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1、United States United States Presidential electionPresidential election1lBasic introduction lQualifications of a president lThe process of the electionlTwo-party system of AmericalUnited States Presidential election of 2012outline2Start with the Constitution(宪法)The election day is the Tuesday between

2、 November 2nd and 8th(the last one: Nov. 4th 2008;the next one : Nov 6th, 2012)Candidates for President and Vice-President Run Together. (In most cases, the presidential candidate select a vice-presidential candidate himself.)The Constitution states that suffrage (选举权)cannot be denied on grounds of

3、race , color, sex, or age.3WHO CAN BE A PRESIDENT?uAt least thirty-five years of age at the time of nomination. uHe / She should be a natural born citizen of the United states. uThe candidate should be a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years41.Primary election预选预选2.Norminating2.N

4、orminating processprocess总统选举人提总统选举人提名名3.Running竞选运动竞选运动4.General Election 全国选举全国选举5.inauguration 总统就职仪式总统就职仪式5Each state starts to conduct popular elections to choose their slate of electors: indirect election system. Each state has its own electors大规模的Each party has its own electoral college(选举委员会

5、)62: nominating process(July to Aug.)2: nominating process(July to Aug.)The electors from Each State make up the Electoral College“The major political parties will officially hold its presidential nominating conventions. In this nominating conventions, The “Electoral College” Votes for the President

6、. Normally ,the candidate for president receiving the majority(50%) of the electoral votes is the elected president.7The candidates of the major parties will go to many states to win the supporters by means of :campaigning trips to different statesaddressing TV speechesshowing on TV debates. These m

7、edia tools play an important role in running(宣传造势宣传造势) . This process costs lots. 84.General election(November)On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in an election year, voters cast ballots for President and Vice President. 9The voters do not vote directly for the President and Vic

8、e President , They vote for electors who are named by the two parties, and the electors will, in turn, vote for the Presidential candidate of their own party, the winning candidate is already elected when the electors are chosen on the election day.105. Inauguration: January in the next year11lThis

9、process is simply a formality. On the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December in an election year, the electors meet in the capital of their own state and vote for President and Vice President. lThe Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates who get the majority of the electoral votes

10、 are elected President and Vice President. The newly-elected President takes up office on January 20th of the next year. 12The Republican partyThe Democrat party dignity strength smart brave wisdomparty emblem1314PartiesThe RepublicansThe DemocratsSymbols _DonkeyIdeas conservative_Economic ideafree

11、_ interventionSocial issuesOppose large governmental social security programs_ a strong social security systemPolitical supportbusiness groupsthe less privilegedElephantliberalmarketGovernmentSupport15United States presidential election of 201216The nextUnited States presidential electionis to be he

12、ld on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Incumbent PresidentBarack Obama is running for a second and final term during this election.His major challenger is former Massachusetts Governor, RepublicanMitt Romney.the 57thquadrennialpresidential election17the 70th Governor of Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州) from 2003 to 2

13、007He ran for the Republican nomination in the 2008 U.S. presidential election, but he lost the nomination to John McCain. In June 2011, he announced that he would seek the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. The results of the caucuses and primaries have placed him as the clear leader and in A

14、pril 2012, the Republican National Committee declared him the presumptive nominee.Brief introduction about Mitt RomneyWillard Mitt Romney Personal details: (born March 12, 1947) is an American businessman and politician.181920First Presidential Debate: Obama vs. Romney21This debate and the next thre

15、e - two presidential, one vice presidential - are sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Tonights 90 minutes will be about domestic issues and will follow a format designed by the commission. There will be six roughly 15-minute segments with two-minute answers for the first question, t

16、hen open discussion for the remainder of each segment. Thousands of people offered suggestions on segment subjects or questions via the Internet and other means, but I made the final selections. And for the record, they were not submitted for approval to the commission or the candidates. The segment

17、s as I announced in advance will be three on the economy and one each on health care, the role of government and governing, with an emphasis throughout on differences, specifics and choices. Both candidates will also have two-minute closing statements.22奥巴马罗姆尼开打辩论战奥巴马罗姆尼开打辩论战 盘点双方政见理念差异盘点双方政见理念差异 综观


19、力必要时出兵奥巴马:进行裁军奥巴马:进行裁军“重返亚太进行重返亚太进行再平衡再平衡”23中新网10月16日电 据美国媒体16日报道,美国奥巴马和共和党总统候选人罗姆尼之间的竞选日趋激烈,决定大选结果的选举人票现在相当接近。目前奥巴马的选举人票数仅超过罗姆尼10张,胜负差距已缩小到危险范围。据美国新闻网站收集的各州民调平均值显示,奥巴马领先的州一共有201张选举人票,而罗姆尼领先的州共有191张选举人票。要想取得大选的胜利,必须赢得270张选举人票。但在近一个月前,该调查显示,奥巴马以265张选举人票领先于罗姆尼的191张。罗姆尼在10月3日首场辩论中表现强劲,令他在一系列的全国民调和州内民调中







26、权”,这项权利是美国宪政的基础。而奥巴马浸淫法律多年,按理说决不会犯这种错误,这只能是一种故意误导。而经历了一场艰苦的共和党初选的罗姆尼,则被有心人盯上,专门统计他撒了多少谎,结果是:在30周内,罗姆尼共撒了533个谎。统计者称罗姆尼惯于信口开河,例如称“奥巴马满世界的为美国在世界上的作为道歉”,但实际上一次也没有。3031Obama keeps Romney on his heels in last debateBOCA RATON, Fla. President Obama and Mitt Romney clashed repeatedly over foreign policy her

27、e Monday night, with the president arguing assertively that Romney has lacked the consistency or clarity of vision to lead the country while the Republican nominee charged that Obama has been weak and ineffective in the face of growing turmoil in the world.The two candidates differed most sharply ov

28、er the presidents handling of the uprisings in the Middle East, his efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and his treatment of Israel. But often they seemed to find common ground on some of the policies the administration is pursuing.32Winners and losers from the final presidential

29、debate33WINNERS* President Obama: Obama controlled the third presidential debate in a way not all that dissimilar from the way Romney controlled the first one. Obama clearly came loaded for bear, attacking Romney from the jump for a lack of clarity when it came to his vision (or lack thereof) on for

30、eign policy. If you are looking for moments and remember that the media coverage over the next few days will focus on just that Obama had two with his line about “the 1980s calling” in regards to Romneys foreign policy and his reference to “horses and bayonets” to call into question his rivals under

31、standing of the modern military. Its possible that Obama came off too hot/not presidential in some of his attacks but Democrats will take a little too much heat following Obamas cold-as-ice performance in the first debate. Obama came across as the more confident and commanding presence by a lot. 34L

32、OSERS* Mitt Romney: Romney clearly decided to play it safe in this debate whether because he thought he was ahead and will win if he doesnt screw up or because he knows that foreign policy isnt his strong suit. But, as NFL teams (re)learn every year, playing the prevent defense almost never works. R

33、omney was constantly trying to parry Obama attacks; he knocked some down but plenty got through too. Romney also struggled to differentiate how his foreign policy would offer a break with what Obama has pursued over the past four years. And, he seemed uninterested in attacking Obama on Libya, a baff

34、ling strategic decision. Romney was, not surprisingly, at his best when talking about how the economic uncertainty in this country led to uncertainty for the country more broadly but he just didnt do enough of it to win352012 Election Map: The race for the presidency36the Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll starts its second week with a tied contest: 49 percent of likely voters support President Obama and exactly the same number back Republican Mitt Romney.37



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