【安徽】2011高三英语一轮复习 Unit 22 Environment Protection精品课件 北师大版

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1、Module 8Module 8Unit 22 Environmental ProtectionUnit 22 Environmental Protection基础落实基础落实高频单词高频单词思忆思忆1.1. n n. .生态生态2.2. n n. .原则,道德准则原则,道德准则3.3. adjadj. .贪污的贪污的4.4. adjadj. .相关的,有关的相关的,有关的5.5. vi vi. .反弹反弹6.6. n n. .巧合巧合ecologyecologyprincipleprinciplecorruptcorruptrelevantrelevantbouncebouncecoinci

2、dencecoincidence7.7. vt vt.& .& vi vi. .牺牲,献出牺牲,献出8.8. vt vt. .主张,提倡主张,提倡9.9. vt vt. .回收利用回收利用10.10. n n. .代替品,代用品代替品,代用品11.11. vt vt. .威胁威胁12.12. n n. .大陆大陆13.13. n n. .潜在的可能性潜在的可能性14.14. vt.vt.采纳,采用采纳,采用15.15. vt vt. .分配,配给分配,配给16.16. adjadj. .成熟的成熟的sacrificesacrificeadvocateadvocaterecyclerecycle

3、substitutesubstitutethreatenthreatenmainlandmainlandpotentialpotentialadoptadoptallocateallocatematuremature17.17. n. n.保护区保护区 n n. .保留;存保留;存 疑疑18.18. n n. .顾问顾问 vt vt. .咨询,请教咨询,请教19.19. n n. .灌溉灌溉 vt vt. .灌溉灌溉20.20. vt vt. .建造建造 n n. .建造建造21.21. adjadj. .多山的多山的 n n. .山脉山脉22.22. adjadj. .想得周到的,体贴的想得

4、周到的,体贴的 vt vt. .考虑考虑 n n. .考虑考虑reservereservereservationreservationconsultantconsultantconsultconsultirrigationirrigationirrigateirrigateconstructconstructconstructionconstructionmountainousmountainousmountainmountainconsiderateconsiderateconsiderconsiderconsiderationconsideration重点短语重点短语再现再现1.1. ac

5、tion action采取行动采取行动2.2. away from away from离开,脱离离开,脱离3.3. from from除除以外以外4.answer 4.answer 对对负责任负责任5.wrap 5.wrap 结束结束6.all the 6.all the 祝一切顺利祝一切顺利7.on 7.on of of代表代表8.as a matter of 8.as a matter of 实际上实际上9.carry 9.carry 掠去,夺走掠去,夺走10.all 10.all all all总的来说总的来说taketakebreakbreakapartapartforforupupb

6、estbestbehalfbehalffactfactoffoffinin11.11. in in导致导致12.12. ones living ones living谋生谋生13.13. ones control ones control不受不受的控制的控制14.call 14.call an end an end 要求结束要求结束15.15. some degree some degree在某种程度上在某种程度上resultresultmake/earnmake/earnbeyondbeyondforfortotototo典型句式典型句式运用运用1 1. .G Gi iv ve en n t

7、 th hi is s d da at ta a, ,i it t s se ee em ms s t th ha at t t th he e l li in nk k b be et tw we ee en n h hu um ma an n a ac ct ti iv vi it ti ie es s a an nd d r ri is si in ng g g gl lo ob ba al l t te em mp pe er ra at tu ur re es s i is s n no ot t m me er re el ly y a a coincidence. coincid

8、ence. G Gi iv ve en n可可作作介介词词或或连连词词,作作条条件件状状 语语,意意为为“如如果果有有;假假定定;考考虑虑到到, 鉴于鉴于”等。等。 如如果果有有他他的的支支持持,我我想想我我们们会会成成功功 的。的。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照Given his support,I think we will succeed.Given his support,I think we will succeed.2.How can we stop these disasters from 2.How can we stop these disasters from happ

9、ening? happening? stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth. stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth. 阻止某人阻止某人/ /物做某事。物做某事。stopstop还可以换成还可以换成 prevent,keep prevent,keep,但若用,但若用keepkeep表示此意时表示此意时fromfrom不不 可省略。可省略。 没有人能阻止他做那件事。没有人能阻止他做那件事。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照Nobody can stop/prevent/keep him fromNobody can stop/prevent/keep hi

10、m fromdoing that.doing that.3.This is no easy task,.3.This is no easy task,. no easy task=not an easy task no easy task=not an easy task。 not a/an+ not a/an+adj.adj.+ +n n. .(可数)(可数) not any+ not any+adjadj.+.+n n. .(不可数)(不可数) 环境保护不是一个短期计划。环境保护不是一个短期计划。 考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照Environmental protection is no

11、 shortEnvironmental protection is no shortterm plan.term plan.no+no+adjadj.+.+n n.=.=4.The last few years have seen environment-4.The last few years have seen environment- al disasters on a grand scale,. al disasters on a grand scale,. 时间时间/ /地点地点+see+see(时态可变)(时态可变)+ +事事 件,意为件,意为“某时某时/ /地发生了某事,地发生了

12、某事,见证了某见证了某 事的发生事的发生”等。等。seesee在此为在此为“目睹,见证目睹,见证”,可,可 以替换为以替换为witnesswitness。 2008 2008年爆发了全球金融危机。年爆发了全球金融危机。考点提炼考点提炼句子仿照句子仿照2008 saw the financial crisis throughout 2008 saw the financial crisis throughout the whole world.the whole world.导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.reserve 1.reserve vt vt. .储备;保留;预订;储备;保留;预订

13、;n n. .保护区保护区 Breweries are often built in nature Breweries are often built in nature reservesreserves.(.(回归课本回归课本P P5 5) )经典例句经典例句 It is not allowed to tip waste in a It is not allowed to tip waste in a nature reserve. nature reserve. 禁止在自然保护区乱扔垃圾。禁止在自然保护区乱扔垃圾。 Please reserve a seat for me. Please

14、reserve a seat for me. 请为我预定一个座位。请为我预定一个座位。A country should have a large amount of A country should have a large amount of grain in reserve to distribute to victims grain in reserve to distribute to victims of natural disasters.of natural disasters.一个国家需要贮备大量的粮食,以供灾难时分发一个国家需要贮备大量的粮食,以供灾难时分发给灾民。给灾民。归

15、纳拓展归纳拓展reserve.for sb.reserve.for sb.为某人保留为某人保留reserve ticket/roomreserve ticket/room预订票预订票/ /房间房间in reservein reserve保留;留出;存留保留;留出;存留a wildlife reservea wildlife reserve野生动物保护区野生动物保护区reservation reservation n n. .保留(意见);预订保留(意见);预订make/hold a reservation for.make/hold a reservation for.预订预订用用reserv

16、ereserve的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1)He still (1)He still his opinion on some his opinion on some points. points.(2)We have made (2)We have made for three for three rooms at the hotel. rooms at the hotel.reservedreservedreservationsreservations2.beyond 2.beyond prepprep. .超出,出乎;超出,出乎;advadv. .在更远处;在更远处; 另外另外 .s

17、omething previously seen as .something previously seen as beyond beyond our control.( our control.(回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通货膨胀率已经超过了通货膨胀率已经超过了8%8%。 Her beauty is beyond comparison. Her beauty is beyond compariso

18、n. 她的美貌无与伦比。她的美貌无与伦比。 They crossed the mountains and travelled They crossed the mountains and travelled to the valleys beyond. to the valleys beyond. 他们越过群山,到了那边的山谷。他们越过群山,到了那边的山谷。归纳拓展归纳拓展beyond beliefbeyond belief难以置信难以置信beyond doubtbeyond doubt毫无疑问毫无疑问beyond repairbeyond repair无法修理无法修理beyond the m

19、ountainbeyond the mountain在山那边在山那边beyond midnightbeyond midnight午夜以后午夜以后beyond ones controlbeyond ones control不受不受控制控制beyond ones reachbeyond ones reach够不着,超出够不着,超出之外之外beyond ones imaginationbeyond ones imagination超乎想像超乎想像beyond (all) recognitionbeyond (all) recognition变得认不出来了变得认不出来了beyond ones powe

