1、UNIT 4HealthContentsNotesPartAListeningStrategyCompulsory PartBPre-ListeningTaskListeningTasksSpeakingTasksOptionalPartCAdditionalListeningCompulsoryPartDHomeListeningTimetoTalkMovieTimeOptionalUnit 4 HealthPartA_1Identifying the Relationship Between the Speakers Identifying the relationship between
2、 the speakers in a conversation is an important skill in listening comprehension. Although sometimes the conversation itself does not contain words that say exactly what the relationship is, we can rely on contextual clues to find it out. Such clues include the degrees of intimacy (e.g., how intimat
3、ely the speakers address each other, what endearments are used), the degrees of politeness (strangers tend to be more polite towards each other than friends or family members), and the particular situation (at a doctors consulting room, at a shop, etc.). Listen to the following dialogues and choose
4、the right answers to the questions that follow the dialogues.Listening StrategyUnit 4 HealthPartA_1_p2Listening Strategy1.a.Roommates.b.Co-workers.c.Doctorandpatient.d.Husbandandwife.M:Whatsthetrouble?W:Ifeeldizzyandmywholebodyaches.M:Howlonghaveyoubeensick?W:Twoorthreedaysnow.M:Howsyourappetite?W:I
5、vegotnoappetite.Thesightoffoodsimplyturnsmystomach.Whatswrongwithme?M:Youseemtobegenerallyrun-down.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers? Unit 4 HealthPartA_1_p3Listening Strategy2.a.Doctorandpatient.b.Roommates.c.Co-workers.d.Husbandandwife.W:Whatsthematter,Jack?Youlookpal
6、e.M:Oh,Ifeelterrible.W:Why?Whatsthematter?M:Ihaveasplittingheadacheandasorethroat.W:Whydidntyoutellme?M:Ithoughttheymightgoaway,butIfeelworsethismorning.Imachingallover.W:Hmm.Youfeelwarm,too.Youmusthavegotafever.Theresaprettybadflugoingaround,youknow.What is the most probable relationship between th
7、e two speakers?Unit 4 HealthPartB_1Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksOral PracticeDiscuss the following questions in pairs or small groups:1.Howareyoufeelingtoday?2.Didyousleepwelllastnight?3.Doyouhaveproblemsgoingtosleep?Howlonghaveyouhadthisproblem?4.Haveyougained/lostweightrecently?
8、Whatareyougoingtodoaboutit?5.Doyougetmuchexercise?6.Whatdoyouthinkwecandotokeepfit?7.Doyouthinkhealthismoreimportantthangoodgradesorasuccessfulcareer?Whyorwhynot?Unit 4 HealthPartB_1_2_demoPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking Tasks6. What do you think we can do to keep fit? Well,therearemanyth
10、ithrichproteinswillbeessentialforourbrainandbodydevelopment.Lastly,weshouldkeepaproperbalancebetweenworkandrest.Agoodsleepwillhelpyoustayenergeticthroughouttheday.Oral PracticeUnit 4 HealthPartB_1_2_demoPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking Tasks7. Do you think health is more important than goo
11、d grades or a successful career? Why or why not? Forme,healthismoreimportantthangoodgradesandasuccessfulcareerbecausegoodhealthisessentialtoagoodlife.Withoutahealthybody,youwillnotbeabletoenjoylifetothefull.Besides,youcanalwaystrytogetgoodgradesorachievesuccessinyourcareeraslongasyoumaintaingoodheal
12、th,butifyouhaveapoorphysicalstatus,youwillmostlikelyloseyourchancetoachieveyourgoalsinlife.Inshort,itssimplyabaddealtotradehealthfortheso-calledgoodgradesorasuccessfulcareer.Oral PracticeUnit 4 HealthPartB_2_1medicationn.medicine药物stressn.worryandpressurecausedbydifficultiesinlifeandtoomuchwork压力sym
13、ptomn.anoutwardornoticeablesignofillness症状insomnian.habitualinabilitytosleep失眠(症)complaintn.anillness疾病Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Word Bank Language and Cultural NotesUnit 4 HealthPartB_2_21. Background informationNowadaysmanypeoplecomplainofinsomnia,indigest
15、ubledbyover80typesofsleepingproblems.MedicationsforWord Bank Language and Cultural NotesPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Unit 4 HealthPartB_2_2insomnia,indigestionandoverweightarenumerousbutnoneseemstoworkwonderswitheveryone.Fortunatelymoreandmorepeoplehavecometore
16、alizehowimportantregularphysicalexercisesandahealthydietaretoourhealth.Peoplearemorehealth-consciousnowthaneverbefore.2. an unusual level of stress in lifegreaterstressthanisnormallyexperiencedWord Bank Language and Cultural NotesPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Un
