广东省中山市高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news Workbook课件 新人教版必修5

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1、 Unit 4 Making the newsWorkbook Workbook (Page 62)2 Listen and tick.Day Monday Thursday Yesterday Time 2 pm 6:15 am 6:15 pm Place home TV station BBC TV station1. Why did Greg have to go to the radio station and not use his home telephone? He had to got to the BBC radio station because the sound eff

2、ects are better there. 3 Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.2. How did Greg described the windows of the house? What does that show? The windows are all dark. They are like large, tired eyes.1. _ just at that moment a man _ and opened the _for me. As soon as I entered the room the _ rang. It

3、was the _from the “Today” programme.2. Never was I so relieved to see anyone. I really _ I was going to miss the programme. But _ I was on the _ everything was fine.4 Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks. appearedLuckily studiotelephoneinterview thoughtonceairListening textA True StoryIt is Thurs

4、day and Greg has just come home from a radio interview on the “Today” programme. He is talking to his wife, Susan. Part 1S: Hello. I heard you _ and it all seemed to go very well.G: Yes, it did as soon as we got started. But I had _ before they phoned me.on the radioa bad timeS: Why? I thought youd

5、fixed it all up yesterday?G: Yes, I did. You remember I told you that they didnt want to phone me at home because _ were better at the BBC radio station here in Reading.S: Yes, I remember. the sound effectsG: Well, I arrived at the building before 6 am. They were going to ring me at 6:15 to check it

6、 all was well. S: So what was the problem?G: When I arrived there, I found there was nobody waiting for me to let me into the building. It had many windows but they were all dark. They _ large, tired eyes.S: Oh, dear! reminded me ofPart 2G: The building was so tall and old. S: Did you feel frightene

7、d? G: No. But I did get worried. I wondered if Id got the right day or the right time and place. S: Did you ring the bell? G: Yes, I did. It sounded very loud and echoed through the empty rooms. I felt _. I was sure I mustve got things wrong.S: But you hadnt. I heard you on the radio.G: Luckily just

8、 at that moment a man _ and opened the studio for me. even worseappeared As soon as I entered the room the telephone rang. It was the interview from the “Today” programme.S: So alls well that ends well? G: Yes, thank goodness. Never was I so relieved to see anyone. I really thought I was going to mi

9、ss the programme. But once I was on the air everything was fine.Arrange a meeting on the phone (P62).Which day would suit you best?I would like to arrange What time would be most convenient?That will/wont be convenient because I can/cant do that because Where would you like to meet?I suggest that we

10、 meet I may be able to see you at ?Please, can you tell me ?I look forward to seeing you.S1: Good mooning. This is the secretary of Zhou Jie. Can I help you?S2: Is it possible to make an appointment to interview her?S1: Who is that?Sample dialogueS2: I am the representative of a company which produc

11、es Look bright beauty products. We would like to arrange for her to do some work for us and help sell our goods.S1: OK. She is very busy working on a film at the moment. What about next week? Which day would suit you best?S2: Tuesday and Thursday are better. Does that suit her?S1: Well, her diary is

12、 empty for Tuesday so she may be able to see you then. What time would be most convenient?S2: Any time that day?S1: Then I suggest you meet at 2pm.S2: OK. Where would she like to meet?S1: At the Apollo Theatre perhaps?S2: I look forward to seeing her at the Apollo Theatre at 2 pm on Tuesday. Thank y

13、ou. Goodbye.Reading Task(Page 65)Searching for the truthAs a news reporter, one has to make sure that the story is true. Otherwise, the writer will be accused of guilty. As a reader, one also has to find out whether the story is true. So no matter what you are, you have to find out the truth. How ca

14、n we find the truth?the reporters were there at the time.primary sourcesfrom the person presenting the programmer in the studiosecondary sources1. Where does the best information come from?2. What are primary sources?3. What are secondary sources?those who were there at the time.the writings of the