20、rbeyond ones power超出某人权限超出某人权限完成句子完成句子Youd better put the medicineYoud better put the medicine ( (让孩子够不着的地方让孩子够不着的地方).).beyond thebeyond thechildrens reachchildrens reach3.claim 3.claim v v.& .& n n. .要求;声称;主张;断言要求;声称;主张;断言 They They claimclaim that in the last 50 years, that in the last 50 years, g

21、ases pumped into the Earths atmosphere gases pumped into the Earths atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have been by the factories and vehicles have been speeding up. ( speeding up. (回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 They claimed the reward for working for They claimed the reward for working for him. h

22、im. 为他工作他们要求报酬。为他工作他们要求报酬。 The court claimed (that) he was innocent. The court claimed (that) he was innocent. 法庭宣布他无罪。法庭宣布他无罪。 The settlers claimed the land to be The settlers claimed the land to be theirs. theirs. 殖民者声称土地是他们的。殖民者声称土地是他们的。归纳拓展归纳拓展claim sth.claim sth.要求获得某物;认领要求获得某物;认领claim to do/be

23、.claim to do/be.声称要做声称要做/ /是是claim that.claim that.声称,断言声称,断言claim to have done.claim to have done.声称做了声称做了make a claim formake a claim for要求要求;提出,主张;提出,主张完成句子完成句子The customer The customer ( (提出提出赔偿损失的要求赔偿损失的要求) of the goods.) of the goods.made a claim for damagesmade a claim for damages4.relevant 4

24、.relevant adjadj. .有关的;切题的有关的;切题的 .how is it .how is it to our lives? to our lives?( (回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 These facts are relevant to the case. These facts are relevant to the case. 这些事实和此案有关。这些事实和此案有关。 He consulted a number of relevant books. He consulted a number of relevant books. 他参考了不少有关书

25、籍。他参考了不少有关书籍。 He was sentenced to 5 years in prison He was sentenced to 5 years in prison according to relevant laws and according to relevant laws and regulations. regulations. 依据相关法律法规,他被判五年有期徒刑。依据相关法律法规,他被判五年有期徒刑。relevantrelevant归纳拓展归纳拓展be relevant to.be relevant to.与与有关有关a relevant suggestion/qu

26、estion/pointa relevant suggestion/question/point相关的相关的提议提议/ /问题问题/ /观点观点relevantlyrelevantly adv adv. .有关地;切题地有关地;切题地be concerned with.be concerned with.与与相关相关完成句子完成句子The essay isnt The essay isnt ( (与与题目相关题目相关).).relevant to the topicrelevant to the topic5.coincidence 5.coincidence n n. .巧合;同时发生;一致

27、巧合;同时发生;一致 .the link between human activities and .the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely rising global temperatures is not merely a a coincidencecoincidence. . (回归课本(回归课本P P6 6)经典例句经典例句 By coincidence,we arrived here at the By coincidence,we arrived here at t

28、he same time. same time. 我们凑巧一同到达这儿。我们凑巧一同到达这儿。 The two murder cases were so similar to The two murder cases were so similar to each other;it was not a coincidence at each other;it was not a coincidence at all. all. 这两个谋杀案如此相似,绝不是巧合。这两个谋杀案如此相似,绝不是巧合。What a coincidence!We have the same name What a co

29、incidence!We have the same name and live in the same room.and live in the same room.真巧,我们俩同名且又住在同一个房间。真巧,我们俩同名且又住在同一个房间。What a coincidence!What a coincidence!真巧!真巧!归纳拓展归纳拓展by coincidenceby coincidence碰巧,巧合的是碰巧,巧合的是coincide coincide v v. .巧合巧合coincide with.coincide with.与与同时发生,一致同时发生,一致用用coincidencec

30、oincidence的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1 1)I hadnt seen him for years when a I hadnt seen him for years when a remarkable remarkable brought us brought us together again. together again.(2 2)My views do not My views do not with theirs. with theirs.coincidencecoincidencecoincidecoincide6.sacrifice 6.sacrifice vt v

31、t.& .& vi vi. .牺牲,献出;牺牲,献出;n n. .牺牲;牺牲; 祭品,祭祀祭品,祭祀 .they are simply not prepared to .they are simply not prepared to sacrificesacrifice the amount of money they make the amount of money they make from industry to save the Earth. from industry to save the Earth.( (回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 They offer

32、ed a sacrifice to propitiate They offered a sacrifice to propitiate the god. the god. 他们供奉祭品以慰神灵。他们供奉祭品以慰神灵。 In the past many people sacrificed In the past many people sacrificed themselves for the country. themselves for the country. 在过去有许多人为祖国而献身。在过去有许多人为祖国而献身。 Parents made great sacrifices for th

33、eir Parents made great sacrifices for their children. children. 父母为孩子们做出极大牺牲。父母为孩子们做出极大牺牲。归纳拓展归纳拓展sacrifice sth.to do sth.sacrifice sth.to do sth.为做某事而牺牲某物为做某事而牺牲某物sacrifice sth.for sb./sth.sacrifice sth.for sb./sth.为为牺牲牺牲sacrifice sth.to.sacrifice sth.to.向向献祭献祭make sacrifices for/to do sth.make sac

34、rifices for/to do sth.为为作出牺作出牺牲牲at the sacrifice of.at the sacrifice of.以牺牲以牺牲为代价为代价完成句子完成句子Its not worthwhile to gain wealthIts not worthwhile to gain wealth ( (以牺牲健康为代价以牺牲健康为代价).).at theat thesacrifice of healthsacrifice of health7.advocate 7.advocate vt vt. .主张,提倡;主张,提倡;n n. .提倡者,拥护提倡者,拥护 者者 Expe

35、rts Experts advocateadvocate that each person play that each person play their part. ( their part. (回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 Educators advocate safe use of the Educators advocate safe use of the Internet. Internet. 教育者们提倡安全使用互联网。教育者们提倡安全使用互联网。 He is a strong advocate of reforms on the He is a stron

36、g advocate of reforms on the political system. political system. 他竭力主张改革政治体制。他竭力主张改革政治体制。 Many environmentalists do not advocate Many environmentalists do not advocate building large factories. building large factories. 很多环保主义者都不主张建造大工厂。很多环保主义者都不主张建造大工厂。归纳拓展归纳拓展advocate sth./doing sth.advocate sth./

37、doing sth.拥护,支持;主张拥护,支持;主张advocate that.advocate that.主张;提倡从句中谓语动词为主张;提倡从句中谓语动词为should+doshould+do的形式,其中的形式,其中shouldshould可省略。可省略。an advocate of/for sb./sth.an advocate of/for sb./sth.支持某人支持某人/ /某事的某事的人人用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(1 1)We advocate that everyoneWe advocate that everyone (donate) some money

38、 to the flood (donate) some money to the flood stricken area. stricken area.(2 2)A lot of people advocateA lot of people advocate (reduce) military spending. (reduce) military spending.donatedonatereducingreducing8.substitute 8.substitute n n. .代替者;代用品;代替者;代用品;vt vt. .(用(用)代替;)代替;vi vi. .替代,取代替代,取代

39、After all,theres no After all,theres no substitute substitute for our for our Earth. ( Earth. (回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 The coach substituted Smith for Jones. The coach substituted Smith for Jones. 教练让史密斯上场,换下了琼斯。教练让史密斯上场,换下了琼斯。 Babies feeding on milk substitutes are Babies feeding on milk substitu

40、tes are not as healthy as other babies. not as healthy as other babies. 靠吃代乳品的婴儿不如其他婴儿健康。靠吃代乳品的婴儿不如其他婴儿健康。 Vitamin pills are no substitute for Vitamin pills are no substitute for healthy diet. healthy diet. 维他命药片不能代替健康饮食。维他命药片不能代替健康饮食。归纳拓展归纳拓展a substitute for.a substitute for.的代替者的代替者a milk/meat sub

