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1、Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)Unit9 Can you come to my party?初中英语人教版八上学习目标1) 学习掌握下列词汇:invite, accept, refuse; 2)能用can发出邀请;3)能用can打听第三方是否能参加聚会,并说明原因;4)能就已有的计划或安排进行简要讨论;5) 掌握情态动词can, must, have to, might的用法。 ReviewCan you come to my birthday party?Grammar FocusCan you come to my party on Saturday?Sure, I

2、d love to.Sorry, I must study for a math test.Can you go to the movies tomorrow night?Sure. That sounds great.Im afraid not. I have the flu.Can he go to the party?No, he cant. He has to help his parents.Can she go to the baseball game?No. shes not available. She must go to the doctor.Can they go to

3、the movies?No, theyre not free. They might have to meet their friends.Refuse invitations(拒绝邀请)Im sorry. Im not free then.Im afraid not. I have the flu.Sorry, but Im not available.Accept invitations(接受邀请)Sure. It sounds great.Id love to.Weekends arrangementSaturday morningSaturday afternoonSunday mor

4、ningSunday afternoon调查周末活动安排Ask and answerE.g.A:What are you planning to do this weekend?B: I am playing basketball.A: Who are you playing with?B: I am play basketball with my friends.六人一组。一人发出邀请,其他成员根据自己的周末安排选择回答。并做信息记录。Pair workS1: , can you go to our English teachers party this Saturday afternoon

5、?S2: Sure. It sounds great.S1: How about you?S3: Id love to go, but Im not available. I have to help my parents with shopping.S1: Can you go?S4: Sorry, I am not free then. I might have to do. 3a Complete the answers .watch TV on the weekend my cousin visit grandparents practice the violin1. A: What

6、are you going to do on Saturday? B: Im not sure. I might_ 2. A: What are you planning to do after school? B: I dont know._ practice the violin.I might watch TV.3. A: When will you finish the science homework? B: _ 4. A: Who are you going to the movies with? B:_ 5. A: Are you free to come to my place

7、 on Saturday? B: _ On the weekend My cousin No. I might visit grandparents.3b Complete the sentences below. 1. Inviting: (can / play tennis) _ Accepting:_ 2. Inviting: (would like to/ go to the movies) Reason: (might have to)_Refusing : Can you come to play tennis?Sure, that sounds great.Would you l

8、ike to go to the movies?Im afraid not. I have too much homework to do. 3. Inviting: (can/hang out with us tonight) Reason: (must) _Refusing: _4. Inviting: ( would like to / come to my birthday party) _Accepting:_Can you hang out with us tonight?Would you like to come to my birthday party?No, I cant.

9、 I must finish my homework.Sure, Id love to.can的用法情态动词can没有人称和数的变化,过去式为could,其后接动词原形构成谓语。否定:can后加not,疑问:can放主语前。can表示可能,“能够;会”I can get there in ten minutes.can表示能力,“能;会”She can run fast, but I cant.can表示允许,“能;可以”You can use this dictionary.can与must的区别:You must do it.(语气较强)向别人发出邀请、请求、建议或征求某人的意见,其他表达

10、方法Would you like?“你想要/愿意”?Would/Will/Could you please?“请你好吗?”Shall we?“我们好吗?”Lets “我们吧。”Why not?=Why dont you? “为什么不?”How/What about? “怎么样?”Exercise1.Is that girl in red Sally?No, it _ her. She has gone to Hong Kong.A.may beB. must beC. cant be2. I cant stop playing computer games.For your eyes, my

11、boy, Im afraid you _.A. canB. mayC. have to3. I think her dress comes from the 1970s.It_ be from that time. It looks so modern on her.A.mustntB. cantC. wontD. wouldnt4. Must I do my homework now, mum?_. You can do it tomorrow.A.No, you needntB. No, you mustntC. Yes, you needD. Yes, you must5. Rock m

12、usic may _ nice to young people, but mostold people cant stand it.A.hearB. soundC. lookD. listen6.Lucy, can I use your English dictionary?Sure. But you _ return it before the class.A. must B. canC. mayD. wouldHomework1. 复习Grammar Focus 中的内容。2. 你的朋友邀请你去看电影,请根据在3c中所填写的信息编写一个与你朋友的对话。 A: Can you go to the movie on Saturday evening? B: Sorry, I cant. I have to



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