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1、uUnit 1uVocabularyExercise IIIExercise IVaccustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite accustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite plungeplungedisastrous overcome revive retreat distract disastrous overcome revive retreat distract missionmission1. Ive always envied painters and poets I have

2、no _ ability at all. 2. Hes struggling to _ his fear of flying, but he still panics sometimes when he has to board a plane. artisticovercomeIII.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.3. She held her new born baby with _ tenderness.

3、4. The whole nation was _ into profound grief when Princess Diana died in an accident. infiniteplungedaccustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite accustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite plungeplungedisastrous overcome revive retreat distract disastrous overcome revive retreat distract

4、missionmissionIII.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.5. The volunteers _ is to work with the police to reduce crime on the streets of New York.6. The city is planning a public _ to awaken people to the problem of noise pollution

5、. missioncampaignaccustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite accustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite plungeplungedisastrous overcome revive retreat distract disastrous overcome revive retreat distract missionmissionIII.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given

6、below. Change the forms where necessary.8. Once their books are open, A students dont let anything _ them from their studies. 7. He was knocked unconscious by a stone, and after I _ him, he didnt recognize me. reviveddistractaccustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite accustomed precaution camp

7、aign artistic infinite plungeplungedisastrous overcome revive retreat distract disastrous overcome revive retreat distract missionmissionIII.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.9. Amanda wasnt feeling well that day but she perfor

8、med in the play with her _ ease. 10.When you feel overwhelmed by the complications of life in the big city, its good to _ to the countryside for a few days. accustomedretreataccustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite accustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite plungeplungedisastrous overc

9、ome revive retreat distract disastrous overcome revive retreat distract missionmissionIII.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.11. In times of war, people usually buy and store more food as a _ against shortages.12.The closing of

10、the cigarette factory had _ effects on the towns economy. precautiondisastrousaccustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite accustomed precaution campaign artistic infinite plungeplungedisastrous overcome revive retreat distract disastrous overcome revive retreat distract missionmissionIII.Fill i

11、n the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary.IV.Replace the underlined portions of the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best match the original meaning. delighted with1. Though excited about the beautiful scenery

12、 he was painting. Churchill kept thinking about his daughter Marigold.2. He struggled for many years before his efforts produced results. bore fruit kept Clementine company rely on3. I wonder who kept Clementine from feeling lonely while her husband was painting in Scotland.4. In a market-driven eco

13、nomy, a business cant depend on the government to help it out.IV.Replace the underlined portions of the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best match the original meaning. take refuge awaken people to5. Home is the place where you can always find comfort when you meet w

14、ith frustration (挫折) in your career.6. Non-Smoking Day is part of a campaign to make people realize the dangers of smoking. IV.Replace the underlined portions of the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best match the original meaning.pay the price chanced upon; dated fro

15、m7. If you drink any more of that wine, youll suffer in the morning.8. The construction workers happened to find some ancient coins that were made in the 13th century.IV.Replace the underlined portions of the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best match the original me

16、aning. tried his hand at fell upon; came to her rescue9. He was in his 40s when he first attempted to learn calligraphy (书法). 10.Two men suddenly appeared and attacked the girl, but fortunately some passersby heard her screams and saved her.IV.Replace the underlined portions of the following sentenc

17、es with words or expressions from the text that best match the original meaning.uWord BuildingExercise VExercise VIV.The suffixes en can be added to some adjectives to form verbs meaning become or make (sth.) become.Examples:shorten - make sth. short(er); become short(er)The campaign could have made

18、 the war shorter.The campaign could have shortened the war.V.The suffixes en can be added to some adjectives to form verbs meaning become or make (sth.) become.Examples:thicken - make sth. thick(er); become thick(er)The sauce will become thicker as you cook it.The sauce will thicken as you cook it.V

19、.The same suffix can also be added to certain nouns to form verbs meaning gain (noun) or add to sth.s (noun).Examples:lengthen - gain length, add to sth.s lengthThe university president wants to add to the length of all the classes.The university president wants to lengthen all the classes.V.The sam

20、e suffix can also be added to certain nouns to form verbs meaning gain (noun) or add to sth.s (noun).Examples:frighten - add to sth./sb.s frightThis idea is adding to the students fright.This idea is frightening the students.V.Now rewrite the following sentences according to the examples, using en v

21、erbs to replace the underlined parts.broadens the mind weakened1. Its often said that travel makes the mind broader. 2. Her eyesight became weak as the illness progressed.V.Now rewrite the following sentences according to the examples, using en verbs to replace the underlined parts.sweeten Diet coke

22、 hardens3. What is used to make Diet Coke sweet, if it contains no sugar? 4. They make these toys from a new kind of plastic that becomes hard in seconds.V.Now rewrite the following sentences according to the examples, using en verbs to replace the underlined parts.strengthen deepen your understandi

23、ng of the course material5. Exercises like this one add to the strength of my knowledge of English. 6. Discussions with your classmates will make your understanding of the course material deeper.V.Now rewrite the following sentences according to the examples, using en verbs to replace the underlined

24、 parts.sharpen the kitchen knives reddened7. My mother used to use a special stone to make the kitchen knives sharp. 8. His face became red as he realized he had entered the womens bathroom.V.Now rewrite the following sentences according to the examples, using en verbs to replace the underlined part

25、s.Brighten; quickens lightened9. Have you noticed how her eyes become brighter and her breath becomes quicker every time he enters the room? 10.These extra windows have really added light to the room.e.g. cloud cloud + + -y -y blood blood + + -y -y rose rose + + -y -y sleep sleep + + -y -y cloudyVI.

