高中英语 Module 1 Period Ⅳ Cultural Corner & Writing同步备课课件 外研版必修4

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1、教师用书独具演示教师用书独具演示教学目标1掌握本学案中所给出的词汇,能够理解并能熟练运用。2理解课文。3能够根据课文中所提出的问题,了解以前人们对未来的预测。4学会用英语描述未来的生活。教学地位WRITING部分活动结合本模块主题,先要求学生读并讨论,然后根据自己的想象写出今后十年的生活。CULTURAL CORNER部分介绍了人们以前对未来世界的种种预测,短文趣味生动,可读性强。新课导入建议教师可以问下列问题,作为prereading questions: 1) People make predictions about things in the future. Will all the

2、predictions come true? 2) Do you know some famous predictions? Will you tell the class about it? 请两三位学生回答之后,可以转入第二步,介绍说Lets read the following passage to learn more about some famous predictions in the past.演示结束演示结束 .判断正误阅读P8课文,判断正误1All the predictions in the text are wrong.()2By the year 2000,a rob

3、ot shaped like a box had been produced.()3People now wont use keys any more.()4Many computers are needed in the world market.()【答案】1.F2.F3.F4.T.语篇理解阅读P8课文,选取最佳答案1Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?AAirplanes.BKeys.CFood.2Which is TRUE about the clothes mentioned in Changing Times Ma

4、gazine?AThey will be thrown away for they are made of paper.BThey are made from cotton.CThey can last for a long time.3Which of the following doesnt the home robot have?AOne large eye on the top.BBlack hair.CLong narrow pads.【答案】13CAB 1Im too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future!(P8)我

5、太忙于享受现在的生活以至于没有时间去担心未来!该句包含一个“too.to.”结构,意为“太以至于不”,该句式表示否定意义。The box is too small to hold all these things.(The box is so small that it cant hold all these things.)那盒子太小,装不下所有这些东西。The weather was too hot for me to sleep.天气太热,我睡不着。当all,but或only等副词在too前修饰时表示肯定意义。I shall be only too pleased to get home

6、.到了家我会非常高兴。2So in ten years I hope I will either be working in a hospital or as a doctor with my own surgery.(P8)因此,十年后,我希望我要么在医院工作,要么做一名拥有自己诊室的医生。本句中的either.or.意为“要么要么,不是就是”,常用来连接两个并列成分。Either you or I am going there tomorrow.明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里。I want to visit either Paris or London.我想去巴黎或者伦敦游览一下。部分否定

7、完全否定两者both.not或not.both并非两者都not.either或neither(两者都不)三者或三者以上all.not或not.all并非所有都not.any或none没有一个every.not或not.every并非每一个都no one或nobody没有人;nothing没有任何事物the whole.not或not.the whole并非全部nothing没有任何事物always.not或not.alwaysnever从来不None of these pens works/work.这些钢笔一支都不能用。We agreed,although both of us were n

8、ot glad about that.虽然并不是都很乐意,但我们俩最终还是同意了。4in progress在进行中,在发展中“With the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970s,work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when theyre on the moon.”(P10)因为预测到在20世纪70年代将会有一批到月球的移民,现在正在修建这几种类型的建筑物,当人类在月球上时,他们需要住在里面。The building of t

9、he largest bridge across the river in Asia is in progress.这座亚洲最大的跨江大桥正在建设中。progress n前进;进步,发展;进展make progress取得进步progress vi.进步,提高,上进;前进;进行progress in在方面取得进展He progressed quickly in English.他的英语进步很快。【提示】progress作名词时,为不可数名词,没有单复数之说。The boy has made great progress this year.这男孩今年进步很大。5shape v造成形状,形成n形

10、状;状态By the year 2000,housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top.(P9)到2000年,家庭主妇们可能会拥有一种机器人,其形状像个盒子,上方还有一只大眼睛The old craftsman shaped a cat out of clay.那位老艺人用黏土塑了一只猫。Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping ones character.童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起着重要作

11、用。You can recognize a tree by the shape of its leaves.你可以根据树叶的形状辨认出是什么树。如何写关于未来生活的短文文章通常分为两段或三段,第一段先叙述我们对未来充满想象,第二段和第三段分别描述我们的想象,以及自己的看法。常用句式1文章开头常用句式:Sometimes I dream about life in the future.I imagine life in the future from time to time.I am curious about future life.It is fascinating to image l

12、ife in the future.2表达预测的常用句式:Maybe in the future we can.There is a possibility that human beings will.Perhaps some people will.We will be living.in the future.3文章结尾常用句式:I believe the dream will come true some day.In my opinion,the dream will be turned into reality one day.As far as Im concerned,we w

13、ill realise the dream sooner or later.科技的突飞猛进令人们的日常生活日新月异,那些出现在科幻小说中的情节真实地发生在我们身上,如闹钟枕头、机器佣人、神奇镜子、环保建筑等。请你发挥想象力,以“One Day in 2070”为题,写一篇短文,参加某英文报社举办的“畅想未来”的征文活动。注意:1.想象合理丰富;2词数:100个左右。思路点拨本文是一篇科幻文章,要充分发挥自己的想象力和创作力。题目是One Day in 2070,可把一天的工作与生活从早到晚融入新的科技中按时间顺序记录下来。全文时态应以一般现在时为主,假如主人翁为Daniel,即人称为第三人称。

14、体现出未来生活借助科技手段,人们生活与工作轻松,舒适,愉快。【答案】1.wake up2.put on3.be made of/from 4look like5.with the help of6.take out7.after municate with句式温习1正如任何星期一的早上一样,丹尼尔随着自动窗帘的拉开而醒来。 ,Daniel wakes up the automatic curtains.2在那以后,丹尼尔乘坐由太阳能(solar energy)作动力的“绿色”小汽车去工作。 ,Daniel rides his“green”car to work.3他必须使用网络通讯设备(dev

15、ices)同顾客会面。He has to meet his customers .4在计算机的帮助下,他完成了一些其他的工作。He finishes some other work .5由机器人来干所有的家务活,丹尼尔有时间放松和锻炼。 ,Daniel has time to relax and exercise.【答案】1.As on any Monday morning;with the opening of2.After that;powered by solar energy 3using online communication devices4.with the help of a

16、 computer/with the computer helping him 5With robots doing all the housework/With all the housework done by robots/Because robots have done all the housework【参考范文】As on any Monday morning,Daniel wakes up with the opening of the automatic curtains.He puts on his hightech clothes made of liquid.He eat

17、s something that looks like a pill for breakfast,which keeps him healthier and helps him live a longer life.After that,Daniel rides his“green”car powered by solar energy to work.Since it is the first day of the week,it seems that Daniel is a bit busy. He has to meet his customers using online commun

18、ication devices and also needs to finish some other work with the help of a computer.Soon it is lunch time.He takes out an automatic pet dog and tells it something.Fifteen minutes later,the pet dog brings him a meal from the restaurant downstairs and a cup of coffee.After work,he returns to his house on a floating island.With robots doing all the housework,Daniel has time to relax,exercise and most importantly,communicate with his family.



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