41、stitutea milk/meat substitute代乳代乳/ /肉制品肉制品substitute A for B(=substitute B with A)substitute A for B(=substitute B with A)用用A A代替代替/ /取代取代B Bsubstitute forsubstitute for代替,取代代替,取代a substitute teachera substitute teacher代课老师代课老师句型转换句型转换To make more money,he substituted some To make more money,he subs

42、tituted some drinking water for dextrose injection.drinking water for dextrose injection.To To more money,he substituted more money,he substituted dextrose injection dextrose injection some drinking water. some drinking water.earnearnwithwith9.scale 9.scale n n.& .& v v. . The last few years have se

43、en The last few years have seen environmental disasters on a grand environmental disasters on a grand scalescale, , and experts are predicting far worse to and experts are predicting far worse to come. ( come. (回归课本回归课本P P1010) )用法点拨用法点拨 (1 1)n n. .规模,程度规模,程度 These cars are being produced on a large

44、 These cars are being produced on a large scale. scale. 这些车正在进行大规模生产。这些车正在进行大规模生产。 (2 2)n n. .阶层,等级阶层,等级 These houses are only built for those who These houses are only built for those who are high in the social scale. are high in the social scale. 这些房子是为那些社会高层次的人建造的。这些房子是为那些社会高层次的人建造的。 (3 3)n n. .天

45、平,秤;鳞,鳞片;天平,秤;鳞,鳞片;vt vt. .用秤称用秤称 (重量)(重量) He weighed himself on the scales. He weighed himself on the scales. 他用秤称体重。他用秤称体重。归纳拓展归纳拓展on a large/grand scaleon a large/grand scale大规模地大规模地hold the scales evenhold the scales even使天平平衡;公平地裁判使天平平衡;公平地裁判remove the scales from ones eyesremove the scales fro

46、m ones eyes使某人顿使某人顿然觉醒然觉醒完成句子完成句子 ( (野生动物仍在被大规模地捕猎野生动物仍在被大规模地捕猎) in ) in some places.some places.Wild animals are still being hunted on aWild animals are still being hunted on alarge scalelarge scale10.means 10.means n n. .方法,手段方法,手段 People in agricultural areas,without any People in agricultural ar

47、eas,without any meansmeans to earn their living,move to the to earn their living,move to the cities,. ( cities,. (回归课本回归课本P P1010) )经典例句经典例句 We express our thought by means of words. We express our thought by means of words. 我们用词句来表达思想。我们用词句来表达思想。 The quickest means of travel is by plane The quickes

48、t means of travel is by plane at present. at present. 目前最快的交通工具是飞机。目前最快的交通工具是飞机。 This is by no means a good way to solve This is by no means a good way to solve the problem. the problem. 这决非解决问题的良策。这决非解决问题的良策。归纳拓展归纳拓展means of (doing) sth.means of (doing) sth.(做)某事的方法、途径(做)某事的方法、途径by means of sth.by

49、means of sth.借助借助的手段的手段by all meansby all means可以,当然行;尽一切办法,务必可以,当然行;尽一切办法,务必by no meansby no means决不,一点也不(置于句首,其后倒决不,一点也不(置于句首,其后倒装)装)注意注意 meansmeans表示表示“方法,方式,手段方法,方式,手段”时,其单时,其单复数同形。当复数同形。当meansmeans作主语且有作主语且有every,eachevery,each等词修等词修饰时谓语动词用单数;有饰时谓语动词用单数;有some,several,many,fewsome,several,many,f

50、ew等词修饰时谓语动词用复数。等词修饰时谓语动词用复数。句型转换句型转换Theory should by no means be separated from Theory should by no means be separated from practice.practice.By no means By no means from from practice.practice.should theory be separatedshould theory be separated11.adopt 11.adopt vt vt. .采用;收养;正式通过,采纳采用;收养;正式通过,采纳 T

51、he Chinese government has The Chinese government has adopted adopted several noise control plans. several noise control plans.( (回归课本回归课本P P1212) )经典例句经典例句 To get out of the financial crisis To get out of the financial crisis quickly,China adopted policies to expand quickly,China adopted policies to

52、 expand domestic demand. domestic demand. 为尽快摆脱经济危机,中国实施扩大内需的政为尽快摆脱经济危机,中国实施扩大内需的政 策。策。 New techniques were adopted in the New techniques were adopted in the project. project. 这项工程采用了新技术。这项工程采用了新技术。 As they had no children of their own,they As they had no children of their own,they adopted an orphan

53、. adopted an orphan. 他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿。他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了一个孤儿。归纳拓展归纳拓展adopt a childadopt a child领养孩子领养孩子adopt a new policyadopt a new policy采纳一项新政策采纳一项新政策adoption adoption n n. .收养;采用收养;采用adopted adopted adjadj. .收养的收养的adopted sonadopted son养子养子完成句子完成句子We shouldWe should ( (采纳消费者的建议采纳消费者的建议).).adopt the

54、consumersadopt the consumerssuggestionsuggestion12.considerate 12.considerate adjadj. .体贴的;想得周到的体贴的;想得周到的经典例句经典例句 Since I am now preparing for the College Since I am now preparing for the College Entrance Examination,my mother is very Entrance Examination,my mother is very considerate of me. conside

55、rate of me. 我正在为高考做准备,妈妈对我的照顾很细心。我正在为高考做准备,妈妈对我的照顾很细心。 Its very considerate of you to remember Its very considerate of you to remember my birthday. my birthday. 你想的真周到还记得我的生日。你想的真周到还记得我的生日。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1 1)be considerate to/toward/of sb.be considerate to/toward/of sb.体贴某体贴某人人Its considerate of sb.to do

56、sth.Its considerate of sb.to do sth.某人做某某人做某事真是周到事真是周到be considerate to do sth.(be considerate to do sth.(做某事做某事) )周到的,体周到的,体贴的贴的(2 2)consider consider vt vt. .考虑;认为考虑;认为consider doing sth.consider doing sth.考虑做某事考虑做某事consider sb.(to be/as) sth.consider sb.(to be/as) sth.认为某人是认为某人是all things conside

57、redall things considered综观一切,将一切考虑在综观一切,将一切考虑在内内(3 3)consideration consideration n n. .考虑;深思考虑;深思under considerationunder consideration正在考虑之中正在考虑之中take sth.into considerationtake sth.into consideration把把考虑在内考虑在内(4 4)considering considering prepprep. .考虑到;鉴于;就考虑到;鉴于;就而论而论用用considerconsider的适当形式填空的适当形

58、式填空(1 1)You should be You should be to others. to others.(2 2)He is very energetic,He is very energetic, his his age. age.(3 3)Take everything into Take everything into ,I ,I decided to accept the job. decided to accept the job.(4 4)All things All things ,this is really a ,this is really a good plan

59、. good plan.considerateconsiderateconsideringconsideringconsiderationconsiderationconsideredconsidered重点短语与句型重点短语与句型13.refer to13.refer to提到,涉及;查阅提到,涉及;查阅 Global warming Global warming refers torefers to an average an average increase in the Earths temperature. increase in the Earths temperature. (

60、(回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 For further information,please refer to For further information,please refer to the advertisement. the advertisement. 欲知详情请看广告。欲知详情请看广告。 I promised not to refer to the matter I promised not to refer to the matter again. again. 我答应过再也不提那件事了。我答应过再也不提那件事了。 You can refer to a

61、dictionary if You can refer to a dictionary if necessary. necessary. 如果有必要,你可以参考词典。如果有必要,你可以参考词典。归纳拓展归纳拓展refer to sb./sth.refer to sb./sth.提及某人提及某人/ /事事refer to the dictionary/notesrefer to the dictionary/notes查词典查词典/ /笔记笔记reference reference n n. .提及;征求;查阅提及;征求;查阅make a reference tomake a reference

62、 to提到,谈到提到,谈到reference bookreference book参考书参考书翻译句子翻译句子There are many reference books for you to There are many reference books for you to refer to.refer to.有许多参考书供你查阅。有许多参考书供你查阅。14.lead to14.lead to通向;导致通向;导致 .an average increase in the Earths .an average increase in the Earths temperature that,in