26、The suffix y can be added to nouns to form adjectives meaning full of, covered with, having the quality of, or inclined to.: full of cloudsbloody : covered with bloodrosy: having the quality of a rosesleepy : inclined to sleep1. How could anyone survive that accident?! Hes _ to be alive. 2. She was

27、born into a _ family, but she refuses to accept money from her parents. luckywealthy health ice luck noise sand health ice luck noise sand sleep sleep smell smell sun taste wave wealth sun taste wave wealth windwindVI.Now form adjectives by adding y to the nouns listed below and then use some of the

28、m to fill in the blanks in following sentences.3. Everyone says English cooking is not very _, but I enjoyed some dishes well enough. 4. There are always more accidents in winter, when the roads are _. tastyicy health ice luck noise sand health ice luck noise sand sleep sleep smell smell sun taste w

29、ave wealth sun taste wave wealth windwindVI.Now form adjectives by adding y to the nouns listed below and then use some of them to fill in the blanks in following sentences.5. Shes a very pretty girl with long _ hair. 6. Take that _ old dog outside and give him a bath. wavysmelly health ice luck noi

30、se sand health ice luck noise sand sleep sleep smell smell sun taste wave wealth sun taste wave wealth windwindVI.Now form adjectives by adding y to the nouns listed below and then use some of them to fill in the blanks in following sentences.7. The heavy meal and all the dull speeches made everybod

31、y _. 8. I wouldnt want to live in the center of town the streets are too crowded and _. sleepynoisy/ smelly health ice luck noise sand health ice luck noise sand sleep sleep smell smell sun taste wave wealth sun taste wave wealth windwindVI.Now form adjectives by adding y to the nouns listed below a

32、nd then use some of them to fill in the blanks in following sentences.9. You need to eat more fresh vegetables if you want to stay _. 10.Its a beautiful _ day lets go out for a walk. healthysunny health ice luck noise sand health ice luck noise sand sleep sleep smell smell sun taste wave wealth sun

33、taste wave wealth windwindVI.Now form adjectives by adding y to the nouns listed below and then use some of them to fill in the blanks in following sentences.uStructureExercise VIIExercise VIIIVII. Study the two models below and then rewrite each of the following sentences with the past participle a

34、s an adverbial.As he was overwhelmed by the disaster, he retired As he was overwhelmed by the disaster, he retired with his family to a country retreat in Surrey.with his family to a country retreat in Surrey. Overwhelmed by the disaster, he retired with his family to a country retreat in Surrey. .M

35、odel 1:VII. Study the two models below and then rewrite each of the following sentences with the past participle as an adverbial.Clementine was delighted with anything that Clementine was delighted with anything that distracted him from the dark thoughts that overwhelmed distracted him from the dark

36、 thoughts that overwhelmed him, so she rushed off to buy whatever paints and him, so she rushed off to buy whatever paints and materials she could find.materials she could find. Delighted with anything that distracted him from the dark thoughts that overwhelmed him, Clementine rushed off to buy what

37、ever paints and materials she could find.Model 2:1. Many foreign visitors are amazed at the great changes that are taking place in Shanghai, so they leave China with a completely new view of our country.Amazed at the great changes that are taking place in Shanghai, Many foreign visitors leave China

38、with a completely new view of our country.VII. Study the two models below and then rewrite each of the following sentences with the past participle as an adverbial.2. We were unpleasantly startled by the appearance of a mouse, so we promptly decided to clean our apartment.Unpleasantly startled by th

39、e appearance of a mouse, we promptly decided to clean our apartment.VII. Study the two models below and then rewrite each of the following sentences with the past participle as an adverbial.3. Because theyre tired of their own cooking, theyve decided to go to a restaurant for a change.Tired of their

40、 own cooking, theyve decided to go to a restaurant for a change.VII. Study the two models below and then rewrite each of the following sentences with the past participle as an adverbial.4. The little girl was alert to every sound in the house that night because shed been frightened by the horror fil

41、m.Frightened by the horror film, the little girl was alert to every sound in the house that night.VII. Study the two models below and then rewrite each of the following sentences with the past participle as an adverbial.5. Tom was deeply disappointed with the actresss performance, so he soon switche

42、d to another channel.Deeply disappointed with the actresss performance, Tom soon switched to another channel.VII. Study the two models below and then rewrite each of the following sentences with the past participle as an adverbial.6. I was embarrassed about still being in bed at 10 a.m., so when my

43、friends came I pretended to be sick with a terrible headache. Embarrassed about still being in bed at 10 a.m., when my friends came I pretended to be sick with a terrible headache.VII. Study the two models below and then rewrite each of the following sentences with the past participle as an adverbia

44、l.VIII.The adverb so, among other things, introduces short answers agreeing with a statement that has just been made, or confirming that its true:“Joanna wrote a paper on Winston Churchill.”“So she did.” (expressing agreement)“Her paper is excellent.”“So it is.” (expressing agreement) VIII.Compare t

45、he above use of so with the so sentences below that add new information.“Joanna wrote a paper on Winston Churchill.”“So did I.” (new information)“Her paper is excellent.”“So is mine.” (new information) VIII.Now complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.1. “I hear you h

46、ad a quarrel with your parents yesterday.” “_(的确如此), but we have already made up.”So I did2. “In the end, I decided to apply to medical school, and _(我兄弟也申请读医).”So did my brother3. “She recalls her father in this article in an emotional way.” “ _(的确是这样). Theres a lot of feeling in it”So she doesVIII

47、.Now complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English.4. “The teachers all say John is the best student in class.” “_(他 们 是 这 样 说 的 ), and _ (约翰的同班同学也这样说).”So they do5. “As a university student, Tim is now ashamed of asking his parents for money all the time.” “ _(我也有同感).”So

48、do his classmatesSo am IIX.Read the following passage carefully and choose among the highlighted words or expressions to complete each sentences meaning.Churchills Churchills childhood childhood was was an an unhappy unhappy and and lonely / alone one. one. A A speech speech defect defect ( (缺缺陷陷),

49、), which which he he never never entirely entirely overwhelmed / overcame, , made made him him a a shy shy and and hesitant hesitant child, child, and and his his only only refuge / retreat was was the the friendship friendship of of Mrs. Mrs. Everest, Everest, his his beloved beloved nurse. nurse.

