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1、You know, Ive seen quite a lot of China, and Ive visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.Look at the way the words and and but are used in this sentence from A Lively City.Complete the paragraph below with and or but.Cities are exciting, interesting p

2、laces to live, _ I have always enjoyed living in them, as there is so much to do _ see. There are museums, cinemas, theatres, art galleries, parks, coffee bars, clubs _ many other places where people can meet _ exchange ideas.andandandand_ there are times when I need the peace _ quiet of the country

3、side. Cities are interesting, _ they can be beautiful, _ they are never beautiful in the way that the countryside is beautiful. By this I mean that they do not have the beauty of nature, trees _ hills, lakes _ streams. But andandbutandandI I love cities, _ there are times when I need to get out into

4、 the countryside _ get away from the noise, the dirt _ the people. I think that there are many people who feel the same way.andandbut如何写社区调查报告如何写社区调查报告【案例呈现案例呈现】今年暑假今年暑假, 你和你们班同学对学校附你和你们班同学对学校附近的祥和社区进行了调查近的祥和社区进行了调查, 请以请以A report of our neighborhood为题为题, 写一篇词数为写一篇词数为100左右的英语调查报告左右的英语调查报告, 内容如下内容如下:社

5、区名称社区名称: 祥和社区祥和社区 (Xianghe Community)地理位置地理位置: 学校附近学校附近目前状况:生活区:有目前状况:生活区:有30座高楼,座高楼,1000户户人家,人口数量约有人家,人口数量约有4000;服务区:有医;服务区:有医院,邮局,银行;休闲区院,邮局,银行;休闲区(社区公园社区公园):有:有花草树木,绿化占总空间的花草树木,绿化占总空间的40%,环境优,环境优美。美。存在的问题:文体活动少;居民环保意识存在的问题:文体活动少;居民环保意识不强。不强。建议:建议:要求:要求:1. 语言流畅,可适当增加细语言流畅,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;节,以使行文连贯;

6、2. 参考词汇:参考词汇:和谐相处和谐相处 live in harmony with;居;居民民resident。 【写作指导写作指导】审题定调:本文体裁属于调查报告。审题定调:本文体裁属于调查报告。布局谋篇:第一段:点明调查对象布局谋篇:第一段:点明调查对象祥和社区;第二段:社区状况和存在祥和社区;第二段:社区状况和存在的问题;第三段:希望和建议。的问题;第三段:希望和建议。 注意事项:调查报告通常用第一人称来注意事项:调查报告通常用第一人称来写,语言要求简洁明快、客观公正,使写,语言要求简洁明快、客观公正,使读者容易接受。主要使用一般现在时态读者容易接受。主要使用一般现在时态和一般将来时态

7、。和一般将来时态。常用表达常用表达:1. 描写地理位置:描写地理位置:be located in, lie in the south of ., cover an area of . square kilometers, be surrounded by . 2. 描写社区状况:描写社区状况:there be ., including ., be divided into ., be made up of, be shaped like ., take on a new look .3. 描写问题和建议:描写问题和建议:become more and more serious, influen

8、cing ., taking everything into consideration, we should do ., take some effective measures to do ., consider it important to do ., think it ones duty to do ., pay attention to, only in this way can we do . 【范文欣赏范文欣赏】A report of our neighborhoodThis summer our class made a survey about Xianghe Commun

9、ity located near our school. The result is as follows:Xianghe Community is made up of three parts: living section with 30 high buildings, 1,000 households and about 4,000 people; service section including a post office, a hospital and a bank; and Community Park with flowers and trees, taking up 40%

10、of the community area. But there is no bookstore or activity centre there. Whats more, we can see some rubbish here and there. Considering everything, we think some cultural and sports activities should be provided and the environment should be protected. Only in this way can the residents here live

11、 a happy life. Showing position and directionAnswer the questions. Use the words in the brackets.1. Where is Tiananmen Square? (middle, Beijing)2. Where are the British Isles? (continental Europe)Tiananmen Square is in the middle of Beijing.The British Isles are near / next to continental Europe.3.

12、Is Guangzhou in the east of China? (south)4. What part of China is the city Urumqi in? (northwest)Guangzhou is in the south of China.Urumqi is in the northwest of China.5. Do you know where the Summer Palace is? (suburb, Beijing)6. Can you see the high-rise buildings of Pudong from the Bund? (across

13、 the water)The Summer Palace is in the suburb of Beijing.I can see the high-rise buildings of Pudong across the water.Work in pairs.Student A: You have just moved to Student Bs neighbourhood. Ask him / her questions about it and ask for direction.Example: Are people friendly round here? Where are the local shops?Student B: Answer Student As questions. Give him / her as much useful information as you can about your neighbourhood and give directions.



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