63、turn, temperature that,in turn,leads toleads to climate climate change. ( change. (回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 A cold can lead to pneumonia. A cold can lead to pneumonia. 感冒能引起肺炎。感冒能引起肺炎。 The railroad tracks lead to the next town. The railroad tracks lead to the next town. 这条铁路通往下一个小镇。这条铁路通往下一个小镇。Lack

64、 of experience led to his making such Lack of experience led to his making such mistakes.mistakes.缺乏经验导致他犯下这样的错误。缺乏经验导致他犯下这样的错误。He led the boy to a small cave in the hill.He led the boy to a small cave in the hill.他把男孩领到一个小山洞里。他把男孩领到一个小山洞里。归纳拓展归纳拓展lead to (doing) sth.lead to (doing) sth.中的中的toto为介词,

65、后接名词、为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词形式,意为代词或动名词形式,意为“导致,引起导致,引起”。lead sb.to sth.lead sb.to sth.引领某人引领某人lead sb.to do sth.lead sb.to do sth.引导某人做某事引导某人做某事lead the waylead the way领路;处于领先地位领路;处于领先地位lead sb.by the noselead sb.by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走牵着某人的鼻子走用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(1 1)Laziness led to Laziness led to (fail).(

66、fail).(2 2)The discovery of new evidence led to The discovery of new evidence led to the thief the thief (catch).(catch).failurefailurebeing caughtbeing caught15.take action15.take action采取行动采取行动 But why wait around for governments to But why wait around for governments to take actiontake action? (?

67、 (回归课本回归课本P P6 6) )经典例句经典例句 The government didnt take any further The government didnt take any further action. action. 政府没有采取任何进一步的行动。政府没有采取任何进一步的行动。 As soon as the SOS call was received,the As soon as the SOS call was received,the rescue services took immediate action. rescue services took immedia

68、te action. 一接到救援信号,救援中心马上采取行动。一接到救援信号,救援中心马上采取行动。 The police had to take legal action The police had to take legal action against him. against him. 警察不得不对他采取法律行动。警察不得不对他采取法律行动。归纳拓展归纳拓展take firm/active actiontake firm/active action采取果断采取果断/ /积极行动积极行动take immediate actiontake immediate action立即采取行动立即采

69、取行动take action to do sth.take action to do sth.采取行动做某事采取行动做某事take action about sth.take action about sth.对某事采取行动对某事采取行动take measures to do sth.take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事采取措施做某事put.into actionput.into action启动,使启动,使投入运转投入运转用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(1 1) (measure) that were (measure) that were (take

70、) to stop pollution took effect. (take) to stop pollution took effect.(2 2)We must take firm We must take firm (action) to (action) to solve the problem. solve the problem.MeasuresMeasurestakentakenactionaction16.answer for16.answer for对对负责负责经典例句经典例句 Young children cannot answer for their Young chil

71、dren cannot answer for their actions. actions. 小孩们不对他们的行为负责。小孩们不对他们的行为负责。 School should answer for their students School should answer for their students bad behaviour on campus. bad behaviour on campus. 学校应对学生在校园的不良行为负责。学校应对学生在校园的不良行为负责。 You will have to answer for your crimes You will have to answ

72、er for your crimes one day. one day. 你总有一天要因为你的罪行而得到报应的。你总有一天要因为你的罪行而得到报应的。归纳拓展归纳拓展answer for sth./sb.answer for sth./sb.对某事对某事/ /某人负责某人负责have a lot to answer forhave a lot to answer for承担承担/ /负很多责任负很多责任an answer to a questionan answer to a question问题的答案问题的答案answer the door/telephoneanswer the door/

73、telephone应声开门应声开门/ /接电话接电话完成句子完成句子As young people,weAs young people,we ( (要承担许多责任要承担许多责任).).have a lot to answerhave a lot to answerforfor17.result in17.result in导致导致 Heavy rains Heavy rains resulted inresulted in floods. floods.( (回归课本回归课本P P1111) )经典例句经典例句 His costly mistake resulted in severe His

74、 costly mistake resulted in severe loss. loss. 他的严重错误导致了重大的损失。他的严重错误导致了重大的损失。 His carelessness resulted in the accident. His carelessness resulted in the accident. 他的粗心导致了这起事故。他的粗心导致了这起事故。 His illness resulted from bad food. His illness resulted from bad food. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。归纳拓展归纳拓

75、展resultresult是不及物动词是不及物动词, ,与与inin连用,表示连用,表示“引起某种引起某种结果结果”,句子的主语是原因,句子的主语是原因,result inresult in的宾语是的宾语是结果。结果。result fromresult from由于由于而造成后果,后接导致某事而造成后果,后接导致某事的原因。的原因。as a resultas a result为固定词组,意为为固定词组,意为“结果,因此结果,因此”,在句中作状语,常用逗号和句子隔开。在句中作状语,常用逗号和句子隔开。as a result of.as a result of.意为意为“作为作为的结果的结果”。短

76、语填空短语填空(1 1)The flight was delayedThe flight was delayed thick fog. thick fog.(2 2)Global warming Global warming the the burning of fossil fuels,which burning of fossil fuels,which the release of greenhouse gases into the the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. atmosphere.as a result of

77、as a result ofresults fromresults fromresults inresults in18.break away from18.break away from摆脱,脱离摆脱,脱离经典例句经典例句 Cant you break away from old habits? Cant you break away from old habits? 你不能戒除旧习惯吗?你不能戒除旧习惯吗? Hes broken away from his family. Hes broken away from his family. 他与家庭断绝了关系。他与家庭断绝了关系。 The p

78、risoner broke away from his guards. The prisoner broke away from his guards. 犯人挣脱了看守。犯人挣脱了看守。归纳拓展归纳拓展break away frombreak away from从从挣脱,摆脱,脱落挣脱,摆脱,脱落break down(break down(机器机器) )损坏,破坏;分解;(身体)损坏,破坏;分解;(身体)垮下来垮下来break intobreak into闯入,侵入;突然发出闯入,侵入;突然发出/ /做出做出break offbreak off折断;中断;停止说话;(工作中)稍折断;中断;停止

79、说话;(工作中)稍作休息作休息break out(break out(战争、火灾等战争、火灾等) )突然发生突然发生break throughbreak through突破突破break upbreak up驱散;分解驱散;分解用介、副词填空用介、副词填空(1 1)She broke She broke a piece of chocolate and a piece of chocolate and gave it to me. gave it to me.(2 2)The fire broke The fire broke during the night. during the nigh

80、t.(3 3)Police were called in to break Police were called in to break the the crowd. crowd.(4 4)The South broke away The South broke away the North the North and set up a new government. and set up a new government.offoffoutoutupupfromfrom1 19 9. .W Wi it th ho ou ut t t th he es se e n na at tu ur r

81、a al ll ly y o oc cc cu ur rr ri in ng g g ga as se es s, ,t th he e s su un ns s r ra ay ys s w wo ou ul ld d b bo ou un nc ce e back into space leaving the Earth cold back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on. and impossible to live on.如果没有这些如果没有这些 自然产生的气体,太阳的能量将会被反射回自然产生的气体

82、,太阳的能量将会被反射回 太空去,地球将处于寒冷之中,而不适合生太空去,地球将处于寒冷之中,而不适合生 命的存在。命的存在。句式分析句式分析(1 1)withoutwithout在本句中表示一个假设的条件,后在本句中表示一个假设的条件,后面的主句中用面的主句中用“would+do”“would+do”表示对将来的虚拟,表示对将来的虚拟,像这样表假设条件的介词还有像这样表假设条件的介词还有but for;but for;连词连词oror,otherwise,otherwise,它们引导的句子在英语中称为含蓄条它们引导的句子在英语中称为含蓄条件句。件句。(2 2)句中)句中leaveleave意思

83、为意思为“使得某人或某物处于某使得某人或某物处于某种状态种状态”。leave+leave+n n././pronpron. .后常跟以下结构:后常跟以下结构:n n.,.,adjadj.,.,advadv.,doing,to do,done,.,doing,to do,done,介词短语介词短语Without/But for your help,I couldnt have Without/But for your help,I couldnt have passed the exam.passed the exam.要不是你帮忙,我就不会通过考试了。要不是你帮忙,我就不会通过考试了。With