50、His His poor poor performance performance at at school school led led his his disappointed disappointed father father to to send send him him to to the the Royal Royal Military Military College College and and to to make make matters matters worse. worse. Winston Winston failed failed the the entran

51、ce entrance exam exam ( (入入学学考考试试) ) twice twice before before finally / in the end managing managing to to pass pass it. it. Once Once there, there, however / although, his abundant talent for the art of, his abundant talent for the art ofIX.Read the following passage carefully and choose among the

52、 highlighted words or expressions to complete each sentences meaning.war war became became clear, clear, and and he he graduated graduated 20th 20th in in a a class class of of 130. 130. In In 1895, 1895, the the year year his his father father died, died, he he entered entered the the army army and

53、 and was was sent sent to to Cuba, Cuba, there / where he he discovered discovered his his talent talent for for writing. writing. Churchill Churchill was was delighting / delighted when when his his reports reports on on the the Cuban Cuban War War of of Independence Independence attracted attracte

54、d wide wide attention, attention, and and he he seriously seriously contemplated / revived a a career as a journalist.career as a journalist.Churchills Churchills entry / retreat into politics was not a into politics was not a promising one: He lost his first election promising one: He lost his firs

55、t election mission / campaign, although only by a narrow margin. To , although only by a narrow margin. To distract / rescue h i m s e l f f r o m t h i s h i m s e l f f r o m t h i sIX.Read the following passage carefully and choose among the highlighted words or expressions to complete each sente

56、nces meaning.shameful shameful failure, failure, he he fell upon / plunged into action, action, going going to to South South Africa Africa to to report report on on the the war war there there for for London London Morning Morning Post. Post. After a month / Within a month of of his his arrival, ar

57、rival, he he had had won won fame fame for for his his part part in in the the dramatic dramatic rescue / refuge of of a a train train that that had had been been taken taken under under control control by by the the enemy. enemy. The The train train was was freed, freed, but but Churchill Churchill

58、 was was taken taken prisoner; prisoner; and and his his fame fame doubled doubled when / then less less than than a a month month later later he he escaped escaped from from the the prison. prison. Returning Returning to to Britain Britain as as a a military military hero hero he he again again sto

59、od stood for for election election to to Parliament Parliament in in 1900 1900 and and won won by by an an overwhelmed / overcoming margin. margin.1. 老伴60多岁中风(stroke)去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。无人依靠的生活对他来说将是非常困难的。was was overwhelmed overwhelmed with griefwith grief rely onrely ondied ofdied of When his wife

60、died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.XI. Translate the following sentences into English.Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people w

61、ent to see it, including a few celebrated professionals .XII. Translate the following sentences into English.2. 两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。许多人前去参观,其中包括一些著名的专业画家。amateur painteramateur painter went to see itwent to see it professionalprofessionalWhen seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the

62、 mid-1980s, it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.3. 当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员(astronauts)在 “挑战者”号的灾难中遇难时,全世界一下子陷入了 震惊与悲痛之中。the Challenger disasterthe Challenger disaster plunged intoplunged into shock and griefshock and griefAfter completing her

63、 second prime ministry, she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.4.在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。当政府遇到困难时,她屡次前来帮忙。second prime second prime ministry ministry involve

64、d in involved in come to the rescuecome to the rescueAfter his failure in the election campaign, Dr. Smith retired to a small village, where he tried his hand at farming.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.5. 大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试耕作。the the election election campaigncampaignreti

65、redretired tried his hand attried his hand atAs long as you keep working hard all your life, you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.6. 只要你一辈子不停地努力工作,你在回忆往事时就会感到心满意足的。keep working hardkeep working hardrecallrecallwith a glow of satisf

66、actionwith a glow of satisfactionWe must awaken people to the importance of environmental protection now, or it will soon be too late.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.7. 我们现在必须唤醒人们认识到环境保护的重要性。否则很快就为时太晚了。awakentoawakentoenvironmental environmental protectionprotection ororThat offi

67、cial was removed from office for being involved in a political scandal. Had he known this would happen, he might have acted differently. XII. Translate the following sentences into English.8.哪位官员因卷入一件政治丑闻(scandal)而被撤职。 如果早知会落到这般地步,他当初也许就会以不同的方式行事了。being being involved involved inin was was removed r

68、emoved from officefrom office had he knownhad he knownmight havemight haveuUnit 2uWord buildingExercise VI Exercise VII Exercise VIIIVI.In English, mis- is a prefix added to verbs to incorporate the meaning of do badly or wrongly. Study the following words and then use them to complete the sentences

69、 below. misplacemisplacemisinformmisinformmisunderstand misleadmisunderstand misleadmismatchmismatchmisprintmisprintmisuse misspellmisuse misspell1.Do you mind paying the bill? I seem to have _ my wallet.2.When Professor Halifax married a bicycle repairman, everyone was sure such a _ couple could ne

70、ver be happy but theyve been together for 13 years now.misplacedconvergedVI.In English, mis- is a prefix added to verbs to incorporate the meaning of do badly or wrongly. Study the following words and then use them to complete the sentences below. misplacemisplacemisinformmisinformmisunderstandmisun

71、derstandmisleadmisleadmismatchmismatchmisprintmisprintmisusemisuse misspellmisspell3.The chief of police was removed from office for _ public funds.4.Dont let her calm reaction _ you actually, shes furious!misusingmisleadVI.In English, mis- is a prefix added to verbs to incorporate the meaning of do

72、 badly or wrongly. Study the following words and then use them to complete the sentences below. misplacemisplacemisinformmisinformmisunderstandmisunderstandmisleadmisleadmismatchmismatchmisprintmisprintmisusemisuse misspellmisspell5.The word “battle” was _ in the newspaper as “bottle”.6.They didnt s

73、how up at the meeting because theyd been _ about the time it was to start.misprintedmisinformedVI.In English, mis- is a prefix added to verbs to incorporate the meaning of do badly or wrongly. Study the following words and then use them to complete the sentences below. misplacemisplacemisinformmisin

