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1、Section Warmup & Lesson 1 自学导引新知初探自学导引新知初探Step One:Words and Phrases.词汇知识词汇知识1._ (adv.) 由后向前地由后向前地2._ (n.) 改正,改进改正,改进3._ (vt.) 简化简化4._ (adj.) 稳稳定定的的;无无忧忧无无虑虑的的5._ (adj.) 空白的空白的backwardscorrectionsimplifysecureblank6._ (v.) 膨胀,肿胀膨胀,肿胀7._ (vt.) 怀疑怀疑8.status(n.)_9.chief(adj.)_10.saying(n.)_11.postage(n

2、.)_12.instruct(v.)_13.qualification(n.)_swellsuspect现状;社会地位现状;社会地位最高级别的最高级别的 格言,谚语格言,谚语邮费邮费指导,教导指导,教导资格,资历资格,资历.重点短语重点短语1._ speaking 坦率地说坦率地说2. lay _解雇;裁员解雇;裁员3. aside _除除之外之外4.break_ 爆发爆发5._ blank 发呆;默然发呆;默然6._ person 亲自亲自7.swell _充满充满8.switch/turn _关上关上franklyofffrom out goinwith off Step Two:Warm

3、ingupIts never too old to learn.Learning plays an important role in our life.Look at the following pictures and find your favorite way to acquire knowledge.a. _ b._c. _ d._Self- -studySchoolingNewspaperInternetStep Three:Fast ReadingScan the text and choose the best answers according to the text.1.T

4、he following are the reasons why people think lifelong learning important EXCEPT _Aits never too late to learnBthey want to develop new skillsCCthe old need to switch off their brain and bury everything theyve learnedDtheyd like to get new qualification2.According to Sun Wens opinion,_Aall can conti

5、nue learning and get promotedBnowadays we can get a degree after failing college entrance examBCwork and study are quite the same as it was like beforeDwe cant be given a second chance by studying for formal qualifications while keeping a secure fulltime job3.Why does Ms Tang think getting laid off

6、is the best thing that ever happened to her?Because _DAshe would have stayed in the company until retirementBshe can have more free time to learn at schoolCshe enjoys being a fulltime housewifeDshe has learnt many new skills and prepared to set up her own export company after getting laid off4.Whats

7、 the status of the job market at the moment?( )ANot all companies were doing that well.BNot all people got laid off because of doing something wrong.CPeople would not have to stay in a company until retirement.DAll the above.C5.In Grandpa Chens opinion,_A.you cant teach an old dog new tricksB.if you

8、d wanted to see your grandchildren,you should have had to visit them in personC.old people can teach themselves new tricksDif the postage went up,youd better not become an Internet userCStep Four:Careful Reading.Read the text and judge the following sentences true(T) or false (F)1.Sun Wen succeeded

9、in getting into Qinghua University through the college exam.( )2.Ms.Tang got laid off through her own fault but later decided to take a business course.( )FF3.When she knew she would be laid off,Ms.Tang was glad because she knew a new opportunity had come.( )4.Grandpa Chen became an Internet user by

10、 taking a computer course.( )5.The three examples show that lifelong learning is useful for people of various ages and backgrounds.( )FFT.Read the text again and fill in the blanks.NameSun WenMs.TangGrandpa ChenWhat did they study?Computer Engineering2._Email and the Internet1._ for studyFor a 3._La

11、id off,4._ being a fulltime housewife,to start her own companyToo expensive to 5._ lettersReasonBusinessdegreebored airmailNameSun WenMs.TangGrandpa ChenHow did they study?6._ learningTook a business courseGrandsons7._Result of their studyBachelors Degree,promotionNew 8._ ,a business planKnowing how

12、 to email and use the InternetDistanceguidance/instructionskillsStep Five:SummaryThe Importance of Lifelong LearningSun Wen is 28 years old.After he failed in the college entrance exam,he has been studying for a degree while keeping a 1._ fulltime job,and he is about to graduate now.He has new 2._ w

13、hich makes him promoted at work.secure qualificationHis advice for us is that“Its never too late to learn.”Ms. Tang is 45 years old.Whenshe knew that she would be laid off,her mind went 3._ and her heart 4._ with anger.She 5._ that it was not right for the company to laid her off because the workers

