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1、Unit l0 Youre supposed to shake hands .I.根据句意及汉语提示补全单词1.Thelittlegirloften(吻)hermothersface.Itmakesherhappy.2.Youwillmake(错误)ifyoudothingsinahurry.3.Jackcameoutofhisroomand(和.打招呼)Mr.Liubyshoutingafriendlyhello”.4.Ithoughttheyallhadto(鞠躬)totheking.5.Mymother(返回)homeafterworkandmadeacupofcoffeeforhers

2、elf.II.用所给单词的适当形式填空6.Whatareyousupposed(do)ifyoudontknowtheway?7.Iinvitedher(go)tothemoviewithme,butsherefused.8.Thisisher(two)timetocometoChina.9.Doyouknowafamousactress(call)FanBingbing?10.Idontknowwhen(shake)andwhennotto.第一课时SectionA(1a2d)kisses mistakes greeted bow returned to do to go second ca

3、lled to shake III.单项选择()11.Sir,youshould_attheredlight,butyoudidnt.A.stopB.havestoppedC.nothavestoppedD.havetowait()12.Theyaresupposedto_insteadof_.A.bow;shakehandsB.bowing;shakehandsC.bow;shakinghandsD.bowing;shakinghands()13.Youaresupposedtoshakehandswhenyoumeetsomeone_thefirsttime.A.forB.atC.onD.


5、irsttime.18.当他第一次上学时,他感到很兴奋。Hefeltveryexcitedwhenhewenttoschool.19.她翻译时犯了错误。Shewhenshewastranslating.20.他去参加聚会时衣着不得体。Hetheclotheswhenhewenttotheparty.第一课时SectionA(1a2d) are supposed to helpshake hands for the first timemade mistakes wore wrongI.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.Ifyouwanttogoabroad,youmusthaveap.2.Par


7、m(wait)solong?10.Damingenteredtheroomwithout(knock).第二课时SectionA(3a4c)assport apitallackhoardorthoastseasons eastern value waiting knocking III.单项选择()11.一Wherewouldsheliketovisit?Shedliketogo_.A.relaxingsomewhereB.somewhererelaxingC.relaxinganywhereD.anywhererelaxing()12.Youshouldfinishyour_homework



10、mes.第二课时SectionA(3a4c)as many people as possibleafter all clean them offmake an effort to improvedrop by 一. 话题阅读I.完形填空(2014贵州黔东南) Manners are important to happy relations among people. No one 1 a person with bad manners. A 2 with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead,

11、 he 3 to help them. When he asks for something, he says “ 4 .”And when he receives something, he 5 says “Thank you”. He does not interrupt 6 people when they are talking. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly 7 public. When he sneezes or spits, he uses a 8 . If he is late, he 9 make an apology to

12、the teacher either at the time 10 after class.( )1. A. thinks B. likesC. hates D. supposes( )2. A. boy B. manC. personD. give( )3. A. tries B. wantsC. has D. enjoys( )4. A. Give me B. PleaseC. Yes D. Hello( )5. A. never B. sometimeC. usuallyD. still( )6. A. every B. someC. his D. other( )7. A. on B.

13、 at C. of D. in( )8. A. book B. cupC. handkerchief D. hand( )9. A. should B. willC. could D. may( )10. A. or B. nor C. and D. butSectionA话题阅读与情景交际BCABCDDCBAII.阅读理解FortheBritish,thehomeisaprivateplaceinwhichheorshegoestohideawayfromthetroublesoflife.ItisveryseldomthatonewouldbeinvitedtoaBritishperson




17、全对话,每空一词A:What are people (13) to do when they meet in your country? B: Well, do you mean when friend meet (14) the first time? A: Yeah.B:Well,in Brazil,friends (15) .A:What (16) in Mexico?C: In Mexico we (17) hands.A: (18) about in Japan?D: We (19) .C: And in Korea we (20) bow.A: Well,I guess in mo

18、st western (21) we shake (22) . SectionA话题阅读与情景交际supposedforkissabout shake How/Whatbow also countrieshands I.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.Itsimpolitetosyourchopsticksintoyourfood.2.Sheisetostarteatingfirst,becausesheisgoingtocatchthetrain.3.Dontpatanyonewithyourchopsticks.4.Theboxise.Itsverylight.5.Donthyourbow