74、formmisunderstandmisunderstandmisleadmisleadmismatchmismatchmisprintmisprintmisusemisuse misspellmisspell7.Although many of the words are _, her composition is excellent for a child of six.8.He understood your words, but completely _ your meaning.misspelledmisunderstoodVI.The prefix re- can be added

75、 to many verbs to incorporate the meaning of do once again, (usually) in a different way: 1.After the earthquake the government spent millions of dollars to help the victims build their houses again.2.Will you consider your decision once again? No one wants you to leave.rebuildorganize re + organize

76、 reorganize organize re + organize reorganize write re + write rewrite write re + write rewrite Rewrite the following sentences using a verb with the prefix re-.reconsiderVI.The prefix re- can be added to many verbs to incorporate the meaning of do once again, (usually) in a different way: 3.Some of

77、 Lu Xuns writings were lost for decades, but they were discovered again in the mid-80s.4.I see no need to state the policy on late homework one more time.rediscoveredorganize re + organize reorganize organize re + organize reorganize write re + write rewrite write re + write rewrite Rewrite the foll

78、owing sentences using a verb with the prefix re-.restateVI.The prefix re- can be added to many verbs to incorporate the meaning of do once again, (usually) in a different way: 5.The librarys been arranged in a new way, and I cant find any of the books I need.6.I hope this dictionary will be printed

79、again soon Id like to buy one.rearrangedorganize re + organize reorganize organize re + organize reorganize write re + write rewrite write re + write rewrite Rewrite the following sentences using a verb with the prefix re-.reconsiderVI.The prefix re- can be added to many verbs to incorporate the mea

80、ning of do once again, (usually) in a different way: 7.Stevie Wonders earliest albums have been unavailable for several years, but theyre being released again next month.8.I didnt care much for the book the first time, but I enjoyed it when I read it a second time.re-releasedorganize re + organize r

81、eorganize organize re + organize reorganize write re + write rewrite write re + write rewrite Rewrite the following sentences using a verb with the prefix re-.rereadVI.The prefix re- can be added to many verbs to incorporate the meaning of do once again, (usually) in a different way: 9.John Harding

82、is best known for interpreting Shakespeares plays in a new way.10. Youve misunderstood me let me phrase what I said in a different way.reinterpretingorganize re + organize reorganize organize re + organize reorganize write re + write rewrite write re + write rewrite Rewrite the following sentences u

83、sing a verb with the prefix re-.rephraseVIII. Here is a review of suffixes you learned in Book one. The suffixes er and or can be used to form nouns referring to someone who does something. Now add er or or to the following words, or cut off er or or to form new words. garden n.calculate v.receive v

84、.contain mand v.remain v.hike v.inspect v.gardenercalculatorreceivercontainercommanderremainderhikerInspectorA. VIII. Here is a review of suffixes you learned in Book one. The suffixes er and or can be used to form nouns referring to someone who does something. Now add er or or to the following word

85、s, or cut off er or or to form new words.steam v.process v.supervisor n.build v.contribute v.consume v.painter n.teenage a.steamerprocessorsupervisebuildercontributorconsumerpaintteenagerA. VIII. Here is a review of suffixes you learned in Book one. The suffixes er and or can be used to form nouns r

86、eferring to someone who does something. Now add er or or to the following words, or cut off er or or to form new words.B. Fill in the following blanks with some of the new words you have formed. 1.The position of manager involves training and _ all the clerks in the office.2.A school _ visits our sc

87、hool regularly and then reports to the board of education about what hes found.supervisinginspectorVIII. Here is a review of suffixes you learned in Book one. The suffixes er and or can be used to form nouns referring to someone who does something. Now add er or or to the following words, or cut off

88、 er or or to form new words.B. Fill in the following blanks with some of the new words you have formed. 3.When you divide 12 by 5, the _ is 2.4. A new word _ would be a big help to our business; the old one is barely working.remainderprocessorVIII. Here is a review of suffixes you learned in Book on

89、e. The suffixes er and or can be used to form nouns referring to someone who does something. Now add er or or to the following words, or cut off er or or to form new words.B. Fill in the following blanks with some of the new words you have formed. 5.Being a _ is a wonderful job for anyone who enjoys

90、 a quiet life and understands what plants need.6.I dont understand why students cant use _ during exams; in real life, no one does math in their heads anymore.gardenercalculatorVIII. Here is a review of suffixes you learned in Book one. The suffixes er and or can be used to form nouns referring to s

91、omeone who does something. Now add er or or to the following words, or cut off er or or to form new words.B. Fill in the following blanks with some of the new words you have formed. 7.The _ ordered his soldiers to attack the city under the cover of darkness.8.Some food can be kept fresh for weeks if

92、 its stored in the right kind of _.commandercontainerVIII. Here is a review of suffixes you learned in Book one. The suffixes er and or can be used to form nouns referring to someone who does something. Now add er or or to the following words, or cut off er or or to form new words.B. Fill in the fol

93、lowing blanks with some of the new words you have formed. 9.During springtime, many people go _ in the forests and mountains.10. The magazine is aimed at _and young adults.hikingteenageuStructureExercise IXExercise XIX.The structure It is/was that/whocan be used to emphasize the main point a sentenc

94、e:The various studies converge here.The various studies converge here. It is here that the various studies converge.We made all these sacrifices for you.We made all these sacrifices for you. It was for you that we made all these sacrifices we made all these sacrifices .1. We organized this volunteer

95、 group for the benefit of the old people in the neighborhood.It was for the benefit of the old people in the neighborhood that we organized this volunteer group.IX.Rewrite the sentences below as It is/was . that/who . sentences. The idea to be emphasized each one is highlighted.2. We realize how far

96、 we have come only when we look back.It is only when we look back that we realize how far we have come. IX.Rewrite the sentences below as It is/was . that/who . sentences. The idea to be emphasized each one is highlighted.3. His secretary does all the work.It is his secretary who does all the work.

