How to Write an Argument Essay

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《How to Write an Argument Essay》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《How to Write an Argument Essay(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、How to Write an Argument EssayTherearefivemainstepsinwritingargumentessays.Step1:ReadthequestionReadthequestion.Decidewhatkindofessayitisopinion,compare/contrast,problemandsolution,causeandeffect,oramixture.Thetypeofquestionwilldecidethelayoutandyourideas,butifyouarenotsureaboutwhichtypeofessayitis,




5、uld governments spend money on space exploration, or should they spend the money on problems here first?2.WriteDownOtherWordswiththeSameMeaninggovernments=nations,countries,authorities,politiciansspend=allocate,give,allot,provide,budget,makeavailable,waste,awardspaceexploration=spaceprogram,tripstot


7、3.UseYourNewWordsintheIntroductionWith many global concerns such as war, poverty, hunger and pollution, many people do not think that nations should waste money on exploring space. (One side) However, others are convinced that expenditure on space programs is justified. (Other side) 4.AddaThesisWith

8、 many global concerns such as war, poverty, hunger and pollution, many people question whether nations should waste money on exploring space. However, others are convinced that expenditure on space programs is justified. This essay will examine some arguments for and against space exploration. (Thes

9、is)Vocabulary: Zoos1.ReadandUnderlineKeyWordsAre zoos cruel to wild animals?2.WriteDownWordswiththeSameMeaningzoos=naturereserves,wildlifeparks,animalsanctuaries,circuses,wildernessareas,tastelessexhibitions,stuffy,crowded,exciting,interesting,fascinatingcruel=psychologicallydamaging,insulting,frigh


11、enoughland.conservation,kind,well-treated,savedfromextinction,welllookedafterVocabulary: Zoos3.UseYourNewWordsintheOpeningSentencesMany people have had their first experience of animals from visiting zoos as children, and feel that they are important for education and conservation. (One side) Howeve

12、r, others feel that zoos are unnatural and are stressful and cruel for animals. (Other side)4.AddaThesisMany people have had their first experience of animals from visiting zoos as children, and feel that they are important for education and conservation. However, others feel that zoos are unnatural

13、 and are stressful and cruel for animals. This essay will discuss the importance of zoos and their essential role in conserving endangered wildlife. (Thesis)The Thesis SentenceAthesis statementisasentence(ortwo)thatstateswhatyouaregoingtodoinyouressay.Itisakindofasignpostsomethingthattellsyouwhereto

14、go-oramapthatshowsthereaderwhatdirectionyouressaywilltake.Itusuallycomesattheendoftheintroduction.In this essay, I will outline the arguments for and against sex education in schools.In this essay, I will examine some reasons for the growth of the tourism industry.Youcanalsoleaveout“I.”This essay lo

15、oks at ideas in favour of and against early marriage.This essay will discuss the benefits of having universal free health care.The Thesis SentenceSignpostyouressaySometimesthereadercantellhowmanypartsorwhichparagraphswillfollowthethesisstatement.I am going to analyse the effects of drugs on the indi

16、vidual, the family, and society.Inanessaywiththethesisstatementabove,therewillclearlybethreepartsoneontheeffectsofdrugsontheindividual,onepartwiththeeffectsonthefamily,andanotherwiththeeffectsonsociety.BeStrongSometimesyoudontneeda“will”or“goingto”.Yourthesisstatementissostrongthatitisclearwhatyouro

17、pinionis.Beating children brutalizes parents, damages the parent-child relationship, and is completely unnecessary.Inanessaywiththethesisstatementabove,therewillclearlybethreepartsoneontheeffectsofcorporalpunishmentonparents,onepartwiththeeffectsrelationship,andanotherwhichclaimsthatbeatingisnotneed

18、ed.The Thesis SentenceThesis sentence vocabularyanalyze, look at, examine, discuss, outline, consider, describe, focus on, decideExamples:This essay will examine the reasons for the high divorce rate in our society.I will outline some of my objections to arranged marriages.In this essay I will focus