19、lwithyourchopsticks.II.用所给单词的适当形式填空6.Itspolite(eat)yourfoodsilently.7.Youshouldntmakenoisewhile(have)ameeting.8.Myteacheraskedus(notbe)lateforclass.9.(drink)enoughwaterisgoodforourhealth.10.Yourenotsupposed(speak)loudlyatthetableintheUSA.第四课时SectionB(1a1e)tick xpected oint mpty it to eat having not

20、to be Drinking to speak III.单项选择()11.Thereisnomilkinthecup.Its_.A.fullB.usefulC.emptyD.wet()12.一Steve,youshouldntansweryourphonewhilestarting_ameeting.Sorry.A.leaveB.toleaveC.leavingD.having()13.一Idlikeyouto_myhomeanytimeyoulike.Iwill.Thankyou.A.worryaboutB.dropbyC.careaboutD.makesure()14.Youmustntg


22、houghyouarehungry.17.让别人生气是不礼貌的。othersget.18.我们不应该用筷子指着人。Weanyonewithyourchopsticks.19.在印度,你应该用手吃。In,youreyourhands.20.我们不需要钱,而是时间。Weneedtimemoney.第四课时SectionB(1a1e)supposed to start Its impolite to make mad shouldnt point at India supposed to eat withinstead of .根据句意及汉语提示补全单词1.Weneedtolearnlotsofkn


24、ual)changedhisplan.Hewashappytoseethat.8.Mayisusedto(read)Englishforhalfanhourbeforegettingup.9.Tommysatwithhistwo(elbow)onthetable.10.Byreadingthisarticle,wecanlearnaboutgoodtable(manner).第五课时SectionB(2a3b)basic exchanggranddaughterexcept behavesuggestions gradually reading elbows manners III.单项选择(



27、不再觉得它们那么奇怪了。Hedoesntfindthemanymore.第五课时SectionB(2a3b)out of their wayno reason Besides Japanese keep but so strange一. 话题阅读I.用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空 When you cough or sneeze,please turn your head away from others and 1 your mouth with the full part of your hand. Then you should say “Excuse me.”This is a rul

28、e I set for my students.It is so 2 ,but many kids have never been told to do this. In fact, I notice some adults cough and sneeze in public 3 putting a hand over the mouth. I hate traveling by underground in New York during cold and flu season, because it is certain that 4 will stand right behind me

29、 and cough or sneeze on my neck.One important thing I 5 out to the kids is that after they sneeze or cough on their hand,they should wash their hands as 6 as possible. Otherwise,they will 7 the germs (细菌) along to everything and everyone they touch.In order to 8 the students remember this rule, I te

30、ll them about an old story. It says that when you sneeze, evil spirits will appear and jump into your body. If you dont cover your mouth, the spirits will enter,but if you cover your mouth, you will keep 9 out. Thats why we say “God bless you” when someone sneezes. The 10 really love finding out the

31、 origins of the expression.SectionB话题阅读与写作kid,without,cover,point, soon,someone,help, they, pass,simplecoversimplewithoutsomeonepoint soonpasshelpthemkidsII.阅读理解(2014辽宁沈阳)Many years ago, two friends, Mike and Jim, were walking through the desert. Somehow they began to quarrel(争吵) about small matters

32、. Suddenly, Mike hit Jim in the face. Jim was hurt, he said nothing. He just wrote in the sand: Today my best friend hit me in the face.They kept on walking, and at last, they found a river. So they decided to take a bath. Suddenly, Jim got stuck in the mire(陷在泥里). At that moment, Mike saved him. Af

33、ter Jim felt better, he wrote on a stone: Today my best friends saved my life.Mike saw this, and asked, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand. After I saved you, you wrote on a stone. Why?”Jim answered, “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand. Thus winds of forgiveness(宽恕) can blo

34、w it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave(铭刻) it in stone, then no wind can ever blow it away.”11. When did the story happen? 12. What did Mike and Jim quarrel about?SectionB话题阅读与写作Many years ago.Small matters.二、话题写作SectionB话题阅读与写作写作话题写作话题写作话题写作话题回想你听过的歌曲,喜欢的乐队、歌手,看过的电