97、IX.Rewrite the sentences below as It is/was . that/who . sentences. The idea to be emphasized each one is highlighted.4. We experiences our fullest strength and power through the act of giving.It is through the act of giving that we experiences our fullest strength and power . IX.Rewrite the sentenc

98、es below as It is/was . that/who . sentences. The idea to be emphasized each one is highlighted.5. Gold led them to undertake the long and risky journey to California.It was Gold that led them to undertake the long and risky journey to California.IX.Rewrite the sentences below as It is/was . that/wh

99、o . sentences. The idea to be emphasized each one is highlighted.6. As I recall, you suggested this idea in the first place.As I recall, It is you who suggested this idea in the first place.IX.Rewrite the sentences below as It is/was . that/who . sentences. The idea to be emphasized each one is high

100、lighted.7. They didnt finish their report on the project until last week. It wasnt until last week that they finished their report on the project.IX.Rewrite the sentences below as It is/was . that/who . sentences. The idea to be emphasized each one is highlighted.8. I cant forget her beautiful eyes.

101、It is her beautiful eyes that I cant forget.IX.Rewrite the sentences below as It is/was . that/who . sentences. The idea to be emphasized each one is highlighted.X.Combine the following sentences using the conjunction whereas.1.The elephant weighs about 3,600 kg. The blue whale weighs up to 13,000 k

102、g.The elephant weighs about 3,600 kg, whereas the blue whale weighs up to 13,000 kg.X.Combine the following sentences using the conjunction whereas.2. The word “youngster” has a cheerful connotation. “offspring” sounds rather clinical. The word “youngster” has a cheerful connotation, whereas “offspr

103、ing” sounds rather clinical. X.Combine the following sentences using the conjunction whereas.3.Confucianism emphasizes family ties. Protestantism teaches individuals responsibility.Confucianism emphasizes family ties, whereas Protestantism teaches individuals responsibility.X.Combine the following s

104、entences using the conjunction whereas.4.The earliest mammals appeared on Earth several hundred million years ago. The first evidence of humans dates from only about one million years ago. The earliest mammals appeared on Earth several hundred million years ago, whereas The first evidence of humans

105、dates from only about one million years ago.X.Combine the following sentences using the conjunction whereas.5. The aim of the natural sciences is to project and control natural processes. The aim of the social sciences is to understand human behavior.The aim of the natural sciences is to project and

106、 control natural processes, whereas The aim of the social sciences is to understand human behavior.X.Combine the following sentences using the conjunction whereas.6. He must be about sixty. His wife looks about thirty.He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.XII. Translate the fol

107、lowing sentences into English.1.1. 我们班女生占大多数。相比之下,他们的班级全由男生组我们班女生占大多数。相比之下,他们的班级全由男生组 成。成。constitutebe made up of boysby contrastFemale students constitute the majority of our class. By contrast, their class is made up of males only.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.2.2. 美国孩子通常每天看三

108、小时电视,而中国孩子必须将放学后的大部分时间用美国孩子通常每天看三小时电视,而中国孩子必须将放学后的大部分时间用于做家庭作业。于做家庭作业。whereasmost of the timetheir Chinese counterpartsAmerican kids can usually watch TV three hours a day, whereas their Chinese counterparts have to do their homework most of the time after school.XII. Translate the following sentenc

109、es into English.3.3. 他开发的一系列新研究方法使他获得了巨大的成功。他说这一切都得归功于他开发的一系列新研究方法使他获得了巨大的成功。他说这一切都得归功于他父母的鼓励。他父母的鼓励。a series ofowe tolead toHis development of a series of new research methods led to his huge success. He said that he owed all this to his parents encouragement.XII. Translate the following sentences

110、into English.4.4. 讨论直接涉及到他的未来,而他却被排斥在外,对此他表示愤慨。讨论直接涉及到他的未来,而他却被排斥在外,对此他表示愤慨。concernresentbe excluded fromHe resented being excluded from discussions that directly concerned his future.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.5.5. 这些问题连续不断地出现,这表明这台新仪器必须重新调试。这些问题连续不断地出现,这表明这台新仪器必须重新调试。show

111、upsuggestsuggestThe fact that these problems are continually showing up suggests that this new device must be readjusted.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.6.6. 张华是近年来涌入美国一流大学的亚裔学生之一,他说他的许多思想都基于传张华是近年来涌入美国一流大学的亚裔学生之一,他说他的许多思想都基于传统的中国哲学。统的中国哲学。surge intobe based onAs one of the Asian

112、 students who have surged into the best American universities in recent years, Zhang Hua says that many of his ideas are based on the traditional Chinese philosophy.XII. Translate the following sentences into English.7.7. 首先,杨先生如此努力工作并非只是为了钱。他一心为了教育青年人并设法首先,杨先生如此努力工作并非只是为了钱。他一心为了教育青年人并设法激励他们在各方面都取得进

113、步。激励他们在各方面都取得进步。not merely motivatebe committed toTo start with, it is not merely money that makes Mr.Yang work so hard. He is committed to educating the young and tries to motivate them to get ahead in life.get ahead in lifeXII. Translate the following sentences into English.8.8. 我们剩下的时间不多了,于是我们把车开

114、得更快,希望能及时赶到机场。我们剩下的时间不多了,于是我们把车开得更快,希望能及时赶到机场。time was running outmake it toin hopes thatAs time was running out, we drove even faster in hopes that we could make it to the airport in time.uUnit 3uWord BuildingExercise VIExercise VIIVI.The prefix inter- is added to adjectives to form other adjective

115、s that mean involving two or more parties - usually relating to the things, people or groups specified by the original adjective.inter- inter- + national national = international (international (involving two or more nations) )inter- inter- + personal personal = interpersonal (interpersonal (involvi

116、ng two or more people) )Examples:Examples:inter-inter-+adjective adjective =involving two or involving two or more partiesmore partiesVI.When the prefix inter- is added to nouns, it usually means involving two or more parties in a mutual or reciprocal relationship. Sometimes the meaning of the new n

117、oun is quite different from the original.inter- inter- + + action action = = interaction interaction ( (reciprocal communication or reactions between two or more parties) )inter- inter- + +dependence dependence = = interdependence interdependence ( (mutual dependence between two or more parties) )Ex

