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1、Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party水果和蔬菜的盛会水果和蔬菜的盛会1.vegetable veditbl 蔬菜party p:ti 舞会 fruit fru:t 水果2.3.Hello, boys and girls.Lets have a fruit and vegetable party.First, lets welcome Mr. Pear.4.Next,lets welcome Mr.potato.5.Go away!6.Mr.先生先生 Miss 小姐女士小姐女士 Mrs.夫人夫人go away 走开7.介绍嘉宾介绍嘉宾Lets welcome Mr._

2、. 让我们欢迎让我们欢迎先生先生Lets welcome Miss_ . 让我们欢迎让我们欢迎女士女士8. first fst 第一第一 second sek()nd 第二第二third d 第三第三 next nekst 下一个下一个 fourth f fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve9.Lets welcome the vegetables. 10.carrot krt胡萝卜11.toma

3、to tmt西红柿12.本单元练习句型本单元练习句型13.I like the carrot.I like carrots.14.茄子eggplantegplnt 15.onion njn葱头16.I like the eggplant.I like eggplants.17. potato ptet土豆18.pumpkinpm(p)kn南瓜19.I like the potato.I like potatoes.20.peapi 豌豆; 豌豆角21.beanbin大豆;青豆(角)22.I like the pea.I like peas.23.24.carrot krt 胡萝卜tomato

4、tmt 西红柿eggplant egplnt 茄子onion njn 洋葱potato ptet 土豆pumpkin pm(p)kn南瓜pea pi 豌豆bean bin 青豆,大豆25.Fruit shop26.g arpea elppmeatr w elno27.cuoocntrganoearpe28.toopaotaomonnoitt29.lime lam 酸橙酸橙30.apple bananapear peachorang watermelonmango lemoncoconut grapepineapple strawberrygrapefruit lime31. eggplant

5、egplnt 茄子茄子 pumpkin pm(p)kn 南瓜南瓜 vegetable veditbl 蔬菜蔬菜 lime lam 酸橙酸橙 first fst 第一第一 next nekst 下一个下一个 party p:ti 舞会舞会各归其位各归其位vegatebel vegetableeglpeatn eggplantleim limepyrat partyfrsti first enxt nextpmukipn pumpkin39.Which one do you like, the strawberry or the apple?40.Whi

6、ch one do you like, the onion or the lime?41.Which one do you like, the lemon or the grape?42.Which one do you like, the banana or the pineapple?43.Which one do you like, the orange or the pear?44.Which one do you like, the peach or the grape?45.Which one do you like, the potato or the tomato?46.Fil

7、l in the blanksPat:_ one do you like,the _or the _or the _?Sam:I like the pineapple.Pat:which one _,the _ or the _or the _?Sam:I like the tomato.Whichpeachapplepineappledo you likeeggplanttomatocarrot47.Where is my watermelon? 我的西瓜在哪里?Here I am. 我在这里。Which one do you like, the banana or the orange?香

8、蕉和橘子你更喜欢哪一种呢?I like oranges. 我喜欢橘子。I like the banana. 我喜欢香蕉。48.笔记笔记 1. 句型:句型: (1)Lets Lets have a party. 让我们举行一个聚会。让我们举行一个聚会。 Lets have a class. 让我们上一课。让我们上一课。 Lets have a meeting. 让我们开个会。让我们开个会。 Lets have a rest. 让我们休息一下。让我们休息一下。 Lets have a bath. 让我们洗个澡。让我们洗个澡。 Lets have a look. 让我们看一看。让我们看一看。 49.

9、 eg: Lets welcome Mr. Potato. Lets welcome Miss Apple. eg: Which colour do you like, blue or red? eg: Which room do you like, bedroom or classroom?(2)Lets welcome Mr (Miss). 让我们欢迎让我们欢迎 先生(女士)先生(女士)。(3)Which one do you like, A or B ? 你喜欢哪一个,你喜欢哪一个,A 还是还是B ?50.Mr. Peach with a blue umbrella.51.2. 语法语法

10、:“with” 的用法的用法 (1)随身携带)随身携带 eg:I see Mr Potato with a blue bag. (2)本身具有)本身具有 eg: I see a girl with long hair. (3)和)和 eg: I go to school with my sister. (4)用)用 eg: We can eat with our mouths. 52. practice1. Which one do you like, the apple_the peach ? A. and B. or C. but D. with2. 走开!走开!_ A. Come bac

11、k! B. Go back! C. Go away! D. Lets go!53.3.开会开会_ A. have a party B. have a meeting C. have a bath D. have a look4.The girl with a big nose is my sister, A. 和和 B. 用用 C. 长着长着 D. 带着带着54.he hi: she i: me mi: we wi: peter pi:t 字母e在以上单词中读作i: 55.hen bed leg desk vet he she me Peter we 开音节,音节开,一元字母在后排,不怕辅音堵

12、后门,还有哑e在门外。56.cakenamefacemake蛋糕名字脸做game planewavebake游戏飞机挥手烤57.Two little_ are going home. They are very_. They havent got any honey. They come to a big_ pumpkin. They are very_ now. 58.They pull the_ hard. But the_ is still there. A little_and a little_ come to help. They pull and pull. They pull the _ out.59.They carry the pumpkin to the little bears_.60.Two little red apples are on a tree.I look at them and theylook at me.Come down, please!Come down, please!They fall on my head and drop at my feet.61.



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