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1、Good afternoonGood afternoonError CorrectionSkills and Strategies for error correction(1)一题型特点及解题策略一题型特点及解题策略1、贴近实际生活;、贴近实际生活;2、话题有关学生学习生活;、话题有关学生学习生活;3、多以书信和日记的形式出现;、多以书信和日记的形式出现;4、浅显易懂,没有生僻、超纲词汇;、浅显易懂,没有生僻、超纲词汇;5、句子结构简单,基本是简单句和并不复杂的复合句。、句子结构简单,基本是简单句和并不复杂的复合句。 短文改错考查考生发现和纠正错误的能力。它是测试写作能短文改错考查考生发现和

2、纠正错误的能力。它是测试写作能力的一种客观方式。这种题型不仅要求考生能够牢固掌握一力的一种客观方式。这种题型不仅要求考生能够牢固掌握一定的词汇和语法知识,还要求具有一定的阅读理解和逻定的词汇和语法知识,还要求具有一定的阅读理解和逻辑推理能力。考生在平时写作中常出现的错误是短文改辑推理能力。考生在平时写作中常出现的错误是短文改错考查的重点。错考查的重点。课前预习课前预习二解题步骤二解题步骤第一步:通读全文,了解大意。通过浏览全文,第一步:通读全文,了解大意。通过浏览全文, 从宏观上把握文章的主旨、时态、人称,从宏观上把握文章的主旨、时态、人称, 为下一步的纠错做好准备。为下一步的纠错做好准备。第

3、二步:逐句推敲,纠正错误。仔细阅读每个句第二步:逐句推敲,纠正错误。仔细阅读每个句 子,同时找出并纠正错误。子,同时找出并纠正错误。第三步:重读全文,修正答案。重新仔细阅读全第三步:重读全文,修正答案。重新仔细阅读全 文,检查已修改的部分是否正确且符合文,检查已修改的部分是否正确且符合 逻辑,并尽可能发现漏掉的错误。逻辑,并尽可能发现漏掉的错误。解题步骤:解题步骤:1.1.通读短文,掌握通读短文,掌握大意大意,观察,观察时态时态2.2.细读细读全文,全文,逐一逐一作答作答3.3.复读复读全文,全文,验证验证答案答案unnecessary word (多词)missing word (缺词)wr

4、ong word (错词)theof改错的正确格式unnecessary word “ ”;划掉该词。 He is having a supper now.missing word “ ”;在其正下方写出要添加的词。 I like playing piano wrong word “ ”;在其正下方写出要改的词。I am fond at English三考点分析三考点分析测试要点1.词法的测试2.句法的测试3.语篇的测试一一. 动词动词动词的时态和语态错误;非谓语动词。动词的时态和语态错误;非谓语动词。E.g.1 .She liked it very much and reads it to

5、the class. 2. Many trees are planting in spring every year. 即学即练即学即练1. My dream school look like a big garden. 2. We lay on the grass, looked at the stars. 词法测试要点词法测试要点readplantedlookslooking即学即练即学即练1. We can do reading for one and a half hour. 2. He has ruined his healthy.二二.名词名词名词的单、复数及名词和其它词类之间的词

6、性转换。名词的单、复数及名词和其它词类之间的词性转换。E.g. 1. He was tall, with broad shoulder. 2.He has rich working experiences. shouldersexperiencehourshealth三三.形容词和副词形容词和副词E.g.1.He asked angry if we had finished the work. 2.He is recovering fast than expected. 即学即练即学即练1.The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. 2

7、. His father looks much more happier today. angrilyfastertasty1.见学案见学案2.注意比较级和最高级注意比较级和最高级 3. adj.与与adv., n.等的转换等的转换四四. 代词代词E.g.1.Knowing that, my mother announced that I didnt like eating apples. 2. When he woke up, he found him in the hospital.即学即练即学即练1.I am sorry that I am abroad and cant send yo

8、ur flowers. 2. In fact, the weather here is quite different from it in your city. shehimselfyouthat五五. 冠词冠词 E.g.1.We tends to study a average of ten hours a day. 2.Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. 即学即练即学即练1.The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the test. 2

9、.A number of visitors to our hometown has increased greatly recently. thetheThean六、连词六、连词E.g.1. Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had any disease or insect attack problem. 2Unless you work hard, you will succeed. 即学即练即学即练1. A passenger reali

10、zed he couldnt find his ticket but became quite upset. 2. If water is heated,and it can be turned into vapour(蒸气).If and七、介词七、介词E.g.1We sat by the lake listening music . 2We should focus with vocabulary if we want to learn English well. 即学即练即学即练1.I have been away my family for such a long time. 2. W

11、ith my surprise, he has passed the driving test. toonfromToSummary(归纳口诀)归纳口诀)动词_,名词_;还要注意_和_。代词_,细领悟,_ 连词常光顾,_短语要背熟,词法要点记心头。形形数数形形副副格格冠词冠词介词介词实战演练实战演练The book Im reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain. It is said to have started in the early 1800s. Have tea in the late afternoon provides a

12、bridge between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until 8 oclock at night. This custom soon becomes another meal of day. Interesting, it had a connection by the British porcelain(瓷器) industry. Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles. When tea got popular in Britain, th

13、ere was a crying need for good cup with handles to suit British habits. This made for the grow in the porcelain industry.The book Im reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain. It is said to have started in the early 1800s. Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinn

14、er, that might not be served until 8 oclock at night. This custom soon becomes another meal of day.HavingwhichbecametheInteresting, it had a connection by the British porcelain(瓷器) industry. Tea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles. When tea got popular in Britain, there was a

15、crying need for good cup with handles to suit British habits. This made for the grow in the porcelain industry.Interestinglyto/withdrunkcupsgrowth注意四不改:标点符号不改标点符号不改大小写不改大小写不改词序不改词序不改单词单词拼写不改拼写不改2013新课标全国卷2之短文改错The book Im reading talks about afternoon tea in Britain. It is said to have started in th

16、e early 1800s.Having tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, which might not be served until 8 oclock at night. This custom soon became another meal of the day. Interestingly, it had a connection to/with the British porcelain(瓷器) industry. Tea in China was traditionally drunk from cups without handles. When tea got popular in Britain, there was a crying need for good cups with handles to suit British habits. This made for the growth in the porcelain industry.Thank youThank you



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