118、amples:Examples:inter-inter-+nounnoun=involving two or more involving two or more parties in a mutual or parties in a mutual or reciprocal relationshipreciprocal relationshipVI. Find the definitions of the following nouns and adjectives, then use them in the sentences below.1.1.interchangeableinterc

119、hangeable2.2.intercontinental intercontinental 3.3.interdisciplinaryinterdisciplinary4.4.interfaceinterface5.5.intersectionintersection6. interview6. interviewthat can be used in place of each otherthat can be used in place of each otherbetween continentsbetween continentsinvolving two or more disci

120、plinesinvolving two or more disciplinesa joint where two roads or lines crossa joint where two roads or lines crossan occasion when a person is asked questions by an occasion when a person is asked questions by one or more peopleone or more peoplea place or area where different things meet and have

121、a place or area where different things meet and have an effect on each otheran effect on each other读写教程读写教程 II: Ex. VI, p. 65Ex. VI, p. 65VI. Find the definitions of the following nouns and adjectives, then use them in the sentences below.1. The invention of the jet engine revolutionized _ air trave

122、l.2. Both of the new systems worked well on their won, but when we tried to connect them we ran into some problems with the _.intercontinentalinterfaceVI. Find the definitions of the following nouns and adjectives, then use them in the sentences below.3.The museum is located at the _ of two of the c

123、itys most beautiful streets.4.“Child” and “offspring” are not _ words they have similar meanings, but are used in different contexts.intersectioninterchangeableVI. Find the definitions of the following nouns and adjectives, then use them in the sentences below.5.I thought the job _ was going very we

124、ll, so I was stunned when they told me I wasnt the right person for the position.6.Prof. Cooper has been teaching an _ course that explores psychology, philosophy and linguistics.interviewinterdisciplinaryVII. The prefix non- can be added to many adjectives and nouns to mean not.non- non- + assertiv

125、e assertive = nonassertive (nonassertive (not assertive) )non- non- + violent violent = nonviolent (nonviolent (not violent) )non- non- + existence existence = nonexistence (nonexistence (not existing) )non- non- + fiction fiction = nonfiction (nonfiction (a piece of writing that is not fiction) )Ex

126、amples:Examples:non-non-+adjective/ noun adjective/ noun =notnotVII. Rewrite the sentences below, using nouns or adjectives with the prefix non- to replace the underlined phrases. Be sure to change the word order as necessary. nonessential goods and services1.Almost everyone would like to have more

127、money for goods and services which arent essential just because they make life a little more pleasant.2. Mr. Peterson is the chairman of a charity organization that makes no profit. nonprofit charity organization读写教程读写教程 II: Ex. VII, p. 66Ex. VII, p. 66VII. Rewrite the sentences below, using nouns o

128、r adjectives with the prefix non- to replace the underlined phrases. Be sure to change the word order as necessary. non-humans3.Hostility towards outsiders is characteristic of both humans and creatures that arent humans.4.Although Im a person who doesnt smoke, I dont support discrimination against

129、smokers.nonsmokerVII. Rewrite the sentences below, using nouns or adjectives with the prefix non- to replace the underlined phrases. Be sure to change the word order as necessary. be nonsense5.It wouldnt make any sense to say that all Asian societies are the same.6.Theres a difference between using

130、words in a way thats not standard and using them incorrectly. in a nonstandard wayVIII. From each of the pairs listed on the right, choose the word that best fills the corresponding blank on the left. The biggest problem that “cultural translators” have to solve is caused by very subtle cultural dif

131、ferences. _ the most troublesome cultural _ that international joint ventures have to cope with is the process by which decisions are _. The biggest difficulty is simply _ that decision-making is a cultural issue. _ very few people are actually _ the decision-making norms that those norms are far fr

132、om universal. 1. Among / Amid2. contracts / conflicts3. made / done4. understand / understanding5. Due to / Since6. awakened to / conscious ofAmongconflictsconflictsmademadeconscious ofconscious ofunderstandingunderstandingSinceSince读写教程读写教程 II: Ex. VIII, p. 66Ex. VIII, p. 66VIII. From each of the p

133、airs listed on the right, choose the word that best fills the corresponding blank on the left. _ when they _ a different decision-making style they become first confused, then impatient _ the other parties “inability” to make a decision. “Whats wrong with them are they _ or just stupid?!” The next p

134、hase is most often a determination to each the other side “the right way” to make a decision _, their way. 7.So / Then8.run into / enter9.by / with10. crazy / capable11. by name / that iswithwithcrazycrazythat isthat isSoSorun intorun intoVIII. From each of the pairs listed on the right, choose the

135、word that best fills the corresponding blank on the left. But _ the other side (whoever it is) feels exactly the same way about their “right way”, the results of this teaching effort are usually profoundly non-educational. _ when the situation becomes truly ugly, _ into a total cultural war in which

136、 both _ accuse the other side of incompetence and non-cooperation.12. since / whereas13. Thats / Theres14. escalated/ escalating15. personnel / partiesThatsThatsescalatingescalatingpartiespartiessincesinceX.Translate the following sentences into English.1.1. 当那份临时性的工作结束时,人家给乔治提供了一份永久性的当那份临时性的工作结束时,人

137、家给乔治提供了一份永久性的 (permanent) 工作工作, , 他马上就接受了。他马上就接受了。When the temporary job came to an end , George was offered a permanent job, which he accepted at once. come to an endbe offered读写教程读写教程 II: Ex. X, p. 67Ex. X, p. 67X.Translate the following sentences into English.2.2. 为了确保他们在日本的合资企业赢利,那些美国公司比之语言翻译来说为

138、了确保他们在日本的合资企业赢利,那些美国公司比之语言翻译来说更需要文化翻译。更需要文化翻译。To ensure that their joint ventures in Japan are profitable, the American companies need cultural translators even more than language translator.ensureprofitableeven more thanX.Translate the following sentences into English.3.3. 作为一名文化翻译,乔治渴望帮助那些就许许多多事情来