19、 on three problems caused by corruption.I will discuss whether large families are better than smaller ones.This essay will consider the benefits of space exploration for the economy, for scientific development, and for the future of humanity.Arguments: Two SidesYoushouldtrytobalanceyouressaybygiving

20、theothersideoftheargument.Givetheothersidesopinion,andthengiveYOURopinion.Give the other sideSomepeoplethinkthat(+sentence)Manypeoplefeelthat(+sentence)Itisclaimedthat(+sentence)Somepeoplefeelthat(+sentence)Here are some examples.Some people think that it is better to marry when you are young.Many p

21、eople feel that humans are the main cause of global warming. It is claimed that newspapers are on the way out, and will be replaced by the Internet.Arguments: Two SidesOne sentence (While, although)Whileitistruethat(+sentence),Ibelieve(+sentence)Despitethefactthatmillionsofpeopledieeveryyearfromlung

22、cancer,manypeoplethinkitiscooltosmoke.Althoughmanypeoplethinkthat(+sentence),Ifeelthat(+sentence)Eventhoughitisoftensaidthat(+sentence),infacttheoppositeistrue.Here are some examples.While it is true that humans are the main cause of global warming, I believe natural events such as volcanoes and fir

23、es contribute as well.Although many people think that religion is not needed today, I feel strongly that we need to believe in something other than iPhones, celebrities and shiny new cars.Even though it is often said that newspapers are on the way out, in fact the opposite is true. More newspapers a

24、re being sold today than ever before in history.Arguments: Two SidesTwo sentencesItisundoubtedlytruethat(+sentence).However,(+sentence)Itisoftenarguedthat(+sentence).However,itisclearthat(+sentence)Somepeoplesaythat(+sentence).Theyclaim(+sentence).However,Ifeel(+sentence).Supportersofthisviewpointsa

25、ythat(+sentence).However,moreeducatedpeopleknowthat(+sentence).Some examplesIt is undoubtedly true that humans are the main cause of global warming. However, natural events such as volcanoes and fires contribute as well.It is often argued that religion is not needed today. However, it is clear that

26、humans need more than material possessions in order to be happy.Some people say that democracy is only suited to western countries. However, I feel that this is patronizing, and that all people can enjoy the freedom and responsibility that democracy brings.Supporters of this viewpoint say that viole

27、nce on screen or in computer games leads to violent behavior. However, less simplistic people realize that violence on screen is just fantasy and does not translate into real life for most viewers.Parts of an EssayEssays,likesandwichesorburgers,aredividedintodifferentparts.Thesepartsarethe:Introduct


29、ences:two aboutthetopicone thesissentenceYoucanwriteeitherSituationorOpinionintroductions.Theresnotmuchdifferencebetweenthem.SituationIntroductionsOpinionIntroductionsTheIntroductionSituationIntroductionsWritetwosentencestodescribethetwo sides of the present situation.ThethirdsentencetheThesissenten


31、y,however,manyfamiliescannottakecareoftheirparentsSentence3(Thesis)Thisessaywilldescribesomeoftheproblemsinvolvedwithtakingcareofoldpeople,anddiscusswhoshouldberesponsible.DoesAidtoPoorCountriesWork?Sentence1 Forthelastfiftyyears,poorcountrieshavebeenreceivinghugesumsofmoneyfromrichdonorcountries.Se

32、ntence2 Someofthismoneyhasimprovedlives,whilemuchofithasdisappearedormadenodifference.Sentence3(Thesis)Inthisessay,Iwilldiscusssomeargumentsforandagainstforeignaid.Shoulddangeroussportsbebanned?Sentence1 Everyyear,thousandsofpeopleareinjuredorkilledinsportssuchasboxingormotor-racing.Sentence2 Becaus







39、answer!Ifyourparagraphisingoodshape,yourbodywilllookgoodandfeelgood.TheBodyisthemainpartoftheessay.Inanargumentessay,itisdividedintotwoorthreeparagraphs,givingyouropinionandreasons.EachparagraphinthebodyisbetweenFIVEandSEVENsentenceslong.The Body: Use Paragraphs!Twowords:Use Paragraphs!Studentswhodo