84、out electrity,we would still live in Without electrity,we would still live in the dark.the dark.若没有电,我们还会生活在黑暗中。若没有电,我们还会生活在黑暗中。Its cold.Dont leave the door open.Its cold.Dont leave the door open.天冷,别开着门。天冷,别开着门。The manager died,leaving a lot of work The manager died,leaving a lot of work undone.und

85、one.经理去世了,留下了许多工作未完成。经理去世了,留下了许多工作未完成。用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(1 1)Her narrow escape left herHer narrow escape left her (shake) with terror. (shake) with terror.(2 2)Without you Without you (smell) the burnt (smell) the burnt smell,I would still leave the fire smell,I would still leave the fire (burn)

86、.(burn).shakingshakingsmellingsmellingburningburning2 20 0. .G Gi iv ve en n t th hi is s d da at ta a, ,i it t s se ee em ms s t th ha at t t th he e l li in nk k b be et tw we ee en n h hu um ma an n a ac ct ti iv vi it ti ie es s a an nd d r ri is si in ng g g gl lo ob ba al l t te em mp pe er ra

87、 at tu ur re es s i is s n no ot t merely a coincidence. merely a coincidence.如果考虑到这些数如果考虑到这些数 据,人类的活动与全球升温似乎不仅仅是一据,人类的活动与全球升温似乎不仅仅是一 种巧合。种巧合。句式分析句式分析given given prepprep.& .& conjconj. .考虑到;鉴于。常用来引考虑到;鉴于。常用来引导从句或后跟名词。导从句或后跟名词。adjadj. .特定的,预定的特定的,预定的They were to meet at a given time and place.They w

88、ere to meet at a given time and place.他们要在规定的时间和地点见面。他们要在规定的时间和地点见面。Given the governments record on Given the governments record on unemployment,their chances of winning the unemployment,their chances of winning the election look poor.election look poor.鉴于政府在解决失业问题上成绩不佳,他们在选鉴于政府在解决失业问题上成绩不佳,他们在选举中获胜

89、机会似乎不大。举中获胜机会似乎不大。Given that there was so little time,I think Given that there was so little time,I think they have done a good job.they have done a good job.考虑到没有多少时间,我认为他们算是做得不错考虑到没有多少时间,我认为他们算是做得不错了。了。归纳拓展归纳拓展at any given time/pointat any given time/point在任何特定的时间在任何特定的时间/ /地地点点given thatgiven tha

90、t考虑到考虑到,鉴于,鉴于given.given.作形容词,表示作形容词,表示“特定的,预定的特定的,预定的”时,一般只用于名词之前。时,一般只用于名词之前。完成句子完成句子 ( (考虑到许多人反对这个计划考虑到许多人反对这个计划),we had to ),we had to give it up.give it up.Given that many people were against theGiven that many people were against theplanplan2 21 1. .A An n e ev ve en n g gr re ea at te er r n

91、nu um mb be er r o of f p pe eo op pl le e l li iv ve e a a t t r r i i s s k k , , t t o o s s o o m m e e d d e e g g r r e e e e , , f f r r o o m m e ea ar rt th hq qu ua ak ke es s w wh hi ic ch h h ha av ve e c cl la ai im me ed d m mo or re e t th ha an n 1 1. .6 6 m mi il ll li io on n l li

92、iv ve es s i in n t th he e l la as st t h hu un nd dr re ed d y ye ea ar rs s. .从从某某种种程程度度上上来来说说,有有更更多多 的的人人处处在在地地震震的的危危险险之之中中,在在过过去去的的几几百百年年 间地震已经夺去了间地震已经夺去了160160多万人的生命。多万人的生命。句式分析句式分析to some degreeto some degree从某种程度上来说,为插入语,从某种程度上来说,为插入语,一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。to some degreeto some degre

93、e亦可以用亦可以用to a certain degreeto a certain degree。I agree with you to some degree.I agree with you to some degree.在某种程度上我与你意见一致。在某种程度上我与你意见一致。What you said just now is right to a What you said just now is right to a certain degree.certain degree.你刚才的话从某种程度上说是对的。你刚才的话从某种程度上说是对的。归纳拓展归纳拓展常见的插入语有形容词(词组)、副

94、词、不定式、常见的插入语有形容词(词组)、副词、不定式、现在分词短语、介词短语、从句以及固定短语。现在分词短语、介词短语、从句以及固定短语。常见的不定式作插入语的有:常见的不定式作插入语的有:to tell the turthto tell the turth(实话说)(实话说);to be short(;to be short(简单地简单地);to begin );to begin with(with(首先首先);to be sure();to be sure(自然,当然,果然自然,当然,果然);to );to be honest/frankbe honest/frank(坦白讲)(坦白讲)

95、;to make things ;to make things worseworse(更糟地是(更糟地是)等。这些插入语表示说话)等。这些插入语表示说话人的态度,在句子中作独立成分。人的态度,在句子中作独立成分。完成句子完成句子 ( (在多大程度上在多大程度上) was he ) was he involved in the crimes?involved in the crimes?To what degreeTo what degree2 22 2. . . . ., ,T Ti it ta an ni ic c, ,w wa as s o on n i it ts s m ma ai i

96、d de en n v vo oy ya ag ge e f fr ro om m S So ou ut th ha am mp pt to on n t to o N Ne ew w Y Yo or rk k C Ci it ty y, ,w wh he en n i it t s st tr ru uc ck k a an n i ic ce eb be er rg g a an nd d s sa an nk k a ab bo ou ut t 1 15 53 3 k km m s so ou ut th h o of f N Ne ew wf fo ou un nd dl la an

97、nd d. . . .泰泰坦坦尼尼 克克号号在在作作首首次次航航海海,从从南南安安普普敦敦开开往往纽纽约约 城城,突突然然间间撞撞上上冰冰山山,在在纽纽芬芬兰兰岛岛南南1 15 53 3公公 里的地方沉船。里的地方沉船。句式分析句式分析when it struck an iceberg and.when it struck an iceberg and.在此为时间在此为时间状语从句,状语从句,when“when“这时,就在这时突然这时,就在这时突然间间”,不可用,不可用whilewhile代替。代替。I was thinking of this when I heard my name I w

98、as thinking of this when I heard my name called.called.我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。He was on the point of leaving when someone He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.knocked at the door.他刚要走就有人敲门。他刚要走就有人敲门。We had hardly fallen asleep when the bell We had hardly

99、 fallen asleep when the bell rang.rang.我们刚刚入睡,铃声就响了起来。我们刚刚入睡,铃声就响了起来。归纳拓展归纳拓展be about to do.whenbe about to do.whenbe going to do.whenbe going to do.whenbe on the point of doing.whenbe on the point of doing.whenbe doing.whenbe doing.when正在做某事突然间正在做某事突然间had just done.whenhad just done.when刚做完某事,这时刚做完

100、某事,这时had hardly/scarcely.whenhad hardly/scarcely.when刚做完某事,这刚做完某事,这时时完成句子完成句子I had just gone out I had just gone out ( (这时风就把门关上了这时风就把门关上了).).正要做某事,正要做某事,就在这时就在这时when the wind shut thewhen the wind shut thedoordoor品味构词品味构词1.1.利用派生法,品句填词利用派生法,品句填词The child has The child has in the eyes so he in the e

101、yes so he has has to see anything,that is,he is to see anything,that is,he is to read anything but it doesnt to read anything but it doesnt him in other aspects.(able) him in other aspects.(able)disabilitydisabilityinabilityinabilityunableunabledisabledisable串联扩展串联扩展否定前缀否定前缀词根词根派生词派生词dis-dis-(=negat

102、i-(=negati-ve,opposve,opposite)ite)( (与与adjadj. ., ,advadv.,.,n n. .结合结合) )ableable有知识的,有知识的,有能力的有能力的disabledisablehonesthonest诚实的诚实的dishonestdishonestagreeableagreeable宜人宜人的的disagreeabledisagreeableloyalloyal忠诚的忠诚的, ,忠忠实的实的 不忠诚的不忠诚的, ,不忠实的不忠实的loyallyloyally忠诚地,忠诚地,忠实地忠实地disloyallydisloyally不忠诚地,不忠诚

