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22、三)islivingabigfamily.uleshalllassroominingutsideoudlyashthirteenthLaterfortytwenty-twoothersfifth15A1-How was your w_ ? -It was great.2. The cat is on the top of the tree. It cant come d_. 3. Why are you f_ sad, Larry? My pet dog is lost.4. The MP4 is too e_. I dont have enough money.5. P_ doing spo

23、rts every day is good for your health.6. -Why do some of your classmates like r_ days? Because they dont want to run in the morning.7. These two girls s_for the test for fifty minutes yesterday evening.8. Sonia didnt tell her friends a_ about the party. So they didnt know.9. -What do you think of th

24、e games s_? Theyre really boring.10. I am very s_ that he didnt pass the exam.eekendeelingownxpensiveracticingtudiedainynythinghowsurprised/orry16A1Do look left and right before you are going to_the street.2When I was young, I was able to swim_QianTang River.3After dinner, the Greens took a walk_the

25、 riverbank.4_the Tiananmen Square and you will come to the Peoples Hall.5 The restaurant is just _from the bank.6 You must_a school before you come to my house.7 You must _ a river before you come to my house.8 I tried to get into the room_the window because I left my key inside.9 When you come to t

26、he first c_, take the West Lake Road.10 I looked _all the notes but I couldnt find the exercise.crossalongacrossCrossacrosscrosspassthroughrossingthrough17A1 Dont _the door2 He likes swimming with the door and windows _because the room can be full of fresh air.3 -Look at the sign on the door of the

27、shop. It says “_”. -Yeah, things are different here in Britain. Shops dont _ on weekends.4 Dont stand so _to a monkey. It might attack you without your knowing it.5 The shop keeps_from9:00 to 24:00 during the busy shopping seasons like Christmas.6 Li Lei is one of my_ friends in the middle school.7

28、Jim,_the window quickly! Typhoon is coming soon.open/closeopencloseopenclosecloseopenopen18A1 Look at the man_on the beach, he is Bill Gates.2 The dog _on my bed and slept.3 Never _to others, or nobody will believe you next time.4 He _to his teacher once but the teacher didnt find it.lyinglaylielied

29、19A1 To my _, the sun never goes down in summer in North Pole.2 To give my mum a _, I held the first birthday party for her.3 My teacher felt _ to see me because I didnt visit him for years.4 What _news! Everyone was _to hear Chinese Mens Soccer Team won the Asian Cup.5 It _everybody that Chinese Me

30、ns Soccer Team entered the World Cup.surprisesurprisesuprisedsurprisingsurprisedsurprised20A1 You must work hard to _your English.2 His English has _ a lot.improveimproved1 The little boy always _his mother here and there.2 Look at the _ words, make sentences with them.followsfollowing21A1 Its Satur

31、day today. Why not _your sportswear and go climbing with me?2 The boy is only three. But he can _himself quickly.3 Why do you _a pair of sunglasses inside the house? _ it _, please!4 Get up, _your clothes and go running.5 Lets _for the party.6 Youd better _more clothes! Its cold outside.7 I dont lik

32、e _a T-shirt for work. I prefer a long _.8 Look at that girl _a blue skirt! She is my new classmate.9 He often goes to bed without _his coat.10 Can you _a hat in school?11 The young man wants to _a beard to make himself look older. putondresswearTakeoffputondressupputonwearingdresswearingtakingoffwe

33、arwear22A1 They reached the top of the mountain and stopped _(relax) on a big rock.2 You have kept driving for four hours. Why not stop _(have a rest)?3 I hope my father will stop _(smoke). Smoking is bad for his health.4 I sang and jumped to make the baby stop _(cry).5 the heavy rain stopped him (f

34、rom)_ (arrive) at the school on time.torelaxtohavearestsmokingcryingarriving23A1 Would she_to sing a song at her birthday party?2 -I feel _eating something special because I get tired of eating the same thing every day. -_what?3 What does she look _?4 Hangzhou is a city that everyone _traveling to.5

35、 _many girls, she doesnt spend much time shopping.6 I like eating fish, but my father _it.likelikeLikelikelikesUnlikedislikes24A1 Dont eat any snacks right before a _. (比比较较:before dinner)2 They eat porridge three _a day.3 Breakfast is the most important _of the day.4 Whats new on the _? Lets try so

36、mething new in the restaurant.5 He gave up smoking for the _that its bad for his health.mealmealsmealmenureason25A1 -Would you like anything _to drink? -No, thanks.2 There are many _ways to work out the math problem.3 Only half of the students stay at home after school. Where are the _?4 I went to the library and nowhere _.elseotherotherselse26A



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