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1、L/O/G/OChoose to Be Alone on Purpose By 刘慧洁刘慧洁l Memory Speak Listen1232. While-reading1. Pre-reading3. After-readingA man is known by the company he keeps they say. If it is so,then everyone is bound to have their _of _ with them as _.loneliness is not something that doesnt exist at all with any hum

2、an being _.Every human being feels lonely in his life at some point or other. Its _ have such feeling ,because thats what makes us all human and that is why we are as we are now.If we shed some light on why we feel aloof or lonely _, we would be very much _ or even probably surprised by the results.

3、 We ourselves are _ our selfdefined gloominess. This is because at times we really feel that we are_ or feel someone doesnt _ us.listening and filling in the chart.baggagecompanions on earthastonishedresponsible forbut natural toat timeslonelinessuncared forunderstandMemory the New WordsNew wordsTex

4、t in heren. 商品,货物;日用品adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;低下的vt. 使谦恭;轻松打败;低声下气n. 命令;指示vt. 命令;口述;使听写vi. 口述;听写 n. 包裹,小包vt. 打包;捆扎 humblecommoditychoken. 独居者;隐士 adj. 孤独的;独居的solitary Paraphrasen. 窒息;噎;动力 阻气门vi. 窒息;阻塞;说不出话来vt. 呛;使窒息;阻塞;抑制parceldictateDiscuss the questions and speak loudly. DiscussionThe thirdWhat kind of person

5、do you think prefer being alone?When you are alone, will you feel lonely?The fourth How to get rid of loneliness?The secondwhy do you feel lonely?The first51. Pre-reading2. While-reading3. After-readingn Preview Nowadays, more and more people are living alone, either choosing to live that way or hav

6、ing to. While some claim that living alone gives them creative inspirations and the sense of independence, many suffer from loneliness. Main idea of the text ? The reading passage focuses on a social phenomenon choosing to be alone on purpose. The passage mainly tells us: what living alone is, what

7、people think of living alone, who prefer living alone, the authors comments on living alone and what he advises for living in solitude. Living alone a common social phenomenon.Part I (para. 1)Part II (para. 2)What do people think of livingalone?The author mentions 3 famous literary giants who choose

8、 to be alone and tells us what message we can draw from the people who choose to be alone. Part (paras.3-10)The author makes his comments on living alone. Part (paras.11-16)1. The larger the ego, the less the need for other egos around. (Para. 10) n. ones idea or opinion of oneself, or a great feeli

9、ng of ones own importance and ability 自我,自尊心egoDetailed Study Of The Texte.g.Im glad she got the job she needed something to boost her ego.我很高兴她得到了那份工作她需要那份工作来增强她的自尊心。 e.g.That man has got such a enormous ego Ive never known anyone so full of themselves. 那个人非常自负,我从来没有见过那么以自我为中心的人。扩展扩展egoism: n.自我主义;

10、自私;利己egoist: n.自私自利者;自我中心者egoistic(al): a.自私自利的;利己主义的 ego-trip: n.(俚)以自我为中心的活动e.g.Her life is just one big ego-trip. 她的一生都是以自我为中心的。 扩展扩展2. people we can call to say we lost our job or fell on a slippery floor and broke our arm.(Para12)a. 1) difficult to hold or to stand on, drive on, etc. 滑的e.g.The

11、roads are slippery after the rain.雨后道路很滑。slipperye.g.Once youve given in to temptation for the first time youre on the slippery slope. 一旦你经不住第一次诱惑,以后就无法抵制得住。e.g.Hes as slippery as an eel you can never get a straight answer out of him.他像鳝鱼般难以捉摸你永远不可能从他口里得到直接的回答。a. 2) not to be trusted, shifty圆滑3. opi

12、nions that backs up and (Para 12)2) support, esp. in an argument 支持back upe.g.The correspondence has been backing up for several days.待处理的信件已积压了好几天。1) cause to block up使积压,使拥塞e.g.The policeman wouldnt have believed me if you hadnt backed me up. 如果当时你不支持我,警察是不会相信我的。They are worried that the other sid

13、e will _ of the agreements. Even though it was obvious her ideas were unworkable, she wouldnt _. The child _ from the big dog. back down: 放弃主权,要求等,让步,屈服 back out:退出协议,撤回承诺等,有时与of 连用。back away:(因恐惧或厌恶而)后退,退缩。back out back downbacked away 他们担心对方不履行协议尽管她的意见显然不可行但是她仍不放弃。 那小孩向后退躲开那条大狗。 扩展扩展Answer the que

14、stionEnjoy a poemRead a literature 1. Pre-reading2. While-reading3. After-readingListen to a musicII. Answer the following questions.1.Why is loneliness called a national disease of the U.S.? All 22 million of people live alone, which suggests that it is an overwhelming phenomenon in the United Stat

15、es. Because they can find inspiration in solitude. The more capable the person is of thinking on his own, the less his need for staying with others. 2. According to the passage, why do poets like the solitary condition? 3.What can be learned from Thoreaus choice of the solitary way of life? It depen

16、ds. If he lives with them, the friends temporary leaving will be received as a welcome change. However, if he lives alone, the temporary absence of friends will leave him nothing but the feeling of emptiness. 4. How will the temporary absence of friends and acquaintances affect a person?The need to