103、地,不忠实地不忠实地orderorder命令;次命令;次序;订购序;订购disorderdisorder使丧失能力使丧失能力不诚实的不诚实的讨厌的讨厌的, ,难相处的难相处的disloyaldisloyal混乱混乱, ,动乱动乱mis-(=bad,mis-(=bad,wrong,not)wrong,not)( (与与v v. .,n n. .结结合合) )understandunderstand理解理解misunderstandmisunderstand误解误解applyapply运用运用misapplymisapplycarrycarry搬;持有搬;持有miscarrymiscarry流产;

104、失败流产;失败firefire开火,点火开火,点火misfiremisfirechiefchief酋长,族长酋长,族长mischiefmischieffortunefortune机会机会; ;命命运;巨款运;巨款misfortunemisfortune不幸不幸; ;灾难灾难误用,滥用误用,滥用不奏效不奏效, ,不发火不发火顽皮顽皮, ,恶意恶意un-un-(=not(=not)()(与与adjadj.,.,n n.,.,advadv. .结合结合) )ableable有知识的,有知识的,有能力的有能力的unableunableavoidableavoidable可避可避免的免的unavoida

105、bleunavoidable不可避免的不可避免的accustomedaccustomed习惯的习惯的, ,适应的适应的unaccustomedunaccustomedaffectedaffected不真实不真实的;不自然的的;不自然的unaffectedunaffectedcertaincertain肯定的肯定的, ,无疑的无疑的uncertainuncertain无把握的;无把握的;不确定的不确定的covercover盖盖uncoveruncover揭开盖子;揭露揭开盖子;揭露没有知识,没能力的没有知识,没能力的不习惯不习惯未受影响的未受影响的in-(=not)in-(=not)( (与与a

106、djadj.,.,advadv.,.,n n. .结合结合) )abilityability有能力有能力inabilityinabilityattentionattention注意注意, ,专专心心inattentioninattention不注意不注意, ,疏忽疏忽adequateadequate充足的充足的, ,大量的大量的inadequate inadequate ,crediblecredible可信的可信的, ,可靠的可靠的incredibleincredible不能相信的不能相信的dependencedependence依靠依靠independenceindependence独立独

107、立, ,自主自主不充分的不充分的不足的不足的无能,无力无能,无力2.2.利用派生法,品句填词利用派生法,品句填词The Commercial Publishing House will The Commercial Publishing House will an an EnglishEnglishChinese dictionary of the year Chinese dictionary of the year of of 1965.This dictionary will become 1965.This dictionary will become to to date.date.

108、A.dateA.dateB.datedB.datedC.upC.upD.updateD.updateDC串联扩展串联扩展(1 1)up-(=higher)+up-(=higher)+n n././v v.=.=vt vt. .前缀前缀名词名词/ /动词动词派生词(及物动词)派生词(及物动词)up-up-(=hi(=higher) gher) datedate日期;注明日期日期;注明日期updateupdate更新;改造更新;改造gradegrade年级年级upgradeupgradeholdhold握,拿握,拿upholduphold维护,支持维护,支持rootroot根根uprootupro

109、otliftlift电梯电梯upliftuplift提高;鼓励提高;鼓励endend末尾末尾upendupend使颠倒使颠倒连根拔起连根拔起提高提高, ,改善改善(2 2)v v.+up.+up与与up+up+v v.(=.(=动词动词) )v v.+up(.+up(动词短语动词短语) )up+up+v v. .(= =及物动词)及物动词)set upset up建立,创立建立,创立upsetupset弄翻;打乱;使苦恼弄翻;打乱;使苦恼hold uphold up阻碍,延误;威胁阻碍,延误;威胁 维护,支持维护,支持lift uplift up举起,抬起举起,抬起 鼓舞;激励鼓舞;激励roo

110、t uproot up连根挖出,拔起连根挖出,拔起uprootuproot将将连根拔起连根拔起upholdupholdupliftuplift(3 3)v v.+up.+up与与up+up+v v. .(= =名词)名词)v v.+up(.+up(动词短语动词短语) )up+up+v v. .(名词)(名词)take uptake up占领,占据;举起占领,占据;举起uptakeuptaketurn upturn up调大;出现调大;出现upturnupturnstart upstart up启动;开始启动;开始 狂妄自大的新手狂妄自大的新手keep upkeep up不落下;维护不落下;维护

111、 保养(费);保养(费);维修(费)维修(费)upkeepupkeepupstartupstart吸收吸收好转好转, ,改善改善3.3.利用合成法,品句选词利用合成法,品句选词Have you read the Have you read the news of todays news of todays China Daily?As far as I know,the former China Daily?As far as I know,the former two two of the first page simply of the first page simply introduc

112、e the news that introduce the news that of IBM company of IBM company has arrived in Beijing.has arrived in Beijing.A.lineA.lineB.linesB.linesC.headC.headD.headlineD.headlineDBC串联扩展串联扩展名词名词名词名词合成词合成词headhead头头lineline线;外形线;外形headlineheadline大字标题;新闻摘要大字标题;新闻摘要wordword单词单词headwordheadwordwayway方法;道路方法

113、;道路headwayheadwayphonephone电话电话headphonesheadphonesmastermaster主人主人headmasterheadmaster校长校长manman男人男人headmanheadmanacheache痛痛 头痛头痛landland陆地陆地headlandheadlandlightlight灯灯headlightheadlightheadacheheadache头灯,前灯头灯,前灯岬角岬角首词首词进展进展耳机,受话器耳机,受话器首领,酋长首领,酋长考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】What is the price of petrol these Wha

114、t is the price of petrol these days? days? Oh,it Oh,it sharply since last month. sharply since last month.( (江西高考江西高考) ) A.is raised A.is raisedB.has risenB.has risen C.has arisen C.has arisenD.is increasedD.is increased 解析解析 由由since last monthsince last month可知应该用现在完可知应该用现在完 成时成时, ,首先排除首先排除A A、D D。

115、再根据句意可知应该选。再根据句意可知应该选B B。 rise rise是不及物动词,意为是不及物动词,意为“上升上升”,符合题意。,符合题意。 arise arise意为意为“站立,出现站立,出现”,不符合语境。,不符合语境。B课文原文课文原文The amount of carbon dioxide in the The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere atmosphere has risenhas risen by more than 30% in by more than 30% in the last 250 years.the la

116、st 250 years.【例例2 2】E Ex xc cu us se e m me e, ,M Ma ar rc ci ia a, ,a a r re ep po or rt te er r f fr ro om m V Va an ni it ty y F Fa ai ir r a al ll l d da ay y. .C Co ou ul ld d y yo ou u s sp pe ea ak k to her now? to her now? (辽宁高考)(辽宁高考) A.phones A.phones B.has phoned B.has phoned C.has been p

117、honing C.has been phoning D.phoned D.phoned 解析解析 句意为:对不起,玛西娅,一位来自句意为:对不起,玛西娅,一位来自 Vanity Fair Vanity Fair的记者一整天都在打电话,你现在的记者一整天都在打电话,你现在 能和她通话吗?表示过去开始的动作一直持续能和她通话吗?表示过去开始的动作一直持续 进行到现在用现在完成进行时。题干中进行到现在用现在完成进行时。题干中all dayall day 表示一段时间。表示一段时间。C课文原文课文原文T Th he ey y c cl la ai im m t th ha at t i in n t

118、th he e l la as st t 5 50 0 y ye ea ar rs s, ,g ga as se es s p pu um mp pe ed d i in nt to o t th he e E Ea ar rt th hs s a at tm mo os sp ph he er re e b by y t th he e f fa ac ct to or ri ie es s a an nd d v ve eh hi ic cl le es s h ha av ve e b be ee en n s sp pe ee ed di in ng g u up p t th he

