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1、Women of the American Revolution AMAZING WOMEN in WAR and PEACE History raves about the heroics of men in war but few instances are mentioned in which female courage was displayed. Yet during every conflict, and the peaceful years between,they too were there. verses 17762021/8/61Margaret Cochran Cor

2、binoMargaret fought alongside her husband in the American Revolutionary War. oShe often cooked for the men, washed their laundry and nursed wounded soldiers.oShe also watch the drills and no doubt learned them.2021/8/62Margaret Cochran CorbinoOn November 16, 1776,while stationed at Fort Washington,

3、New York, the fort was attacked by British and Hessian Troops.oHer husband John was in charge of the cannon and Margaret assisted him. oSometime later John was killed, but Margaret continued loading and firing the cannon by herself until she was wounded by a grapeshot which tore her shoulder, mangle

4、d her chest and lacerated her jaw.2021/8/63Margaret Cochran CorbinoThe fort was captured by the British, but the wounded were set free.oThey ferried Margaret across the river and then transported her all the way to Philadelphia in a wagon.oShe never recovered fully from her wounds and was left witho

5、ut use of her left arm for the rest of her life.2021/8/64Margaret Cochran CorbinqMargaret is buried behind the Old Cadet Chapel at West Point which is near the place of the battle, in Fort Tryon Park in New York City, a bronze plaque commemorates Margaret Corbin the first American woman to take a so

6、ldiers part in the War for Liberty”. oShe was the first woman to receive pension from the United States government as a disabled soldier.2021/8/65Martha WashingtonoIn the winter Martha would knit socks for the soldiers and mend their clothing.oShe would feed the sick and the wounded.oHer warm smile

7、and soft words comforted many soldiers.2021/8/66Sybil LudingtonFemale Paul RevereoSybil Ludington was a typical 16 year old girl in 1777. oOn April 26, 1777, word reached her house that the British were burning the town of Danbury, Connecticut, which was only 25 miles away.oHer father was a colonel

8、in the local militia and his men were scattered over a wide area around the Ludington house.oSybil convinced her father to let her ride and summon the men.2021/8/67Sybil LudingtonoShe rode on horseback over 40 miles on dark, unmarked roads to spread the alert.oShe rode alone with only a stick to pro

9、d her horse and to knock on the doors spreading the alert in time.oThe men whom she helped gather arrived just in time to help drive the British back to their ships in Long Island Sound. 2021/8/68Sybil LudingtonoSybils contribution to the war was not forgotten. oPresent day visitors that come to Put

10、nam County New York can follow the path she took on that midnight ride by following markers placed along the route.2021/8/69Martha BrattonoIn June 1780, a party of British cavalry under Capt. Huck came to her house wanting to know her husbands whereabouts. oShe remained bold and fearless even after

11、hours of questioning.2021/8/610Martha BrattonoLater that evening her husband Col. Bratton took the Royalists by surprise, totally defeating them. Mrs. Bratton attended to the wounded of both sides, and showed them impartial attention.oJust before the fall of Charleston, Governor Rut-ledge entrusted

12、to Mrs. Brattons care a quantity of gun powder. She blew it up when it was in danger of being captured.2021/8/611Deborah SamsonoDeborah Samson was never mentioned as a hero in her day; but Private Robert Shurtliff was always mentioned in glowing terms as being one of the toughest, strongest, most pa

13、triotic soldiers. Shurtliff”s physical endurance was legendary.oWhat no one suspected was that Deborah and Robert were one and the same person.2021/8/612Deborah SamsonoHer great grandfather came over on the Mayflower and was governor of Plymouth, you may remember Governor William Bradford.oBy the ti

14、me Deborah was 15 she was five foot eight inches tall, almost a foot taller than the average woman of her day, and taller than the average man.oWhen she was five her father abandoned the family. Her mother unable to take care of seven children sent some of her children to live with other families.20

15、21/8/613Deborah SamsonoDeborah was taken to the home of Deacon Jeremiah Thomas, the proud father of 10 sons.oHours of strenuous farm work broadened her shoulders and hardened her muscles.oShe received no formal schooling, but obtained an education by having the Thomas boys review their studies with

16、her each evening.2021/8/614Deborah SamsonoWhen she was eighteen she became a school teacher.oOn May 20, 1782, Deborah disguised herself as a male and joined the army.oAlthough the last major battle of the Revolution had been fought the previous October 1781, when Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown,

17、a desperate guerilla warfare was still being fought in some areas by determined Loyalists who refused to give up. 2021/8/615Deborah SamsonoIn one wild skirmish with the most feared Loyalist unit, lead by Colonel James Delancy, Shurtliff suffered a forehead wound from a saber slash and then was hit b

18、y a musket ball in the upper left front thigh.oWhen she went to the hospital for the wound to her forehead she didnt tell the doctors about her thigh wound. oShe limped out of the hospital, and later, using her knife, managed to extract the musket ball in her thigh.2021/8/616Deborah SamsonoRobert Sh