14、 would have stayed in the company till 6._ if they worked forblank swelledsuspectedretirementit for over 20 years.Grandpa Chen is 75 years old.He is teaching himself new tricks every day,which certainly proves the 7._ “You cant teach an old dog new tricks”not true.He had been sending letters by 8._

15、to his daughter in the US once a week,but later the 9._ went up, which made him become an Internet 10._ sayingairmailpostageuser要点透析讲练互动要点透析讲练互动1 get promoted 得到提升(教材P36)Because of my new qualification,Im getting promoted at work.由于我取得了新的资格证,因此我在工作中得到提升。词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研He will get promoted,for he ha

16、s done good work.他将得到提升,因为他工作干得好。Theyre getting married next month.他们下个月结婚。归纳拓展归纳拓展get punished 受到惩罚受到惩罚get killed 被杀被杀get hurt 受到伤害受到伤害get invited 被邀请被邀请get started 行动起来行动起来get admitted 被录取被录取get married 结婚结婚get undressed 脱下衣服脱下衣服get changed 换衣服换衣服get shaved 刮脸;刮胡子刮脸;刮胡子get annoyed 生气生气get excited

17、激动激动学以致用学以致用用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Did your letter get _(answer)?(2)They got _(trap) in the fire and were killed.(3)His car got _(damage)in a road accident.answeredtrappeddamaged(4)The dog got _(run)over by the car.(5)Workers in this factory usually get _(pay) by the hour.run paid 2 simplifyvt. 简化

18、简化归纳拓展归纳拓展simple adj. 简单的,朴素的简单的,朴素的simplicity n. 简单,朴实简单,朴实simplification n. 简化,单纯化简化,单纯化The rules have been simplified.这些规定已经简化了。这些规定已经简化了。Such a toy is simple to make.这种玩具做起来很简单。这种玩具做起来很简单。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)她简化了指令以便于儿童理解。她简化了指令以便于儿童理解。She _the instructions so that the children could understand t

19、hem.(2)那会简化我的工作。那会简化我的工作。That will _my task.(3)你能不能把你的语言改得简单一点?你能不能把你的语言改得简单一点?Can you _your language a little?simplifiedsimplifysimplify3 secure adj. 稳定的,安全的,可靠的,无忧无虑的(教材P36)I decided to give myself a second chance by studying for a degree in the evenings and on weekends while keeping a secure full

20、time job. 我决定再给自己一次机会,在保持一份稳定的全职工作的同时,利用晚上和周末的时间学习以取得学位。归纳拓展归纳拓展be secure about 对对放心放心be secure of 确信确信be secure from/against. 保护保护免受免受secure vt. 使安全使安全security n. 安全,平安安全,平安Its not a very secure way to make a living.以此谋生终非长久之计。They are secure about the future.他们对未来充满信心。Extra soldiers will be sent t

21、o secure the children.更多的士兵将被派去保障孩子们的安全。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)There are no _(稳稳定的工作定的工作)these days.(2)I _(确确 信信 ) his coming.(3)They spent the night in a little cave,_ (躲过,免受躲过,免受)the storm.(4)Parenting is about giving a child _(保保护护和和关关爱爱)secure jobsam secure of secure fromsecurity and love4 frankly s

22、peaking 坦率地说;老实说(教材P36)Frankly speaking,the last four years have been hard work,but its been worth it!坦白地说,过去的四年一直很辛苦,但是很值得!归纳拓展归纳拓展honestly speaking(to be honestto tell you the truth) 说实话说实话generally speaking 一般而言,一般说一般而言,一般说来来exactly speaking 确切地说确切地说strictly speaking 严格地说严格地说personally speaking 就

23、个人而言就个人而言Frankly speaking,I dont like the job.坦率地说,我不喜欢这份工作。Frankly speaking,I hope to get a higher salary.坦白地讲,我希望薪水高一些。Generally speaking,man is stronger than woman.一般而言,男人比女人强壮。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)_ (就就我我个个人人而而言言),it was the lack of experience that got her into trouble.(2)_ (一一般般来来说说), it is diffi

24、cult to master a foreign language in such a short time.Personally speakingGenerally speaking(3)_ (老实说老实说),the price of this brand is a little high.To tell you the truth/Honestly speaking5 lay off 裁员;解雇(教材P36)Three months ago,when my manager told me that I would be laid off,my mind went blank and my

