help you with your spelling. 她经常帮助她的妈妈进行打扫。她经常帮助她的妈妈进行打扫。She often helps her mother with the cleaning to doDo 代指的是所有动词的原型代指

12、的是所有动词的原型不定式在句中可作主语,表语,宾语、和补语等等不定式在句中可作主语,表语,宾语、和补语等等在在to之前加之前加not.他决定告诉他的妈妈。他决定告诉他的妈妈。He decided to tell his mother. 他决定不告诉他的妈妈。他决定不告诉他的妈妈。He decided not to tell his mother. 我妈妈告诉我把门关上我妈妈告诉我把门关上My mother told me to close the door.我妈妈告诉我别把门关上我妈妈告诉我别把门关上My mother told me not to close the door.She has

13、 a low mark in the Math exam. She made a lot of m in the paper.The bookstore is f of interesting books.Why do you want to buy a necklace? I want to give it to Mary as a birthdayp .This book is full of new words. I think I must use a d .How do you s intelligent, please? i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t.Can you

14、help me to t this letter, please?No problem.istakesullresentictionarypell ypeLesson 105 Full of mistakes1234Lesson 105 Full of mistakes1234Boss:Wheres Sandra, Bob? I want her.Bob:Do you want to speak to her?Boss:Yes, I do. I want her to come to my office.Sandra:Did you want to see me?Boss:Ah, yes, S

15、andra. How do you spell intelligent? Can you tell me?Sandra:I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T.Boss: Thats right. Youve typed it with only one L. This letters full of mistakes. I want you to type it again.Sandra: Yes, Ill do that. Im sorry about that.Boss:And heres a little present for you.Sandra:What is it?Boss

16、:Its a dictionary. I hope itll help you.Task1 Read the dialogue first (首先)(首先)then (然后)(然后)number the sentences排序排序 ( )The boss wants Sandra to type this letter again. ( ) The boss wants Sandra to go to his office at once. ( ) Sandra types intelligent with only oneL. ( ) The boss gives Sandra a dict

17、ionary. ( ) The boss says this letter is full of mistakes.12345 Complete the passage according to the dialogue. One day,Sandra typed a letterfor the boss.This letter was full of mistakes .For example, she typed the word intelligent with only one L .The boss was very angry, so he asked Sandra to come

18、 to his office at once. Then he gave Sandra a dictionary as a present. Do you think it is a present ? Is Sandra happy ? Why? Read carefully and think hard:Whats the same point of these sentences?Do you want to speak to her?I want her to come to my office. Tell her to come at once.Did you want to see me?I want you to type it again.Sum up:像以上这些像以上这些to加动词原形加动词原形这种结构在英文中被称为这种结构在英文中被称为动词不定式动词不定式1. 1.完成一课一练完成一课一练2.2.单词单词5 5遍遍3.3.背诵课文背诵课文



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