2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 The power of nature单元知识检测课件 新人教版选修6

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《2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 The power of nature单元知识检测课件 新人教版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 The power of nature单元知识检测课件 新人教版选修6(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单元知识检测单元知识检测教材回扣教材回扣.用本单元所学短语完成句子用本单元所学短语完成句子1.I 1.I ( (正要离开正要离开) the library ) the library ( (这时这时) someone waved to me.) someone waved to me.2.After work,I usually2.After work,I usually ( (匆匆看一遍匆匆看一遍)newspapers,and)newspapers,and listen to the news on radio or watch TV. listen to the news on radio

2、 or watch TV.3.3. ( (据说据说) hes been ) hes been ( (任任 命为命为) manager of that company.) manager of that company.答答案案: :1.was 1.was about about to to leave;whenleave;when 2.glance 2.glance throughthrough 3.Its 3.Its said said that;appointed as that;appointed as 4.Its getting latewe should4.Its getting l

3、atewe should ( (前往前往)home )home soon. soon.5.In the past,there were many children from the earthquake-stricken5.In the past,there were many children from the earthquake-stricken area,their ages area,their ages 3 3 17(17(由由到到不等不等).).答案答案: :4.make our way4.make our way5.varying from;to5.varying from;t

4、o.课文缩写填空课文缩写填空The The writers writers job job is is to to travel travel to to unusual unusual places places and and work work alongside alongside people people from from all all over over the the world,sometimes world,sometimes working working outdoors outdoors and sometimes using scientific 1.and s

5、ometimes using scientific 1. (equip).Exactly speaking,(equip).Exactly speaking,the the writer writer was was 2.2.(appoint)as (appoint)as a a volcanologist volcanologist working working for for the the Hawaiian Hawaiian Volcano Volcano Observatory.By Observatory.By collecting collecting and and 3.3.(

6、evaluate)the (evaluate)the information information about about Mount Mount Kilauea,he Kilauea,he helps helps other other scientists scientists to to predict predict where lava from the volcano will flow next 4.where lava from the volcano will flow next 4. how fast.how fast. He He will will never nev

7、er forget forget his his first first sight sight of of the the eruption.He eruption.He was was fast fast asleep asleep 5.5. suddenly his bed began shaking and he heard a strange sound.suddenly his bed began shaking and he heard a strange sound.6.6.(experience) (experience) quite quite a a few few ea

8、rthquakes earthquakes already,he already,he didnt didnt take take much much notice notice at at first.But first.But his his bedroom bedroom became became as as bright bright as as day,there day,there had had been been an an eruption eruption and and red red hot hot lava lava was was fountaining foun

9、taining hundreds hundreds of of metres metres into into the the air.It air.It was an 7.was an 7.(absolute)fantastic sight.(absolute)fantastic sight. He He was was lucky lucky enough enough to to have have a a much much closer closer look look at at it it with with another another two two scientists.

10、They scientists.They had had white white protective protective 8.8.(suit) (suit) that that covered covered their their whole whole body body just just like like a a spaceman.They spaceman.They slowly slowly 9.9.(make) (make) their their way way to to the edge of the crater (the edge of the crater (火

11、山口火山口)to collect some lava for later study.)to collect some lava for later study.答案答案: :1.equipment 2.appointed1.equipment 2.appointed3.evaluating3.evaluating4.and4.and5.when5.when6.Having 6.Having experienced experienced 7.absolutely7.absolutely8.suits8.suits9.made9.made10.the 10.the The The writer

12、 writer is is as as enthusiastic enthusiastic about about his his job job as as the the day day he he first first started.He started.He is is still still amazed amazed at at 10.10. volcanoes volcanoes beauty beauty as as well well as their potential to cause great damage.as their potential to cause

13、great damage.语境活用语境活用.单句语法填空单句语法填空1.Many of the fish caught for sport are not 1.Many of the fish caught for sport are not (suit) to eat,so(suit) to eat,so they are thrown away. they are thrown away.2.Unfortunately,you must carry the necessary 2.Unfortunately,you must carry the necessary (equip) with

14、 (equip) with you,since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes. you,since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes.(2017(2017全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解D)D)3.If you cant make the official office hours,most professors are 3.If you cant make the official office hours,most professors are willin

15、g to make individual willing to make individual (appoint) to help you out.(appoint) to help you out.答案答案: :1.suitable1.suitable2.equipment2.equipment3.appointments 3.appointments 4.He couldnt fall asleep at night with4.He couldnt fall asleep at night with (anxious).(anxious).5.Her owner Mike Holden

16、5.Her owner Mike Holden (panic) and called the coastguard(panic) and called the coastguard of Cornwall,who turned up in seconds. of Cornwall,who turned up in seconds.6.With time,an 6.With time,an (comfortable) silence grew between us.(comfortable) silence grew between us.7 7. .I It t w wa as s a a r

