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1、电气工程与自动化专业英语电气工程与自动化专业英语English For Electrical Engineering and Automation 第十一章第十一章 直流电机直流电机 Chapter 11 Direct-Current Machine 编制编制 黄伟雄黄伟雄By Huang Weixiong1专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Terms and Expressions(1) electric machine 电机电机 / rotating (electric) machine (electric) generator / (electric) motor *alt

2、ernator n. 交流发电机交流发电机 *dynamo n. (直流直流)发电机发电机 (2) alternating-current machine / AC machine 交流电机交流电机 synchronous machine 同步电机同步电机 synchronous speed 同步转速同步转速 synchronism n. 同步同步, 同步性同步性 synchro- 表示表示“同步同步” e.g. synchroclock n. 同步时钟同步时钟 synchrometer n. 同步计,同步指示器同步计,同步指示器 asynchronous machine 异步电机异步电机 i

3、nduction machine 感应电机感应电机 2专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Terms and Expressions(3) direct-current machine / DC machine 直流电机直流电机 separately-excited 它励的它励的 permanent-magnet DC machine self-excited 自励的自励的 self-excitation process shunt-excited 并励的并励的 / shunt wound shunt n. 分路分路(器器),分流,分流(器器) in shunt with 与与并联

4、并联 / in series with series-excited 串励的串励的 compound generator 复励发电机复励发电机 *cumulatively-compounded motor 积复励电动机积复励电动机 (4) stator 定子定子 / rotor 转子转子 / air gap 气隙气隙3专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Terms and Expressions(5) (stator) frame 机座机座 (frame) yoke 磁轭磁轭 nameplate 铭牌铭牌 plate n. (平平)板;极板板;极板(6) main pole 主极主

5、极 interpole 极间极极间极 / commutating pole 换向极换向极 salient pole 凸极凸极 salient a. 显著的,突出的,凸起的显著的,突出的,凸起的 pole shoe 极靴极靴 / pole face 极面极面 / pole tip 极尖极尖 pole core / electrical steel 电工钢电工钢(片片) laminate v. 把把压成薄片;用薄片叠成压成薄片;用薄片叠成 laminated soft-iron core 叠片软铁心叠片软铁心 lamination n. 叠片;叠片结构叠片;叠片结构4专业英语专业英语chaChap

6、ter 11 - Terms and Expressions(7) brush gear 电刷装置电刷装置(8) armature 电枢电枢 armature core / slot n. 槽槽(9) commutator 换向器换向器 commutator segment 换向片换向片 *mica n. 云母云母 *polymer n. 多聚物,聚合物多聚物,聚合物 *dovetail n. 鸠尾,燕尾槽鸠尾,燕尾槽 (10) winding 绕组绕组 / automatic winder 自动绕线机自动绕线机 excitation winding / stator winding / ar

7、mature winding single-layer winding double-layer winding / two-layer winding layer n. 层层5专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Terms and Expressions simplex lap winding 单叠绕组单叠绕组 *duplex lap winding 双叠绕组双叠绕组 simplex wave winding 单波绕组单波绕组 simplex a. 单一的;单工的单一的;单工的 lap n. v. 部分重叠,搭接部分重叠,搭接(11) pitch n. 间隙间隙 ; 节距,螺距,

8、齿距,孔距节距,螺距,齿距,孔距 pole pitch 极距极距 commutator pitch 换向器节距换向器节距 full pitch coil short pitch coil (12) span n. 跨度,跨距;跨度,跨距; 全长全长 coil span 线圈跨距线圈跨距 / coil pitch6专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Terms and Expressions(13) electrical degree 电角度电角度 mechanical degree 机械角度机械角度 (14) direct axis 直轴直轴 quadrature axis 交轴交

9、轴 quadrature n. 物物90度相位差,度相位差,90度相移度相移 e.g. (be) in quadrature with 与与在相位上相差在相位上相差90度度(15) cross-magnetizing armature reaction 交磁电枢反应交磁电枢反应(16) instantaneous power 瞬时功率瞬时功率 active power 有功功率有功功率 / average power / real power reactive power 无功功率无功功率 apparent power 视在功率视在功率 the power triangle 功率三角形功率三角

10、形 power factor7专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Terms and Expressions(17) winding loss 绕组损耗绕组损耗 copper loss 铜耗铜耗 / ohmic loss 电阻损耗电阻损耗 steel loss / iron loss 铁耗铁耗 eddy current loss 涡流损耗涡流损耗 hysteresis loss 磁滞损耗磁滞损耗 hysteresis n. 滞后滞后(作用作用,现象现象);物物磁滞磁滞 mechanical loss 机械损耗机械损耗 additional loss 附加损耗附加损耗 / stray

11、 loss 杂散损耗杂散损耗(18) torque n. 转矩转矩 (19) brushless brushless DC motor (BLDCM) 无刷直流电动机无刷直流电动机(20) step motor 步进电动机步进电动机 / stepper motor(21) variable reluctance machine 变磁阻电机变磁阻电机 8专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Terms and Expressions(22) rheostat n. 变阻器,电阻箱变阻器,电阻箱(23) permeability n. 磁导率磁导率 (24) saturation n.

12、饱和饱和(25) nonlinearity n. 非线性非线性 (26) dynamic a. 动力动力(学学)的,动态的的,动态的 steady-state 稳态的稳态的(27) time-varying 时变的时变的 time-invariant 时不变的,定常的时不变的,定常的(28) ordinate n. 纵坐标纵坐标 / vertical coordinate abscissa n. 横坐标横坐标 / horizontal coordinate coordinate n. 同等者,同等物;同等者,同等物;复复坐标坐标 a. e.g. origin of coordinates 坐标

13、原点坐标原点(29) a function of x x的一个函数的一个函数9专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text(1) convert into 把把 变成变成/转换成转换成 (2) underlie vt. 位于位于下面;构成下面;构成的基础的基础(3) converse a. 颠倒的,逆的,反的颠倒的,逆的,反的 n. 转换;转换;逻逻反题;反题;数数逆,反逆,反(4) classify as 把把分类为分类为(5) equation n. 方程,等式方程,等式 *导数的读法:导数的读法: dy/dx 读作读作 ( the first ) d

14、erivative of y with respect of /to x with respect of /to 关于,相对于,就关于,相对于,就而论而论(6) cyclical a. 周期的,循环的周期的,循环的(7) electromechanical a. 机电的机电的 (8) shape v. 使具有某种形状,塑造,成型使具有某种形状,塑造,成型 10专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text(9) Operation of these machines depends on the nonuniformity of air-gap reluct

15、ance associated with (与与相相联系,与联系,与有关有关) variations in rotor position in conjunction with (与与配合配合) time-varying currents applied to their stator windings. nonuniform a. 不均匀的,不一致的不均匀的,不一致的 uni- pref. 单,一单,一 e.g. unibus n. 单总线单总线 unicontrol n. 单向控制单向控制 unidirectional current 单方向电流单方向电流(10) be subjected

16、 to 使遭受到使遭受到(11) dissimilar a. 不相似的,不同的不相似的,不同的11专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text(12) For example , analysis of a DC machine shows that associated with both the rotor and the stator are magnetic flux distributions which are fixed in space and that the torque-producing characteristic of the

17、DC machine stems from the tendency of these flux distributions to align. stem n. 茎,梗茎,梗vi. 起源于起源于( from , out of ) align v. 排整齐,对齐,校准排整齐,对齐,校准12专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text13专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text14专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text15专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text16专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text17专业英语专业英语chaChapter 11 - Notes to the Text18专业英语专业英语cha



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