25、heart swelled with anger.三个月前,当经理告诉我我将要下岗时,我的脑海一片空白,满腔怒火。归纳拓展归纳拓展lay aside 把把放在一边;搁置在一旁放在一边;搁置在一旁lay out 铺开,展开;布置铺开,展开;布置lay on 提供提供(尤指食物或娱乐尤指食物或娱乐)lay down 放下;规定放下;规定 In 2012,we had to lay off thousands of workers,bluecollar and whitecollar alike. 在2012年,我们不得不辞掉数以千计的工作人员,其中有蓝领的,也有白领的。He laid aside

26、money for his old age.他存钱以备年老之需。It was laid down that all applicants should have a written examination. 根据规定,所有申请人均应参加笔试。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)这个问题咱们先搁一搁。这个问题咱们先搁一搁。Lets _the problem for a while.(2)由由于于经经济济危危机机,在在美美国国有有百百分分之之五五的的人人失失业了。业了。Because of the financial crisis, 5 percent of the Americans _lay

27、 aside are laid off6 suspect vt. 怀疑;猜疑(教材P36)I suspect that they laid me off because the company was not doing that well but it still brought a lump to my throat and made me want to cry. 我怀疑他们裁掉我是因为公司经营得不是很好,但这仍然使我喉头哽咽,我只想哭。归纳拓展归纳拓展suspect sb./sth. 怀疑某人怀疑某人/某事某事suspect sb.of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人怀疑某人(做做

28、)某事某事suspect sb./sth.as/to be. 怀疑某人怀疑某人/某物某物为为suspectthat. 怀疑怀疑We suspected him of taking the money.我们怀疑他拿了钱。It is said that he is one of the suspects in the case.据说他是这个案子的嫌疑犯之一。Some of the evidence they had was highly suspect.他们所掌握的证据有些是相当可疑的。易混辨析易混辨析 suspect,doubtsuspect怀疑怀疑是,表示相信。是,表示相信。doubt怀疑怀疑

29、不是,表示不相信。不是,表示不相信。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)Two of the banks managers _(被怀疑被怀疑)fraud.(2)The police have taken the _(嫌嫌 疑疑 犯犯 ) to the police station.were suspectedsuspect7 instruct vt. 指导;教导;指示,命令(教材P36)I got my grandson to instruct me on how to email and use the Internet and I really enjoy the speed at wh

30、ich my messages get sent and answered.我让我外孙教我如何发电子邮件和使用互联网,我确实喜欢那种传送信息和得到答复的速度。归纳拓展归纳拓展instruct sb. to do sth. 指导某人做某事指导某人做某事instruct sb. in sth. 在某方面指导某人在某方面指导某人instructthat 从句从句 指导,指示指导,指示instruction n. 指示;指示;(pl.) 说明书说明书follow the instructions 按照说明书按照说明书 Greater effort is needed to instruct child

31、ren in road safety.教导孩子注意道路安全需要付出更多的努力.She instructed him (in) how to deal with the problem.她教他如何解决这个难题。The letter instructed him to report to the headquarters immediately.那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。She arrived at ten oclock,as instructed.她依照指示于10点钟到达。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)My father _(命命令令我我) start early.(2)Its ver

32、y kind of you _(指导我指导我) plant roses.instructs me toto instruct me to 8 aside from 除除之之外外(还还有有);既既又又(教教材材P36)And aside from emailing,its fun to see and talk to my grandchildren in the US on the iCam.除除了了收收发发电电子子邮邮件件,我我用用网网上上镜镜头头看看到到了了在在美国的孙辈们并且同他们谈话,太有趣了。美国的孙辈们并且同他们谈话,太有趣了。归纳拓展归纳拓展aside fromapart fro

33、mbesidesin addition toAside from this,there isnt much to say for that picture.除了这一点,那幅画没有什么可称道的。除了这一点,那幅画没有什么可称道的。Besides working as a doctor,he also writes novels in his spare time. 除了当医生之外,他在业余时间还写小说。In addition to these arrangements,extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.除了这些安排之外,另增救护车值班