17、it 4 HealthPartB_2_23.a lot of indigestion alotofdifficultiesindigestingwhathasbeeneaten.Peoplewithdigestionproblemsoftensufferfromstomachacheordiarrhea.4.that extra weight referringtothesevenkilogramsthepatienthasgained5. But I have neither the time nor the money to go to a gym.Word Bank Language a
18、nd Cultural NotesPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Unit 4 HealthPartB_2_2Health-consciouspeopleliketogotoagymtoexerciseafterwork,whereallkindsofexercisefacilitiesareprovided.White-collarworkers,inparticular,areenthusiasticaboutitsincetheyoftenhavetospendalldaysittin
19、gindoors.Someofthemgoasoftenasthreeormoretimesaweek.However,goingtothegymcanbebothtime-consumingandcostly.Themonthlychargemayrunintoseveralhundreddollarsifyougotoaverygoodgym.Thissentenceshowsthatthepatientisbusybutnotwell-to-do.6. your recent complaints somediseasesyouaresufferingfromrecentlyWord B
20、ank Language and Cultural NotesPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Unit 4 HealthPartB_2_31. The main cause of the patients insomnia is probably her _.a.takingimpropersleepingmedicationsb.havingunusualstresslatelyc.havingapoordigestiond.havinginsufficientphysicalactivi
21、ties2. According to the doctor, _ is probably the most appropriate way for the woman to keep fit.a.goingregularlytoagymb.takingtherightmedicinec.keepingaclosewatchonherweightd.takingwalksregularly3. The doctors advice to the patient is _.a.togoinforvigorousexercisetoloseextraweightb.tosignupatagymto
22、improvesleepingc.togetmoreexerciseandahealthydiettoeasehercomplaintsd.todealwiththeunusualstressinherlife4. From the dialogue we can infer that _.a.thepatienthasnostressinherlifeb.thepatientsuffersfromstressinherwork,lifeandfinancesc.thepatientisverybusyanddoesnothaveenoughtimeforsleepd.thebiggestpr
23、oblemwiththepatientisherlackofphysicalexerciseExercise 1Language and Cultural NotesWord BankPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 2Listen and choose Unit 4 HealthPartB_2_4Exercise 1Exercise 2Language and Cultural NotesWord BankPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksListen
24、 to the conversation again and write down answers to the following questions.1.Whatarethepatientscomplaints?Shehassufferedfrominsomniaforseveralmonthsandlatelyhashadalotofindigestion.2.Whatdidthedoctordo?Hegavethepatientsomemedicineforinsomniaandindigestion.Healsoadvisedthepatienttohaveaproperdietan
25、dbeginaregularexerciseprogram._Unit 4 HealthPartB_2_ScriptExercise 1Language and Cultural NotesWord BankPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksD: So whats your trouble?P: Well, doctor, I havent been feeling well lately. My biggest problem is that Im having trouble sleeping.D: Have you tried
26、 any of the sleeping medications available?P: Ive tried one or two, but they dont seem to help.D: How long have you had this problem?P: Three or four months its been rather a long time now . D: Are you suffering from an unusual level of stress in your life lately?P: Not more than usual. My biggest w
27、orry is the fact I cant sleep.D: Well, some people dont need as much sleep as others.P: But I feel tired all day, so it is a problem for me.D: Have you been experiencing any other symptoms?P: Ive also had a lot of indigestion lately.D: Well, you are a little overweight, arent you?P: Yes. And Ive gai
28、ned about seven kilograms this past year.D: You really should try to lose at least that extra weight. Do you get much exercise?P: No, not very much.D: Physical activity is very important.P: So what do you recommend, doctor?D: I will give you some medication for your insomnia and your indigestion. Bu
29、t I also recommend that you begin a regular exercise program.P: But I have neither the time nor the money to go to a gym.D: You dont need to go to a gym. A simple walking program would be very beneficial for you. I think youll find that diet and exercise will be very helpful in taking care of your r
30、ecent complaints .Exercise 2Unit 4 HealthPartB_3Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksCommunicative Function: Seeing the DoctorQuestionsAnswersWhatswrongwithyou?Whatsyourtrouble?Whatseemstobetheproblem?Howareyoufeeling?Areyoufeelingwell/allright?Ihaveapaininmyneck/leftleg.Ihaveatemperature