139、向他求助的日作为一名文化翻译,乔治渴望帮助那些就许许多多事情来向他求助的日方雇员,包括属于他专业知识范围之内和之外的问题。方雇员,包括属于他专业知识范围之内和之外的问题。As a cultural translator, George was eager to help the Japanese employees who came to ask his advice on a great many matters, both within and outside his field of expertise.be eager to helpcame to ask his advice onh

140、is field of expertiseX.Translate the following sentences into English.4.4. 乔治用某种方法说服美方经理接受了日方会计师的决乔治用某种方法说服美方经理接受了日方会计师的决 定,从而缓解了两定,从而缓解了两人之间的冲突。人之间的冲突。Somehow or other, George persuaded the American manager to go along with the Japanese accountants decision, thus smoothing over the conflict between

141、 the two.somehow or othergo along withsmooth overX.Translate the following sentences into English.5.5. 美方经理与日方经理之间的确有时会发生冲突和争论。但由于双方都很美方经理与日方经理之间的确有时会发生冲突和争论。但由于双方都很有见识进行妥协,才防止了这些冲突和争论激化为感情大战。有见识进行妥协,才防止了这些冲突和争论激化为感情大战。Conflicts and arguments do arise at times between the American managers and their

142、 Japanese counterparts. But since both parties have the good sense to compromise, these conflicts are prevented from escalating into big emotional battles.arisehave the good senseescalate intoX.Translate the following sentences into English.6.6. 所有的日方雇员,包括人事经理在内,都很感激乔治在他们遇到的众多所有的日方雇员,包括人事经理在内,都很感激乔治

143、在他们遇到的众多问题上所给予的经常帮助。问题上所给予的经常帮助。All the Japanese employees, the personnel manager included, appreciated Georges frequent help with the multitude of problems they ran into.run intothe multitude ofX.Translate the following sentences into English.7.7. 我的日语还不足以很好地表达我的思想,所以如果我有时说了些愚蠢的我的日语还不足以很好地表达我的思想,所以

144、如果我有时说了些愚蠢的话,请不要生气。话,请不要生气。My spoken Japanese is not good enough to express myself well. Please dont get offended if I sometimes say stupid things.express myselfget offendednot enough toX.Translate the following sentences into English.8.8. 张大夫对中医有精深的了解,英语也掌握得不错,所以他完全有资格培张大夫对中医有精深的了解,英语也掌握得不错,所以他完全有资

145、格培训前来中国学习中医的外国医生。训前来中国学习中医的外国医生。With a solid understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and a good mastery of English, Dr. Zhang is highly qualified to train foreign doctors who have come to China to study Chinese medicine.a solid understandinga good mastery of Englishbe highly qualifieduUnit 4uW

146、ord BuildingExercise VExercise VIV.The suffix ure can be added to some verbs to form nouns that refer to the action or state described by the verb.Add ure to the following verbs, making the necessary changes in spelling, and then use some of the resulting nouns to complete the sentences below.Exampl

147、e: fail v. + -ure failure n. enclose v. + -ure enclosure n. A. a. depart _ b. expose _ c. please _ d. press _ e. compose _ f. enclose _ g. displease _ h. disclose _ departureexposurepleasurepressurecomposureenclosuredispleasuredisclosureV.The suffix ure can be added to some verbs to form nouns that

148、refer to the action or state described by the verb.Add ure to the following verbs, making the necessary changes in spelling, and then use some of the resulting nouns to complete the sentences below.B. 1. Prolonged _ to the sun can cause skin cancer. 2. She didnt try to hide her _ at his rude behavio

149、r. 3. On the eve of their _ for Australia, Tom suddenly fell ill. 4. The _ of the mayors misuse of public funds led to enormous _ for him to resign from office. 5. They built a special _ where the elephants could take shelter from the hurricane (飓风). exposuredispleasuredeparturedisclosurepressureenc

150、losureVI.In English, many phrasal verbs (e.g. “break down”) can convert into compound nouns (e.g. “breakdown”). Match the compound nouns in Column A with their definitions in Column B, and then use some of these compound nouns to complete the sentences below. A.Column A 1. break-in 2. breakthrough 3

151、. get-together 4. feedback 5. setback 6. takeoff 7. breakup 8. build-up Column B a. an important advance or discovery, esp. in science b. the act of leaving the ground by plane c. the end of a personal relationship d. entry into a building by force e. a gradual increase in something f. an informal m

152、eeting or party g. comments on or reactions to sth. one has done h. an unexpected or sudden reversal of progress VI.In English, many phrasal verbs (e.g. “break down”) can convert into compound nouns (e.g. “breakdown”). Match the compound nouns in Column A with their definitions in Column B, and then

153、 use some of these compound nouns to complete the sentences below. B. 1. Most of the _ from users of the new computer has been positive so far. 2. The _ of their marriage was part of what led to her nervous breakdown. 3. Ninety percent of all plane accidents occur within five minutes of _ or landing

154、. feedbackbreakuptakeoffB. 4. Churchills political career was marked by many frustrating _. 5. Last week the newspapers reported a major _ in the treatment of AIDS. 6. You have to clean your printer regularly to avoid a _ of dirt and dried ink. VI.In English, many phrasal verbs (e.g. “break down”) c

155、an convert into compound nouns (e.g. “breakdown”). Match the compound nouns in Column A with their definitions in Column B, and then use some of these compound nouns to complete the sentences below. setbackbreakthroughbuild-upVII. As if can introduce either a likely or an unlikely guess. When as if

156、is used to introduce something that is unreal or unlikely to happen, we normally use the subjunctive mood. This structure is often used to make comparative descriptions. Examples: It looks as if a bad storm is coming. (A bad storm seems likely.) How odd: its a bright summer day, but the horses are a

157、cting as if a bad storm were coming. (A bad storm seems unlikely, but the horses behavior reminds me of their behavior before a storm.) Now complete each of the following sentences in two different ways: a) with a likely guess or prediction, and b) with an unlikely or untrue comparative description.