41、773or35553layouts?WhendoIusetwoparagraphsorthreeparagraphsinthebody?WhendoIuse3773or35553?Itdependsonyourideas.UseTWOparagraphs(3773)ifyouaregivingboth sides of the argumentorsituationoneparagraphfor,andoneagainst(ortheopposite).UseTHREEparagraphsifyouareonly giving one side.SoTheBodyUseTWOparagraph

42、s(3773)toagreeinoneparagraphandthendisagree inthesecondparagraph.UseTWOparagraphs(3773)todisagree inoneparagraphandthenagree inthesecondparagraph.UseTHREEparagraphs(35553)ifyouareagreeing in all three paragraphs.UseTHREEparagraphs(35553)ifyouaredisagreeing in all three paragraphs.Finally,evenifyouar

43、ecompletelyconfusedandyourideasareallmixedup,youshouldstillmakeaparagraph.Justskipalinesomewhere.Youressaywillbeeasiertoread.Essay LayoutTherearebasicallytwowaystolayoutororganizeyourparagraphs3773afour-paragraphessay35553a five-paragraphessayThenumberreferstothenumberofsentencesineachparagraph.3773

44、 Layout 4 paragraphs 35553 Layout 5 paragraphsEssay Layout3773 LayoutThe3773layoutmeansthreesentencesintheintroduction,seveninthesecondparagraph,seveninthethirdparagraphandthreeintheconclusion.Thatsatotalof20sentences.Atanaverageof12wordspersentence,thats240words.PerfectforIELTSTask2!EitherIntroduct

45、ionBodyParagraphForBodyParagraphAgainstConclusionOrIntroductionBodyParagraphAgainstBodyParagraphForConclusionEssay LayoutIntroduction: Three sentencesPresent situation and/or Both sides of Argument (1-2 sentences)What you are going to do in this essay / Your opinion (Thesis sentence)Paragraph 2: Sev

46、en SentencesTopic SentenceArgument 1 or Reason 1Example, Explanation, or supporting detail (2-4 sentences)Argument 2 or Reason 2Example, Explanation, or supporting detailArgument 3 or Reason 3Example, Explanation, or supporting detailParagraph 3: Seven SentencesTopic SentenceArgument 1 or Reason 1Ex

47、ample, Explanation, or supporting detail (2-4 sentences)Argument 2 or Reason 2Example, Explanation, or supporting detailArgument 3 or Reason 3Example, Explanation, or supporting detailConclusion: Three SentencesSummary (both sides)Present situation and your opinionFuture statementEssay Layout35553 L


49、dsupportinginformationtobackthoseideasup.EitherIntroductionForForForConclusionOrIntroductionAgainstAgainstAgainstConclusionEssay LayoutIntroduction: Three sentencesPresent situation and/or Both sides of Argument (1-2 sentences)What you are going to do in this essay / Your opinion (Thesis sentence)Pa

50、ragraph 2: Five SentencesTopic Sentence: Argument 1 or Reason 1Example, Explanation, or supporting detail (2-4 sentences)Paragraph 3: Five SentencesTopic Sentence: Argument 2 or Reason 2Example, Explanation, or supporting detail (2-4 sentences)Paragraph 4: Five SentencesTopic Sentence: Argument 3 or

51、 Reason 3Example, Explanation, or supporting detail (2-4 sentences)Conclusion: Three SentencesSummaryPresent situation and your opinionFuture statementIdeasGetting IdeasManystudentsworryaboutideas.“Idontknowwhattosay!”“Idontknowanythingaboutthistopic!”However,youdontneedtoomanyideasforanessayinanEng

52、lishexam.ThemagicnumberisTHREE.Threeideasmeans:threeideasforandthreeideasagainst(3773layout),orthreeideasfor(35553layout),orthreeideasagainst(35553layout)IdeasMainly againstMainly for100% for100% against3773 layout3773 layout35553 layout35553 layoutIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction3 i

53、deas for3 ideas againstIdea forIdea against3 ideas against3 ideas forIdea forIdea againstConclusionConclusionIdea forIdea againstConclusionConclusionIdeasDidyounoticethatinthe3773layoutsthattheorderofthetwoparagraphschangesdependingonyouropinion(mainlyfor,ormainlyagainst)?Youropinionyourstrongestpoi