15、people who lived there.the writings of people at a much later date who write about the same events.Answer the questions. 4. What sources are included in a newspaper?5. Why is it important to separate primary and secondary sources?Because they can help us to decide what is a fact and what is an opini

16、on.both the primary and the secondary sourcesTrue or False?1.When we read about Jia Sixie in our textbook we are reading a primary source.2. As we watch the news on TV, the person presenting the programme in the studio is the secondary source.FT3. Photographers sometimes are both primary and seconda

17、ry sources.4. Knowing the difference of primary and secondary sources can help us decide what is a fact and what is an opinion.5. Often facts and opinions are mixed in any report.TTFThe person who has written the news should be there at the time. Primary sources and secondary sources are very import

18、ant for finding out the truth. The closer a person is to the event they describe in time or geographically, the more likely they are to be accurate.TipsA primary source depend on:TASKNow you have been asked to recommend a primary source from these writings about Julius Caesar, a Roman leader. Only o

19、ne of them is a primary source so you must look at them carefully. Remember dates are very important. Tick the correct boxes. Then think which of them will have fewer facts and more opinions. Give a reason.1 Life of Julius Caesar(100 BC-44 BC)2 The Gallic Wars(France)(57 BC 53 BC)3 Julius Caesar: a

20、playPlutarch(Greek)Caesar(Roman)Shakes-peare(British)between 46 AD and 120 ADIn 50s BC1599BookAuthorDate WrittenPrimary SecondarysourcesourceThe primary source is _ because _.I think _ will have more opinions than facts because _.The Gallic Wars it was written at the time Plutarchs Life of Julius Ca

21、esar and Shakespeares play about Julius Caesar they were written long after the events happened Workbook (Page 66) Report FormName of officer: Li DaDate: 12/05/2008Where was it? What was it? What happened? Who started it? Beijing, ChinaFight after a football matchFighting broke out between fans supp

22、orting the two teams.The Turkish supportersEyewitness account:Evidence:Fred Smith says he saw the Turkish supporters throw bricks at the British supporters first . Then it developed into a serious fight with everyone involved.Fred Smiths eyewitness account and his photographsConclusion:Reason:Signed

23、:It was started by the Turkish supporters. The British fans were not in the wrong.Fred Smiths photographs support his idea that the Turkish fans started the fight.Li Da The Importance of EyewitnessesZhou Yang (ZY) and his photographer Fred Smith (FS) are talking about a story they are going to cover

24、. Part 1FS: Have you heard? Were going to Moscow to _ the international football match tomorrow. Im gettingmy camera ready. Isnt that exciting? Listening textcoverZY: Yes, and its the Chinese national team against the Russians. FS: I think China will win. Dont you? The team did very well against Mex

25、ico last month.ZY: Did you go to that match?FS: No, but I went to the one when Britain played Turkey in Beijing. That was a good match too. But something unpleasant happen. ZY: What happened?FS: Well, our British _were not happy that their team lost. They became _ when the Turkish fans began calling

26、 them _ names. I wondered what might be happened and started taking photographs.ZY: What did happen?fansmore upsetrudeFS: The Turkish fans started throwing _ at them. I just kept _ photos for evidence. Part 2ZY: Did the police come?FS: Yes. By the time they came it was serious. They were fighting ea

27、ch other.It was terrible. bottlestakingZY: How did it end?FS: Well, the police took them to the police station. They accused the _fans had started the fight because they had lost the match. And the British fanshave a bad reputation for fighting. But I was able to put them right. Not only was I an ey

28、ewitness but I had my photographs as evidence too.BritishZY: Gosh. So it was lucky you were there.FS: Yes and that I had my camera with me. Without it I wouldnt have been able to show the police they were wrong. You see now why it is so important to be on the spot when something happens.ZY: Yes. You are able to get the right end of the stick. Did you give a statement to the police?FS: Yes, I did. I helped set many British fans free.Homework1. Complete the writing task.2. Review the language points of this unit.3. Report a thing recently happened in your neighborhood or in the local area.



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