31、/headache.Ivegotabadcold.Ifeeldizzy/weak/sick.Imafraidnot.Ikeepfeelingdizzy.Conversation 1Conversation 2Useful Expressions and VocabularyExerciseUnit 4 HealthPartB_3Howsyourappetite?Howaboutyourappetite?Whatsyourappetitelike? Good/Fair/Poor.Iseemtohavelostappetiteineverything.Ihavenostomachforfood.I
32、vegotnoappetite.Idonthavemuchappetite.Idontfeellikeeatinganything.Howlonghaveyoubeenilllikethis?Howlonghaveyouhadthisproblem?Itsbeenthiswayforafewdays.Forquiteawhile.Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 4 HealthPart
34、ys.Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 4 HealthPartB_3Additional VocabularyParts of the BodybackchestheartkidneyribhipbreastspinelungliverjointlimbkneeelbowSymptomstofeelbad/weak/sick/poorly/nervous/depressedtobeou
35、tofbreathtobeshortofbreathtohaveasharppaininthechesttocoughbadlytosufferfrominsomniatohaveahigh/low/slightfevertosuffernausea(恶心)tothrowuptovomittosufferfromshock(休克)Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 4 HealthPart
36、B_3Additional VocabularyIllnessesabadcoldasorethroattheflustomachachediarrheamigraine(偏头痛)hepatitis(肝炎)anemia(贫血症)highbloodpressurediabetesheartattackstrokesunstroke(中暑)kidneystone(肾结石)leukemia(白血病)lungcancerarthritis(关节炎)rheumaticarthritis(风湿性关节炎)pneumonia(肺炎)tonsillitis(扁桃体炎)pimple(丘疹)chilblain(冻疮
37、)fracture(骨折)sprain(扭伤)scald(烫伤)burnSARSbirdfluPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 4 HealthPartB_3_aConversation 1Useful Expressions and VocabularyPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 2D:Wha
39、ationsforyourstomachacheandindigestion.Anddonteatanyseafoodforthenextweekorso.P:Iwont,doctor.Thankyou.Listen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner. ExerciseUnit 4 HealthPartB_3_bD:Whatseemstobetheproblem?P:Ihurtmyleftfootyesterday.Imisse
40、donestepwhilecomingdownthestairs.D:(afterexaminingthefoot)Youhaveasprainedankle.Itsslightlyswollen.Howdoesitfeel?P:Ratherpainfulthere.WhatshouldIdo,doctor?D:IllgiveyouanX-raytoseeifthereisanythingwrongwiththebone.Conversation 1Conversation 2Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExerciseUse
41、ful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 4 HealthPartB_3_d1.Oneofyourroommateshasabadcough.Askhim/herwhatthematteris.Discussthesymptomswithhim/herandthenofferyouradvice.2.Supposeyouareadoctorandyourpartnerisapatient,whohasfelttiredandweakforamonth.Askyourpatientabouthis/hersymptomsandprescribemedicationsa
42、ndoffersomeadvice.Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 2Conversation 1ExerciseNow make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions you have learned in your conversations where appropriate.Useful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 4
43、HealthPartCTrue or False:1.Astudyshowseatingapplesmaybebeneficialtocuringcancer.2.Theeffectivenessoftheappleconsistsinacombinationofchemicalsfoundinit.3.Theresearchshowsthattheextractsfromtheappleflesharemoreeffectivethanthosefromtheappleskininreducingthegrowthofcoloncancercells.4.Intermsoftreatingl
44、ivercancercells,extractsfromtheappleskinproducebetterresultsthanthosefromthefleshypartoftheapple.5.Mr.Liusaysthateatingfruitandvegetablesisalmostasgoodastakingextravitaminpills.Additional ListeningTTTFFUnit 4 HealthPartC_1_scriptAdditional ListeningYouprobablyknowafamoussayingabouttheimportanceofeat
45、ingapples.Itis,“Anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway.”Now, a new American study shows eating apples may help fight cancer, too.ResearchscientistsatCornellUniversityinNewYorksayacombinationofchemicalsfoundinapplesisimportantforgoodhealth.Thestudyshowsthatthecombinationofchemicalsplaysanimportantpartinanti-c
47、heresearcherstreatedcolon(结肠)cancercellswithfiftymilligramsofappleextract(苹果汁).Extractsfromtheappleskinreducedthegrowthofcancercellsbyforty-threepercent.Extractsfromthefruitsfleshreducedthegrowthofcancercellsbytwenty-ninepercent.The researchers also treated human liver (肝) cancer cells with apple ex
49、tances to see if they alone fight disease. He says his study shows no singlesubstance works alone to reduce cancer. Instead, the combination of chemicals inapplesiseffectiveandeatingfruitandvegetablesisbetterthantakingextravitaminpills.Unit 4 HealthPart D _ Home listenig(1)anorexian.厌食症purposelyad.故
50、意地starvev.(使)挨饿abnormala.不正常的instituten.(研究)所gymnastn.体操运动员ChristyHenrich克里斯蒂亨利奇jointn.关节calciumn.钙depressionn.抑郁症dependenta.依赖的illegala.非法的disordern.失调Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthExpertssayabout1%ofyoungwomenintheU