54、ntscomeinthesecondbodyparagraph.Thebestwaytogetideasistounderlinethemainwordsinthequestion,andthentowrite downanywordswiththesamemeaningorwhicharerelated.Pretenditisavocabularyexercise.Makesureyouwrite downthewords.Donttrytokeeptheminyourhead.Themorewordsyouwritedown,themoreideasyouwillget.Spendfive

55、orsixminutesjustwritingdownwordsbasedonthequestion.Somepeoplealsousebrainstorming,mindmapsorothertechniques.Ideas: Example 1VocabularyDrug Abuse: Why do you think drug abuse is becoming more of a problem in our society?Thefirststepinwritinganessayistothinkaboutthevocabulary.Letstryitwiththequestiona



58、urring,prevalent,widespread,increasing,growing,affectingusallIdeas: Example 1Example 1 : Ideas Drug Abuse: Why do you think drug abuse is becoming more of a problem in our society?Thinkaboutthetopicabove.Writeanyideasdownastheycometoyoudontorganizeyet!IncreasedindividualfreedomandchoiceCheapdrugsava



61、ectinformationcreatesreactioninfavorofdrugsUrgetoexperimentisgreaterPeoplearelessconservativenowthanbeforePeopletravelwidely,andexperiencedifferentculturesMoreknowledgeaboutdrugsfrommovies,novels,songs,etcCuriosityIdeas: Example 1IntroductionPresent situation: definition / problemsPresent situation:

62、 solutionsThis essay will (Essay thesis, or outline)Drug abuse is rife in many countries. Billions of dollars are spent internationally preventing drug use, treating addicts, and fighting drug-related crime.Although drugs threaten many societies, their effects can also be combated successfully. This

63、 essay looks at some of the effects of drug use on society, and suggests some solutions to the problem.Paragraph 2Topic SentenceMedical effectsExamples 1-2 (Medical)CrimeExamples 1-2 (Crime)Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities. The medical and psychological effects are v

64、ery obvious. Addicts cannot function as normal members of society. They neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require expensive treatment or hospitalization.The second effect is on crime.Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and dealing. Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds d

65、evelop with the money from drugs.Paragraph 3Topic SentenceEducationExamples 1-2 (Education)PoliceExample 1 (Police)UsersExamples 1-2 (Users)However, the menace of drugs can be fought.Education is the first battle.Children need to be told at home and in school about drugs. People need to be aware of

66、the effects so that they can make avoid this problemA second approach is to increase police manpower and powers to stop dealers and to enforce the law.However the main target should be the user. Families and counselors need to talk to children and people at risk. Parents need to look at their childr

67、en and help them to become responsible. Jobs are needed to give people a role in society.ConclusionTopic SentenceSummary of essay: problem: solutionFuture statementIn conclusion,although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there are concrete steps that can be taken to weaken the h

68、old of drugs on society. The danger from drugs is too great to ignore. We must act now to save our society.Ideas: Example 1Drug Abuse: Problem and SolutionDrugabuseisrifeinmanycountries.Billionsofdollarsarespentinternationallypreventingdruguse,treatingaddicts,andfightingdrug-relatedcrime.Althoughdru




72、okattheirchildrenandhelpthemtoJobsareneededtogivepeoplearoleinsociety.Inconclusion,althoughtheproblemofdrugsmayseemimpossibletoeliminate,thereareconcretestepsthatcanbetakentoweakentheholdofdrugsonsociety.Thedangerfromdrugsistoogreattoignore.(256words)Ideas: Example 2The Domino Effect: IdeasManystude

73、ntslosemarksinwritingbecausetheydontdevelopideas.Theyhavegoodideas,butdontwriteenoughabouteachone.Inthegameofdominoes,youkeepplayinguntil you cant continue.Keepwritinguntilyoucantcontinue,andthenstartanewparagraph.Whatdoyouthinkaboutthisnextparagraph?Many people think that the Internet will replace