17、talk is the most basic need of a solitary person. 5. Why is it important for a person living alone to talk to others?6. Who may the person living in solitude talk to? He may call friends to tell them important things, or talk to himself, his pets, the television, or even to strangers in the supermar

18、ket. You are not aloneAnother day has gone 又一日过往 Im still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? Youre not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love

19、 slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though youre far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though were far apart 不管天涯海角 Youre always in my heart 你在我心间 B

20、ut you are not alone 你不会孤单 Lone, lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can

21、begin 方能偕老白头 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and Ill come runnin 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that Ill be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 Ill be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though youre far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with yo

22、u 我永伴你身旁 Though were far apart 不管天涯海角 Youre always in my heart 你永远在我心中 For you are not alone 因为你不会孤单 Darst thou amid the varied multitudeTo live alone, an isolated thing?To see the busy beings round thee spring,And care for none; in thy calm solitude,A flower that scarce breathes in the desert rudeT

23、o Zephyrs passing wing?在芸芸众生的人海裏,你敢否与世隔绝,独善其身?任周围的人们闹腾,你却漠不关心;冷落,估计,像一朵花在荒凉的沙漠裏,不愿向著微风吐馨? The Solitary 孤独者孤独者 -Shelley 雪莱雪莱multitude :群众isolated:孤立的scarce :稀有的 breathe :呼吸company:陪伴desert :沙漠Not the swart Pariah in some Indian grove,Lone, lean, and hunted by his brothers hate,Hath drunk so deep the

24、cup of bitter fateAs that poor wretch who cannot, cannot love:He bears a load which nothing can remove,A killing, withering weight.即使一个巴利阿人在印度丛林中,孤单、瘦削、受尽同胞的厌恶,他的命运之杯虽苦,犹胜似一个不懂得爱的可怜虫:背著致命的负荷,贻害无穷,那永远摆脱不了的担负。 grove :小树林lean: 瘦弱的 fate:命运wretch :可怜的人remove:移动withering :枯萎He smiles-tis sorrows deadliest

25、 mockery;He speaks-the cold words flow not from his soul;He acts like others, drains the genial bowl,-Yet, yet he longs-although he fears-to die;He pants to reach what yet he seems to fly,Dull lifes extremest goal. 他微笑这是悲哀的最严厉的讽刺;他说话冷冷的言词,不是从灵魂流露,他和别人一样行动,吃著美味的事物;然而,然而他盼望虽然又害怕死;他渴望抵达,虽然又像要逃避那灰色生涯的最终

26、的归宿。 sorrow:悲伤mockery:嘲弄flow:流出drain:喝光genial:温暖的pant :喘气One Hundred Years of Solitude It is by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, is a novel that narrates the multi-generational story of the Buenda Family, whose patriarch, Jos Arcadio Buendia, founds the town of Macondo, the metaphoric Colombia. The non-linea

27、r story is narrated via different time frames, a technique derived from the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges (as in The Garden of Forking Paths).百年孤独百年孤独,是哥伦比亚作家加西,是哥伦比亚作家加西亚亚马尔克斯的代表作,也是拉丁美洲马尔克斯的代表作,也是拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学的代表作。被誉为魔幻现实主义文学的代表作。被誉为“再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著巨著”。 The story, considered t

28、o be the authors masterpiece, was first published in Spanish in 1967, and succeeded so well that it has been translated into thirty-seven languages.The magical realist style and thematic substance of One Hundred Years of Solitude established it as an important, representative novel of the literary L

29、atin American Boom of the 1960s and 1970s,that was stylistically influenced by Modernism (European and North American), and the Cuban Vanguardia (Vanguard) literary movement. Gabriel Jos de la Concordia Gabo Garca Mrquez (Spanish pronunciation: ajel arsi.a markes; born March 6, 19271) is a Colombian

30、 novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist. Garca Mrquez, affectionately known as Gabo throughout Latin America, is considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982. He pursued a self-directed education that resu

31、lted in his leaving law school for a career in journalism. From early on, he showed no inhibitions in his criticism of Colombian and foreign politics. In 1958, he married Mercedes Barcha; they have two sons, Rodrigo and Gonzalo. He started as a journalist, and has written many acclaimed non-fiction

32、works and short stories, but is best-known for his novels, such as One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) and Love in the Time of Cholera (1985). His works have achieved significant critical acclaim and widespread commercial success, most notably for popularizing a literary style labeled as magical re

33、alism, which uses magical elements and events in otherwise ordinary and realistic situations. Some of his works are set in a fictional village called Macondo, and most of them express the theme of solitude.加夫列尔加西亚马尔克斯(Gabriel Jos de la Concordia Garca Mrquez,1927年3月6日),是哥伦比亚作家、记者和社会活动家,拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学的

34、代表人物,20世纪最有影响力的作家之一,1982年诺贝尔文学奖得主。作为一个天才的、赢得广泛赞誉的小说家,加西亚马尔克斯将现实主义与幻想结合起来,创造了一部风云变幻的哥伦比亚和整个南美大陆的神话般的历史。代表作有百年孤独(1967年)霍乱时期的爱情(1985年)。Have you watched the movie The Graduate?Benjamin ,the leading role of the movie ,is supposed to be viewed as a symbol of confused youth, of being unsure, of being lost. As Benjamin s peers, you may understand him in some way. L/O/G/OThank You!



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