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1、词法大全(二)词法大全(二)冠词冠词12aanthe 冠词冠词3She is _ very beautiful girl.Do you think he is_ honest boy?Beijing is _capital of China. _ book on the desk is a story book4不定冠词不定冠词1.表示某类人或物表示某类人或物2.表示数量表示数量“一一”3.第一次提到某人或某物第一次提到某人或某物4.在计量词前表示在计量词前表示“每一每一”a.an5His boss is_ one-eyed man. universityone6airporthonestap

2、plehourimportantaeroplaneearumbrella7要点提升:要点提升:一些使用不定冠词一些使用不定冠词a和和an的固定用法的固定用法have a fever have a good time have a rest have a talk give a lessonmake a facehave a look have a nice triphave a coldhave a walk in a word make a planhalf an hour8the指指方方高高乐乐序序惯惯家家独独形9要点提升要点提升in the countryon the way toon

3、the way hometell the truth in the sunin the worldin the futurein the middle ofin the end by the way at the back ofthe same timethe same asin the morning 早中晚i,010零冠词零冠词1.节假日、季节、星期、月份前节假日、季节、星期、月份前2.语言语言或者是科目前或者是科目前3.表示三餐、球类运动、游戏等名词前表示三餐、球类运动、游戏等名词前4.国名、城市、地名、人名国名、城市、地名、人名5.在并列的两个名词前在并列的两个名词前6.名词前有其它修

4、饰词名词前有其它修饰词the Spring Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festivalthe United States11Horses are useful animals.The horse is a useful animal .A horse is a useful animal.cat12有有 the 没有没有 the 意义不同的意义不同的 in hospitalin the hospital in prisonin the prisonat table at the table go to schoolgo to the school 功能功能地点地点1314_

5、ear_university_interesting book_orange dress _easy question_idea1._Washington is _capital of _United States of America.2.There is_ “A” on his paper.3.I ate _apple . Its _red apple.4._ tall man over there is my boss. 5.No news is _good news.6.Children need _love and _attention.157.They were at_ table

6、 when I called.8.Potatoes and tomatoes are both_ vegetables.9.What _fine weather!10.Whats this ? Its _animal.11.We cant live without _air .161.The mother tells her daughter _old story every night.A. a B./ C. an D. the2._computer on the table is Susans.A. A B. An C. The D./3There is _map of the world

7、 on _wall. _map is mine.A .a, a, A B. a, the ,The C. the ,the , The D. the ,the A4._Whites live on _floor.A . /,three B. A, third C. The , third D. The, the third5._Spring comes after _winter.A. / ,/ B. The ,/ C. The, the D. A, the6.I bought _shoes yesterday . _ shoes are very beautiful. A. A, the B

8、. a pair of , The C. the ,The, D. a pair ,The pair177.I can see _moon and _clouds in the sky.A. the , a B. a, a C. the, / D. the , the 8._”c” is in “cat”, _ ”s” is in “sat”.A. An, An B. An, A C. A, A D. A, An 9._Tiananmen Square is in _Beijing . A./ ,/ B. A, / C. The ,/ D. / the 10.He came here in _

9、 autumn of 1982. A. / B. the C. an D. a11.After _quick breakfast I hurried to _school .A. /,/ B. a ,/ C. the ,the D. the , a 1812.Jake is learning _Chinese and he says _Chinese language is very beautiful.A / ,/ B the, the C /, the D the, /13.We cant see _sun at _night .A a,/ B a, the C the,/ D the, the19



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