74、books and newspapers because it is cheaper and quicker. As well as that, it is easier to use.Hmmmmbad!Thewriterputtwoideastogether“cheaper”and“quicker.”HeorshedidntexplainhowtheInternetischeaperandquicker.AndistheInternetreally“easiertouse”?Theideasaregood,butthedevelopmentisweak.Develop Your IdeasL

75、etsdevelopthesentences.The Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because you can read many newspapers for free on their websites. The Internet is quicker to bring news and information out. It can take years for a book to be published and reach the bookstore. The information is often out of date.For m

76、e, the Internet is easier to use, because you can find information more quickly and easily than in a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias. You just use a search engine and the results come instantly.Ideas: Example 2Add a topic sentence.Addatopicsentencesothatthereaderknowswhatisinyourparagra

77、phMany people think that the Internet will replace books and newspapers because it is cheaper, quicker and easier to use. The Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because you can read many newspapers for free on their websites. The Internet is quicker to bring news and information out. It can take y

78、ears for a book to be published and reach the bookstore. The information is often out of date. For me, the Internet is easier to use, because you can find information more quickly and easily than in a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias. You just use a search engine and the results come ins

79、tantly. Transitions and MarkersFinally,letsaddsometransitionwordsandmarkerslike“First”,“Anotherpointisthat.,”“Furthermore,.”etc.Letsalsonotrepeat“TheInternet”everytime.Many people think that the Internet will replace books and newspapers because it is cheaper, quicker and easier to use. First of all

80、, the Internet is cheaper than newspapers, because you can read many newspapers for free on their websites. Secondly, it is also much quicker to bring news and information out. It can take years for a book to be published and reach the bookstore. The information is often out of date. Another importa

81、nt point is that the Internet is easier to use, because you can find information more quickly and easily than in a big library or in a big set of encyclopedias. You just use a search engine and the results come instantly. ConclusionTheConclusionistheendoftheessay.ItisashortparagraphaboutTHREEsentenc

82、es.ItoftenhasthesameideaastheIntroduction,onlyindifferentwords.Somepeoplethinkoftheessayasasandwich.TheIntroductionandConclusionarethebread,andtheBodyisthefillinginthecenter.Iftheintroductionlooksgood,peoplewillcarryontothebody.Hopefully,theconclusionwillleavethemwithanicetasteintheirmouthThe Conclu





87、tantideasintheconclusion.Conclusions: ExamplesShouldwetestproductsonanimals?I agree that we need to make sure that animals who are used for testing new products have the minimum of suffering. However, I am convinced that animal testing is necessary, and that it will continue to benefit humans in new

88、 and wonderful ways.Shouldwebeatchildren?In conclusion, physical punishment can be a useful method of discipline. However it should be the last choice for parents. If we want to build a world with less violence we must begin at home, and we must teach our children to be responsible.Whoarethebetterpa

89、rentsmenorwomen?I think this is not an either/or question. Both men and women have strengths and skills that are important for childrens psychological growth. We need to ensure that both parents play an important role in the family in order to give children a good start in life.Wholearnsquickeradult

90、sorchildren?Finally, I feel that we cannot generalize about children or adults being better learners. It depends on the situation and the motivation of the person, and the level of enthusiasm he or she has for learning.Shoulddangeroussportsbebanned?In summary, our society would be healthier if more

91、people took part in sports of all kinds. We should continue to try to prevent accidents and injuries. However, we should also ensure that sports are challenging, exciting, and, above all, fun.Identify and Avoid these Common Errors.FragmentsFragmentsareincompletesentences.Theyaremissingaverb,orasubje

92、ct,orboth.First, the lack of exercise.Furthermore, the huge development of the country, easy life and transportation.Although the number falling.Also the different kinds of entertainment such as videos and television.For example, fast food, sweet things and oily food.How can you fix fragments?Addasu

93、bject,oraverb,orboth.TryaddingaphraseFirst, the lack of exercise has led to a big increase in the number of overweight people.Furthermore, the huge development of the country, an easier life and luxury cars have meant that many people do not have to work hard.Although the number is falling, many stu