51、nitedStatesarealmoststarvingthemselvestoday.Theyaresufferingfromasicknesscalledanorexia.Theseyoungwomenhaveanabnormalfearofgettingfat.Theypurposelystarvethemselvessotheyweighatleast15%lessthantheirnormalweight.Thestudyshowsoneintencasesofanorexialeadstoseriousmedicalproblems.Patients can die from he
52、art failure or anorexia can lead young women to killthemselves. For example, former gymnast Christy Henrich died at age 22. Sheweighedonly61pounds.Apersonwithanorexiafirstdevelopsjointandmuscleproblems.Thereisalackofironintheblood.Theimportantsubstancecalciumislostfromthebones.Sometimesthebraingetss
53、maller.Manypatientshavefurthermentalandemotionalproblems.Theymaysufferfromfearfulnessordepression.Theymaybecomedependentonillegaldrups.Somepeoplealsofeeltheneedtocontinuallyrepeatanaction.Anorexiaisaseriouseatingdisorder.Itcanbefatalifnottreatedontime.Home listening 1(Ex.)_ExerciseUseful Expressions
54、 and VocabularyHome Listening (1)Movie TimeHome Listening (2) _Time to TalkUnit 4 HealthHome listening 1(Script) Experts say about 1% of young women in the United States are almost starving themselves today. They are suffering from a sickness called anorexia. These young women have an abnormal fear
55、of getting fat. They purposely starve themselves so they weigh at least 15% less than their normal weight. The National Institute of Mental Health says one in ten cases of anorexia leads to serious medical problems. These patients can die from heart failure or the disease can lead young women to kil
56、l themselves. For example, former gymnast Christy Henrich died at age 22. She weighed only 61 pounds. A person with anorexia first develops joint and muscle problems. There is a lack of iron in the blood. As the sickness progresses, a young womans breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure rates slow
57、down. The important substance calcium is lost from the bones, sometimes causing bones to break. Sometimes the brain gets smaller, causing changes in how a person thinks and acts. Scientists say many patients have further mental and emotional problems. They have poor opinions about themselves. They f
58、eel helpless. Their attempts to become extremely thin may represent efforts to take control of their lives. They may suffer from fearfulness or continual deep sadness called depression. They may become dependent on illegal drugs. Some people also feel the need to continually repeat an action. For ex
59、ample, they may repeatedly wash their hands although their hands are clean. Anorexia is a serious eating disorder. If it is not treated on time, it can be fatal. ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyHome Listening (1)Movie TimeHome Listening (2) Time to TalkUnit 4 HealthHome Listening (2)revolut
60、ionize v. 使革命化 billionaire n. 亿万富翁 mathematician n. 数学家; 有数学专长者 photographic a. 摄影般的 enroll v. (使) 入学 academic a. 学术的; 学习的 far-reaching a. 深远的 Harvard University 哈佛大学(美国) software n. 软件 Microsoft 微软 (公司名)DOS = disk operating system (计算机) 磁盘操作系统ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyHome Listening
61、(1)Movie TimeHome Listening (2) Time to TalkUnit 4 HealthHome Listening (2) Ex.1. Bill Gates was born in the 1950s.2. When he was a schoolboy he was good at math and photography.3. The study at Lakeside played an important role in Gates life.4. Gates established his company Microsoft with Paul Allen
62、 after he left Harvard.5. Gates created and developed Basic, DOS and Windows all by himself.6. Gates excels in computer technology as well as business dealings.ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyHome Listening (1)Movie TimeHome Listening (2) TFFTFTTime to TalkUnit 4 HealthHome Listening (2) Sc
63、ript Bill Gates is a world-famous person who has done a lot to revolutionize the personal computer. On Oct. 28, 1955 he was born into a family with rich history in business, politics and community service. When Gates was 31 years old, he became Americas youngest billionaire and now his wealth is est
64、imated at 62 billion dollars. From his early school days, he was the schools best mathematician and he had a photographic memory. His parents recognized his intelligence and decided to enroll him in Lakeside, a private school known for its intense academic environment. This decision had far-reaching