19、urtliff was then selected to defend Congress in Philadelphia from disgruntled unpaid soldiers.oWhile there she became ill and Dr. Barnabas Binney found that the almost dead soldier boy was in reality an almost dead girl.oBinney had her taken to his home and never reported his discovery. His wife too

20、k care of her until she regained consciousness.2021/8/617Deborah SamsonoIt was finally discovered that Robert Shurtliff was in reality a woman, and because of his heroic services, Robert Shurtliff was given and Honorable Discharge.oAt the time Deborah Samson was the first known woman to serve in a w

21、ar disguised as a man. 2021/8/618May 23,1983 Governor Michael J. Dukakis signed a proclamation.2021/8/619Molly PitcheroHer actions during the battle of Monmouth on June 28,1778 became legendary.oThat day was very hot and someone had to cool the hot guns and bring water to the thirsty soldiers.oThats

22、 how she earned her name Molly Pitcher, by bringing pitcher after pitcher of cool spring water to the exhausted, thirsty men.oShe also tended to the wounded and once, heaving a crippled Continental soldier on her strong young back , carried him out of reach of the charging British.2021/8/620Molly Pi

23、tcheroOn her next trip with water, she found her husband, Hays, back with the guns, and while she watched, Hays fell wounded. oWithout hesitation, Molly stepped forward and took the rammer staff from her fallen husbands hands.oShe was the second woman to man a gun on an American battlefield.2021/8/6

24、21Molly PitcheroFor her heroic role, General Washington issued her a warrant as a noncommissioned officer. oThere after, she was widely hailed a “Sergeant Molly.”oA flagstaff and cannon stand at her gravesite at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. 2021/8/622Nancy “Warwoman” Morgan HartoNancy was strong, six fee

25、t tall and an expert sharpshooter and hunter.oLegend has it that one side of the cabin was covered with antlers of deer she had killed.2021/8/623Nancy “Warwoman” Morgan HartqDuring the Revolution six Loyalists forced their way into the Hart home and demanded that Nancy cook a meal for them.qNancy ki

26、lled one of the Loyalists and wounded another.qThe five surviving Loyalists were held at gun point. Nancy insisted they be hanged and they were.2021/8/624Nancy “Warwoman” Morgan HartoTradition has it that Nancy Hart served as a spy, sometimes disguised as a man.oOnce she was sent dressed like a man

27、into a British camp, pretending to be crazy, and was able to come away with important information on the British troop movements.oAnother time the Georgia Patriots needed information about what was going on the Carolina side of the Savannah River. There were no volunteers so Nancy tied a few logs to

28、gether with grapevines, crossed the river and obtained the information. 2021/8/625Nancy “Warwoman” Morgan HartoOn one occasion, she met a Loyalist on the road, she seized his gun and made him march to the commander of the American fort.oAnother time she was left in a fort with several women and it w

29、as ambushed by Loyalists and Indians. Nancy took charge. There was one cannon and she was able to place it so its fire could reach the enemy. With the help of a young man, who was hiding under a cowhide, she was able to fire upon the enemy and cause them to retreat.2021/8/626Laodicea Langston “Darin

30、g Dicey” A Rebel For The Cause of FreedomoBloody Bill Cunningham and his Scouts were a company of loyalists. When Dicey, age 16, heard they were about to visit the “Elder settlement” where her brother lived, she was determined to warn them.oShe left home in the middle of the night and walked many mi

31、les, crossing streams and marshes on foot, as there were no bridges. oShe made it to the “Elder settlement” and when the scouts arrived, no one was there. 2021/8/627Dicey LangstonoThe Loyalists left the house filled with admiration at the affection and devotion they had witnessed.oThe loyalists were

32、 also displeased that Diceys brothers were in active service for the cause. They came to kill Diceys father, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and declared that her own body would be first to received a musket ball. She saved her fathers life.2021/8/628Dicey LangstonoOne day, she was stopped

33、by a company of Loyalists, who ordered her to give them some Patriot intelligence. With a pistol to her chest she replied, “Shoot me if you dare! I will not tell you.” The officer became enraged by her defiance and was about to fire, but another Loyalists stopped him and saved the girls life.2021/8/

34、629Polly CooperoPolly, an Oneida Indian, helped George Washington and the soldiers during the winter at Valley Forge. oShe taught them how to prepare nutritional and medicinal food.qShe refused to take money for her efforts so George Washington gave her a shawl in token of his gratitude.2021/8/630Po

35、lly CooperoShe cooked and carried water to the soldiers.oShe would even go into the battlefield to quench the dry throats of the soldiers on either side and walked both sides of the firing line with out fear of harm.oThe government of the United States acknowledged the contributions of the Oneidas in the Revolution as well as the severity of their sacrifices. 2021/8/631 American Women2021/8/632



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