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1、u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/九年级(全)九年级(全)Units 1-2节日节日第二部分第二部分高频话题写作指导高频话题写作指导u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/从从全全国国近近5年年与与节节日日相相关关话话题题书书面面表表达达的的命命题题来看,通常有三个角度的内容:来看,通常有三个角度的内容:1. 介介绍绍传传统统节节日日的的起起源源或或活活动动,如如介介绍绍中中国国的的端端午午节或中秋节等。节或中秋节等。2. 写大家为庆祝节日做的准备及当天的喜庆活动。写大家为庆祝节日做的准备及当天的喜庆活动。3. 写自己在节日当天所做的活动。写自己在节日当天所做

2、的活动。 分分析析近近3年年60套套四四川川真真题题可可知知,四四川川对对此此话话题题的的书书面面表表达达是是以以介介绍绍传传统统节节日日为为主主,下下面面以以(2013乐山)为例:乐山)为例:写作导图写作导图u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/Dragon Boat FestivalTell something about Dragon Boat FestivalShow the meaning of Dragon Boat FestivalDate: on the fifth day of the fifth month Chinese lunar calendarSto

3、ry: in honor of the great ancient Chinese poet Qu YuanOne of the most important Chinese traditional festivalsActivity: hold dragon boat race; eat ZongziAn important part in Chinese culture to respect the traditions; make it knownExpress your feeling of Dragon Boat Festivalu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/

4、亮点句型速成亮点句型速成常用句型:常用句型:The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China.推荐句型:推荐句型:The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals to Chinese people.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/开头句:开头句:1. Now let me first tell you something about Dragon Boat Festival.2. Im very gl

5、ad to tell you something about Spring Festival. 3. Spring Festival is the most important festival in China,and it is also my most favourite festival.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/正文句:正文句:1. Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important Chinese traditional festivals. 2. It falls on the fifth day of

6、the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.4. Its the most important festival of the year and it is a time when all the family get together.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/3. I always help my mother clean the windows and wash the clothes on Mothers Day.4. We usually clean and decorate our ho

7、use carefully before New Years Day comes.5. Everyone goes home to get together with their family,though someone is far away from home.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/6. They usually visit their relatives and friends and say “Happy New Year” to them.7. On the eve of the New Year,the whole family gets toge

8、ther and has a big dinner.8. After the meal we watch “Spring Festival Gala” on TV until twelve oclock.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/9. When meeting others outside,we say “Happy New Year” to each other.10. On that day, people watch exciting dragon-boat races and make delicious zongzia kind of special fo

9、od with sticky rice, meat etc, wrapped in bamboo leaves.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/结尾句:结尾句:1. There are many traditional festivals in China,such as Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.2. I hope that we can have a great festival and everyone in my family can be happy. 3. To conclude,the Mid-Autum

10、n Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.(更更多多常常用用词词汇汇见见本本书书28天天话话题题词词汇汇分分类类速速记记表表话题(十)节假日活动)话题(十)节假日活动)u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/写作模板写作模板Its 节节日日名名称称 today. Im very glad to tell you something about it. Its a 形形容容词词 festival in 国国家家或或地地区区名名称称. It has a history of 数数字字 years. We usually

11、 节节日日前前的的准准备备活活动动 before it comes. On that day people 人人们们在在节节日日期期间间的的庆庆祝祝活活动动. We eat 节节日日美美食食. When meeting others outside, we 人人们们见见面面时时的的行为活动行为活动 to each other. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/典例剖析典例剖析假假设设你你是是李李华华,你你的的美美国国笔笔友友Maria对对中中国国的的传传统统节节日日端端午午节节很很感感兴兴趣趣,希希望望你你给给她她写写封封信信介介绍端午节。信中应包含以下要点:绍端午节。信

12、中应包含以下要点:1. 端午节是中国重要的传统节日之一;端午节是中国重要的传统节日之一;2. 端午节的时间是每年的农历五月初五;端午节的时间是每年的农历五月初五;3. 人人们们庆庆祝祝端端午午节节是是为为了了纪纪念念中中国国古古代代伟伟大大的的诗诗 人屈原;人屈原;4. 人们在端午节吃棕子、赛龙舟;人们在端午节吃棕子、赛龙舟;5. 自己对中华民族传统节日的认识。自己对中华民族传统节日的认识。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/参考词汇:庆祝参考词汇:庆祝celebrate; 农历农历 lunar calendar; 纪念纪念 in honor of; 诗人诗人poet; 龙舟

13、赛龙舟赛 dragon boat race注意:注意: 1. 词数:词数:80词左右,信的开头和结尾已给词左右,信的开头和结尾已给 出,不计入总词数;出,不计入总词数; 2. 覆覆盖盖所所有有要要点点;可可适适当当增增加加细细节节,使使行行文文 连贯。连贯。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/Dear Maria,Im very happy that you are interested in Chinese culture,especially the festivals. Now let me first tell you something about Dragon B

14、oat Festival(端午节)(端午节)._Yours,Li Huau末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/细读所给文字提示,提取信息:细读所给文字提示,提取信息:1. 本本文文是是对对Maria的的回回信信,行行文文用用第第一一人人称称;陈陈述述个个人人情情况况时时用用一一般般现现在在时时,介介绍绍端端午午节节的的由由来来用用一一般般过过去去时时,说说明明自自己己对对中中国国传传统统节节日日的的认认识识用用一般现在时。一般现在时。2. 根根据据内内容容提提示示,开开头头表表明明要要介介绍绍端端午午节节;然然后后正正文文介介绍绍端端午午节节的的具具体体情情况况;最最后后表表明

15、明自自己己的的认认识。识。【审题指导审题指导】u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【高分范文高分范文】 Dear Maria,Im very happy that you are interested in Chinese culture,especially the festivals. Now let me first tell you something about Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most important Chinese traditional festivals.

16、It isu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/on the fifth day of the fifth month in Chinese lunar calendar. That is to say,it is not on the same date every year. Dragon Boat Festival has a long history,which is in honor of the great ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan. People celebrate the day by holding dragon boat ra

17、ce and eating zongzi. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/There are many traditional festivals in China,such as Spring Festival and Mid-autumn Festival. Festivals play an important part in Chinese culture. It is our duty to respect the traditions and make Chinese culture known to the world. Yours,Li Huau末页末页

18、u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/1. 感兴趣感兴趣 _2. 最重要的最重要的 _3. 也就是说也就是说 _4. 纪念纪念 _5. 人们通过赛龙舟和吃粽子来庆祝这一天。人们通过赛龙舟和吃粽子来庆祝这一天。 _6. 尊重传统和把中国文化发扬光大是我们的责任。尊重传统和把中国文化发扬光大是我们的责任。 _ _be interested in the most important that is to say 【检测菜单检测菜单】in honor of People celebrate the day by holding dragon boat race and eating zongzi. It is our duty to respect the traditions and make Chinese culture known to the world. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/



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