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1、John Bunyan 16281688 2021/8/61Milton & Bunyan-Both represented the extremes of English life in the 17th century and wrote the two remarkable works that have imbued with the mighty Puritan spirit. 2021/8/62(1)Milton A. was the chief Puritan poet; B. gave us the only epic since Beowulf; C. voiced the

2、Puritan ideals for the educated class; 2021/8/63(2)Bunyan A. was the chief Puritan writer of prose; B. gave us the only great allegory - The Pilgrims Progress; C. spoke for the common people. 2021/8/64 Life & Works (1) Bunyan was of humble origin, the son of a tinsmith in the village of Bestow, near

3、 Bedford, where he was born. His life covered the period of the greatest crisis in the Puritan struggle for the survival of their various versions of extreme Protestant faith, and he himself was of Baptist sympathies. 2021/8/65(1) He took part in the Civil War, but next to nothing is known of his so

4、ldiering career. After the Restoration of Charles II, the Puritans underwent severe persecution & he himself was imprisoned twice for his preaching, once for 12 years. 2021/8/66(2) Though nominally an uneducated man, Bunyan was fed by a rich, but in some ways primitive, culture. The main source of t

5、his was the English Bible which, like other Puritans, he knew with extraordinary thoroughness. 2021/8/67(3) There is an element of popular secular culture from his youth. There is also the allegorizing tradition of the village sermon which persisted into his youth from the Middle Ages, very little a

6、ffected by the Reformation. 2021/8/68(4) It was during Bunyans second & shorter term imprisonment that he wrote Part I of his masterpiece; the milder tone of Part II may be partly a refection of the spirit of greater tolerance of religious difference prevailing in England later in his life.2021/8/69

7、(5) The great reputation of Pilgrims Progress arises from the depth of Bunyans experience, the spaciousness of his imagination, and the courage, honesty, and nobility of his personality, all of which raise the book far above its narrow, sectarian (宗派的宗派的) basis. 2021/8/610The Pilgrims Progress (1678

8、)2021/8/611Introduction (1) It was written in the form of allegory and dream. It is a prose allegory depicting the pilgrimage of a human soul in search of Salvation. It is in two parts: Part I was written in 1678, and part II in 1684. 2021/8/612(2) Part I tells of the religious conversion of Christi

9、an, and of his religious life (conceived as a pilgrimage) in this world. It tells of Christians pilgrimage from his home to the Celestial City, and of his experiences and adventures on his journey.2021/8/613(3) Part II describes the subsequent conversion of his wife Christiana and their children, an

10、d their similar journey with a group of friends. But in Part II, there are more riddles and parables and lighter scenes than in Part I. Part II is much inferior to Part I.2021/8/614Brief Outline of Part I The whole book begins with the authors dream, In which the author tells how he “saw a man cloth

11、ed with rags, standing in a certain place, with his face turned from his own house, a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back”. 2021/8/615He looked, and saw the man open the book and read therein; and as he read, he wept, and trembled and not being able longer to contain, he broke out wit

12、h a lamentable cry, saying “what shall I do?”2021/8/616The man is Christian, the pilgrim, and the book is the Bible, and the burden on his back is the weight of worldly cares and concerns. From the book Christian learns that the city in which he and his family dwell will be burned with fire. 2021/8/

13、617He tries to convince his wife, children and neighbors of the dangers which threaten them and to ask them to accompany him in his search for salvation. But they think him mad and will not listen. 2021/8/618So he decides to start out alone, but his friend Pliable offers to go with him. They soon st

14、umble and fall into the Slough of Despond, at which Pliable is discouraged and turns back. 2021/8/619Christian bravely struggles on, but is persuaded to turn off from the right path by Mr. Worldly Wiseman who assures him that a Mr. Legality nearby can show him a much easier way to get rid of his bur

15、den. 2021/8/620With the help of Mr. Evangelist, he eventually gets back to the main road, and is overtaken by a neighbor Faithful, who has sets out later but has made better progress. 2021/8/621The two continue together through many adventures, including the great struggle with Apollyon, ruler of th

16、is world, who claims them as his subjects and refuses to accept their allegiance to God. 2021/8/622After many other experiences they try to pass through Vanity Fair where both are arrested as foreign agitators. Brought to trial before a lord of the fair, Judge Hate-Good, Faithful is condemned and to

