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1、初中英语人教版七年级上册初中英语人教版七年级上册Unit 6 单元总复习课件单元总复习课件123词汇训练营句型大闯关语法加油站 词汇训练营1 一、快速说出下列单词或短语。1.香蕉 n. _2. 西红柿 n. _3. 面包 n. _4.生日 n. _ 5. fruit _ 6. chicken _ 7. question _8. strawberry _bananatomatobreadbirthday 水果鸡肉问题草莓词汇训练营 复数形式:tomatoes 词汇训练营 不可数名词9.蔬菜 n. _10.食物 n. _11. 正确的;适当的 adj. _11. 早餐;早饭 n. _ 12. ha

2、bit _13. healthy _14. really _15. want _16. think about _vegetable food right习惯健康的真正地 词汇训练营breakfast不可数名词需要考虑名词形式:health1. Who has a _ party next week?2. For _, what does she like? 3. Ice-cream is not good. Lets eat some _ food.4. Im hungry (饥饿的). Can I eat some _? 5. Do you like hamburgers? No. I d

3、ont _ like it. 一、选词填空(用其适当形式)。birthdaybreakfast healthy词汇训练营 词汇训练营 bread reallybreakfast, bread, health, birthday, real 1. I like _ (tomato) very much. 2. Ms Smith has ten _ (strawberry).3. Does your sister like _ (鸡肉)?4. George has a good _ (习惯)he reads every night.5. Do we need to discuss (讨论)this

4、 _ (问题)?二、根据提示填空。 tomatoesstrawberries children词汇训练营 词汇训练营 habitquestion句型大闯关2 1.Lets think about the food.think about 思考,思索 (一般是短时间的较仔细的考虑)【拓展】think of 想到;认为2. Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit?1)sure (用作副词)“当然;肯定;一定”,相当于yes或certainly。2)How about.? 怎么样?相当 于What about.?用来表示征求意

5、见或询问消息。句型大闯关 句型大闯关3. Lets have strawberries and apples then.1)Lets 表示“让我们”,后面接动词原形。2)have在句中意为“吃,喝”。4. Sports Star Eats Well!eat和have都有“吃,喝”的意思,其后都可以接三餐名词。well adv.“好地,对地”,修饰动词、形容词或副词。句型大闯关 句型大闯关5. What do you like for breakfast?本句是what引导的特殊疑问句。for “对于,适合于”,可以表示用途、对象、目标 等。breakfast 和lunch, dinner表示一

6、日三餐,通常其前不加冠词。6.I dont want to be fat.want “需要;想要”want to do sth.想要做某事want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事句型大闯关 句型大闯关一、 完成句子。1. We have some fruit after dinner. (改为由let开头的祈使句) _ _ some fruit after dinner. 2. 午饭,我弟弟喜欢吃汉堡包。 My brother _ hamburgers _ _.3. 我们不认识这位体育明星。 We dont know this _ _.4. 现在多数女孩都不想变胖。 Now mos

7、t girls dont _ _ _ _. 句型大闯关 句型大闯关Lets have likes for lunchsports star want to be fat句型大闯关 句型大闯关二、单项选择。1. Can you play soccer _? Agood Bwell Cfine Dnice2. What do you like _ lunch? Afor Bto Cat D/3. Does your brother want _ basketball after school? Aplay Bplays Cto play Dplaying B A C语法加油站3 可数名词与不可数名

8、词语法加油站 语法加油站语法加油站 语法加油站语法加油站 语法加油站 改变名词中的元音字母或其他形式 foot feet, tooth teeth, goose geese man men, woman women, child children, mouse mice单复数同形词 deer, deer, fish等 由汉语音译表示度量、币值等单位量词,如:five yuan语法加油站 语法加油站 表示某国人的名词复数变化: 二、单项选择。1. I have two _ in my pencil-box. A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. a knife2. Is

9、 there any _ on the table? No, there isnt. A. noodles B. sugar C. dumplings D. oranges3. How many _ are there in your factory? A. German B. Japanese C. Australian D. Englishmans语法加油站 语法加油站4. What do you have for breakfast? I often have _ or _. A. breads; noodles B. bread; noodles C. breads; noodle D. bread; noodle语法加油站 语法加油站



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