34、至午夜.学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)My classmates,_ (除除 了了 之之 外外 ) Li Hua, are fond of watching football match.(2)_ (除除 了了 之之 外外)their house in Beijing,they also have several villas in other big cities.aside fromAside from/Besides9 bury vt. 埋葬,埋藏;专心致志于(某事)(教材P36)So many people think that after you retire,all you

35、 can do is switch off your brain and bury everything youve ever learnt.很多人认为退休后你能做的就是封闭大脑、埋葬所学过的任何东西。归纳拓展归纳拓展Many workers were buried underground when there was an accident at the mine.矿上发生意外事故时,许多矿工都被埋在了矿上发生意外事故时,许多矿工都被埋在了地下。地下。He buried himself in his work.他埋头于自己的工作。他埋头于自己的工作。学以致用学以致用翻译句子翻译句子(1)他的

36、祖父和祖母埋在一起。他的祖父和祖母埋在一起。_(2)当我进入她房间时,她正陷入沉思。当我进入她房间时,她正陷入沉思。_His grandfather was buried with his grandmother.When I came into her room,she was buried in thought.1(教材教材P36)“Its never too late to learn.”“学习永远都不会太晚。学习永远都不会太晚。”句法分析句法分析 此句中含有一个此句中含有一个“否定词否定词too.to.”的结构。的结构。“too.to.”结构之前带结构之前带有有never,not 等否

37、定词时,是强调肯定的等否定词时,是强调肯定的表示法。表示法。句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析句型巧析Its never too late to mend.(谚语)改过不嫌晚。English is not too difficult to learn.英语并不难学。归纳拓展归纳拓展“too.to.”结构小结:结构小结:(1)英英语语中中,“too形形容容词词/副副词词动动词词不不定定式式”结结构构简简称称为为“too.to.”结结构构.这这种种结结构构,在在大大多多数数情情况况下下表表示示否否定定意意义义,在在翻翻译译时,通常可译为时,通常可译为“太太而不能而不能”。(2)但是,但是,“too.to.”

38、结构在以下三种结构在以下三种情况下,常表示肯定含义。一是情况下,常表示肯定含义。一是“too.to.”结构之前带有结构之前带有never,not等否定词时;二是等否定词时;二是“too.to.”结构之前有结构之前有only,all,but时,时,此时的意思是:此时的意思是:“非常非常”,相当于,相当于very。三是。三是“too.to.”结构中带有表示某种心情结构中带有表示某种心情的形容词或副词时,的形容词或副词时,如如ready,happy,eager,satisfied,sad,kind,willing,anxious等,表示肯定含义。等,表示肯定含义。 The boy is too yo

39、ung to go to school.这男孩年龄太小,不能上学。He is too tired to work.他太累了,不能继续工作。We are too willing to be scientists.我们太想当科学家了。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)他太疲倦不能再往前走了。他太疲倦不能再往前走了。He was _go any farther.(2)年轻的母亲非常急切地想见到自己的儿子年轻的母亲非常急切地想见到自己的儿子.The young mother was _see her son.(3)他乐于助人。他乐于助人。He is _help others.too tired t

40、o too anxious to too ready to 2 (教材教材P36)I decided that it was time I became an Internet user.我觉得是成为互联网用户的时候了。我觉得是成为互联网用户的时候了。句法分析句法分析 本句中含有一个本句中含有一个“Its (high) time (that)从句从句”这一句式,常用来表示这一句式,常用来表示“是该做是该做的时候了的时候了”。归纳拓展归纳拓展Its time that I went to school.Its time that I should go to school. 我该上学去了。Its

41、 high time we got down to business.Its high time we should get down to business.我们该开始工作了。I think its time to go to bed. 我想该睡觉了。Its time for you to clean the classroom.该是你打扫教室的时候了。学以致用学以致用完成句子完成句子(1)该上课了。该上课了。It is time _class.(2)是该戒烟的时候了。是该戒烟的时候了。It is time _smoking.(3)是是在在日日常常生生活活中中让让计计算算机机开开始始肩肩负负起起更更多多责任的时候了。责任的时候了。forto give up It is time _more of the burden of work in our daily life.(4)是你改变生活习惯的时候了。是你改变生活习惯的时候了。It is time you _your style of living.for computers to begin to shoulder should change/changed温馨提示温馨提示请做课时作业请做课时作业7 Unit 15 Section



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