七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag Period 1课件1 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Unit 4Unit 4Section A 1a-2cWhats this? What are these? Oh, a nice room!table/ei/bed/e/bookcase/ei/sofa/u/chair/e /table /ei/bed /e/ bookcase /ei/sofa /u/ /books schoolbag /keys chair/e /1. table _2. bed _3. bookcase _4. sofa _5. chair _6.schoolbag _7. books _8. keys _behgd

2、afc1a Match the wordswith the things in the picture.Wheres the baseball?Its on the table. Wheres the schoolbag?Its under the table. Wheres the ruler?Its in the pencil box.Where are the books?Theyre on the bed.Where are the baseballs?Theyre on the chair.4231b Listen and number the things in the pictu

3、re1-4.A: Wheres the? ( Where are the?)B: Its (They are )Pairwork 观察与思考观察与思考1 1、听力1b中用_ 引导的特殊疑问句来询问物品位置,单数句子用be动词_,复数句子用be动词_. 回答分别为_+ 方位介词短语;或_+方位介词短语。【跟踪训练跟踪训练1】Wheres the _? Its _ the _.bedschoolbagonWhere _ the books ? _ in the _.areTheyrebookcaseWhere _ the pencils ? _ in the _.Wheres the _? Its

4、 _ the _.cupontableareTheyrepencil boxWhere _ the keys ? _ _ the pencil case.areTheyreunderWheres the _? Its _ the _.bagonchair2aListen and number the things 1-6 when you hear them.听录音,按听到的顺序给这些物品编号1-6。12365412342b Listening : Number the things in the picture. (听力:将这些物品的序号(听力:将这些物品的序号(1-6)标在图上)标在图上)

5、12346655观察与思考察与思考21.询 问 单 数数 物物 品品 时 , 用用 一一 般般 疑疑 问 句句_,其答其答语用用_.2.询 问 复复 数数 物物 品品 时 , 用用 一一 般般 疑疑 问 句句_,其答其答语用用_.【跟踪训练跟踪训练2】翻译句子翻译句子翻译句子翻译句子1.1.1.1.我的书包在桌子上面吗?是的。我的书包在桌子上面吗?是的。我的书包在桌子上面吗?是的。我的书包在桌子上面吗?是的。它们在沙发下面吗?不,不是的。它们在沙发下面吗?不,不是的。它们在沙发下面吗?不,不是的。它们在沙发下面吗?不,不是的。A : Where is/ are the ?B :

6、 I dont know. Is it on/in/under? ( Are they on/in/under ?)A : Yes, it is./ No,it isnt. Its (Yes, they are. /No, they arent. Theyre)Pairwork 【课堂练习课堂练习】1、选择填空( ) 1. _ your hat? A. Where B. Wherere C. Wheres( ) 2. Is his pencil box _ the bookcase? A. in B. at C. under( ) 3. The tapes _ in the box. A. am B. is C. are 2、句型转换(1) The pictures are on the wall.(对划线部分提问)(2) Is the CD on the sofa?(作肯定回答)(3) Are the chairs next to the table?(作否定回答)1.听录音跟读,熟练背诵1b和2a中的对话。2.根据课本中图片提示,分别用单数和复数形式造两组对话并写下来。



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