158、 VII. As if can introduce either a likely or an unlikely guess. When as if is used to introduce something that is unreal or unlikely to happen, we normally use the subjunctive mood. This structure is often used to make comparative descriptions. 1. Their laughter and conversation sound as if a) enjoy

159、ing each others company b) in the same room with us a) Their laughter and conversation sound as if theyre enjoying each others company.b) Their laughter and conversation sound as if they were in the same room with us.VII. As if can introduce either a likely or an unlikely guess. When as if is used t

160、o introduce something that is unreal or unlikely to happen, we normally use the subjunctive mood. This structure is often used to make comparative descriptions. 2. The secretarys been working in her office late every night this week, as if a) her boss under serious deadline b) no home to go to a) Th

161、e secretarys been working in her office late every night this week, as if her boss is under serious deadline.b) The secretarys been staying in her office late every night this week, as if she had no home to go to.VII. As if can introduce either a likely or an unlikely guess. When as if is used to in

162、troduce something that is unreal or unlikely to happen, we normally use the subjunctive mood. This structure is often used to make comparative descriptions. 3. Youre so pale! You look as if a) getting sick b) seen a ghost a) Youre so pale! You look as if youre getting sick.b) Youre so pale! You look

163、 as if you had seen a ghost.VII. As if can introduce either a likely or an unlikely guess. When as if is used to introduce something that is unreal or unlikely to happen, we normally use the subjunctive mood. This structure is often used to make comparative descriptions. 4. He acts as if a) a very h

164、igh opinion of himself b) the heir (继承人承人) to the throne (王位王位) a) He acts as if he has a very high opinion of himself.b) He acts as if he were the heir to the throne.VIII. Choose the best word from each high lighted pair to complete the passage below. Cloze Its natural for parents to want their chi

165、ldren to achieve great things in life, but not at the expense of the childs happiness and personal development. How can you tell if your child is prone / bound to the kind of “achievement orientation” that leads to frustration and failure at last / in the long run? There are some signs that parents

166、can watch after / for, and some steps a parent can take to promote / preclude the most destructive effects. Is your daughter obsessed / complex with winning, instead of being able to enjoy a game even although / though she loses? VIII. Choose the best word from each high lighted pair to complete the

167、 passage below. Cloze Encourage her to take part of / in activities that have no clear goal, as if / such as going for walks or just daydreaming. Do all of your sons “when-I-grow-ups” involve distinguishing / promising himself in a glamorous career? By pointing out the positive / probable aspects of

168、 the simple life, you can let him know that real success isnt measured in achievements. And dont forget the beneficial / glamorous effects that frequent contact with nature has on / for children. Even if / Ever since you cant afford to take your kids on camping holidays, you can make time for a day

169、in the park or at the beach. Its great therapy / contribution for the whole family.uTranslationExercise IXExercise XIX.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Translation Success, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure. You can learn from a di

170、sastrous party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction. 成成功功鼓鼓励励人人们重重复复过去去的的行行为,因因而而远不不及及失失败这个个老老师来来得得好好。你你可可以以从从一一次次极极糟糟的的晚晚会会中中学学会会如如何何举办一一次次成成功功的的晚晚会会,从从第第一一次次不不当当的的选房房中中学

171、学到到下下次次选房房时要要注注意意些些什什么么。即即使使一一次次看看似似彻底底的的失失败也也能能激激发新新的的思思路路,引起方向的改引起方向的改变。 X.Translate the following sentences into English.1.1.庇护孩子不让他们自己知道自己已经失败对于他们的成长和发展是绝对无庇护孩子不让他们自己知道自己已经失败对于他们的成长和发展是绝对无益的。益的。anything but beneficialdevelopmentprotect children from the knowledgeProtecting children from the know

172、ledge that they have failed is anything but beneficial to their growth and development.TranslationX.Translate the following sentences into English.2.2.爱默生认为在失败与成功之间并无天壤之别。爱默生认为在失败与成功之间并无天壤之别。a world of differencebetween success and failureEmerson does not think there is a world of difference between

173、 success and failure.TranslationX.Translate the following sentences into English.3.3.一个成熟的人是一个善于把失败变为成功的人。一个成熟的人是一个善于把失败变为成功的人。turnintobe good at doingA mature person is one who is good at turning failure into success.TranslationX.Translate the following sentences into English.4.4.她醉心于在溜冰方面取得的成功,从未对

174、现实世界的挑战作好准备。她醉心于在溜冰方面取得的成功,从未对现实世界的挑战作好准备。success inbe obsessed withShe was so obsessed with becoming a success in ice skating that she never prepared herself for the challenges of the real world.Translationprepare oneself forX.Translate the following sentences into English.5.5.当他得知自己的公司已经破产当他得知自己的公

175、司已经破产(go bankrupt)(go bankrupt)时,神经完全崩溃了。时,神经完全崩溃了。to suffer a complete nervous breakdownlearnHe suffered a complete nervous breakdown when he learned that his company had gone bankrupt.TranslationX.Translate the following sentences into English.6.6.史密斯先生在谈到他的成功时,往往夸大其词史密斯先生在谈到他的成功时,往往夸大其词(exaggerat

176、ion)(exaggeration)。be very prone towhen talking aboutWhen talking about his success, Mr. Smith is very prone to exaggeration.TranslationX.Translate the following sentences into English.7.7.这家公司开始只卖收音机,但现在已扩大营业范围,销售电脑了。这家公司开始只卖收音机,但现在已扩大营业范围,销售电脑了。branch out intostart by sellingThe company started by

177、 selling radios but now has branched out into selling computers as well.TranslationX.Translate the following sentences into English.8.8.事实上,失败并不是可怕的东西。一旦我们学会运用它,它就能对我们的事实上,失败并不是可怕的东西。一旦我们学会运用它,它就能对我们的成长和发展作出积极的贡献。成长和发展作出积极的贡献。learn how to use itnothing to be afraid ofIn fact, failure is nothing to be afraid of. Once we learn how to use it, it can make a positive contribution to our growth and development.Translationmake a positive contribution个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论



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