119、e p pr ro oc ce es ss s o of f g gl lo ob ba al l w wa ar rm mi in ng g a an nd d affecting our climate.affecting our climate.【例例3 3】Why are you so anxious? It isnt Why are you so anxious? It isnt your problem your problem . . (浙江高考)(浙江高考) A.on purpose A.on purposeB.in allB.in all C.on time C.on tim

120、eD.after allD.after all 解析解析 A A项为项为“故意地故意地”;B B项为项为“总共总共”;C C项项 为为“按时按时”;D D项为项为“毕竟毕竟”。句意为:你为什。句意为:你为什 么如此地焦急?毕竟不是你的问题。么如此地焦急?毕竟不是你的问题。 课文原文课文原文 After allAfter all,there is no substitute for our ,there is no substitute for our Earth. Earth.D【例例4 4】I I t tr ra av ve el l t to o t th he e B Bi in nh

121、ha ai i N Ne ew w A Ar re ea a b by y l li ig gh ht t r ra ai il lw wa ay y e ev ve er ry y d da ay y, , d do o m ma an ny y b bu us si in ne es ss sm me en n w wh ho o l li iv ve e i in n d do ow wn nt to ow wn n T Ti ia an nj ji in n. . (天津高考)(天津高考) A.as A.asB.whichB.which C.when C.whenD.thoughD.t

122、hough 解析解析 asas引导比较或方式状语从句时,一般采引导比较或方式状语从句时,一般采 用正常语序,但在正式语体里,用正常语序,但在正式语体里,asas从句有时也从句有时也 采用倒装语序,即采用倒装语序,即as I doas I do或或as do Ias do I。句意。句意 为:为:,像住在天津市区的许多商人一样。,像住在天津市区的许多商人一样。 A 课文原文课文原文 .human beings are causing changes in .human beings are causing changes in the Earths climatesomething the Ea

123、rths climatesomething previously seen previously seen asas beyond our control. beyond our control.写作技能写作技能高考应试技巧高考应试技巧 1. 1.认真审题,选择表达方式认真审题,选择表达方式 高考阅卷抽查表明,由于审题不充分、遗漏高考阅卷抽查表明,由于审题不充分、遗漏要点而失分的学生达到要点而失分的学生达到35%35%到到40%40%。审题就要弄清。审题就要弄清题目的大意与要求。高考英语书面表达不能像汉题目的大意与要求。高考英语书面表达不能像汉语作文那样自由发挥,而要根据题目要求、按所语作文那


125、。因此,学生必须用英语思考和审题。思考和审题。 2. 2.展提纲,连接句子成文展提纲,连接句子成文 从高考英语书面表达评分细则中可以看出,从高考英语书面表达评分细则中可以看出,要考查的是学生运用复杂语法结构的能力。许多要考查的是学生运用复杂语法结构的能力。许多学生由于一味追求复杂结构而导致语法错误。解学生由于一味追求复杂结构而导致语法错误。解决这一问题的主要办法就是打草稿,第一次列提决这一问题的主要办法就是打草稿,第一次列提纲时写出句子的主干,然后在此基础上增补定语纲时写出句子的主干,然后在此基础上增补定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句,添加由形容词充从句、状语从句、名词性从句,添加由形容词充当的

126、定语、由副词充当的状语,尤其是非谓语动当的定语、由副词充当的状语,尤其是非谓语动词短语充当的定语和状语。这样写出的复杂句子词短语充当的定语和状语。这样写出的复杂句子一般不会出现错误,这是由于英语句子为树状结一般不会出现错误,这是由于英语句子为树状结构,一个带从句的复合句常常是多次扩充成句,构,一个带从句的复合句常常是多次扩充成句,而一次成句的复合句很容易出现语法错误。而一次成句的复合句很容易出现语法错误。 3.3.复核要点,检查文法错误复核要点,检查文法错误 由于高考时间的限制,学生不可能对作文草由于高考时间的限制,学生不可能对作文草稿进行多次修改。在完成句子扩充之后,便要认稿进行多次修改。在

127、完成句子扩充之后,便要认真检查题目的要点是否一一表达明了,如有遗漏真检查题目的要点是否一一表达明了,如有遗漏迅速补上。然后开始在试卷上誊写,此时要注意迅速补上。然后开始在试卷上誊写,此时要注意增加句子与句子之间的连接成分,以保证文章顺增加句子与句子之间的连接成分,以保证文章顺畅。畅。 最后必须注意的是:誊写时要做到字迹优美、最后必须注意的是:誊写时要做到字迹优美、卷面整洁,减少不必要的失分。如此,必能取得卷面整洁,减少不必要的失分。如此,必能取得相对理想的成绩。相对理想的成绩。自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.The building being 1.The building being

128、( (建造建造) is a ) is a lecture hall. lecture hall.2.Its time to get in the wheat.Its 2.Its time to get in the wheat.Its ( (成熟的成熟的).).3.They dont 3.They dont ( (提倡提倡) the use of ) the use of violence. violence.4.She 4.She ( (牺牲牺牲) her career to marry ) her career to marry him but she got happiness. him

129、 but she got happiness.5.I 5.I ( (咨询咨询) a doctor about my ) a doctor about my illness. illness.constructedconstructedmaturematureadvocateadvocatesacrificedsacrificedconsultedconsulted6.Tokyo and New York are major 6.Tokyo and New York are major ( (金金 融融) centres.) centres.7.The manager is very 7.The

130、 manager is very ( (周到的周到的) ) towards her employees. towards her employees.8.The electronic industry is developing on 8.The electronic industry is developing on a large a large ( (规模规模).).9.The 9.The ( (多变的多变的) weather is another ) weather is another challenge to them. challenge to them.10.We have h

131、ad all the 10.We have had all the ( (相关的相关的) ) documents ready to present to the court. documents ready to present to the court.financialfinancialconsiderateconsideratescalescalechangeablechangeablerelevantrelevant.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.The process of global warming is1.The process of global warmi

132、ng is (speed) up because of pollution. (speed) up because of pollution.2.Global warming is the biggest problem 2.Global warming is the biggest problem (face) the 21st century.(face) the 21st century.3.3. (give) his poor health,I decided to (give) his poor health,I decided to stay to take care of him

133、. stay to take care of him.4.Governments should have a 4.Governments should have a (responsible) to reduce pollution. (responsible) to reduce pollution.5.The two countries have been in 5.The two countries have been in (arm) (arm) conflict for 20 years. conflict for 20 years.spedspedfacingfacingGiven

134、Givenresponsibilityresponsibilityarmedarmed6.Natural disasters have always been a 6.Natural disasters have always been a (threaten) in the world. (threaten) in the world.7.The pollution of the world is growing at 7.The pollution of the world is growing at a a (disturb) rate. (disturb) rate.8.In some

135、 mountainous areas,the problem of 8.In some mountainous areas,the problem of poverty is even poverty is even (great).(great).threatthreatdisturbingdisturbinggreatergreater.完成句子完成句子1.We must1.We must ( (考虑到费用考虑到费用) when we are ) when we are choosing a hotel. choosing a hotel.2.Many experts insist tha

136、t this global 2.Many experts insist that this global warming warming ( (主要是因为主要是因为) ) human activities. human activities.3.3. ( (代表我们学校代表我们学校),I ),I made a speech at the meeting. made a speech at the meeting.take the cost intotake the cost intoconsiderationconsiderationis mostly due tois mostly due

137、toOn behalf of our schoolOn behalf of our school4.Increased production will 4.Increased production will ( (转而,转而, 反过来反过来) lead to increased profits.) lead to increased profits.5.When I said some people are stupid,I 5.When I said some people are stupid,I wasnt wasnt ( (指的是你指的是你).).6.This misprint 6.T

138、his misprint ( (造成造成 很大的混淆很大的混淆).).in turnin turnreferring to youreferring to youled to great confusionled to great confusion.单项填空单项填空1.These mistakes are very 1.These mistakes are very among among students,so were not surprised if you students,so were not surprised if you do wrong. do wrong. A.ordi

139、nary A.ordinaryB.commonB.common C.usual C.usualD.normalD.normal 解析解析 分析题意可知,此处表示分析题意可知,此处表示“常见的,普常见的,普 遍的遍的”意义,只有意义,只有B B项正确,而项正确,而D D项表示项表示“正规正规 的;(不出现意外的)正常的;(不出现意外的)正常”。B2.The study of a foreign language 2.The study of a foreign language isnt isnt difficult. difficult. A.necessarily A.necessarily

140、B.certainlyB.certainly C.surely C.surelyD.possiblyD.possibly 解析解析 句意:学一门外语未必难。句意:学一门外语未必难。NecessarilyNecessarily 用在否定句中表示部分否定,意为用在否定句中表示部分否定,意为“未必未必”。A3.The value of the house was 3.The value of the house was at at $400,000,$50,000 less than its selling $400,000,$50,000 less than its selling price.