65、 effects on Bill Gatess life. For it was at Lakeside that Gates was first introduced to computers. Gatess big break came when he was studying at Harvard University. Hes heard that a computer company needed software with which to run its machine. For six weeks he worked day and night with his colleag
66、ue Paul Allen together creating Basic. It turned out to be a success. It was accepted, and so Gates left Harvard and set up his company Microsoft. He then went on to develop DOS and Windows. Today, four-fifths of the computers in the world run on either DOS or Windows. Gatess company Microsoft now e
67、mploys more than 48,000 people in 60 countries. Even so, Gates still admits to getting as much excitement from technology as he does from running the business side of things. He says, I still love technology. I can sit and play with software all night long and read a science magazine all night long.
68、“ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyHome Listening (1)Movie TimeHome Listening (2) Time to TalkUnit 4 HealthPartD_1Look at these pictures and describe them one by one. If possible, try also to find something relevant to talk about. Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Uni
69、t 4 HealthPartD_1_1Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_2Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_3Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_1_hint1. A: examine, ingredients, packa
70、ging (外包装), product, the first item, fat, manufacturers, required, put on a list Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_1_hintB: woman, stand on a scale, check her weight, pay much attention to, health, weight-consciousness, many people, overweight Home Liste
71、ning (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_2_hint2. doctor, write, prescription (处方), little bottle, in his hand, maybe, finish, ask for more, usually, in western countries, when people get sick, go to doctors office, examine, diagnose, write out, prescription, drugstore,
72、have the prescription filledHome Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_3_hint3. emergency, at a hospital, ambulance, arrive, carry, patient, out of, into hospital, ambulances, play a very important role, save human life, professional people, travel with itHome Li
73、stening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_1_demoHome Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_2_demoHome Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_1_3_demoHome Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome List
74、ening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_2_1aNew WordsExerciseMovieHome Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_2_1bNew WordsExerciseMovieHome Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthNew WordsMoviePartD_2_2Exerciseprofound a. 艰深的;玄奥的cutting edge 前沿,尖端P
75、rinceton 美国普林斯顿大学,位于新泽西( New Jersey)relentlessly ad. 持续地,不停地furiously ad. 拼命地;狂怒地equation n. 等式;方程式Theory of Everything 万有理论verge n. 边缘unification n. 统一,联合Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthNew WordsMoviePartD_2_2Exerciseall-encompassing a. 无所不包的the Holy Grail 圣杯
76、;渴望但永远得不到的东西radicala. 激进的string theory 弦理论particlen. 微粒vibratev. 振动strand n. (一)缕cello n. 大提琴multituden. 大量constituentn. 组成部分;构成要素Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 Health1. (T) In his late years, Einstein spared no effort to study the theory that can explain every wor
77、king of the universe. 2. (F) Einstein finally realized his dream of establishing the “Theory of Everything”.3. (F) Modern physicists think Einsteins work on the “Theory of Everything” is meaningless. New WordsExerciseMoviePartD_2_3_Read the following sentences. Write T for True and F for False. Home
78、 Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthNew WordsExerciseMoviePartD_2_34. (F) String theory is primarily focused on the working of musical instruments. 5. (T) According to string theory, everything in the universe works in the same way as the strings of a cello do. _Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 HealthPartD_2_scriptNew WordsMovieExercise Home Listening (1)Movie TimeTime to TalkHome Listening (2) Unit 4 Health