17、 ra ai in ny y m mo or rn ni in ng g a an nd d t th he e c ch hi il ld dr re en n, ,m ma ai in nl ly y b bo oy ys s w wi it th h (vary) learning difficulties,refused to settle for the(vary) learning difficulties,refused to settle for the start of the lesson. start of the lesson.答案答案: :4.anxiety4.anx

18、iety5.panicked5.panicked6.uncomfortable6.uncomfortable7.various 7.various 8.Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,8.Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only only (find) it didnt fit.(find) it didnt fit.9.In fact the earth is 9.In fact the earth

19、is (actual) a bit nearer to the sun(actual) a bit nearer to the sun during the winter. during the winter.10.I wish to express my 10.I wish to express my (appreciate) for your kindness.(appreciate) for your kindness.答案答案: :8.to find 9.actually8.to find 9.actually10.appreciation10.appreciation答答案案: :1

20、.1.将将inin改改为为underunder 2.2.将将whilewhile改改为为whenwhen 3.3.去去掉掉a a 4.4.将将anxiouslyanxiously改改为为anxiousanxious5.5.将将absoluteabsolute改为改为absolutely absolutely .单句语法改错单句语法改错1.The car is less than a year old,so it is still in guarantee.1.The car is less than a year old,so it is still in guarantee.2.I was

21、about to give up while my father came and encouraged me to keep 2.I was about to give up while my father came and encouraged me to keep going. going.3.If the people in the building hadnt been in a panic and left in order,3.If the people in the building hadnt been in a panic and left in order, when t

22、he fire occurred,many of them would not have been killed. when the fire occurred,many of them would not have been killed.4.I grew anxiously: What if the family had simply left the cat behind?4.I grew anxiously: What if the family had simply left the cat behind?5.As far as I know,it is absolute impos

23、sible to finish it in three days.5.As far as I know,it is absolute impossible to finish it in three days.5.As far as I know,it is absolute impossible to finish it in three days.5.As far as I know,it is absolute impossible to finish it in three days.6.The guide led the way,we had no trouble getting o

24、ut of the forest.6.The guide led the way,we had no trouble getting out of the forest.7.Id like to make appointment to see the doctor.7.Id like to make appointment to see the doctor.8.The test was finished,we began our holiday.8.The test was finished,we began our holiday.9.To students,youd better cho

25、ose the activities which interest you and 9.To students,youd better choose the activities which interest you and suit for you. suit for you.10.Not completed the project,they have to stay there for another two weeks.10.Not completed the project,they have to stay there for another two weeks.答答案案: :5.5

26、.将将absoluteabsolute改改为为absolutelyabsolutely6.6.将将ledled改改为为leadingleading7.appointment7.appointment前前加加anan8.8.去掉去掉waswas或者或者wewe前加前加andand9.9.去掉去掉forfor10.10.将将completedcompleted改为改为completingcompleting微写作微写作1.1.我的朋友李华大学毕业后被任命为一名消防队员。我的朋友李华大学毕业后被任命为一名消防队员。 2.2.一天下班后一天下班后, ,他正要去超市购物他正要去超市购物, ,这时他发现一

27、间房屋着火了。这时他发现一间房屋着火了。 答答案案: :1.My 1.My friend,Li friend,Li Hua,was Hua,was appointed appointed as as a a firefighter firefighter after after graduating from college.graduating from college.2.One 2.One day day after after work,he work,he was was about about to to go go shopping shopping at at the the

28、supermarket when he found a fire breaking out in a house.supermarket when he found a fire breaking out in a house.( (借助过渡性词语或句子就能把借助过渡性词语或句子就能把5 5个句子连接成一篇小短文个句子连接成一篇小短文) ) 3 3. .跑跑到到现现场场, ,他他匆匆匆匆地地看看了了一一下下火火情情, ,穿穿过过人人群群, ,不不惊惊不不慌慌地地冲冲进进燃燃烧烧的的建建筑筑 物里。物里。 4.4.他冒着生命危险救出了被困的五个孩子。他冒着生命危险救出了被困的五个孩子。 答案答案

29、: :3.Rushing to the spot and glancing through the situation of 3.Rushing to the spot and glancing through the situation of the fire,he made his way through the crowd without panic,and went the fire,he made his way through the crowd without panic,and went into the burning building.into the burning bu

30、ilding.4.Risking his own life,he saved five children trapped in the fire.4.Risking his own life,he saved five children trapped in the fire.5.5.他的英勇行为受到了同事和领导的表扬。他的英勇行为受到了同事和领导的表扬。 答答案案: :5.Because 5.Because of of his his heroic heroic behavior,he behavior,he was was praised praised by by his his colleagues and leaders.colleagues and leaders.



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