17、rtured to death. 2021/8/623Christian, however, escapes and continues on his way, assisted by a new friend, Hopeful, who has been converted by Faithfuls martyrdom. 2021/8/624They hold to the high road despite many difficulties and dangers but finally, their feet being weary and the road growing hourl

18、y more hard & rocky, they are tempted to take a bypath through a pleasant meadow which seems to follow the same general route. 2021/8/625It soon diverges, however, and they warned barely in time by the fate of Mr. Vain-Confidence who, rushing ahead, falls into a deep pit & is dashed to pieces. 2021/

19、8/626Unable to win back to the right road before nightfall, they are captured by Giant Despair and thrown into the dungeon of Doubting Castle. Here they are almost driven to suicide, but again escape and go on their way, posting a warning to help other pilgrims avoid their mistakes. 2021/8/627At las

20、t they reach the Celestial City, which they enter to enjoy eternal life in the fellowship of the blessed. Such is the brief outline of the first part of The pilgrims Progress. The great popularity of the book led the author to write a sequel, the second part of The Pilgrims Progress. 2021/8/628Vanit

21、y Fair (1) The most significant thing is that the satires in the book are centered upon the ruling class. Especially well-known are the descriptions of Vanity Fair and of the experience of Christian and Faithful in it, 2021/8/629(1) for here Bunyan not only gives us a symbolic picture of London at t

22、he time of the Restoration, but of feudal-bourgeois society in general where all things are bought and sold (including honors, titles, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures and lives) and where cheating, roguery, murders and adultery are normal. 2021/8/630(2) We find also a personal touch in the punishment in

23、Vanity Fair of Christian and Faithful for disdaining things of vanity, for this is apparently a parallel to the fact that Bunyan himself was arrested and imprisoned again and again for preaching, 2021/8/631(2) and the accusations of Faithful by the three witnesses: Envy, Pickthank, and Superstition,

24、 also had their topical significance. 2021/8/632(3) It was not for nothing that the great critical realist of the 19th century, Thackeray, employed “Vanity Fair” as the title for his important novel that gives a comprehensive satirical picture of the aristocratic bourgeois society of 19th century En

25、gland. 2021/8/633Comment on The Pilgrims Progress 2021/8/634 SignificanceIt is Bunyans chief work & the most widely read book in English after the Bible. It is one of the finest allegories in English literature, and has been translated into many languages. 2021/8/635It is to such an extent a piece o

26、f public property that no writer could avoid being influenced by it. 2021/8/636Allegory(1) It is the greatest English allegory and appeals to the common religious people of every age & condition. The predominant metaphorlife as a journeyis simple & familiar.2021/8/637(2) Throughout the allegory, a s

27、piritual significance is added to the commonplace details. The strange is combined with the familiar, and the trivial joined to the divine, at the same time, everything is based on universal experiences. 2021/8/638Realism- The book is a faithful panoramic reflection of English and in the 17th centur

28、y. It is strongly realistic.2021/8/639(1) The characters in the book impress the reader like real persons.(2) The places that Christian meets on the way are English scenes. 2021/8/640 (3) The book is written in the simple and lively prose style, and the conversations vividly repeat the language of h

29、is time.2021/8/641(4) the most significant aspect of the book is the satires which are centered on the ruling class. Some of Christians unfortunate experiences are just the symbolic picture of London at the time of Restoration.2021/8/642Style (1) Its style is simple and biblical. It combines the fin

30、e prose of the Bible with the directness of everyday speech. 2021/8/643(2) Without much education, but with the ability to see things within the range of his vision & to narrate them clearly, Bunyan wrote in a simple but lively and vivid prose style. 2021/8/644(3) Everyday idiomatic expressions were

31、 used naturally and forcefully, and his knowledge of the translations of Bible also helped him to introduce the biblical language into his own direct & uninvolved way of expression. 2021/8/645(4) His simple and unaffected language of the common people, and his details taken from ordinary circumstanc

32、es of ordinary life are largely responsible for the modernness of his prose as we read it today, while most of the prose works of his better educated contemporaries appear now archaic and out of date. 2021/8/646(5) And the influence of his prose upon the English language is the greater because of th