94、dents still do not finish high school.Different kinds media such as video and television can provide good family entertainment.For example, fast food, sweet things and oily food can all lead to obesity.Identify and Avoid these Common Errors.Comma Splices and Run-On sentencesCommasplicesaresentencest

95、hatshouldbeseparate,butarejoinedwithacomma.Run-Onsaresentencesthatshouldbeseparate,butarejoinedanyway.In the past people did not have cars they used to walk. (Run-On)Heart disease is a big problem it kills thousands of people (Run-On)Our modern life is very easy, jobs are easier than they were 50 ye

96、ars ago. (Comma Splice )The streets are full of fast food restaurants, people eat there very often. (Comma Splice)How can you fix comma splices and run-ons?Makethemintotwosentences.Keepyoursentencesshort.Watchoutifyoufindyourselfusingcommas.Ask“Wouldafullstopbebetter?”Examples:In the past, people di

97、d not have cars. They used to walk.Heart disease is a big problem. It kills thousands of people.Our modern life is very easy. Jobs are easier than they were 50 years ago.The streets are full of fast food restaurants. People eat there very often.(This last sentence might better be rewritten as “The s

98、treets are lined with crowded restaurants” or “People enjoy eating in the busy restaurants”)Identify and Avoid these Common Errors.Comma SplicesAcommonerrorinwritingistousecommastojoinsentences.Forexample,allofthesearewrong:1.Every morning, I wake up early, do the morning exercise in the garden.2.It

99、 is a personal choice, it depends on the individual.3.Everybody likes John, hes a nice guy.4.We need to find new drugs to fight disease, some diseases are resisting our current drugs.5.I stink, I need to take a shower.Use a full stopWeneedtofixthesesentences.Theeasiestwayistousea full stop(period).1

100、.Every morning, I wake up early. I do my morning exercise in the garden.2.It is a personal choice. It depends on the individual.3.Everybody likes John. Hes a nice guy.4.We need to find new drugs to fight disease. Some diseases are resisting our current drugs.5.I stink. I need to take a shower.Join w

101、ith “so, and, because”Anotherwaytotojointhetwopartswithcoordinatingwordssuchas“and,”“so,”or“because.”Youmightneedtorewritethesentencealittle.1. Every morning, I wake up early and do my morning exercise in the garden.3. Everybody likes John because hes a nice guy.4. We need to find new drugs to fight

102、 disease because many diseases are becoming resistant to our current drugs.5. I need to take a shower because I stinkUse colons or semicolonsAnotherwaytotojointhetwopartsistousecolons(:)orsemicolons(;)2. It is a personal choice: it depends on the individual.Quotes, QuotationsManypeopledoingtheIELTSe

103、xamliketoquotefamouspeople.Dont.Avoidquotes.Asafamouspersonsomewheresaid,sometime,“Dontusethem.”Really.Youdontneedthem.Ifyouwanttouseaquote,workitintothesentenceasreportedspeech.My grandfather always told me to fight for what was right.The UAEs Sheikh Zayed often said that a country without a histor

104、y was a country without a present.An old proverb says that instead of giving a man a fish we should teach him how to fish.Its true that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: sometimes we should just be happy with what we have, instead of looking for more.A well-known Russian saying is that a

105、wife should be as humble as a lamb, a busy as a bee, as beautiful as a bird of paradise and faithful as a turtle dove. Dontusequotesaboutcoins having two sides,swordshavingtwoedges,ortimecuttingyou.Everybodyelseusesthem,anditmakesyourwritinglookverytiredandunoriginal.Donthavequotesabouteatingapplese

106、veryday.Dontquoteyourfriendor“afamouspsychologist.”Dontinventquotes.Dontquotefromrecentscientificresearch,becausenobodywillbelieveyouanyway.Dontusequotesunless you have the exact wording from a book or website in front of you, and this wont happen in IELTS. Of course, if you are not writing for the

107、IELTS test, and you have a reference in front of you with the exact quote, the name of the writer or speaker, and the date, then go ahead. Thats different. AssignmentDirections:Inmanycountries,whensomeonegetsold,theyoftengotoliveinahomewithotheroldpeoplewheretherearenursestolookafterthem.Sometimesgo




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