141、price. A.calculated A.calculatedB.accessB.access C.assessed C.assessedD.worked outD.worked out 解析解析 句意:这房子的估价为句意:这房子的估价为4040万美元,比售万美元,比售 价要低价要低5 5万美元。此题考查短语万美元。此题考查短语assess sth.at assess sth.at some money some money某物估价为多少钱;某物估价为多少钱;A A项项calculatecalculate 不与不与atat连用;连用;B B项项accessaccess是名词,意为是名词,意为

142、“入口,入口, 通路通路”;D D项项work outwork out不与不与atat搭配使用。搭配使用。C4.The lady said she would buy a gift for 4.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the her daughter with the . . A.20 dollars remained A.20 dollars remained B.20 dollars to remain B.20 dollars to remain C.left 20 dollars C.left 2

143、0 dollars D.remaining 20 dollars D.remaining 20 dollars 解析解析 从介词从介词withwith后的定冠词可知,后缺少名后的定冠词可知,后缺少名 词,词,remaining 20 dollarsremaining 20 dollars构成动名词短语,构成动名词短语, remaining remaining作前置定语,表示作前置定语,表示“剩下的剩下的”。LeftLeft 要作后置定语。要作后置定语。D5.5. that he is an experienced teacher. that he is an experienced teach

144、er. A.People are denied A.People are denied B.It cant be denied B.It cant be denied C.It cant deny C.It cant deny D.People cant be denied D.People cant be denied 解析解析 句意:不可否认,他是一位有经验的教句意:不可否认,他是一位有经验的教 师。师。denydeny为及物动词。为及物动词。A A、D D两项均错在被动语两项均错在被动语 态上了。态上了。It cant be denied that.It cant be denied t

145、hat.为一固为一固 定句型,译为定句型,译为“不可否认不可否认”。B6.People try to avoid public transportation 6.People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars,and this delays by using their own cars,and this creates further problems. creates further problems. A.in turn A.in turnB.in allB.in all C.in case

146、 C.in caseD.in timeD.in time 解解析析 此此题题考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。i in n t tu ur rn n反反过过来来,转转 而而;i in n a al ll l总总共共;i in n c ca as se e以以防防;i in n t ti im me e及及 时,只有时,只有A A项符合语境。项符合语境。A7.This new model of car is so expensive 7.This new model of car is so expensive that it is that it is the reach of those with

147、the reach of those with average incomes. average incomes. A.over A.overB.withinB.within C.beyond C.beyondD.belowD.below 解解析析 此此题题考考查查介介词词的的用用法法。o ov ve er r表表示示数数目目、 程程 度度“超超过过,多多于于”; ;w wi it th hi in n在在 之之内内; b be ey yo on nd d(表表示示范范围围、限限度度)超超出出;b be el lo ow w在在 以以下下。此此处处指指“这这种种新新型型的的车车太太贵贵了了,它

148、它超超出出 了了收收入入情情况况一一般般的的人人的的购购买买能能力力(范范围围)”。 beyond the reach beyond the reach超出超出范围。范围。C8.I 8.I him,but he happened to be out,I him,but he happened to be out,I left a message for him and told him I left a message for him and told him I would would his house. his house. A.called for;call up A.called f

149、or;call up B.called on;call back B.called on;call back C.called at;call in C.called at;call in D.called on;call at D.called on;call at 解解析析 c ca al ll l f fo or r来来喊喊(某某人人);c ca al ll l u up p打打电电 话话;c ca al ll l b ba ac ck k回回电电话话;c ca al ll l i in n召召集集;c ca al ll l o on n 拜拜访访; ;c ca al ll l o on

150、 n s sb b. .拜拜访访某某人人;c ca al ll l a at t+ +s sp p. .拜拜访访 某地。某地。D9.The shop assistant was dismissed as she 9.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was was of cheating customers. of cheating customers. A.accused A.accusedB.chargedB.charged C.scolded C.scoldedD.cursedD.cursed 解析解析 A A、B B、C C三项均有三项均有

151、“指控,指责,责备指控,指责,责备” 之意,但搭配不同;常用于之意,但搭配不同;常用于accuse sb.of,accuse sb.of, charge sb.with charge sb.with,scold sb.forscold sb.for结构。结构。A10.All these novels are for you 10.All these novels are for you . . A.to select A.to select B.to be selected B.to be selected C.to select from C.to select from D.to be s

152、elected from D.to be selected from 解解 析析 句句 意意 : 所所 有有 的的 这这 些些 小小 说说 供供 你你 挑挑 选选 。 “从从 中中 挑挑 选选”用用s se el le ec ct t f fr ro om m, 且且s se el le ec ct t from from与其逻辑主语与其逻辑主语youyou是主谓关系是主谓关系, ,故用主动式。故用主动式。 C11.Would you please give me some ideas 11.Would you please give me some ideas about the proje

153、ct? about the project? Sorry.I have so much work to deal Sorry.I have so much work to deal with,I almost with,I almost . . A.break out A.break outB.break downB.break down C.break off C.break offD.break upD.break up 解析解析 由句意由句意“我有这么多的事情要做我有这么多的事情要做”,可,可 知表示知表示“我要累垮了我要累垮了”,break downbreak down此处指此处指 “

154、 “身体垮下来身体垮下来”。B12.Some students choose colleges for other 12.Some students choose colleges for other reasons reasons their interests these days. their interests these days. A.except for A.except forB.exceptB.except C.apart from C.apart fromD.butD.but 解解析析 句句意意:现现在在学学生生们们选选择择大大学学除除了了考考虑虑自自 己己的的兴兴趣趣之之

155、外外,还还有有其其他他原原因因。A A、B B、C C三三项项均均 不不 能能 表表 示示“除除 之之 外外 还还 有有 ”的的 含含 义义 。 a ap pa ar rt t f fr ro om m既既可可表表示示“不不包包括括在在内内”,又又可可用用 作作besidesbesides的含义。的含义。C13.Since Tom 13.Since Tom downloaded a virus into downloaded a virus into his computer,he can not open the file now. his computer,he can not open

156、the file now. A.readily A.readilyB.horriblyB.horribly C.accidentally C.accidentallyD.irregularlyD.irregularly 解解析析 既既然然是是病病毒毒,当当然然是是无无意意下下载载的的,由由 a ac cc ci id de en nt t常常指指“意意外外、偶偶然然的的事事”可可知知其其派派生生 词词a ac cc ci id de en nt ta al ll ly y意意为为“意意外外地地,偶偶然然地地,不不经经 意地意地”,符合句子语意。,符合句子语意。C14.Can I bring A

157、lan to your birthday 14.Can I bring Alan to your birthday party? party? . Were good friends. Were good friends. A.By no means A.By no means B.By all means B.By all means C.No way C.No way D.Its not my problem D.Its not my problem 解解 析析 从从“我我们们是是好好朋朋友友”可可 知知“当当 然然 可可 以以!”b by y n no o m me ea an ns s

158、决决不不,根根本本不不是是;b by y a al ll l means means当然可以,符合语意。当然可以,符合语意。B15.Learning problems are closely 15.Learning problems are closely with with bad studying habits. bad studying habits. A.related A.relatedB.connectedB.connected C.relevant C.relevantD.relatingD.relating 解析解析 学习问题同不良的学习习惯密切相关,学习问题同不良的学习习惯密切相关,A A、 C C、D D三项后均接介词三项后均接介词to,to,只有只有B B项可跟介词项可跟介词withwith。 B返回



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