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1、Nice to meet you! by Wang YupingTuotuo Middle School1.Do you love your parents? 2.Are you helpful (有帮助的)at home?3.What do you usually do to help your parents at home?1.clean the bedroom 2.wash the clothes3.cook the meals 4. sweep the floor 5.clean the windows 6. make the bed 7.take out the trash 8.w

2、ater the flowers9.do the dishes 10.set the table1.Do you love your school? 2.Are you helpful (有帮助的)at school?3.What do you usually do to make your school beautiful? 1.clean the classroom 2.clean the teachers office3.empty the trash 4.wash the windows5.plant flowers 6.help the teachers clean their bi

3、kes7.help with schoolwork8.help sb with English/math/Chinese 9.plant trees I think you are very helpful.What could you do for the society(社会)社会)?Ill help clean up Ill help clean up the city parks.the city parks. the young the poor the old the disabledthe homelessthe hungry or be in hunger(处于饥饿中)处于饥饿

4、中)志愿者Lets be volunteersIf you have a chance to be a volunteer, what could /will you do?Or what would you like to do? I could/will.Id like to. clean up the road (打扫)打扫)sing a song for the old(为老人唱歌)(为老人唱歌)cheer up kids(使孩子高兴)使孩子高兴) visit the old atthe old peoples home(去敬老院拜访老人) Id like to. I could/wi

5、ll .help with schoolwork(在学习方面给予帮助)(在学习方面给予帮助)give out food(分发食物)(分发食物) Id like to. I could/will. clean up (打扫)(打扫) give out(分发)(分发) cheer up (使.高兴)help.with(在某方面帮助)记忆大闯关记忆大闯关1.clean up 2.help with3.give out4.cheer up打扫打扫帮助帮助分发分发使使.高兴高兴 Lets chant:Clean up, clean up, clean up the classroom.Cheer up,

6、 cheer up, cheer up sick kids.Give out, give out, give out the books.Help with, help with, help with schoolwork.1bListen and complete the sentences.1.Id like to outside. You could help clean the city parks.2.Id like to homeless people. You could give food at the food bank.3.Id like to cheer sick kid

7、s. You could them in the hospital.4.Id like to help kids their schoolwork. You could in an after-school study program.workuphelpoutupvisitwithvolunteer A: what could /will you do?Or what would you like to do?cheer up kidsvisit and sing a song for the old help the old cross the roadB:Id like to. I co

8、uld. I will.1cPAIRWORKA: what could /will you do?Or what would you like to do?B: I could/will/would like to.clean up give out cheer up help.withLets chant:What could you do? What could you do?I could, I could, I could clean up the classroom.What could he do? What could he do?He could, he could, he c

9、ould cheer up sick kids.What will you do? What will you do?I will , I will , Ill give out books.What will they do? What will they do?They will , they will , theyll help with schoolwork.绝绝 对对 挑挑 战战Lets chant:What could you do? What could you do?I ( ), I ( ), I ( ) clean up the classroom.What could he

10、 do? What could he do?He ( ), he ( ), he ( ) cheer up sick kids.What will you do? What will you do?I ( ) , I ( ) , I( ) give out books.What will they do? What will they do?They ( ) , they( ) , they( )help with schoolwork.Namewould like to / could / will .Lily1.clean up the city parks2.cheer up the k

11、ids1.2.1.2.What could /will you do?Or what would you like to do?Lets write and reportLily could.xxx will.xxx would like to.Look at the Beautiful Persons .最美丽的人最美丽的人最美妈妈吴菊萍最美妈妈吴菊萍最美司机吴斌最美司机吴斌最最美美教教师师张张丽丽莉莉最最美美战战士士高高铁铁成成 最美女教师最美女教师-张丽莉张丽莉2012年年5月月8日的一次交日的一次交通事故中,为救学生而受通事故中,为救学生而受重伤,致使双腿截肢,经重伤,致使双腿截肢,经

12、全力抢救已脱离生命危险全力抢救已脱离生命危险.最美妈妈最美妈妈-吴菊萍。吴菊萍。2011年年7月月2日下午日下午1点点半,一个半,一个2岁女童从岁女童从10楼坠落,吴菊萍奋不顾楼坠落,吴菊萍奋不顾身地冲过去接住孩子,身地冲过去接住孩子,经医院奋力抢救,经医院奋力抢救,女童女童最终脱最终脱离危险。离危险。她的她的手手臂骨折,受伤较重,被臂骨折,受伤较重,被网友称为网友称为“最美妈妈最美妈妈”。 最美战士最美战士-高铁成。高铁成。2012年年5月月18日晚,高铁成在休假日晚,高铁成在休假归队途归队途中中遇到火灾遇到火灾,他奋不他奋不顾身的去救火,造成面颈部顾身的去救火,造成面颈部与双上肢二度烧伤,

13、烧伤面与双上肢二度烧伤,烧伤面积积8%,并伴有吸入性损伤和,并伴有吸入性损伤和一氧化碳中毒。一氧化碳中毒。 最美司机最美司机-吴斌吴斌 。2012年年5月月29日中午,日中午,吴斌在驾驶大客车吴斌在驾驶大客车行途中,前窗玻璃碎片直接刺行途中,前窗玻璃碎片直接刺入腹部致肝脏破裂入腹部致肝脏破裂,但他仍强但他仍强忍疼痛将车停稳,并提醒车内忍疼痛将车停稳,并提醒车内24名乘客安全疏散及报警。名乘客安全疏散及报警。在在次日次日凌晨凌晨3点点45分,吴斌因伤势分,吴斌因伤势过重抢救无效死亡,年仅过重抢救无效死亡,年仅48。 No matter we are volunteers 不论我们是否为志愿者不论

14、我们是否为志愿者 We should help people. 我们都应该帮助别人我们都应该帮助别人Who are in trouble or need 尤其是那些身处困境或需要帮助的人尤其是那些身处困境或需要帮助的人Just try your best 只要你尽力去做只要你尽力去做Show me your hands,touch your nose 伸出你的手,摸摸你的鼻伸出你的手,摸摸你的鼻Lets put our heats together 让我们把心靠在一起让我们把心靠在一起Just make people happy 让大家快乐让大家快乐Live much better and h

15、appier 我们将会更加快乐无比我们将会更加快乐无比Please remember: Help others, you will get more happiness.(帮助别人,快乐自己)帮助别人,快乐自己)HomeworkImagine you are a reporter of Jing He, interview some students about ways we can help our hometown be a cleaner and healthier place(干净干净而又而又健康健康) to live in.建议建议:1.四人为一小组合作想出使家乡变得更干净及健康四人为一小组合作想出使家乡变得更干净及健康的生存环境的办法的生存环境的办法.2.将自己目前能做的事情说出来将自己目前能做的事情说出来.



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