35、影,读过的书,以及听过的CD等,请以MyFavorite为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。要求:1.灵活运用本单元语法:定语从句;2.可适当发挥,使行文连贯。该文要用一般文要用一般现在在时,表达喜好的表达喜好的词汇和句型和句型;运用运用 that/who引引导的定的定语从句来写。从句来写。二、话题写作SectionB话题阅读与写作写作指导写作指导写作指导写作指导二、话题写作SectionB话题阅读与写作写作示范写作示范写作示范写作示范My Favorite Music Band I love music and I prefer pop music that I can sing along

36、with. There are a lot of music bands in the world. Among them, Twins are my favorite. I like Twins because their music and songs are very beautiful and I enjoy their music that has great lyrics. Their music and songs make me full of energy. Twins are famous singers. They look beautiful too. They are

37、 famous for the song Mice Love Rice, that is very popular in China. Young people love their songs a lot. Im sure you will love Twins if you listen to their pop songs. You can have a try. I.单项选择()1.Inourcountry,peoplearenotsupposed_atthetable.A.talkB.talkedC.talkingD.totalk()2.We_themountainvillageat





42、ristmasgiftwithhernewfriend.SelfCheckvalue worth behave coast basic greets manners northern suggestions exchanged III.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词21.没有理由感谢我。Thereisnoreasonme.22.老师不厌其烦的给我们讲解这道题。Theteacherherwaytoexplainthisproblemtous.23.玛丽尽量使她的朋友不感到拘束。Marytriedtokeepherfriends.24.每当我不高兴时,姐姐总是逗我幵心。Iamunhappy,mysis

43、teralwayscheersmeup.25.她非常好客,总能给我一种宾至如归的感觉。Sheisveryfriendlyandalwaysmeathome.SelfCheck to thank went out of feel at home Every timemakes feel IV.完形填空完形填空(2014湖南衡阳湖南衡阳)People in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something is 26 in one country, but it may be quite impolite in a

44、nother. In Britain, you mustnt life your bowl to your _27_ when you are having some liquid(液液体体) food. But its 28 in China. And in Japan you even neednt worry about making 29 while you are having it. It shows that youre enjoying it. But people in Britain think it is bad manners. If you are a visitor

45、 in Mongolia, what manners do they wish 30 to have? They wish you to have a loud “burp”(打打嗝嗝)31 you finish eating. Burping shows that you like the food.In Britain, you should try not to 32 your hands on the table when youre having a meal. But in Arab(阿阿拉拉伯伯) countries you must be very careful with y

46、our hands. You 33 eat with your left hand. Arabs consider(认认为为) it very 34 manners eating with left hands. So when you are in other countries, 35 carefully and follow them. As a saying goes, “Do as the Romans do.”SelfCheck()26.A.badB.usefulC.polite()27.A.mouthB.noseC.eyes()28.A.sameB.differentC.impo

47、rtant()29.A.facesB.noiseC.mistakes()30.A.themB.himC.you()31.A.afterB.beforeC.until()32.A.giveB.putC.bring()33.A.needntB.mustntC.shouldnt()34.A.goodB.strangeC.bad()35.A.listenB.doC.watchSelfCheckCABBCABBCCV.阅读理解 (2014 山东东营)Penny was a five-year-old girl. One day when she and her mother were in a depa

48、rt-ment store, Penny saw a plastic pearl neck-lace(珍珠项链). What a beautifulnecklace! She wanted it very much, so she begged (乞求) her mother to buy it for her. The mother said, “Well, I can buy you the necklace, but when we get home, we should discuss what you can do to pay for it. Can we do that?” Pe

49、nny agreed with much happiness, and she got the necklace.How much Penny loved the necklace! She wore it everywhere and every minute. Penny also did part - time jobs to make pocket money. She worked very hard. Soon she succeeded in paying off the price for the necklace.Pennys daddy knew how she tried

50、 her best to get the necklace. He also knew how much Penny cared about it. One night, he asked Penny if she loved him. “Sure, Daddy.” the little girl said. “Then how about giving me your necklace?” “Oh, no, Daddy! Not my necklace!” Penny cried. “Oh, dear, its fine.” her father gave her a kiss.Severa

51、l days later, Penny went to her daddy, with her lips(嘴唇) trembling(颤抖). “Here, Daddy. I love you.” She held out her hand. Inside it was the plastic pearl necklace that she loved so much.When he saw this, Pennys father smiled with surprise. He then pulled a cute box SelfCheckoutofhispocket.Insidetheb





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