33、e great popularity of his books, esp. of The Pilgrims Progress, through the centuries.2021/8/647杨周翰先生杨周翰先生关于关于Bunyan 的点评的点评英国散文成熟是十七世纪后期的事,英国散文成熟是十七世纪后期的事,以两个政治立场截然不同的作家功以两个政治立场截然不同的作家功劳最大:其一是写论说批评文的劳最大:其一是写论说批评文的Dryden;另一个是写叙事文的;另一个是写叙事文的Bunyan。Bunyan不仅在语言上,不仅在语言上,而且在小说技巧上,为十八世纪而且在小说技巧上,为十八世纪Swift和

34、和Defoe 的小说和散文铺平的小说和散文铺平了道路。了道路。2021/8/648Bunyan的语言功夫主要得力于民的语言功夫主要得力于民间口语和圣经,特点是简单、间口语和圣经,特点是简单、明晰,生动、有力。尽管他距离文明晰,生动、有力。尽管他距离文艺复兴不过一百年,距离今天将近艺复兴不过一百年,距离今天将近三百年,但在风格上更接近现代散三百年,但在风格上更接近现代散文。他传教写书,目的是要使广大文。他传教写书,目的是要使广大的群众听懂、看懂,这就是他的风的群众听懂、看懂,这就是他的风格特点的由来。课本中的选文很能格特点的由来。课本中的选文很能说明这些特点。说明这些特点。2021/8/649B

35、unyan的词汇、句法有时显得古的词汇、句法有时显得古老,但如前所述,把他和文艺复兴老,但如前所述,把他和文艺复兴时期散文家,甚至十七世纪一些文时期散文家,甚至十七世纪一些文人作家比一比,他就显得十分现代人作家比一比,他就显得十分现代化。如果说化。如果说Bunyan选用了一定数选用了一定数量在当时也是较古老的词汇,这是量在当时也是较古老的词汇,这是文章的性质决定的。大凡传道说教文章的性质决定的。大凡传道说教者,都有这种习惯。者,都有这种习惯。 2021/8/650Bunyan深受圣经影响,要求深受圣经影响,要求语言庄严、严肃,在这方面他可以语言庄严、严肃,在这方面他可以说是很成功的。特别是在叙


37、朗读。层层推进,最便于朗读。 2021/8/652他的文章富于戏剧性,读来极他的文章富于戏剧性,读来极为生动。凡此种种,都表明他为生动。凡此种种,都表明他的写作目的是要真正的能够打的写作目的是要真正的能够打动人,好像自己在读者、听众动人,好像自己在读者、听众群众中。群众中。2021/8/653Questions1. What is the content of The Pilgrims Progress? What is its style?(1) Bunyans most important work is The Pilgrims Progress, which is a religiou

38、s allegory. 2021/8/654(1) It tells of spiritual pilgrimage of Christian, who flies from the City of Destruction, meets with the perils & temptations of Slough of Despond, Vanity Fair, & Doubting Castle, faces & overcomes the demon Appollyon, and Finally comes to the Delectable Mountains & the Celest

39、ial City.2021/8/655(2) Writhen in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory & dream, Bunyans style was modeled after that of the Bible: simple, but vivid & powerful. The names of the people & place indicate their characteristics, 2021/8/656(2) which becomes a great help for the readers to underst

40、and them. Thus it soon becomes popular among all kinds of people. Besides, a rich imagination & a natural talent for storytelling also contribute to the success of the work.2021/8/657(2) What is the implied meaning of The Pilgrims Progress?- Though an allegory, its characters impress the reader like

41、 real persons. The places that Bunyan paints in words are English scenes, 2021/8/658- and the conversations that enliven his narratives vividly repeat the language of his time, so it can be regarded as the pioneer of English modern novels. 2021/8/659- In reality the Celestial City in The Pilgrims Pr

42、ogress is the vision of an ideal happy society dreamed of by a poor tinker in the 17th century, through a veil of religious mist, but Christians struggle to the Celestial City symbolizes the process of reaching a better future.2021/8/660(3) What does “Vanity Fair” mean in The Pilgrims Progress?- Van

43、ity Fair is one of the most remarkable passages of Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress. “Vanity” means “emptiness” or “worthless”, 2021/8/661- and hence the fair is an allegory of worldliness & the corruption of the religious life through the attractions of the world. W. Thackeray, a later English writer produced his masterpiece entitled Vanity Fair.2021/8/662部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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